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Conversation Between Nurse and Patient :

Checking Vital Signs

Untuk memenuhi tugas mata kuliah bahasa inggris
Dosen Pengampu : Cucut Annaningtyas, SS.,MM.

Disusun Oleh :
Intan Wahyu Dhamayanti


Conversation Between Nurse and Patient : Checking Vital Signs

Nurse : Assalamualaikum, good morning. Introduce my name is lia and I’ll be

looking after you for this morning.  If I may know whose miss name?
Patient : Waalaikumsalam, good morning nurse. My name is Siska .
Nurse :Mrs. Siska , How are you feeling today? 
Patient : I’m feeling good. My fever has gone, but I’m a bit weak.
Nurse : Have you eaten yet? 
Patient : Yes, I’ve eat this morning and take my medicine. 
Nurse : That’s great. did you sleep well last night?
Patient : Not really, cause I still got a problem with my headache.
Nurse : You got a problem with your headache? OK, I will report this to your
doctor. Let’s wait for a day and you will get better.
Now, I’m going to do some routine tests. Just to make sure that
everything’s OK. I want to start with blood your pressure. please roll
your sleeve up
Patient : Sure.
Nurse : (Checking the blood pressure) your blood pressure is 130/90 mmHg.
Now I Iwould like to count your pulse.
Patient : What is my blood pressure, nurse?
Nurse : It is still in the normal range. Now well just take your temperature.
Can you pop this in your mouth, under your tongue? Good, and then I
would like to check your respiration. Now, I want you to take a deep
Nurse : Okay then, I need to go now. I’ll inform the doctor right away. And
where is your family? 
Patient : My mom is in the cafeteria and she will be back in a minute. It’s okay
you can leave me
Nurse : Okay Ms. Siska. Don’t hesitate to push the buzzer whenever you need
me okay? I’ll be here in no time. Now take a rest and get well soon.
Patient : Thanks a lot Nurse.

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