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Signature Assignment: Lesson Set for a Secondary Social Studies Course

SED 494: Methods of Teaching History

General requirements:
 Design lessons around a compelling question for four days of instruction
 Lessons must include assessments (can be formative or summative, but must assess
each student each day)
 Lessons must be original:
o You may not use lessons designed for another class by you or anyone else
o You may not use lessons from the internet or another teacher (you can use
resources from other sources if properly cited)
 The lesson set must include each of the following:
o Overview section (see below)
o Day 1 lesson with anticipatory set
 draft will be turned in early in the semester; see syllabus
o Structured discussion using multiple texts
 draft will be turned in early in the semester; see syllabus
o Lecture with a preview/lecture/process format (lecture notes must be
o One lesson of your choosing (but not lecture!)
 Lessons must specify every minute of four 50-minute classes
 Lessons must be detailed enough that they could be taught by another teacher. You
must include all handouts, PowerPoint slides, lecture notes, readings, etc.
 Please use the attached lesson plan format (blank template available on Canvas)

Specific requirements (use this as a checklist); see the syllabus calendar for due
1. Lesson Set Overview
a. Lesson set title
b. Course/grade level
c. Abstract
i. Summary of the lesson set topic and activities
ii. Rationale for why this topic is important
iii. Description of where the set would fall in the curriculum
d. Compelling and supporting questions
i. One compelling question
ii. At least three supporting questions
e. Standards
i. Arizona Social Studies
1. Include the numbers and the description
f. Lesson Objectives (5-10); these are the same as the objectives that will be in
the lessons
g. List of books, scholarly websites, etc. that you will use/used to research the
content of the lesson set
2. Four lessons (one for each day); see attached lesson plan format and above for
general lesson requirements
a. Day 1 lesson with anticipatory set
i. Must include at least a 15-minute anticipatory set
ii. The remainder of the lesson cannot be lecture
b. Structured discussion
i. Must include discussion questions
ii. Must include a description of the lecture structure
iii. Must incorporate at least two texts (e.g., primary or secondary
sources, maps, political cartoons)
c. Lecture lesson
i. Must include preview and process activities
ii. Must include lecture notes
d. Your choice
i. May not be a lecture
3. Additional requirements
a. Appendix with handouts and materials (e.g., readings, images, worksheets,
lecture notes)
b. Citations in APA format
i. Everything used in the lesson set must be included
c. Coherence and writing
i. You will be assessed on how your lesson set works together, including
how you use the essential question throughout the lessons. You will
also be assessed on the quality of your writing

Signature assignment: Lesson Set Rubric (next page)

*You must pass the signature assignment to pass the course
Criteria In-TASC 5 4 3 2 1/0
standards Exemplary Highly Proficient Approachin Unsatisfactory
Proficient g Proficient
Abstract 4a, 4j, 4n, Abstract contains an Elements of Abstract Elements of Abstract is
(x3=15 8e engaging overview 3&5 contains all 1&3 missing one or
points) of the lesson set required more element.
topic, and a elements.
summary of the
activities. Provides
a strong rationale
for the study of the
Compelling 4b, 4j, 4o The compelling Elements of The questions Elements of All questions are
and question is open- 3&5 do not meet 1&3 inappropriate for
supporting ended and has the all of the the topic OR they
questions potential to engage exemplary do not meet the
(x3=15) students in criteria exemplary
uncovering key criteria
ideas at the heart of
the lesson set topic.
questions relate to
the compelling
question and
uncover key
AZ SS 4n, 7g Lesson set contains Elements of Standards are Elements of Standards not
Standards appropriate 3&5 included, but 1&3 included
(x2=10 standards from the they may not
points) AZ Social Studies be completely
Standards appropriate
OR only the
numbers are
Objectives 4a, 7a, 7b, Includes 5-10 Elements of Some of the Elements of There are too few
(x3=15 7g statements of what 3&5 objectives are 1&3 objectives OR
points) students are vague OR they they are not
expected to know are not appropriate for
and be able to do, tailored to the the lesson set OR
derived from state content of the they are not
standards. The lesson set measurable
wording is tailored
to the content of the
lesson set. Each
objective is
Day 4a, 4c, 4j, The lesson is well Elements of The lesson Elements of The lesson is not
1/Anticipat 5d, 5f, 5l, developed and 3&5 would need 1&3 complete OR may
ory Set 6a, 6b, 7a, highly likely to be only minor not be suitable for
lesson 7b, 8e, successful for revisions the lesson set
(x8=40 8h, 8i immediate use in before topic
points) the classroom. classroom
Lesson meets all of implementatio
the general n AND/OR the
requirements and lesson does
specific not fully meet
requirements for all of the
the day 1 lesson. general or

