User Guide: Tulips Candidate Portal

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Tulips Candidate Portal

User Guide

August 1st, 2019

Version 1.3
WCC Services B.V. provides this publication "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not
limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
This publication could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information
herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. WCC Services B.V. may make improvements
and/or changes in the ELISE fundamentals described in this publication at any time.
Application screens presented and described in the documentation are for illustration purpose only. Actual screens may look
different depending on the custom implementation, system configuration and data.

The intellectual property of the Candidate Portal, Employer Portal, Counsellor Portal, Employment Platform Suite and all related
components belong to WCC Group B.V. Both companies are located in The Netherlands. © 1996—2019 WCC Group B.V.
To contact WCC please see the Contact Info & Directions page on the WCC website.
For customer support, see the Support Website

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Copyright 2019 WCC Group B.V. This set of documentation contains confidential information of WCC Group B.V and is
protected by copyright of WCC Group B.V. It is expressly prohibited to wholly or partly copy this documentation and/or to give
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WCC software contains code obtained from third-party suppliers under open-source licenses. For an overview, see Open-
source software in the Employment Platform Suite Documentation Portal.
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Candidate Portal 4
Creating a job candidate profile 7
Looking for jobs that match your profile 25
Searching for jobs 28
Applying for a job 34

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Candidate Portal

The Candidate Portal provides a wide range of services both for employed and unemployed
job seekers. Based on your profile (work experience, education, skills), you can get
personalized advice on available jobs or on how to close the gap to alternative jobs.

The first time you open the Candidate Portal in your web browser, you will see the Portal
home screen. This screen contains information and links that can be useful for job
candidates and allows you to perform a quick vacancy search. To search for vacancies,
choose one of the locations suggested in the home page. You can scroll to see more
locations or you can (re)define the location in the Search screen. See Searching for jobs
(on page 28) for more information.

Although you can perform a job search directly (without signing in), most of the functionality
(matching, applying for vacancies etc.) will not be available.

To sign into the Candidate Portal (new users):

1. Click the Job seeker sign in link at the top right corner of the screen.
2. In the Sign-in window, click Register.
3. In the registration window, fill in your email address and password and click Register.
4. In the next screen, accept the terms and conditions to sign in. You are automatically
directed to the Profile page.

To sign into the Candidate Portal (registered users):

1. Click the Job seeker sign in link at the top right corner of the screen.
2. In the Sign-in window, fill in your email address and password and click Sign in. After
you have signed in, you are automatically directed to the Match jobs page where you
can start finding jobs that match your profile.

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Once you have signed in, you will see several links (tabs) at the top of the screen as shown
below: Search jobs, Saved jobs, My applications, Messages (not available yet, see the note
below), Profile. At the top right corner, a "user" icon appears. If you click it, you can sign out
from the Candidate Portal.

The tabs at the top of the home page allow you to switch to various screens and perform
various tasks available in the Portal. An overview of these tasks is provided below.
▪ Profile - this is where job seekers need to fill in their profile details. Without profile
information (personal information, education, job experience etc.), you cannot get
relevant matching jobs. Applying for jobs is also much easier when your profile details are
defined. Furthermore, when your profile information is saved in the system, potential
employers will be able to contact you when they have vacancies matching your profile. At
the same time, case workers can analyze your information and suggest particular actions
such as relevant trainings or certifications. For more information, see Creating a job
seeker profile (on page 7) procedure. Notice that you can always return to the Profile
screen later to edit your information. It is recommended to update your profile regularly,
e.g. add new skills, trainings, experience etc.

▪ Match jobs - the main purpose of the Candidate Portal is to find jobs that match your
profile. Click the Match jobs tab at the top of the screen to start matching. See Looking
for jobs that match your profile (on page 25) for more information.

▪ Search jobs - it is also possible to perform a job search. In the Search jobs screen, you
can define your search criteria (which job you are looking for and the location where you
want to work), study and filter the search results, create email alerts, save interesting jobs
or apply for them directly. See Searching for jobs (on page 28) for more information.

▪ Saved jobs - If you have saved any jobs, you can process them later using the Saved
jobs tab.

▪ My applications - if you have applied for any jobs, you can see the status of these
applications in the My applications tab.

Note - the Messages tab is not available yet in this version. In future versions, this is where
you can see the messages that have been sent to you. Such messages may be sent by your
case worker and potential employers or generated by the system to remind you about certain
tasks (e.g. applications you have to send).

