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SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA County of San Bernardino ‘SEARCH WARRANT Probable Cause Warrant to Search (Penal Code Section 1524) Report: 652100831 SEARCH WARRANT AND AFFIDAVIT AfFIDAWT th thatthe facts expressed by me in the attached and incorporated Statement * deserinn that based therein | have probable cause to believe and do believe thatthe artes, ‘ow may be lawfully seized pursuant to Penal Code Section 1524, as indicated below, |, Deputy to Of Probable Cause Property, and person: andis now j w located at the locationt “dat the locations) set forth below. Wherefore, request that ths Sesvch Worraoy be Ineece nathan Franco swear under o Fe true and that bo: HOBBS SEAUNG REQUESTED: yes No NIGHT SEARCH REQUESTED: ves Edo ee ee (Signature of SEARCH WARRANT THE PEO BERNARDING rte STATE OF CALIFORNIA TO ANY SHERIFF, POLICEMAN OR PEACE OFFICER IN THE COUNTY OF SAN that there fe oreo! DY affidavit. under penalty of perjury having been made before me by Deputy Jonathan Franco, forth neceiy obable cause to believe thatthe property or person described herein may be found a the location(s) set ere nd that iis lawfully seized pursuant to Penal Code Section 1524 et seq, as indicated below by “D-(), in 1 itwas stolen or embezzled; 7 itwas used as the means of committing a felony; By it is possessed by a person with the intent to use it as means of committing a public offense or is possesced by ‘another to whom he or she may have delivered it forthe purpose of concealing it or preventing its discovery; [i] ittends to show that felony has been committed or that a particular person has committed a felony: 1 it tends to show that sexual exploitation of a child, in violation of Penal Code Section 3113, or possession of matter depicting sexual conduct of a person under the age of 18 years, in violation of Section 311.12, has occurred or is occurring; N/A. Gi anarrest warrant has been issued for 1D aprovider of electronic communication service or remote computing service has records of evidence, as specified in Penal Code Section 1524.3, showing that property was stolen or embezzled constituting a misdemeanor, or that it son with intent to use them as a means of committing 2 property or things are in possession of any person with intent to use t misdemeanor public offense, or inthe possession of another to whom he or she may have delivered them for the purpose of concealing them or preventing their discovery; Seareh Warrant and Aftidavit re ‘Warrant: 090073071 Page 1 ofS For 2, 3, hicle fur described : mi "4 BS n- merrennerennneereerel | RTHE Fo ‘OWING PRopERTy. AND To 5 _! FIZE IT IF FOUND and bring Judge of the superic SMMANDED To seach: “olnclude at focked safes and compartments within the vehicle Any curren; Proceeds . illegal traneper sats which could be used in the commission of arranging, completing, managing the ile sportation of nareotics/m juana proceeds, located in the vehicle. befor i earch Warrant and | incorpor: it before me, or this court, at the courthouse of this court. This Searct 1 Mima Vas sworn to and Subscnbed bette se igccotioee day of _ November 2021, | a P-le-m. Wherefore, | find probable cause for the issuance of this Search Warrant and do issue it. | | Ss HOBBS SEALING APPROVED: [_]yES [_]NO (Signature of Magistrai ) NIGHT SEARCH APPROVED: [ves [Jno | Court, Victorville Judicial District 2 Warrant 1D: 000073071 Page 2 of 6 WARRANT NOTES (No Notes) County of San Bernardin The People of the State of Califomia to any peace offcerin the County of San Bernardino: Proof, by affidavit, having been this day made before me by telephone by the officer whose signature is affixed to the afndavit) that there is probable ving that evidence tending to show that a felony (or felonies) has or have been commileg) wrnen'e therefore commanded to make search on the person ona/on Property set forth in the description page andlor afdavit Which is inc 1 PY reference herein; and, in the case of a thing or things or parseral property, if you find the same or any tt personal property forthwith before me at the courthouse of this Court. Part thereof, to bring the thin: 26 on this 16th day of November, 2021 rc NO Night Service Approved: NO David Cohn Warrant ID: 000073071 END OF WARRANT Page 5 of 5

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