Structured 4a, 4c, 4j, The lesson is well Elements of The lesson Elements of The lesson is not
discussion 5d, 5f, 5l, developed and 3&5 would need 1&3 complete OR may
lesson 6a, 6b, 7a, highly likely to be only minor not be suitable for
(x8=40 7b, 8e, successful for revisions the lesson set
points) 8h, 8i immediate use in before topic
the classroom. classroom
Lesson meets all of implementatio
the general n AND/OR the
requirements and lesson does
specific not fully meet
requirements for all of the
structured general or
discussion. specific

Lecture 4a, 4c, 4j, The lesson is well Elements of The lesson Elements of The lesson is not
lesson 5d, 5f, 5l, developed and 3&5 would need 1&3 complete OR may
(x8=40 6a, 6b, 7a, highly likely to be only minor not be suitable for
points) 7b, 8e, successful for revisions the lesson set
8h, 8i immediate use in before topic
the classroom. classroom
Lesson meets all of implementatio
the general n AND/OR the
requirements and lesson does
specific not fully meet
requirements for a all of the
preview/lecture/ general or
process lesson specific

Lesson 4a, 4c, 4j, The lesson is well Elements of The lesson Elements of The lesson is not
choice 5d, 5f, 5l, developed and 3&5 would need 1&3 complete OR may
(x8=40 6a, 6b, 7a, highly likely to be only minor not be suitable for
points) 7b, 8e, successful for revisions the lesson set
8h, 8i immediate use in before topic
the classroom. classroom
Lesson meets all implementatio
general n AND/OR the
requirements and is lesson does
appropriate for the not fully meet
lesson set. all of the

Additional requirements
Appendix All materials are Elements of Some of the Elements of None of the
(x2=15 included and are 3&5 materials are 1&3 materials are
points) appropriate for the included included
lesson set
APA Citations are Elements of Citations are Elements of Citations are
citations complete and in 3&5 included with 1&3 missing or there
(5 points) correct APA format minor are major
formatting formatting errors
errors OR
citations are
included, but
not in APA
Coherence All elements of the Elements of Lesson set Elements of There is a major
and writing lesson set work 3&5 generally 1&3 lack of coherence;
(x3=15 extremely well with coheres. The the essential
points) each other. The essential question is not
essential question is question is visible
central in each used as an throughout the
lesson. The writing organizer, but set; AND/OR
is top notch and only on a there are multiple
there are no surface level spelling AND/OR
grammatical or AND/OR there grammatical
spelling errors. are minimal errors
grammar and
spelling errors
(250 points)
Note: you will turn in drafts of the overview (25 points) and the discussion lesson (25 points). Your draft of the Day 1
lesson will be scored as part of the Micro-teaching assignment.
Lesson Plan Template [delete items in red; add or delete bullet points as needed]
Title of lesson:
Type of lesson (e.g., discussion)
Your Name:
Length of lesson: 50 minutes

Summary (2-3 sentence summary of the lesson):

Objectives (these will be from the lesson set objectives in your Overview):

Students will be able to:

AZ Social Studies Standards (include text and numbers where applicable)


Instructional Sequence:



Attach all handouts, texts, images, lecture notes, PowerPoint slides, etc.

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