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Name: Heart B.

Grade & Section: 12 – STEM B


Please remember that it will depend on your own perspective. The essay should
be a minimum of 500 words and typewritten or handwritten are accepted. Make your own title
and you can also cite sources but strictly do not copy and paste contents from any references
since it will be checked by Turnitin.


Since we were young, we have been taught about science, what makes up the universe, and
how it works. Indeed, science has provided us with a lot of knowledge. I enjoy science since it
teaches us practically everything, and I am not against to it. But, returning to the definition of
science, it is a body of knowledge based on observations, research, and testing, and I can
confidently state that there is nothing scientific about evolution theory.

Many recent books and articles have said that there is undeniable proof of evolution, but
what kind of evidence do they provide? "Evolution is a fact, not a theory," according to Lewontin's
1981 textbook. He asserted that birds evolved from nonbirds and people evolved from nonhumans,
and that no individual with natural understandings can refute this statement. Well, anyone can
make a statement like that, but just because he says it doesn't make it real. That's just a mantra.

Evolution have said to explain the origin of the different aspects of the world. Cosmic
evolution explains the origin of time, space, and matter; chemical evolution explains the origin of
other elements from hydrogen; stellar and planetary evolution explains the origin of stars and
planets; organic evolution explains the origin of life; macro evolution explains the changing of
animals and plants from one kind to another; and finally, the only evolution that has been observed
is micro evolution which talks about variation within kinds. They want us to believe that uranium
is formed and produced by the merger of neutron stars, but this raises the "chicken and egg"
question: which came first, the stars or the element? Does anyone already proven the formation of
any one star? Nobody has ever proven a star can form. Nobody seen a transitional forms of
chimpanzees becoming a human. Nobody has proven the first five evolution's types. They said the
progress and development of one kind to another is very slow, and yes I agree, it is so slow that it
don't even happen. Simply because humans produces humans, monkeys produces monkeys, birds
produces birds, and reptiles produces reptiles. There's not even a shred of evidence to support
evolution. Even fossils, it is impossible to use it as evidence for evolution because no one can
conclude that it is the ancestor of anybody and no one could tell that that animal had any offspring
that lived. Simply saying, evolution is positively not a part of science, it is also just a religion that
forces people to believe it is science.
My position is that evolution is not a science because everything science has taught us has
always led us to an intelligent creator, God. Humans and other creations, like everything else on
the market, are created by their inventors. You can't say that a computer formed itself naturally
through explosions or something; there has to be an inventor. The major difference between
creationism and evolution theory is that creationism admits that it takes faith to believe that there
is a God who created everything, whereas evolution theory still forces majority to believe that their
statements and information are based on science without clear evidences, despite the fact that it is
truly just like any other religion that requires faith to believe its teachings.

The concept of evolution is an undeniably wonderful undertaking concept of universe

formation. But all of its knowledge is pure fantasy, and it hasn't even revealed why the universe
exists or what preceded its birth in the Big Bang. It also doesn't answer one of science's most
perplexing questions: how did consciousness emerge in living things. Where did the concept of
determining what is right and wrong come from? What is it that enables humans to comprehend
biological mysteries? Science is still a long way from explaining these profound mysteries. I
believe that there's still more knowledge waiting to be uncovered, because the universe is so vast
and mysterious that no man can completely comprehend its existence. Why is our universe so
precisely tailor-made for the emergence of life? This question has never been fully explained, not
even the evolution theory and I believe it will never find a scientific solution.
Thus, all these mysteries will lead us to conclude that there is an intelligent creator behind.

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