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Creating a job candidate profile

To register as a job candidate and to use all Candidate Portal functions, fill in your profile

When your job seeker profile is completed and submitted, your information is registered in
the database. One of the benefits of registration is that it makes it possible to apply for a job
using your profile information. In addition, it allows employers to find and contact you. At the
same time, case workers will use this information to direct you to the most appropriate
employability support and guidance.

To create a job seeker profile, you need to complete the following steps:
1. Click the Profile tab.
2. Select the option From scratch to fill in your job seeker profile from scratch and click
Note: Other options require additional configuration and integration and may not be
available in the system.

3. Next, you will be asked to provide information in several sections (Personal information,
Desired Job, Experience, Education, Skills). Each of these sections is described below.

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Personal information

In this first section, such information as full name, address, contact details etc. should be
provided. All fields with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. If you have not provided mandatory
information, the corresponding filed(s) will be highlighted with red (like the Zip / Postal Code
field in the screenshot below).

After you have provided all required / available personal information, click Continue to
Desired job.

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Desired job

In this section, provide detailed information about the desired job.

In the Job field at the top, enter the job title. It's a free text field.

You can check the I have experience with this job box if this is applicable.

As soon as you start entering the name of a desired occupation in the Occupation field, a
list of possible suggestions will appear: Select an occupation from the list of suggestions.

Under Position Level, choose the job level you are looking for, e.g. Junior, Senior etc.

To add your skills, click the Select your skills link highlighted in the screenshot below.

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A dialog appears where you can select or add your skills related to the desired job.

For every occupation, a list of suggested skills is shown under Select skills for... If you want
to select one of these skills (e.g. Journalistic work), click it so that its color changes to blue.

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You can add other skills that are not suggested based on the occupation. To do that, click
Add more skills. Start typing under Enter a skill to find and choose skills that you want to

Choose a skill from the list. You can also type a new skill here, but you will get a warning
saying that the skill is not known and cannot be used for matching.

You can click Add a skill again to add as many skills as you want. The skills information can
be used by employers and case workers to evaluate your suitability for available jobs. Based
on your skills, you can be matched not only against vacancies that offer "your" job (e.g.
technical writer), but also against alternative jobs that require the same set of skills (e.g.

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When all the skills are added and enabled (the corresponding boxes are blue), click Save.

In the other fields of the Desired job section, define the Contract type (e.g. temporary,
permanent etc.), Hours a week (e.g. 32-36), desired salary (optionally), travel distance
(optionally). the company size (optionally).

You can (optionally) specify in which job sectors you want to work (e.g. in health care or IT).
Click Select one or more sectors and check the boxes next to the sectors you want to

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After you have filled in all mandatory fields and as much optional information as possible, you
can click the Add another desired job button to add another desired job.

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If you click Add another desired job, you will have to define all information for the new
desired job the same way as for the first one. Add as many desired jobs as you want.

Under Desired Jobs, you can now see all items that you have defined with two icons next to
each item: edit and delete.

If you want to edit an item, click the edit icon next to the corresponding desired job. Edit
the information as necessary.

If you want to delete one of the items defined earlier, click the delete icon next to the
corresponding desired job.

If you have defined all desired jobs, click Continue to Experience.

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In this section, you can provide information about your past work experience. Each
experience item corresponds to one of the jobs from your work history.

In the Job field above, enter the job title. It's a free text field.

You can check the I want to do this job in the future box if this is applicable.

As soon as you start entering the name of the job in the Occupation field, a list of possible
suggestions will appear: Select an occupation from the list of suggestions.

Under Position Level, choose the level corresponding to the job you are describing, e.g.
Junior, Senior etc.

In the Start date and End date sections, define the dates (month and year) when you
started and finished working at the corresponding position. If this is your current work, check
the I currently work here box.

To add skills related to this experience item, click the Select your skills link. A dialog will
appear where you can select or add skills related to the past job you are describing. For the
occupation that you defined above, a list of suggested skills is shown under Select skills
for... If you want to select one of these skills (e.g. Journalistic work), click it so that its color
changes to blue.

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You can add other skills that are not suggested based on the occupation. To do that, click
Add more skills. Start typing under Enter a skill to find and choose skills that you want to
add. You can also type a new skill here, but you will get a warning saying that the skill is not
known and cannot be used for matching.

When all the skills related to the experience item are added and enabled (the corresponding
boxes are blue), click Save.

In the Employer field, fill in the name of the company your work(ed) for.

You can (optionally) specify the job sector(s) where this company belongs (e.g. in health care
or IT). Click Select one or more sectors and check the boxes next to the sectors you want
to choose.

