Lpe2301 GD Portfolio Description Sem1.21.22

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Group Discussion Portfolio (Week 5 – 8) (10%)

1. Form a group of 5 members.

2. Read up on the theme that will be given your teacher.
3. Once you are done with your reading, complete GD Reading Report. This must be done individually.
4. Video record a 15-minute discussion based on the given theme. Use a video conferencing platform
like Zoom and choose Gallery view for recording so that everyone is visible. Speak and
participate actively in the discussion. Make sure the audio/video of the recording is clear.
5. Ensure your name is visible on the screen. Display/wear a name tag which is clearly visible in the
video (if necessary).
6. Conclude the group discussion by either reaching a consensus or summarising the main points
7. Submit the video in wmv/mp4/avi format through Telegram. Ensure the file size is not too large.
8. Based on the video, reflect on your discussion skills by completing GD Self-Critique Report.
9. All responses must be typed using Arial 11, 1.15 spacing.
10. The Self-Critique Report must be compiled and submitted in Week 8 in one submission.
11. You will be assessed on:
i. your ability to identify strengths/weaknesses of your discussion skills and language use
ii. your ability to provide concrete suggestions to improve highlighted weaknesses
iii. the completeness of your portfolio.

Theme : Human Rights

Focus : The banning of smoking in eateries is violating the right of people to

smoke. The ban can be seen as a form of mistreatment on people’s
right and freedom. What is your view? 

Theme : Cyber bullying

Focus : Peers should play a more important role in tackling cyber bullying.
What is your view? 

Theme : Zero waste

Focus : It is difficult to practice Zero Waste lifestyle in Malaysia. What is your




Please refer to the timeline below.

Week Task

 Form a group of 5 members.

5  Read up on the given theme.
 Complete GD Reading Report.
 Carry out and video record the discussion based on the focus given.
 Submit the recorded discussion through Telegram for teacher’s feedback.
7 Complete GD Self-Critique Report.
8 Submit the Group Discussion Portfolio via the assignment post on PutraBlast.


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