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1085609 #3841642, Brian Weir <>, Feb 1, 2016

Astonishing Races


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1085610 #3841642, Brian Weir <>, Feb 1, 2016

Astonishing Races

Written by Rick Hershey, Lucus Palosaari, and Troy E. Daniels
Edited by Lucus Palosaari
Layout and Design by Rick Hershey
Fat Goblin Games Team
Chris Bayes, Eric Hindley, Jeff Swank, John Bennett, Justice Mora, Kalyna Conrad,
Kiel Howell, Lucus Palosaari, Nick Esposito, Rick Hershey, Richard Bennett, Troy Daniels, Tyler Beck
Line Developer: Troy E. Daniels
Published by Fat Goblin Games


Astonishing Races: Grippli © 2015 Fat Goblin Games 1085610

Compatibility with the Pathfinder® Roleplaying Game requires the Pathfinder® Roleplaying Game from
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Open Game Content: All material — including but not limited to art, place and character names,
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Reference in non-Open Game Content (thus not covered by the Open Game License) in this work
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About Fat Goblin Games

Based in South Carolina, USA, Fat Goblin Games was founded in 2011 to create Pathfinder Roleplaying Game compatible products. With a
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5518051 #3841642, Brian Weir <>, Feb 1, 2016 5518051
1085611 #3841642, Brian Weir <>, Feb 1, 2016

Grippli 4
Racial Traits 9
Alternate Racial Rules 10
Favored Class Options 12
Racial Archetype 15
New Racial Rules 19
Grippli Equipment 19
Grippli Special Material 21
Grippli Mount 22
Giant Dragonfly 22
Grippli Feats 24
Grippli Traits 24
Grippli Magic Items 25
Grippli Spells 26
5518052 1085611

Random Grippli Features 28

Astonishing Races: Grippli gives the grippli a full-racial review and expansion, emulating the style of the
“Core Races“ as detailed in books like the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Race Guide and others.

Astonishing Races: Grippli aims to give players of the Small, frog-like grippli immersive, world-neutral mate-
rials and support for almost any kind of play. Included are new and expanded options for alternate racial traits
and subtypes, favored class options for all the base, core, hybrid, and occult classes, and three racial archetypes.
The book also has new racial rules for grippli equipment, feats, traits, magic items, spells and more!

So if you’ve ever wanted to play a poison tree grippli, The Exterminator archetype, a gliding jumper with a
love of war paint and powders, or just plain love frog-people, Astonishing Races: Grippli is the book for you!

5518052 #3841642, Brian Weir <>, Feb 1, 2016 5518052
1085612 #3841642, Brian Weir <>, Feb 1, 2016

has amazing physical diversity, which has proven
an enigma to sages who study them. A grippli’s skin
coloration is a varied pattern of different hues, spots,
Gripplis look like oversized frogs standing mostly stripes, bumps, or superficial differences that make
erect, are typically just over 2 feet tall, and most often each individual unique from the other.
default to a mottled green-and-brown skin. Most Despite their prolific variety, a majority of all grip-
assume gripplis are primitive hunter-gatherers, living pli have some constant physical attributes which can
on large insects and fish found near their treetop be seen from the youngest of their kind to the oldest.
homes, and they seem unconcerned about events Most grippli have four fingers and one thumb on
outside their swamps. The rare grippli who leaves the each hand, but some are known to have only three
safety of the swamp tends to do so seeking to trade fingers and a thumb. Having disproportionately long
for metals and gems. The truth of course is much limbs, and a thin sticky film secreted from their fin-
more varied and rich. ger-pads, the grippli excel at becoming extraordinary
It is immediately apparent, to anyone visiting a climbers, able to transverse the sheerest of ledges and
grippli village, that there really is no standard look surfaces with ease. Their webbed feet enable them to
for the race, except that they are frog-like. Grippli be proficient swimmers even at birth. Each of these
generally have strong ties to the natural world, and creatures have extremely muscular legs, which aid in
due to the way in which they hold onto old tradi- swimming, jumping, and other amazing acrobatic
tions, this race has become more than a little xeno- feats common to the race.
phobic when dealing with outsiders and others not Hatching from underwater eggs, grippli begin life
of their kind. As a race, they tend to be predisposed as large tadpoles, and are unable to breathe air or
towards keeping a balance in both their societies and move on land until they are three years old. During 1085612

the lands in which they dwell. Preferring to maintain which time they undergo a radical physical transi-
neutral alliances, these creatures are generous and tion and begin looking less like a tadpole and more
kind to those in need at best, and seemingly cold and like a miniature version of a grippli adult. By age five,
indifferent to the wants of strangers. Towards en- they appear much like a normal, albeit small (one
emies, the creatures take on a rather chilling disposi- foot tall) grippli. It is at this stage that they are able
tion, favoring well thought out war tactics to repel to learn skills and speech. Grippli are very closely
and drive off their foes. attached to their small children. Called tadlings,
Physical Description: A typical grippli stands these young frogs are the pride of an entire village
between 2 to 3-1/2 feet tall and weigh approximately and are always given a great amount of attention.
45 lbs. There are rumors of larger grippli which are Each adult grippli shares a deep sense of responsibil-
likely from the presence of mixed blood, and serves ity for the protection and care of these young, as it is
as an ever present reminder of their boggard cous- in these early stages of life, and the lessons taught by
ins. A grippli’s eyes are often yellow, although other the adults, that the tadlings learn rituals and legends
colors are not uncommon, with vertical-slit pupils of that will serve as a moral guide throughout the rest
black. of their lives.
Grippli often wear brightly colored or decorated Society: All grippli seem to have an impeccable
clothes as they are attracted to, and love, brightly sense of right and wrong, and are compelled to avoid
colored items. Having features that appear similar to the many evil trappings found within the other races.
that of a giant frog, the grippli’s body, particularly They are mostly an indelibly good and optimistic
the hands and head of the creature, take on notable race, their jovial nature always lending them a hand
humanlike configuration. Each of these creatures with others. Only the most evil acts against them, or

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1085613 #3841642, Brian Weir <>, Feb 1, 2016

others of their kind, would make them think oth-

erwise. Grippli are extremely social creatures, they
suffer from strong depression that they think will kill
them in a matter of weeks if left alone. It is because of
this that grippli are not very picky when it comes to
friends, and will forever prefer complete strangers to
loneliness. It is this overwhelming fear of loneliness
that prevents many grippli from ever leaving the social
safety of their tribes.
These creatures, regardless of age or social status,
have a strong affinity towards music, with an especial-
ly unexplainable love of the drums. The deep pound-
ing of these drums can be heard echoing throughout
most summer nights in the forests and jungles which
they dwell. The grippli have also become expert arti-
sans at drum making. These exotic styled instruments
can be found in far away cities, the expert craftsman-
ship and bright decorations always cause these unique
drums to fetch a high price at market. Each grippli
tribe makes use of this instrument in all of its ceremo-
nies, as a warning of danger, and as a form of com-
munication between other tribes. Most common of 1085613

all grippli drums are made of clay and fashioned with

animal hide. The more exotic of these instruments
are made from magically shaped wood and the skulls
of large animals. Many tribes also have a single great
drum that is shared by the entire community, these
massive instruments can measure almost ten feet in
diameter and are played by multiple performers at
once. The sounding of these tribal drums can be heard
for miles in each direction.
A grippli village is mostly tribal in organization.
Each grippli family maintains its own dwelling place.
These villages are built between the closely spaced
trees and branches. The basic design of a tree village
is a “Central Village” of thatched-roof huts on the
primary limbs. These huts are high enough above the
ground to be out of reach of predators. Suspended
bridges connect the gaps between trees, adjoining
distant huts. Knotted grass ladders allow access up
or down. In most tree cities, the village Elders order
the largest huts built directly on the trunk of the tree.
These central buildings belong to the mother of the

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tribe. The mother uses the largest open area for vil- member of the race, no matter what their placement
lage gatherings, meetings, council fires, and storytell- in the tribe, enjoys adorning themselves with these
ing ceremonies. Family groups keep their own dwell- decorations as well. The warriors of the different
ings in clusters on the outlying trees and branches. tribes wear ragged garments and specific totems to
Separate huts are also built for unmarried females, signify which individual tribe from which they came.
elders, and visitors. A sealed building is also created These warriors wear wooden or bone chest shields,
higher than the rest of the tree city and is used as the necklaces adorned with the jawbones of tiny animals,
communities’ food storage. and further ornaments such as feathers, necklaces,
The tribal structure of the grippli involves a council and pendants, making their bodies look like a clutter
of elders ruling over each village, headed by an over- of trinkets.
seer called the tribe mother. Tribe mothers are female Alchemy, and especially poison-making, is a pecu-
grippli of unusual height which posses magical abili- liar pastime of this typically peaceful people, with
ties. Standing almost four feet tall, and covered with many poisons and concoctions being pushed into
a multitude of stripes of vivid color, these females are a dry, powdered form for storage as water is ever-
always accompanied by three powerful male mates present in a swamp. This interest and the occasional
who also act as her bodyguards. In theory, the tribe need for keeping things dry leads to a general curios-
mother is divinely ordained with absolute power, but ity in all-things-powder, which is unusual to many
in practice she leaves most day-to-day decisions to outsiders, but wise traders know that a common spice
experienced hunters. Still, only the mother can speak from a distant land might be traded at higher value
for the tribe when negotiating with outsiders. to grippli just so they can experiment with it. Clay
Grippli survive through trade with other peace- is abundant in various forms for them as well as peat
loving races such as elves and halflings or through from bogs, though that is best for constructing build- 1085614