In the Job description field, write more information about the job. Although this field is
optional, it may contain important information that will help to find new job positions.

After you have filled in all mandatory fields and as much optional information as possible, you
can click the Add another experience button to add another item to your work history.

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If you click Add another experience, you will have to define all information for the new
experience item the same way as for the first one. Add all (relevant) jobs from your

Under Experience, you can now see all items that you have defined (employers from your
work history) with two icons next to each item: edit and delete.

If you want to edit an item, click the edit icon next to the corresponding employer. Edit
the information as necessary.

If you want to delete one of the items defined earlier, click the delete icon next to the
corresponding employer.

If you have defined all jobs from your work history, click Continue to Education.

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In this section, you can provide information about your education. You can describe multiple
educations here.

Start with the first item from your education history. Click the Education Level box and
choose the level, e.g. bachelor's or master's degree.

As soon as you start entering the name of the education field in the Field of Study box, a list
of possible fields will appear: Select an education fields from the list of suggestions.

In the Start date and End date sections, define the dates (month and year) when you
started and finished the corresponding education.

Check the Graduated box if it applies to this education.

In the Name of Institute, enter the name of the school, university, training institute or
another organization that provided the education. Although this field is optional, this
information may be very important for the employers.

For every additional education, click the button Add another education and repeat the
procedure. In the screenshot below, for instance, after describing the bachelor's degree, the
user enters information about the master's degree.

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Optionally, information on additional skills, i.e. language fluency and driving license, can be

If you have defined all information related to the education, click Continue to Skills.

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In this section, you can add more skills, in addition to the skills added in the other sections,
i.e. Desired Job and Experience.

To add a skill, click Add a skill. Start typing under Enter a skill to find and choose skills that
you want to add.

When all the skills are added, click Close.

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Checking if your job seeker profile is complete

If all mandatory fields have been filled in properly, a green check mark will appear in front of
the corresponding job seeker profile section (in the left panel):

If this is not the case, this check mark will not show up and a notification icon appears next to
the section for which mandatory information is missing:

Fill in all available details. Notice that you can always return to the Profile screen later to edit
your information. It is recommended to regularly update your profile, e.g. add new skills,
trainings, experience etc.

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Looking for jobs that match your profile

Click the Match jobs tab at the top of the screen to match your profile against available jobs.

In the screen that opens. you can see the match results.

The list of matching jobs appears on the left. For each job in the list, you will see its title, the
employer's name, its location and additional information about the vacancy and the
corresponding contract. For instance, the Senior Designer job highlighted in the screenshot
above offers a permanent contract for 36 - 40 hours a week. It requires a bachelor's degree
and offers a salary from $8000. The vacancy was posted 2 months ago. Next to each entry in

the list, you can also see two icons, e.g. or . The circle represents the
overall match score and the second icon can be used for saving this job. More information
about the scores and about saving jobs can be found below in this topic.

If you click an entry in this list, you will see the job details in the right panel. Along with the
general information about the job (title, the employer's name, its location, contract details),
you will also see the full job description. Under the job description, you can find general
information about the employer and its location on the map.

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Special icons are used to show how well this job matches your profile. For instance, for the
job presented above, these icons look as follows:

The left circle shows how well the job meets your requirements. In the Profile screen, you
should have entered information about your desired job (see Creating a job candidate
profile (on page 7)). If the job meets all your expectations (100% match), the left circle will
look as in the picture above: full green circle. If not all of the requirements are met, the circle
will become orange and will reflect the score. For instance, a semicircle as shown below
means that the job scores 50% against the candidate's requirements.

The right circle shows how well your profile meets the vacancy's requirements. In the Profile
screen, you should have entered information about your education, work experience, skills
etc. If this information fits the profile needed for the job (scores 100%), you will see a full
green circle on the right. If not all of the job's requirements are met, the circle will become
orange and will reflect the score.

The circle in the middle represents the overall match score. It takes the requirements of both
the candidate and the vacancy into account. This score combines the left and the right
scores. In the example below, the job meets 50% of your requirements (left circle). You meet
all (100%) of the job's requirements (right circle). The overall score for this job is 75% (the
circle in the middle).

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Job actions

If you are interested in a job from the match results, you have several options.

If you are not ready to apply for the job yet but consider applying later, you can save the job
using the Save icon either in the list or in the right panel where the job is displayed. Both
"Save" icons are highlighted in the screenshot below.

Later on, you can quickly return to your saved jobs by clicking the Saved jobs tab. Here you
can revisit the vacancies you were interested in (provided of course that the vacancy is still
active at that moment).

