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● Levinsome and Levine socials Studies through action

● Creating the ideal cisitizne?

● Social studies and civics through actions
○ In and after highschool
● Active learning***
● Whatever you learn in sociall Studies you incorporate
● Let kids express their voices
● With this they are to become active citizens in their communities
● Whatever is learned the practice
○ Math they use in daily life and assessments, science they learn andnuse in
experienents, etc
● Aericle 2
● CRT- using culture to teach
● Intertwining to engage and cater to them
● Growth mindset?
● Students feel at home, learn better, and relatable
● Culture can be what they have at home and around their friends
● Differentiated practice to imply instruction

● Success….. students become active in their changes

● Article one empowers students to be the change they want to see in the realms of
● CRT make the students feel at home, connections between content and themselves
● New methods of engagements

● Past field experiments….

○ Active civics ? None… it was sad
○ mention CRT experience, using a dish and looking at the historical significance
of it, MOLE
● U can even do a culture significance on the first day? (Bingo)
● Bud on it from there

● Applications
○ Crt is easy, makes them engaged, essential for social studies.
○ Answers the question of why this matter…. why does history matter why should
we care
○ Levinson Article is about getting projects to make them be active in what they are
learning in civics and government
○ Like a debate, pick a candidate for presidency, pick a party, debate, create a bill
for - community issue (bus stop, stop sign etc)

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