hunting. These creatures act as a single family unit, ings and not tools or weapons. Peat moss sphagnum
even as they are broken into a caste system for the has natural medicinal uses too treating wounds.
purposes of work, all the members within a tribe will Despite their tribal roots, significantly more
share food and shelter to the benefit of all. Grippli “contemporary” grippli are entirely possible, as
hunt and gather as a unit and seem to live in reason- those grippli that move to cities of other humanoid
able harmony with their surroundings. Extremely races quickly adapt to the local dresses and customs,
fond of various fruits and insects (including the giant though they often maintain their flare for color and
varieties), they collect and store them in village huts texture. As such, in an area where a proper doublet
for the winter months when food becomes scarce. and pantaloons is “fashionable,” a grippli may well
Grippli crafts are generally limited to simple have adapted a set to their own peculiar body shape,
objects made from vines, wood, and bone. They often from gnome or halfling stock.
cherish metal heirlooms, which they must get from
other races, because it is neigh impossible to mine in Relations: Although the grippli and the boggard
a swamp. They use snares, nets, poisoned darts, and had a violent shared history, they generally leave each
the occasional sword or dagger. On rare occasions, other alone, showing no care or thought for their
they may use blowguns and spears. It is common for distant cousins unless fighting for the same limited
them to make poisons, potions, herbal tinctures, and resources. Depending on circumstances, it has been
alchemical goods. Most grippli homes are deco- noted that the two races have allied against common
rated with polished glass, quartz, and other brightly foes when their homelands have been endangered.
colored baubles they trade for with other races in However, the grippli share their homelands with a
exchange for rare jungle herbs and extracts. Each great number of creature which they both fear and

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Grippli V illages
Not all grippli villages are located in trees, as the race expands new types of villages are being formed to
adapt to their ever changing environments.
Ground Villages: Some Grippli make their homes in isolated huts on the forest floor. Although ground
villages can leave them open to attacks by vicious predators, grippli compensate by trying to disguise their
village with it’s surroundings. Beyond the typical hut, many homes are made out of gourds, hollowed logs,
compressed peat moss, and even small burrows as earth lodges.
Lake Villages: Grippli also build homes on shallow, placid lakes. The lake Grippli build their villages on
bamboo stilts out in the water, protecting them from large predators. These Grippli get most of their food
by setting wicker traps to catch fish in the lake. Older Grippli spend their time harvesting marsh grasses and
drying them in the sun. They then take these dry grasses and make them into mats, clothing, baskets, and
decorative tapestries.
Cliff Villages: Some tribes of Grippli make their homes on a rock face beside a spraying waterfall. Using
intricate nets and fishing devices, they are able to catch a variety of fish from the falling waters. Often times,
the tribe mother will have her dwelling in small caves and crevices behind the waterfall.
Nomads: Grippli are not suited for nomadic life and you will never encounter a tribe of grippli roaming
the vast lands. Often, nomadic grippli are the offspring of lost tribes or sole-survivors of a destroyed village.
Even so, these grippli do not stay solitary long and will seek out their own kind or join whatever friendly
group will take them.

5518056 1085615

respect. Almost all reptilian races are considered lated into a human tongue and the goddess is typically
dangerous by the grippli and should be avoided at all referred to as the “mother goddess”. Tribal priestess’
costs. This prejudice is mostly directed at lizardfolk, will lead small services that revolve around low drums
but expands to all reptilian humanoids and creatures. and reverent whispered croaks.
They also have a natural fear of spiders and those that Clerics and others who follow the Mother Goddess
share bloodlines with them, or worship them. All are normally of goodly alignments, often calling upon
other races and natural creatures are generally treated light, forest, elemental (other than fire), nature, and
with kindness and trust until proven otherwise. Grip- good domains. They may be xenophobic by nature but
pli prefer the company of their own kin, but would the grippli will help those in need, although it may
never turn their back on a stranger in need. Elves, fey, be quietly or behind the scenes. Injured humanoids
and various woodland creatures enjoy the company of are often brought to the village and placed on healing
grippli, delighting in their stories and beautiful songs. stones, nursed back to health and then taken back to
where they came from.
Alignment and Religion: Nature plays an impor-
tant role in the everyday life of a grippli and as such it Adventurers: Grippli greatly prefer peace to the
is the rainbow hued frog goddess that they worship. bloodshed of conflict, but when their lives, family,
At virtually any time of the day or night grippli can be or homes are threatened they become eager to bring
seen bringing flowers, colored stones and other offer- about an end to the evils which have forced them into
ings to the statue that is usually located in the center action, employing force if diplomacy and reason are
of a village. Her name cannot be pronounced or trans- insufficient for the task. The flexibility of the grippli

5518056 #3841642, Brian Weir <>, Feb 1, 2016 5518056
1085616 #3841642, Brian Weir <>, Feb 1, 2016

Random S tarting Ages

Adulthood Intuitive1 Self-Taught2 Trained3
12 years +1d4 years +1d6 years +2d6 years
This category includes barbarians, kineticists, medium, oracles, rogues, sorcerers, and spiritualists.
This category includes bards, cavaliers, fighters, gunslingers, paladins, psychics, rangers, summoners, and witches.
This category includes alchemists, clerics, druids, inquisitors, magi, mesmerists, monks, occultists, and wizards.

Growing O lder
Middle Age1 Old2 Venerable3 Maximum Age
20 years 30 years 40 years 40 +1d20 years
At middle age, -1 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
At old age, -2 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
At venerable age, -3 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.

Random Height and W eight

Gender Base Height Base Weight Modifier Weight Modifier
Male 1 ft. 7 in. 25 lbs. 2d4 x 1 lbs.
Female 1 ft. 5 in. 20 lbs. 2d4 x 1 lbs.

5518057 race when it comes to professions make them well language Aquan. In each tribe, there is usually at 1085616

suited to all classes, particularly those of martial or least one (such as the tribe mother) who can speak
stealth orientations. Boggard, Common, Elvish, and some other local
It is rare that a grippli will take to the adventuring language. Their croaking voices can make them hard
life however sometimes it is their very social natures to comprehend in any language other than their
that makes them wander. When their villages are own. Other races can learn Grippli, but cannot truly
destroyed and there are no other grippli around they master it without magic. Written forms of grippli
can fall into deep depressions. Sometimes it is the look most closely to Aquan.
kind adventurers that wander into the devastation
that save more than just the village, but the lonely Grippli have no surnames, and place little impor-
grippli. These grippli are fiercely loyal to their new tance on names in general, identifying each other
friends, going out of their way to show their worth as much by sight as by words. They often pick up
through acts of bravery or even just gifts of shiny nicknames when among other races.
baubles. Those who make friends with a grippli and
treat them well will have a friend for life.
Male Names: Brillup, Broktoc, Chirk, Cliddek,
Graddek, Gonesh, Quartle
Languages and Names: The grippli language is
composed mostly of chirps, croaks, groans, clicks,
and squeaks. There is also a common ancestry to Female Names: Bellum, Caeesa, Dranekka, Kail-
their language and other frog-like humanoids such lum, Paleka, Maddak, Quon
as boggards, possibly through the water-elemental

5518057 #3841642, Brian Weir <>, Feb 1, 2016 5518057
1085617 #3841642, Brian Weir <>, Feb 1, 2016

Racial Traits Bringing Grippli up to Par

Our friends, the grippli are a weaker race that
+2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, –2 Strength (0 RP): according to the rules should be a 7 point build.
Gripplis are nimble and alert, but spindly. This puts them at a severe disadvantage when
Small (0 RP): Gripplis are Small creatures and gain it comes to being on par with other playable
a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on character races like elves, dwarves, or humans (RP
attack rolls, a –1 penalty to their CMB and CMD, 10-11).
and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks. Normally, Alternate Racial Rules allow you
Grippli (0 RP): Gripplis are humanoids with the to “trade” a racial trait for a different one, but
grippli subtype. instead you could stack some new and interest-
Normal Speed (0 RP + 2 RP): Gripplis have a base ing abilities on to your grippli that bring them up
speed of 30 feet and a climb speed of 20 feet. to the level of other player character races. With
your gamemaster’s permission, add one or two of
the Alternate Racial traits below to your charac-
ter so that the Racial Point Total for your grippli
is 9 or 10. Talk with the gamemaster to ensure
that these balance out your grippli without mak-
ing it overpowering.

Darkvision (2 RP): Gripplis can see in the

5518058 1085617

dark up to 60 feet.
Camouflage (1 RP): Gripplis receive a +4
racial bonus on Stealth checks in marshes and
forested areas.
Swamp Stride (Ex) (1 RP): A grippli can move
through difficult terrain at its normal speed while
within a swamp. Magically altered terrain affects a
grippli normally.
Weapon Familiarity (1 RP): Gripplis are proficient
with nets.
Languages (0 RP): Gripplis begin play speaking
Common and Grippli. Gripplis with high Intelli-
gence scores can choose from the following: Bog-
gard, Draconic, Elven, Gnome, Goblin, and Sylvan.


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moving horizontally up to a number of feet equal to

Alternate Racial Rules half the vertical distance fallen. The grippli cannot
Many times a grippli’s birth place, as well as the use this trait if it is wearing heavy armor, is carrying
environments in which the grippli is raised, goes a a heavy load, or is unable to react to the fall (such
long way in determining the features and traits of as being helpless). This racial trait replaces swamp
these creatures. stride.