You can also directly apply for a job using the Apply button in the right panel where the job is
displayed. See Applying for a job (on page 34) for more information.

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Searching for jobs

You can start searching for jobs directly in the Candidate Portal home page. Click the
location where you want to start searching. In the screen that appears, enter which job you
are looking for in the What field. If necessary (re)define the location (e.g. the city where you
want to work) in the Where field and click Search. You will be redirected to the Search jobs
screen where the search results will be presented. You can also click the Search jobs tab at
the top of the screen at any time and define the search criteria (what and where) in the
corresponding screen. For example:

After you perform a search, a list of jobs matching your criteria appears on the left. If you
click an entry in this list, you will see the job details in the right panel. Study the jobs in the
list. In order to see only the most relevant results, use the filters.

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Note - when you perform a search without entering any search criteria, all vacancies are
shown, ordered by Date posted with the most recent one on top.

Filtering jobs

Above the list of search results, various drop-down filters are available (date posted, contract
type, etc.). You can use these filters to increase the relevance of your search results. In the
screenshot below for example, the "Hours per week" filter is used to bring up only those jobs
that offer contracts for 32-36 hours per week.

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You can filter on the job posting date and contract type the same way. If you click more, you
will see more filtering options. In the screenshot below, the education level filter is expanded.
You can define the education levels required by jobs. For example, you may choose to
display only those jobs that require a bachelor's degree.

For instance, you may be looking for a designer job and you only wish to see full-time jobs
(36-40 hours) with a permanent contract and with a salary above 5000. The specified filter
values will appear next to the filter drop-down boxes. To remove a filter, you can click a cross
(x) next to the corresponding filter value. You can also click a cross (x) next to the first "3"
label to remove all three filters.

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Job actions

If you are interested in a job from the search results, you have several options.

If you are not ready to apply for the job yet but consider applying later, you can save the job
using the Save icon either in the list or in the right panel where the job is displayed. Both
"Save" icons are highlighted in the screenshot below.

Later on, you can quickly return to your saved jobs by clicking the Saved jobs tab. Here you
can revisit the vacancies you were interested in (provided of course that the vacancy is still
active at that moment).

You can also directly apply for a job using the Apply button in the right panel where the job is
displayed. See Applying for a job (on page 34) for more information.

No suitable results?

If the list does not contain any suitable jobs, you have once again several options:
▪ Try searching for other (related) job titles. If you are looking for "cook", you can also try
"chef", "sous chef", "restaurant cook" etc. In many cases, you will get some tips about
related jobs. In the screenshot above, it is suggested to try a search for "restaurant cook"
jobs as well.

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▪ You can look for jobs at other locations or increase the distance from your perfect
location(s). In the screenshot above, it is defined that jobs should be in Amsterdam or in
the radius of 5 miles from it. You can change the distance to 20 miles to see which jobs
can be found in a broader area. You can also define other locations, e.g. Rotterdam,
Utrecht etc. if you are willing to travel to these cities as well.

▪ If you defined any filters earlier, you can try to change or remove them now to see if you
get more interesting results.

▪ You can turn on an email alert for your search. If no any results are returned, you will get
some tips including a "turn on an e-mail alert" as shown below. You can also click the
"Create an email alert for this search" button that is always available below the list of
If you set up a job alert, you will be notified by email as soon as a suitable job arrives in
the system.

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Note - non-registered users can also create job alerts. The first time during a user session
they will be prompted to provide an email address and accept the terms/privacy agreement.
After entering this information and clicking the Send button, an email is sent to the user with
the request to activate the job alert.

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Applying for a job

As explained in Looking for jobs that match your profile (on page 25) and Searching for
jobs (on page 28), if a suitable job is found and you are ready to apply for this position, you
can click the Apply button in the right panel where the job is displayed. The application form
appears. In this form, you have to fill in all required fields (name and contact information).

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In the Resume section, you can choose one of two options: Profile or CV:
▪ If you choose Profile, the information defined in your profile will be passed to the
employer along with your application. See Creating a job seeker profile (on page 7) to
learn how the profile has to be defined.

▪ If you choose CV, click the Upload button and locate the file (Word or PDF) containing
your CV.

Optionally, you can add a motivation letter. If you choose the Upload a motivation letter
option, click Upload below this option to upload a motivation letter file. If you choose the
Create a motivation letter option, a text field will appear where you can enter the letter text.

When all required information is defined, click Apply. You should receive a confirmation:

This job will now appear in the My applications tab. In this tab, you can review the
applications, change their status, archive or remove them.

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