Reymark Bumatay - Fiction - Writing Activity

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division Office 1 Pangasinan
Bayambang, Pangasinan

Week 3, Module 3
Understanding Ideas in Reading Texts
Answer Sheet

Name: Reymark R. Bumatay Grade & Section: 9-Silver


Task 1
Drawing Theme From The Lessons The Characters Teach Us
Directions: Read the story entitled THE LITTLE MATCH GIRL by Hans Christian Andersen. Use the chart below
to draw out the theme from the lessons the main character teaches.

Main Character’s Traits What lesson can the character

teach me about life?
Positive I used to believe that, despite
the many issues we face these
The little girl is lovely, days, we should always remain
responsible, and dedicated strong.

Negative I've come to learn that we

should always look after
To his daughter, the father is someone, especially if it's a
harsh, irresponsible, and member of our family. Never
neglectful. treat your family as if they were
animals; they aren't. They are
also people that desire to live a
happy life.
Task 2
Drawing The Bigger Theme From The Plot
Directions: Make your inferences
about the theme PLOT THEME of the story THE
Christian What happens? What’s the big idea about it? Andersen based
on events that Others are joyously spending New One point made in the story is happened in it.
Year's Eve in the cold, dark that, despite our struggles and
Use the chart to draw out the
weather, while a little girl is trying feelings of loneliness, we can
theme from the to sell some matches so she can
main events in
the story. still find a way out of the
get money to bring back to her
situation we've dug ourselves
family. It all depends on those
matches, but in the end, those into.
matches help her to keep warm.
1. What kind of weather has been described in the story?
The author begins the story by explaining the current weather conditions. On the last evening of the year, it
was so terribly cold. Snow was falling, and it was almost dark.

2. In what condition was the little child moving in the streets?

The little girl in the story was out on the street selling matches on a dark, cold night. She was barefooted,
hungry, and freezing cold. Her hands and feet were numb from the cold.

3. Why could the little girl not go home in spite of extremely bad weather?
The poor little girl was out on the streets, barefoot and bareheaded, selling match boxes from her old apron.
She had tried to sell those boxes since the morning but had not been successful till the evening. Despite the
inclement weather, she was unable to return home for fear of being beaten by her father. She was certain
that her father would scold and beat her because she had not sold a single match box and hence had not
earned a single cent.

4. What did the poor child do to warm herself up? Was the method used by her to keep warm successful?
The little girl warmed herself with the matches she was obliged to sell. She lit up a few times, providing her
with the warmth she required.

5. What is the symbolism in the passage?

The matches are symbolic of the girl's happiness and hope. When the girl strikes a match, she imagines
herself in a new ideal environment. Furthermore, the girl's anguished reaction when the matches go out
demonstrates that the matches are her only source of relief in her dire circumstances.

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