Alternate Racial T raits Jumper (1 RP): Gripplis with this trait are always
The following racial traits may be selected instead considered to have a running start when making
of existing grippli racial traits. Consult your GM Acrobatics checks to jump. This racial trait replaces
before selecting any of these new options. camouflage.

Cold Blood (1 RP): Without the protection of Poison Resistant (1 RP): Although most grippli
special clothing or magic, you are always considered are not poisonous themselves, they are familiar with
fatigued in cold conditions. Cold based attacks that them and rare variants of the race actually produce
you fail to save against (or that have no save) leave toxins within their own bodies. You have a +2 racial
you slowed for one round. On the plus side, you bonus on Fortitude saves versus poisons of all but
do not burn energy as fast as warm-blooded crea- magical varieties. This racial trait replace Camou-
tures and can go three times as long before feeling flage.
ill effects from food deprivation. This trait replaces
5518059 camouflage racial trait. Princely (2 RP): The grippli gains proficiency with 1085618

rapiers and a +2 racial bonus on Diplomacy and

Deep Breath (1 RP): Some grippli can hold their Intimidate checks. This racial trait replaces swamp
breath for a number of rounds equal to four times stride and weapon familiarity.
their Constitution before risking drowning or suffo-
cating. This racial trait replaces the Weapon Familiar- Swim (1 RP): Grippli love the water, some more
ity racial trait. then others. These grippli gain a swim speed of 30 ft.
and a +8 racial bonus on all Swim checks. This racial
Environmentally Adaptable (1 RP): Amphibians trait replaces the Camouflage racial trait.
have made their home all over the world and in virtu-
ally every climate and the grippli are no exception. Tongue Lash (1 RP): These grippli can make an
Exchange the swamp environmental descriptor with attack with their long, sticky tongue as a melee at-
any other terrestrial one. You cannot choose Any or tack. This counts as a secondary attack. A creature
Planar environments. This replaces the Camouflage hit by this cannot move more than 5 feet away from
racial trait. the attacker and takes a –2 penalty to AC as long as
the tongue is attached (this penalty does not stack if
Glider (1 RP): Gripplis’ aerodynamic bodies and multiple tongues are attached). The tongue can be
thick webbing between the toes enable a falling removed by the target or an adjacent ally by mak-
grippli to treat the distance fallen as half the actual ing an opposed Strength check against the attacking
distance. The grippli can steer himself while falling, creature as a standard action or by dealing 2 points of
damage to the tongue (AC 11, damage does not re-

5518059 #3841642, Brian Weir <>, Feb 1, 2016 5518059
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duce your hit points). The grippli cannot move more dodge bonus to attack from vermin as long as you
than 10 feet away from a creature stuck to its tongue, are not flat-footed. This racial trait replaces Swamp
but it can release its tongue from the target as a free Stride.
action. A grippli can only have one creature attached
to its tongue at a time. This racial trait replaces the
Weapon Familiarity racial trait. Racial S ubtypes
You can combine various alternate racial traits to
create grippli subraces or variant races, such as the
Terrifying Croak (1 RP): As a supernatural ability, following.
once per hour, as a standard action, a grippli can emit
a thunderous croak. Any creature not a grippli must
make a Will saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 character’s Desert Grippli: Possibly the harshest environment
level + character’s Charisma modifier) or become for a normally swamp dwelling creature, grippli have
shaken for 1d4 rounds. Creatures that save cannot be not only adapted to life in the desert, but have learned
affected again by a terrifying croak made by a grip- to thrive. Surviving mainly at night and living under-
pli for 24 hours. Creatures that are already shaken ground during the day, desert grippli congregate near
become frightened for 1d4 rounds instead. This racial oasis areas and near desert mountains where there is
trait replaces the Swamp Stride racial trait. still small amounts of moisture in the ground. Their
normal greenish coloration has changed over time to
a dusky brown with tan blotches to better blend in
Toxic Skin (Ex) (2 RP): Once per day as a swift ac- with their new surroundings. They are more social
tion, a grippli can create a poison that can be applied and often interact with other races for trade or mutual
to a weapon or delivered as a touch attack. Alterna- benefit. Desert grippli have the Environmentally
tively, the grippli can smear the poison on its own
5518060 1085619

Adaptable and Princely racial traits.

body as a standard action, affecting the first creature
to hit it with an unarmed strike or natural weapon.
The poison loses its potency after 1 hour. The grippli Feral Grippli: Devoid of the compassion and
is immune to its own poison. This racial trait replaces goodly nature of their swamp dwelling cousins, the
swamp stride and camouflage. feral grippli have embraced a dark and dangerous
path. Travelling in packs they roam the swamps and
other environments taking down prey many times
Grippli Poison (Skin or Weapon) their size with surprising ease. Creatures sharing an
Type contact or injury; Save Fort DC 10 + 1/2 the environment with feral grippli have come to fear their
grippli’s Hit Dice plus its Constitution modifier thunderous croaks, scattering before they become the
next meal on their savage rampage. Feral grippli have
Frequency 1/round for 6 rounds
the Cold Blood and Terrifying Croak racial trait.
Effect 1d2 Dexterity damage; Cure 1 save.

Jungle Grippli: Adept at climbing trees and hiding

Vermin Hunter (1 RP): You were one of the elite in dense foliage, jungle grippli have are master hunt-
hunters of your village and had special training when ers and defenders of their territory. Slipping quietly
it came to dealing with vermin. You gain a +1 racial into the tree, practically flying from branch to branch,
bonus to hit when dealing with vermin. During your they rarely need to touch the barely used trails as
training you also learned special techniques to avoid they move through their jungles. Villages and tree
the traps and tricks of these creatures, gaining an +2 houses protect the community hidden high in the

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canopy while the larger predators stay far below on Barbarian: Grippli barbarians make up the protec-
the ground. When threatened they react as a group, tive entourage of the tribal mother. These warriors
using painful tongue lashes and exotic weapons to are the first to fight on behalf of their kind and often
defend themselves. Jungle grippli have the Glider and venture from their homeland in service of their peo-
Tongue Lash racial feats. ple’s needs. As a favored class, grippli add 1/2 round to
total number of rage rounds per day.
Poison Tree Grippli: Being small of stature in a Bard: Grippli love the thrumming of drums and
dangerous swamp, any advantage that potential prey the art of tribal dance. While they do not possess
has can mean the difference between survival or much talent in the way of song, their race is one full
being tomorrows dinner. The poison tree grippli is a of a rich oral history and poetry. Such tales are told
variant that, like its name has taken to the heights of to the wonderment of audiences across the world in
the ragged swamp trees in order to survive. They can which they travel. As a favored class, grippli add +1 to
move from tree to tree with relative ease and when all Perform checks when using their Countersong class
confronted their poisonous skin secretions can be ability.
transferred to weapons and fired upon their unsus- Bloodrager: Normally a peaceful race, bloodrager
pecting foes. Poison tree grippli have the Jumper and grippli have access to not only boundless fury but
Toxic Skin racial traits. mystical energy that isolates them from most of
their tribe. Only like minded individuals spend
time around these powerful yet erratic grippli. As a
Favored Class favored class the grippli bloodrager increases their total
bloodrager rounds by 1/2 per day.

Options Brawler: Most grippli who defend the tribe find it 1085620

odd when they see a brawler standing ready for battle

The following options are available to all grippli with no weapons in their hands. After the battle
who have the listed favored class, and unless other- though, the grippli brawlers stories are told through-
wise stated, the bonus applies each time you select out the village with excitement bordering on rever-
the favored class reward. ence. As a favored class the grippli increases the number
of times per day they can use martial flexibility by 1/2.
Alchemist: Grippli who become alchemists are Cavalier: Grippli cavaliers have a long tradition of
considered mad by the others of their kind. This serving as specialized warriors in the direct service
adventuring path leads many grippli to being exiled to their tribe mothers. These grippli gain the service
from their tribes, often after a failed experiment that in the ancient noble houses, pursuing and protecting
has injured others or resulted in the destruction na- honor with elegance. Their sleek dragonfly mounts
ture. As a favored class grippli add +1/4 to the number show both great resilience, devotion, and remarkable
of toxic skin uses per day. intelligence for what normally are considered ver-
Arcanist: Exploring the swamps for new magical min. As a favored class, grippli adds +1 hit point to the
discoveries, the grippli arcanist seeks to collect the cavalier’s mount. If the grippli ever replaces his mount,
magical essences of their homes to help those who the new mount gains these bonus hit points. These
need it most. Measured rather than reckless, a grippli bonuses only apply to a single mount gained as part of
arcanist is a powerful practitioners of the arcane arts. the cavalier’s class.
As a favored class, the grippli increases the total number Cleric: Grippli follow only a few select faiths, and
of points in the arcanist’s arcane reservoir by 1. because of their peaceful lives many grippli view

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1085621 #3841642, Brian Weir <>, Feb 1, 2016

themselves as blessed by these good aligned gods. Investigator: Not a typical grippli profession, the
Many of these creatures worship the gods of light and investigator has seen time in cities and other com-
nature and follow naturalistic philosophies and ideals munities. This worldly experience is good for the tribe
which embody the traits of their people. As a favored when mysteries occur that require more than just
class, grippli adds +1 on caster level checks made to over-
good common swamp sense. As a favored class, grippli
come the spell resistance of vermin and aberrations. increase the total number of points in the investigator’s
Druid: Grippli have an instinctive bond with nature inspiration pool by 1/3.
and the creatures within it. These druids revere such Kineticist: Rare are those that play with the ele-
powers, binding nature’s forces to their use to destroy mental forces, however these powers are not unknown
enemies which threaten their way of life. As a favored to the grippli. They have long known of, and worked
class, grippli druids add a +1/2 bonus on concentration the forces of water and air to the advantage of their
checks. This bonus doubles in a forest or swamp terrain. tribes. Fire is a seldom seen, or welcome kineticist
Fighter: Because of their small size and lack of power by the grippli and those that appear to use it
overwhelming physical strength found among their will be banished from the tribe. As a favored class ki-
people, grippli fighters most often take to the use of neticist grippli gain a +1/4 bonus on damage rolls that
bows over other martial weapons, and are respected apply their elemental overflow bonus.
for their deadly precision with such weapons. As a Magus: Always adaptable, the grippli magus finds
favored class, grippli adds +1 to the fighter’s CMD when comfort in his come where he can relax, learn, and
resisting a grapple or trip work to merge the powers he holds as an arcane caster
Gunslinger: There are not many grippli gunslingers with is martial skills. As a favored class, grippli add a
as the weapons used by this class are so loud it defeats +1/2 bonus on concentration checks made to cast defen-

one of the primary tools of grippli warriors, stealth. sively. 1085621

Those grippli gunslingers that do exist though typi- Medium: Channeling the spirits of the swamp,
cally stand in the open, drawing fire from their more grippli mediums hold a place of high honor at the
stealthy companions. As a favored class grippli add a right hand of the tribe mother, assisting her with their
+1/4 bonus on attack rolls when making a utility shot special skills. As a favored class, grippli add +1/2 to
or a dead shot. saves versus mind-affecting spells and powers.
Hunter: The bond between a grippli hunter and Mesmerist: Grippli find the entire concept of mes-
their animal companion is as deep as their bond to the merism unappealing as they do not like to bend others
swamp itself. They share this bond with other crea- to their will, especially in the manner that class does.
tures in their home swamps. As a favored class, grippli There have been those born to the discipline before
hunters gain a +1/2 bonus on wild empathy checks the and they have managed to adapt themselves to it as
hunter makes to influence animals and magical beasts best they can. There is always lingering guilt though,
that live in swamp and marshlands. knowing that they have invaded the private space of
Inquisitor: Grippli prize freedom above all things, someone. As a favored class, grippli add +1/3 to their
they also hold on to a great many tales told of the total number of mesmerist tricks per day.
evil of outsiders. Grippli inquisitors are rare, as these Monk: All grippli are tranquil by nature and appre-
individuals seem not to have the same inner peace as ciate those who focus on the inward calm and stillness
others of their kind, but their authority and actions of mind. Grippli monks use the examples they find in
are respected and blessed by the tribal mother. As a nature when adopting the movements of their fight-
favored class the grippli gain +1/2 to Perception and ing styles. As a favored class, grippli add +1 feet to the
Sense Motive checks. speed the monk can move while making a Stealth check

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1085622 #3841642, Brian Weir <>, Feb 1, 2016

without taking a penalty. This has no effect unless the +1 racial bonus on Swim skill checks. When this bonus
monk has selected this reward five times (or another reaches +8, the ranger gains a swim speed of 15 feet
increment of five). This does not allow the monk to use (this does not grant the ranger another +8 racial bonus
Stealth while running or charging. on Swim checks.)
Occultist: The swamp, the tribe, and his drum are Rogue: While thievery and questionable acts of
the focus of the grippli occultist. Finding an inter- morality are not often found within a grippli home-
esting object in the swamp means the occultist has land, there are a few select grippli who choose, or are
found a new concept to explore as he fathoms the forced into, this lifestyle once they are removed from
fascinating world around him. As a favored class, grip- their tribes. Because of their extraordinary climbing
pli add +1/4 to the number of impliment schools that ability grippli rogues are commonly found as scouts
they posses. and thieves. As a favored class grippli rogues add a +½
Oracle: Oracles are quite common among the bonus on Perception checks while in a forest or swamp.
tribal mothers and females of the grippli race. They Shaman: The most common of spiritualists in a
are often viewed with an equal mixture of both fear grippli community, the shaman serves not only as
and respect from the members of the tribe. As a fa- a spiritual center for the tribe, but also as one of its
vored class, grippli add +1/2 to the oracle’s level for the most staunch defenders. As a favored class, grippli
purpose of determining the effects of the oracle’s curse gains 1/5 of a new shaman hex.
ability. Skald: Combining the drums that drive their tribe
Paladin: Grippli paladins adopt and defend to battle with the frenzy that makes them great, the
against their ancient enemies the lizardfolk. Serv- skald can quickly whip a warband from frightened
ing the same type of nature deities as their clerical rabble to insane warriors fighting for the tribe.. As a

counterparts, they stand in strong defiance of those favored class, grippli increase the skald’s total number of 1085622

who would despoil their homelands. As a favored raging song rounds per day by 1.
class, grippli add +1 foot to the size of all the paladin’s Sorcerer: While the talent for sorcery is not com-
aura class features. This option has no effect unless the monly found in the blood of the grippli, it is almost
paladin has selected it 5 times (or another increment of unheard of to find powerful bloodlines among them
5); an aura of 14 feet is effectively the same as a 10-foot which does not harken back to painful memories
aura, for example. to the times of their slavery. It is because of this that
Psychic: She slides into the murky waters of the many grippli sorcerers keep their talents hidden from
swamp, feeling the universe envelop her and her the others of their kind. As a favored class, grippli
mind expands to encompass so much more than the select one bloodline power at 1st level that is normally
tribe. Grippli psychics are one with their environ- usable a number of times per day equal to 3 + the
ment, tapping not only themselves but the world sorcerer’s Charisma modifier. The sorcerer adds +1/2 to
around them. Wise in many ways they are able to the number of uses per day of that bloodline power.
center themselves and draw more power for their Spiritualist: The grippli spiritualist learns early of
psychic abilities. As a favored class, grippli add +1/2 their destiny, typically when a tribe mother or other
points to their phrenic pool.. powerful being passed in their presence at at early
Ranger: Grippli make masterful hunters and age. Drawing the spirit to them, they now become
scouts. They are attuned to the environment and sur- a channel of wisdom and strength for the tribe that
roundings, and always ready to protect their home- they thought they might have lost.. As a favored
lands from those who would threaten the well being class, grippli add +1/3 bonus on saving throws against
of the tribe. As a favored class grippli rangers add a mind-affecting effects..

5518063 #3841642, Brian Weir <>, Feb 1, 2016 5518063
1085623 #3841642, Brian Weir <>, Feb 1, 2016

Summoner: Grippli have had a long fascination power at 1st level that is normally usable a number
with magical creatures. It is because of this curiosity of times per day equal to 3 + the wizard’s Intelligence
that they pursue the mystic art of summoning. While modifier. The wizard adds +1/2 to the number of uses
even less numerous than sorcerers or wizards, sum- per day of that arcane school power.
moners can be found among their kind. As a favored
class, grippli add +1 hit point or +1 skill rank to the
summoner’s eidolon. Racial Archetype
Swashbuckler: Grippli swashbucklers are well-trav- The following racial archetype is available to grippli.
elled by nature, they do not naturally appear in the
swamps and marshes where they normally reside. As
such their attitudes may be a bit more cocky, arrogant, B ogborn Alchemist
and less deferential to the tribe mother. Regardless of
their attitude, they always fall back to the old ways,
(A lchemist Archetype)
Some grippli alchemists are particularly attuned to
defending the tribe over all other things. As a favored
the swamps and the dangerous creatures that inhabit
class, grippli increase the total number of points in the
them; these serve as their laboratories and research
swashbuckler’s panache pool by 1/4.
subjects, respectively. These bogborn alchemists have
Warpriest: The embodiment of all that the tribe the following class features.
mother and tribe hold dear, the warpriest rallies their
Class Skills: A bogborn alchemist adds Swim to his
grippli brethren with croaking war cries and fear-
list of class skills.
some battle prowess. As a favored class add 1/2 to the
number of times per day the warpriest can use blessings, Amphibious Mutagen (Ex): At 1st level, when a
but he can use these additional blessings on only those bogborn alchemist uses a mutagen, he may choose to 1085623

from the Air, Animal, Charm, Magic, Plant, or Sun have his mutagen form enhanced for aquatic move-
domains. . ment. This gives him the amphibious special quality,
his feet elongate, and the webbing between his fingers
Witch: Grippli witches are an exception to the rule,
and toes expands, granting a swim speed of 15 feet.
as grippli who follow this path separate themselves
This replaces throw anything.
from their tribes in search of an understanding of na-
ture. They seek a mastery of strange ritual magic and Discovery Options: A bogborn alchemist can
form ties with the creatures of their homelands. These select the toxic skin grippli racial trait in place of an
familiars are treated much like family and serve to alchemical discovery.
further strengthen their ties to the earth. As a favored Discoveries: The following discoveries comple-
class, grippli add one spell from the witch spell list to ment the bogborn alchemist archetype: chameleon;
the witch’s familiar. This spell must be at least one level concentrate poison, sticky poison ; nauseating flesh,
below the highest spell level she can cast. If the witch poison conversion; bottled ooze, tanglefoot bomb,
ever replaces her familiar, the new familiar knows these tentacle.
bonus spells.
Wizard: Grippli culture is filled with verbal lore Grippli Discoveries
which has been handed down since time forgotten. The following new discoveries can be taken by any
With this oral history there exists a tradition of mysti- alchemist who meets the prerequisites, but are more
cal lore. For grippli that possess the talent to become a common among gripplis.
wizard become invaluable members of their commu-
nity. As a favored class, grippli select one arcane school

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1085624 #3841642, Brian Weir <>, Feb 1, 2016

Chameleon (Su): An alchemist with this discov- Dragonfly C hampion

ery can shift the colors of his skin and equipment to
blend in with the surrounding terrain. He gains a +4 (C avalier Archetype)
enhancement bonus on Stealth checks. At 10th level, Defenders of the tribe and ready companion to any
the bonus on Stealth checks increases to +8. grippli in peril, the dragonfly champion serve as the
airborne cavalry to grippli ground forces. From high
Deadly Excretions (Ex): When using his toxic
above they see the battlefield, not only croaking out
skin ability, the alchemist can choose to excrete a
commands and strategy but often diving in to take
Constitution poison instead of a Dexterity poison.
the fight directly to the enemy.
This poison works the same as the normal grippli
toxic skin poison except that a failed save deals 1 Armor Proficiency: A dragonfly champion does
point of Constitution damage. The alchemist must not gain proficiency with heavy armor.
be at least 8th level and must have the toxic skin
racial trait before selecting this discovery.
Bogborn Tactician (Ex): Due to the close knit
Underwater Demolition (Ex): The alchemist gains relationships between grippli tribes, they will follow
the ability to throw bombs underwater (normally, the orders of a commander without question. When
thrown weapons cannot be used underwater), in- the dragonfly champion grants his allies his team-
cluding throwing from the air into the water. If the work feat it is for 4 rounds plus 1 round for every
bomb travels through water, the range increment is two levels he possesses rather than 3 rounds.
reduced to 5 feet.

5518065 1085624

5518065 #3841642, Brian Weir <>, Feb 1, 2016 5518065
1085625 #3841642, Brian Weir <>, Feb 1, 2016

Dragonfly Mount (Su): The grippli cavalier gains Order of the Dragonfly
the service of a dragonfly mount which can be found A grippli cavalier who joins the Order of the Drag-
in the Grippli Mounts section. The intense bond onfly has pledged himself to the tribe mother and the
between grippli and dragonfly is such that it imparts tribe over all else. He will fight to his last breath, give
an Intelligence of 1 to the creature. If this mount is his last gold coin, and interpose his sword against any
killed it takes at least a month of bonding before a and all foes of the grippli.
new mount can be trained. In all other respects this is
identical to the Mount ability. Edicts: The cavalier must always act in the best
interests of the tribe, the members of the tribe, his
Leaping Charge (Ex): At 3rd level, bracing himself family, and then himself, in that order. If a decision
against his agile mount, the dragonfly champion can must be made between leaving behind a member of
spring from the saddle, charging into the enemy with the tribe or his own family in order to save the tribe,
great force. He receives a +2 bonus on melee attack then that creature would be sacrificed.
rolls on a leaping charge and suffers no penalty to his
AC for a charge or the remainder of his turn. This Challenge: Whenever an order of the dragonfly
ability replaces cavalier’s charge. cavalier issues a challenge, he receives a +1 morale bo-
nus to attack and damage rolls when he is defending
Mighty Leap (Ex): At 11th level, the dragonfly at least one member of his tribe. This bonus increases
champion can make a devastating charge attack while by +1 for every four levels the cavalier possesses.
leaping from his mount. Double the threat range of
any weapon wielded during a charge while perform- Skills: An order of the dragonfly cavalier adds Ac-
ing a leaping charge. This increase does not stack robatics (Dex) and Fly (Dex) to his list of class skills.
with other effects that increase the threat range of the In addition, an order of the dragonfly champions adds
weapon. In addition, the cavalier can make a free bull his Charisma modifier to the DC on another crea- 1085625

rush, disarm, or trip combat maneuver if his charge at- ture’s attempt to demoralize him through Intimidate
tack is successful. This free combat maneuver does not (in addition to his Wisdom modifier, as normal).
provoke an attack of opportunity. This ability replaces Order Abilities: A cavalier that belongs to the
mighty charge. order of the dragonfly gains the following abilities as
Supreme Leap (Ex): At 20th level, whenever the he increases in level.
dragonfly champion makes a leaping charge attack, he For the Tribe Mother (Ex): At 2nd level, the cava-
deals double the normal amount of damage (or triple lier can rally a single member of the tribe with great
if using a lance). In addition, if the cavalier confirms confidence and ability. The tribe member gains +4
a critical hit on a charge attack while mounted, the to attack, damage and save rolls, and temporary hit
target is stunned for 1d4 rounds. A Will save reduces points equal to half the cavaliers total as the cavalier
this to staggered for 1d4 rounds. The DC is equal to rushes to their aid. This lasts for one round.
10 + the dragonfly champion’s base attack bonus. This For the Tribe Members (Ex): At 8th level, the cava-
ability replaces supreme charge. lier can raise the morale of members of his tribe in
combat with a powerful croak. If the cavalier is within
one mile of his tribal center, all allies within 30 ft. gain
C avalier O rder a +1 morale bonus to hit and damage for 1 round + 1
The following order represents the most common round / 3 cavalier levels possessed to a maximum of 7
chosen by grippli cavaliers. Members of this orders are rounds. This can be done once per battle.
not necessarily bound together, but some organiza-
Selfless (Ex): At 15th level, the cavalier can make
tion does exist that are comprised of cavaliers that all
sacrifices to protect those around him. Allies that are
belong to this specific order.

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adjacent to the cavalier receive a +2 shield bonus to leaves no trail and cannot be tracked (although he
their AC. In addition, as an immediate action, the may leave a trail if he so desires).
cavalier can redirect an attack made at a creature ad- At 8th level, and every five levels thereafter, a
jacent to himself, as long as the creature making the exterminator may select an additional favored com-
attack is within the cavalier’s reach. This ability must munity. In addition, at each such interval, the skill
be declared before the attack roll is made. The attack bonus and initiative bonus in any one favored com-
is made against the cavalier’s AC and defenses, even munity (including the one just selected, if so desired)
if the creature could not normally reach or attack the increases by +2.
cavalier. The cavalier loses any cover or concealment
bonuses when subject to the redirected attack. For the purposes of this ability, a community is any
settlement consisting of 100 or more individuals. The
community may be larger than this minimum. Out-
lying farms, fields, and houses are not considered part
Exterminator of a community. This ability replaces favored terrain.
(Ranger Archetype) For the purpose of abilities that relied or refer-
Adaptable to the extreme, grippli in the city find enced Favored Terrain, Favored Environment is
ways to be useful. As experts on the vermin that substituted.
infest every nook and cranny of buildings, they are Resist Vermin (Ex): At 4th level an exterminator
uniquely qualified to act as exterminators for their gains a +4 bonus on saving throws against poisons
new homes. The exterminator seeks out creatures in and spell-like or supernatural abilities from vermin.
the darkest corners of their city, destroying them for This ability replaces endurance.
the good of their new tribe, the city they call home.
5518067 1085626

Sewer Runner: At 1st level, a exterminator adds

Disable Device and Knowledge (local) to his list of
class skills and removes Handle Animal and Knowl-
edge (nature) from his list of class skills.
Exterminator (Ex): A exterminator is able to
adapt any mundane poison, including their own
bodily poisons, to affect aberrations, vermin, and
oozes, even if they normally would be immune to
such toxins. For any such creature chosen as a exter-
minators’ favored enemy, they can spend 1 full-round
to make a Craft (alchemy) check using the DC of the
poison’s normally save. If successful, the poison can
now affect one of their favored enemies. On a failed
save, the poison is rendered harmless.
Favored Environment (Ex): At 3rd level the grip-
pli exterminator has grown to know and trust his
community and as such is trusted by them. While
inside the limits of this community, he gains a +2
bonus on initiative checks and Knowledge (local),
Perception, Stealth, and Survival skill checks. A ex-
terminator traveling through his favored community

5518067 #3841642, Brian Weir <>, Feb 1, 2016 5518067
1085627 #3841642, Brian Weir <>, Feb 1, 2016

New Racial Bone-Splint Mail

Price 100 gp; Weight 20 lb.
This Small heavy armor is made from the bones of
various animals. The chest piece is fashioned from
The following options are available to grippli. At multiple rib bones, and is held together by tightly
the GM’s discretion, other appropriate races may also wound cloth and knotted cord. The shoulder pieces,
make use of some of these. bracers, and gauntlets are made from smaller pieces
bone fragments affixed to stout leather. See the bone
special material below for more rules about bone
Grippli Equipment armor. As much of the strength of bone-splint armor
mail from the surround fabrics, treat all bone-splint
Grippli have access to the following equipment.
armor as masterwork bone armor for treating it when
Name Cost Weight damaged.
Black spider marsh poison 800 gp -
Bone-splint mail 100 gp 20 lb.
Bone-Studded Leather
Bone-studded leather 15 gp 10 lbs.
Price 15 gp; Weight 10 lb.
Ceremonial drum 50 gp 5 lb.
Ironroot ointment 25 gp 1 lb. This Small light armor is made from the bones and
Glishengek dust 25 gp 1 lb. hide of various animals. See the bone special material

Glowmold lantern, bullseye 15 gp 3 lbs. below for more rules about bone armor. Unlike most 1085627

Glowmold lantern, hooded 10 gp 3 lbs. bone armors, this studded leather is prepared to retain
Glowmold lantern fuel 1 sp 1 lb. its normal armor bonus.
Grippli war paint 150 gp —
Sphagnum poultice 1 gp 1 lb. Ceremonial Drum
Price 50 gp; Weight 5 lb.
Black Spider Marsh Poison Each grippli tribe makes use of this instrument in
Price: 800 gp; Weight - lb. all of its ceremonies, as a warning of danger, and as a
This potent poison causes victims to become disorient- form of communication between other tribes. These
ed and lose muscle control until eventually they collapse. drums come in all shapes and sizes, from mammoth,
kettle drums made of specially treated wood, to small
Black spider marsh poison
clay drums that are buckled to the upper arm and
Type injury; Save Fort DC 14
banged to set the beat of ceremonial dances. A grippli
Frequency 1/round for 6 rounds bard who uses these drums in conjunction with his
Effect 1d4 Dexterity damage and confused for 1 rd.; Cure 2 countersong ability gains a +2 competence bonus to
consecutive saves his Perform check.

Max Dex Armor Check Arcane Spell

Armor Cost Armor Bonus Speed 30ft Speed 20ft Weight
Bonus Penalty Failure
Bone-splint mail 100 gp +6 +0 -7 20% 20 ft. 15 ft. 15 lbs.
15 gp +3 +5 +0 15% 30 ft. 20 ft. 10 lbs.

5518068 #3841642, Brian Weir <>, Feb 1, 2016 5518068
1085628 #3841642, Brian Weir <>, Feb 1, 2016

Ironroot Ointment bullseye lantern has only a single shutter; its other
Price 25 gp; Weight 1 lb. sides are coated with a special wax to refl ect the light
in a single direction. It illuminates a cone 60 feet
One of the greatest hazards of travel in any hot,
long and 20 feet wide at the end and it burns for four
wet environment, like a jungle or a tropical swamp,
hours on a single unit of glowmold fuel. The hooded
is fungal infection. Even the creatures which dwell in
lantern is a standard lantern with shuttered or hinged
these environments are not immune to these afflic-
sides. It illuminates a 30-foot radius and burns for
tions. The grippli use special roots to concoct a gray,
four hours on a single unit of glowmold fuel. A glow-
paste-like ointment that prevents these infections.
mold lantern can be carried in one hand.
Daily application of this preparation gives the
character a +2 circumstance bonus to his Forti-
tude save to resist fungal diseases caused from Grippli War Paint
plant creature types and the special abilities of Price 150 gp; Weight - lb.
oozes. When purchased, the sealed container of
the ointment has enough ointment in it to provide This war paint is a very rare item to find outside
protection for ten days. of a grippli tribe, as the process to make this paint
requires a mixture of herbs that only grows within
Crafting Craft Alchemy (DC 20) deep swamps. Upon application, the wearer of this
thick and smelly paint will first notice (aside from
Glishengek Dust the reeking odor) a will feel a slight rush of blood to
the head as this toxin is absorbed through the pores.
Price 25 gp; Weight 1 lb.
For the next hour (or until the wearer washes the
This sparkling purple dust is carried in small application away) the wearer of this strange paint

pouches on the belts of grippli shamans and warriors, will receive a + 2 bonus to their Strength score as the

those normally outside the villages of the diminutive herbs reaction causes a constant surge in adrenaline.
creatures on patrol or hunting. When they are flee- The boost in Strength comes with a price, as the
ing from prey that might wish to make them lunch wearer suffers a - 2 Wisdom for as long as the paint is
instead of vice a versa, spring dust is thrown to the worn and becomes fatigued once it is removed or the
ground behind them. Creatures walking through duration of its effect expire.
spring dust must make a DC 15 Reflex save or begin
to slip and slide as though in the area of effect of a
grease spell. Typically three or four of these bags are
used, each one covering a 10 ft. by 10 ft. area.
Crafting Craft Alchemy (DC 20)

Glowmold Lantern
Bullseye 15 gp 3 lb.
Hooded 10 gp 3 lb.
Glowmold Fuel 1 sp 1 lb.
These lanterns burn a type of fungus that has be-
come infused with flammable swamp gasses and are
crafted of thin sheets of hardened fish leather dark-
ened to opaqueness, with a bone framework. The

5518069 #3841642, Brian Weir <>, Feb 1, 2016 5518069
1085629 #3841642, Brian Weir <>, Feb 1, 2016

Sphagnum Poultice Masterwork bone weapons also have the fragile

Price 1 gp; Weight 1 lb. quality, but magic bone weapons do not. Bone weap-
ons take a –2 penalty on damage rolls (minimum 1
Sphagnum is a naturally occurring moss commonly
known as peat moss, that naturally holds massive
amounts of water and is the primary material that Studded leather, scale mail, breastplates, and wood-
bogs and similar peatlands are composed from. Grip- en shields can all be constructed using bone. Bone
pli from boglands often carry these poultices to dress either replaces the metal components of the armor, or
wounds as it is absorptive and extremely acidic, which in the case of wooden shields, large pieces of bone or
inhibits growth of germs and fungi. Using a sphag- shell replace the wood.
num poultice with any Heal check acts the same as Bone armor has hardness 5 and has the fragile
a single use of a healer’s kit, granting a +2 bonus on armor quality. Masterwork bone armor also has the
Heal checks. The cost of this poultice is for grippli fragile quality, but magic bone armor does not. The
characters where bogs are common, in realms away armor/shield bonus of bone armor is reduced by 1,
from their wet homelands, grippli sphagnum poul- but in the case of studded leather, the armor check
tices go for as much as 5 gp, because they are naturally penalty is also reduced by 1 (to 0). Magically strength-
preserved and often considered essential component ened bone does not have the fragile quality or reduced
of healer’s kits. armor/shield bonus.

Grippli Special Material

Grippli often rely on bone as a special material, 1085629

because it is well suited to their needs and homeland

and it is difficult to mine swamps for metal or stone.
As such, assume most weapons that would use steel,
like daggers, swords, spears, and lances, are more likely
made of bone.

B one
Bone can be used in place of wood and steel in
weapons and armor. Other animal-based materials
like horn, shell, and ivory also use the rules for bone
weapon and armor. The cost of a bone weapon or
bone armor is half the price of a normal weapon or
armor of its type.
Light and one-handed melee weapons, as well as
two-handed weapons that deal bludgeoning damage
only, can be crafted from bone. Hafted two-handed
weapons such as spears can be crafted with bone tips,
as can arrowheads. Other two-handed weapons can-
not be constructed of bone.
Bone weapons have half the hardness of their base
weapons and have the fragile weapon quality.

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Grippli Mount
Environment temperate or warm land (especially swamps)
The following mount is available for most grippli. A Organization solitary or flight (2-5)
giant dragonfly egg costs 75 gp, while a giant drag- Treasure incidental
onfly nymph costs 125 gp. A fully-grown dragonfly,
suitable as a mount for a grippli, costs 175 gp, and a SPECIAL ABILITIES
combat-trained dragonfly can cost as much as 300 gp. Darting Charge (Ex) A giant dragonfly is adept at
Speeding through the swamp high enough that er- swooping in to attack prey with a powerful bite
rant beasts cannot gulp them (and their riders) from and then, just as quickly, swooping back up out of
the sky, grippli and their giant dragonfly mounts can reach. As a result, a giant dragonfly gains Flyby At-
cross great distances in a short amount of time. Glit- tack as a bonus feat. In addition, if a giant dragon-
tering greens and golds and a rhythmic hum heralds fly charges while flying, it receives a +4 bonus on
the arrival of these amazingly agile creatures, making CMB checks made to grapple foes.
them the preferred mount of the grippli race.
Giant dragonflies are rare compared to other vari-
eties of giant insects, and fortunately so, since they
Giant Dragonfly are voracious hunters of warm-blooded prey, includ-
ing humanoids.
This glittering blue dragonfly is about the size
of a horse and is large enough to carry off small The creatures typically lair in overgrown or lightly
farm animals or people. wooded areas, using foliage as cover. When they
spot potential prey out in the open, the dragonflies

Giant Dragonfly CR 4 swoop to the attack, using their superior flight speed 1085630

XP 1,200 and maneuverability to run most prey to ground or

N Medium vermin (animal companion) carrying off smaller foes to eat them somewhere safe.
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +1 Giant dragonflies feed on carrion when fresh prey
is not available, and the scent of a fresh kill often at-
tracts them.
AC 17, touch 12, fl at-footed 19 (+2 Dex, +5 natural)
Many swamp-dwelling cultures attach religious
hp 45 (7d8+14)
significance to brightly colored and ravenous giant
Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +3 dragonflies, particularly boggards and grippli. The
Defensive Abilities Immune mind-affecting effects frog-folk attach particular significance to a giant
OFFENSE dragonfly’s color, and their spiritual leaders often
Speed 20 ft., fly 80 ft. (perfect) refuse to eat anything but specific colors of giant
Melee bite +9 (2d8+7 plus grab)
Special Attack darting charge
Str 19, Dex 15, Con 14, Int —, Wis 12, Cha 9
Base Atk +5; CMB +9 (+13 grappling, or +17 grappling on
a charge); CMD 21 (29 vs. trip)
Feats Flyby Attack
Skills Fly +10

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Giant Dragonfly Nymph CR 3 ECOLOGY

XP 800 Environment temperate or warm water
N Small vermin (aquatic) Organization solitary, pair, or brood (3–8)
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +1 Treasure incidental
AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+1 Dex, +3 natural, +1 size) Extending Jaw (Ex) A giant dragonfly nymph can
hp 32 (5d8+10) extend its jaws with surprising speed. Not only does
Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +2 this extend the nymph’s reach with its bite attack,
Immune mind-affecting effects but during the surprise round, a nymph gains a +4
bonus on attack rolls with its bite.
Speed 10 ft., swim 30 ft.
Melee bite +6 (2d6+3) Giant dragonflies lay clutches of eggs in swampy
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with bite)
terrain or areas of standing water. Their young, called
nymphs, voraciously eat carrion and small prey,
Special Attacks extending jaw
growing and maturing rapidly until they sprout fully
STATISTICS functional wings and become adult dragonflies.
Str 15, Dex 13, Con 14, Int —, Wis 12, Cha 5
Base Atk +3; CMB +4; CMD 15 (23 vs. trip)
Skills Stealth +5 (+13 in shallow water) , Swim +10; Racial
Modifiers +8 Stealth in shallow water
5518072 1085631

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1085632 #3841642, Brian Weir <>, Feb 1, 2016

Grippli Feats
Guarded Leap
With a precise leap you fly at your enemy, well aware
of any dangers that may be in the area.
Grippli have access to the following feats.
Prerequisite: Grippli, Dodge
Agile Tongue
Benefit: You have practiced the maneuvers re-
Your long pink tongue is capable of manipulating quired to avoid attacks while in the midst of a leap.
small items and even stealing objects. Whenever you take a move action that includes a
Prerequisite: Grippli. jump as part of your movement, you gain a +1 to
Armor Class and all attacks until the end of your
Benefit: You have a prehensile tongue with a range
current turn.
of 10 feet. You can pick up items weighing no more
than 5 pounds, make Sleight of Hand checks, per-
form the steal or disarm combat maneuvers, or make High Jumper
melee touch attacks with your tongue.
You spring high into the air, deftly avoiding branches
and limbs as you almost fly into your enemy.
Prerequisite: Grippli
You are experienced in fighting the larger creatures
Benefit: A grippli with this feat adds one half his
that stalk the landscapes of your homeland.
character level to all Acrobatics checks made to jump,
Prerequisites: Grippli both for vertical jumps and horizontal jumps. In ad-
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls and a dition, the grippli always counts as having a running
+2 bonus on weapon damage rolls against Large or start when making jump checks using Acrobatics. 1085632

larger creatures.

Superlative Leaper
Your race was made to jump, and you are an excel-
lent example of its grace and functionality.
Prerequisite: Grippli
Benefit: You have practiced the natural leaping
Only grippli may select one of these traits. These
ability of your race. Gain a further +8 bonus on
traits are not alternate racial traits, but instead de-
Acrobatics checks involving jumping.
signed to be used the with trait system introduced
in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced
Toughened Skin Player’s Guide and most often chosen at character
Your natural toughness combined with rigorous
exercises and sacrifice has combined to make your skin
stronger, granting you natural armor. Patient Striker: Though you may not have chosen
to follow the lifelong path of the warrior, you have
Prerequisite: Grippli, Toughness.
nonetheless undergone some training in fighting. Your
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus to your natural ar- teachers have often praised your ability to choose the
mor. This feat may be taken multiple times, its effect right time for your actions, exploiting weaknesses and
stack. waiting for the perfect moment to strike. You gain a

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+1 trait bonus to attack and damage rolls whenever you
make an attack as a readied action.

Heed the Clan: As you have lived among your grip-

pli tribe, a wanderlust has now taken hold, prompting
you to heed the call of exploration. While living in the
Magic Items
Grippli has access to the following magic items.
wilderness, you’ve learned much about its denizens
and the wild creatures that lurk within the lands of
your birth. Choose two of the following skills: Climb, Bubble Vault
Handle Animal, Knowledge (nature), Perception, Price 1,500 gp; Slot none; Aura faint transmutation;
Ride, Survival, or Swim - you gain a +1 trait bonus on CL 5th; Weight -
these skills. This tiny pearl swells to form a 1-foot-diameter
soap-like bubble when placed in water. Up to 5 cubic
feet of goods can be placed inside the bubble vault.
Innocent Slights: Sharing everything in the tribe
On command, the bubble sinks to the bottom of the
is quite common and it makes sense that you would
water, automatically burying itself 1 foot deep in the
want to see what other people have, and help them
bottom ground if there is mud or other loose material
with things that you have. Unfortunately you have
present. If the command word is spoken three times
found out that people take exception to your rifling
within 30 feet of the bubble, it rises to the surface
through their belongings. Almost instinctively you
of the water, at which time it can be opened and the
will find yourself looking through someone else’s
items within it retrieved. Once opened, the bubble
pouch, but you always put something in for every-
reverts to its pearl form for 24 hours. The bubble is
thing that you take out. Its the grippli way. You gain a
5518074 1085633

watertight but does not otherwise magically protect

+2 racial bonus to Sleight of Hand for the purposes of
or preserve its contents. If forced open, it has hardness
picking pockets.
1 and 5 hit points.
Construction Requirements
Violent Coloration: Unlike most grippli who have Cost: 750 gp
subdued greens, brown, and blacks on their skin, your
Craft Wondrous Item, shrink item, unseen servant
skin is colored with bright, almost brilliant hues. Red,
orange, even bright blues decorate your hide, mak-
ing it somewhat difficult for you to hide as your tribe Heating Rock
does. This coloration however warns predators that Price 60,200 gp; Slot none; Aura medium necromancy;
you are a foe worthy of respect and that they should CL 5th; Weight 200 lbs.
avoid you. You have a -2 racial penalty to any Stealth
Grippli, being a cold blooded race, often bask in the
checks, however you gain a +2 racial bonus to Intimi-
sun to rejuvenate themselves. When they are injured
date and Bluff checks.
however they are taken to the heating rock. This magi-
cally heated rock allows grippli who are placed upon it
for an extended period of time to heal quickly. Every
two hours of rest equals eight hours of rest per the
spell nap stack. Two small or one medium creature can
comfortably lay upon the rock at a time. The magical
power of the rock works on any creature that is healed

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1085634 #3841642, Brian Weir <>, Feb 1, 2016

through positive energy. There are usually several
heating rocks in a normal village.
Construction Requirements
Cost 30,100 gp
Craft Wondrous Item, nap stack Spells
Grippli have access to the following new spell.
Rumble Lance
Price 8,310 gp; Slot none; Aura faint necromancy; CL 5th;
Weight 5 lb.
School Transmutation; Level cleric 1, druid 1, ranger 1,
This +1 thundering bone lance is a favorite of grip- sorcerer/wizard 2
pli cavaliers due to the cacophonous roar of thunder
Casting Time 1 standard action
that makes when striking a critical hit. Made of bone
Components V, S, M (moss pressed under the nose)
like most grippli weapons, it will withstand most
blows without difficulty yet due to its softness it still Range personal
has the standard -2 penalty to damage that comes Effect you
with being constructed from bone. Due to its light Duration 10 minutes/level (D)
nature and the fact that it is carried atop flying drag- Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
onflies it is still widely used amongst the flying elite You become one with the swamp, knowing where
of the grippli. everything is and more importantly, when things are
Construction Requirements disturbed. You gain a +10 circumstance bonus to

Cost 4,155 gp Survival checks for the purpose of tracking others. 1085634

Craft Craft Magic Arms and Armor, blindness/deafness

Swamp Fire
Tangle Ball School Evocation[fire]; Level druid 3
Price 150 gp; Slot none; Aura faint transmutation; CL 3th; Casting Time 1 round
Weight ¼ lb. Components V, S
A favorite grippli tactic is to allow enemies to chase Range medium (100 ft. +10/ft./level)
them into traps or tricky terrain that favors them Effect one or more 3--ft.-long vertical lines of fire
while puts their enemy at a disadvantage. A tangle Duration 1 min./level
ball allows them to take this tactic one step further.
Saving Throw Reflex half; Spell Resistance yes
When thrown a tangle ball erupts into a wave of vio-
let light affecting all plants with a 40 ft. radius with Low lying pools of swamp gas fuels this spell, al-
an entangle spell. Creatures trapped or entering into lowing you to concentrate it and bring forth erup-
the area can make DC 15 Strength and Escape Artist tions of fire. Immediately upon completion of the
checks to escape the effects. spell, and once per round thereafter, you may call
Construction Requirements you may call up a 5-foot-wide, 30-foot-long, vertical
column of flame that deals 3d6 points of fire damage.
Cost 75 gp
The column of flame flashes up in a vertical eruption,
Craft Wondrous Item, entangle around whatever target point you choose within the
spell’s range (measured from your position at the
time). Any creature in the target square or in the path

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1085635 #3841642, Brian Weir <>, Feb 1, 2016

of the bolt (as measured from the ground upwards to

30 ft.) is affected.
You need not call a column of flame immediately;
other actions, even spellcasting, can be performed
first. Each round after the first you may use a standard
action (concentrating on the spell) to call an eruption.
You may call a total number of bolts equal to your
caster level (maximum 10 bolts).
If you are outdoors and in a swampy area where
flammable gasses exist each column of flame deals
3d10 points of fire damage instead of 3d6.
This spell functions indoors or underground but
not underwater.

School Transmutation; Level ranger 1, sorcerer/wizard 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a thin strand of vine wrapped around
the neck)
Range personal
Target you
5518076 1085635

Duration 10 minutes/level (D)

Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
Magically wrapping the murk of
the swamp or forest around you
changes your coloring to the
point where it is virtually
impossible to see you. The
spell grants you a +10
circumstance bonus on
Stealth checks.

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1085636 #3841642, Brian Weir <>, Feb 1, 2016

Random Grippli Features 35-36 Spotted patterns on your head looks like the symbol
of a deity
Presented below are random features a grippli might 37-38 Your coloring is unusual, bright colors, making you
possess. None of the following features grant charac- stand out even amongst your own kind.
ters any special power in excess of their usual abilities. 39-40 You are deathly afraid of birds, regardless of size.
41-42 You splash in every puddle you come across, to the
detriment of nearby comrades.
d100 Feature 43-44 Instead of a deep resonating croak, yours is a high
01-02 Purple eyes, which are extremely rare for your spe- pitched squeak. This is not impressive.
cies. Some say it is an omen of doom. 45-46 You have a spot on your face that looks like a fly.
03-04 You exude a smell that is odd even by your races 47-48 You carry around a little travel book that you con-
standards. stantly refer to. You keep it wrapped up in your towel.
05-06 You are shy and have difficulties talking to the op- 49-50 Being a jungle race, you are terrified of going under-
posite sex. Of any species. ground. Yet your adventuring friends do it all the time.
07-08 Orphaned at an early age, you were found by wood 51-52 Striped patterns on your skin make you look thin/fat
elves and brought up as a member of their tribe.
53-54 You have an unnatural fondness for a particular trees
09-10 Your family moved to the city when you were young leaf shape and stylize all your clothing after it
and you have not seen much of the forest or swamps.
55-56 Your eyes are especially large, over accentuating your
11-12 Burping and farting are totally ok as your native frog eye look
language sounds similar,
57-58 Since everyone shared everything in your tribe you
13-14 You respect your gods, but you don’t want to be a don’t understand why you cannot just borrow other
priestess. Your mother is though and it is handed people’s belongings. They can borrow yours if they
down from mother to daughter. need to!
15-16 Extra webbing in your feet make flapping noises 59-60 Being a tree climbing race, you love the view from
5518077 1085636

when you walk. How embarrassing... up above just about anything. Alas you sometimes
17-18 After hearing a human bard one time, you find your- forget to tell your friends where you are going.
self humming. It is disconcerting to your friends. 61-62 Everything is strange and new in this wide world
19-20 You have been told that when you use your tongue to away from your swamp. You are a neverending font
clean your eyes it makes your friends uncomfortable. of questions.
So how are you going to clean your eyes now? 63-64 The natural moisture of your skin is somewhat exces-
21-22 You cannot help but stare when you see a shiny sive. When you are scared you leave a trail of slime
bauble. Sometimes it distracts you. behind you.
23-24 To your extreme embarrassment, you still have your 65-66 Snakes are a particular terror to you after an incident
tadpole tail which means you can’t wear pants. in the swamps when you were young.
25-26 Sometimes your fingers stick to things. You are not 67-68 Unlike most members of your race, humility is not in
stealing. You simply cannot get them unstuck. your vocabulary.
27-28 You are a vegetarian. Its a hard life for a omnivore, 69-70 You go to great lengths to avoid getting cold and go-
but you are bearing it well. ing into a torpor, sometimes wearing layer upon layer
29-30 You simply cannot stop yourself from eating any- of clothing. You sometimes look ridiculous.
thing that is crawling or flying nearby. It is rather 71-72 You get extremely upset when someone mistakes you
distracting. for a toad instead of a frog.
31-32 You have a terrible secret that you will only share 73-74 You would rather swim than walk, ride, or even fly.
with your closest friends. Or when you are drunk If there is a body of water nearby you simply have to
33-34 You never got the hang of walking upright, every step visit it.
you make looks like you’re stepping on hot ground

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1085637 #3841642, Brian Weir <>, Feb 1, 2016

75-76 Why do people in cities treat each other so poorly?

You go out of your way to help those who have less
than you.
77-78 You collect things to send back to the tribe. Lots
of things.
79-80 You were separated from one of your brothers at an
early age. Whenever you hear of other Grippli you
secretly hope that it is him.
81-82 When it’s dark, you go to sleep. Its what your race
does. This makes taking a turn on watch rather frus-
trating to your friends.
83-84 You were always up before dawn to climb the high-
est tree you could and see the sunrise. You still do
when you can.
85-86 After tasting the human concoction called (player’s
choice of food, drink, or other substance), you fell in love
with it and always are on the look out for more.
87-88 You love your goddess and make small shrines for her
wherever you can. City, forest, roadside, or even in
the middle of a dungeon.
89-90 At one point in your life you were burned horribly by
a fire and have the scars to prove it. Your coloring is
blotched and uneven. You don’t like to talk about it.
91-92 When you are startled, you hop. Rather high. Ex-
ceedingly high in fact.
5518078 1085637

93-94 You are much more of a ground frog than a tree one.
Why? You are afraid of heights.
95-96 Fascinated by human clothing, you try and outfit
yourself in the most stylish of fashions.
97-98 You fall in love easily. Regardless of species.
99-00 You like one particular bug over any other, and will
go out of your way (and into significant danger) in
order to get it.

5518078 #3841642, Brian Weir <>, Feb 1, 2016 5518078
1085638 #3841642, Brian Weir <>, Feb 1, 2016

OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a Russ Taylor.

The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Player’s Guide. © 2010, Paizo Publishing, LLC;
of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved. Author: Jason Bulmahn.
1. Definitions: (a) “Contributors” means the copyright and/or trademark owners who have Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary. © 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason
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Adam Daigle, Jim Groves, Thurston Hillman, Eric Hindley, Brandon Hodge, Ben McFar-
Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights, title and interest in and to that Product land, Erik Mona, Jason Nelson, Tom Phillips, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Thomas M.
Identity. Reid, Alex Riggs, Robert Schwalb, Mark Seifter, Russ Taylor, and Steve Townshend.
8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly indicate which por- Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Campaign. © 2013, Paizo Publishing, LLC;
tions of the work that you are distributing are Open Game Content. Authors: Jesse Benner, Benjamin Bruck, Jason Bulmahn, Ryan Costello, Adam Daigle,
9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated versions of this Matt Goetz, Tim Hitchcock, James Jacobs, Ryan Macklin, Colin McComb, Jason Nelson,
License. You may use any authorized version of this License to copy, modify and distribute any Richard Pett, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Patrick Renie, Sean K Reynolds, F. Wesley
Open Game Content originally distributed under any version of this License. Schneider, James L. Sutter, Russ Taylor, and Stephen Townshend.
10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every copy of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Combat. © 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC;
Open Game Content You distribute. Authors: Dennis Baker, Jesse Benner, Benjamin Bruck, Jason Bulmahn, Brian J. Cortijo,
11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game Content using Jim Groves, Tim Hitchcock, Richard A. Hunt, Colin McComb, Jason Nelson, Tom Phillips,
the name of any Contributor unless You have written permission from the Contributor to do so.
Patrick Renie, Sean K Reynolds, and Russ Taylor.
12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this
License with respect to some or all of the Open Game Content due to statute, judicial order, or
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Equipment. © 2012, Paizo Publishing, LLC;
governmental regulation then You may not Use any Open Game Material so affected. Authors: Dennis Baker, Jesse Benner, Benjamin Bruck, Ross Byers, Brian J. Cortijo, Ryan
13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all terms Costello, Mike Ferguson, Matt Goetz, Jim Groves, Tracy Hurley, Matt James, Jonathan H.
herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses Keith, Michael Kenway, Hal MacLean, Jason Nelson, Tork Shaw, Owen KC Stephens, and
shall survive the termination of this License. Russ Taylor.
14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Magic. © 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC;
shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable. Authors: Jason Bulmahn, Tim Hitchcock, Colin McComb, Rob McCreary, Jason Nelson,
15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Sean K Reynolds, Owen K.C. Stephens, and Russ Taylor.
Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. The Book of Experimental Might. © 2008, Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved.
System Reference Document. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors: Jonathan Tome of Horrors. © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors: Scott Greene, with
Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. Clark Peterson, Erica Balsley, Kevin Baase, Casey Christofferson, Lance Hawvermale,
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Reference Document. © 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC;
Travis Hawvermale, Patrick Lawinger, and Bill Webb; based on original content from TSR.
Author: Paizo Publishing, LLC.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook. © 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author:
Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams. Astonishing Races: Grippli. © 2015, Fat Goblin Games; Author: Rick Hershey and
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Race Guide. © 2012, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Troy E. Daniels
Authors: Dennis Baker, Jesse Benner, Benjamin Bruck, Jason Bulmahn, Adam Daigle, Jim Groves,
Tim Hitchcock, Hal MacLean, Jason Nelson, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Owen K.C. Stephens,
Todd Stewart, and Russ Taylor.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Class Guide © 2014, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Dennis
Baker, Ross Byers, Jesse Benner, Savannah Broadway, Jason Bulmahn, Jim Groves, Tim Hitch-
cock, Tracy Hurley, Jonathan H. Keith, Will McCardell, Dale C. McCoy, Jr., Tom Phillips, Stephen
Radney-MacFarland, Thomas M. Reid, Sean K Reynolds, Tork Shaw, Owen K.C. Stephens, and

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Astonishing Races



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