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Equity Research

U.S. Cannabis Industry


Focus Areas for Investment Without a Banking Catalyst December 8, 2021

News this week that cannabis banking reform was removed from the National
Defense Authorization Act comes as little surprise. While the initial inclusion of
Viridian Capital Advisors
banking legislation in the appropriations bill in September, along with
Representative Mace’s bipartisan proposal, reflect encouraging progress we
continue to believe that late 2022 is the most realistic time frame for any further
federal legislative progress. At that time, Senate Democrats will know where they Jonathan DeCourcey
stand coming out of the mid-terms and for the 2nd half of President Biden’s first Director Equity Research
term. A loss in the mid-terms could drive less-controversial piece meal legislation
such as the SAFE Act as a means of progress on cannabis before the start of a new
session while a maintained majority could permit a willingness to push more broad (781) 724.6869
sweeping legislation in 2023. Unfortunately, our more conservative view on
legislative progress means that we do not believe a near term catalyst to broadly Investment Highlights
boost stocks exists and instead forecast valuations to remain at compressed levels • Banking Reform will not be
for the next few quarters with some companies even seeing further pressure on
included in Defense Spending
concerns over slowing growth (particularly on delays in new rec markets like
Connecticut, New Jersey or New York) and execution on expansion projects. Bill after Congress added
provisions this fall.
With this in mind, we believe investors should focus on two factors for the remainder
of this year and early 2022, finding undervalued operators with the ability to take • We continue to believe late
share in the coming years and that can offer greater long-term upside and identifying 2022 is earliest realistic
likely M&A targets that can provide a short-term pop on takeout. timeframe for initial federal
Continue to favor smaller and medium sized MSOs legislation including banking.
In terms of underappreciated operators that can provide greater long-term upside,
we continue to favor small to medium sized MSOs. These companies in many • Expect stock returns and
instances trade at a significant discount to their larger peers and even the broader valuations to remain pressured
peer group despite sell-side forecasts that call for outperforming growth in the in that time for US cannabis
coming years (’22 and ’23 estimates) on both the top and bottom lines. In our companies.
opinion, the primary difference between these companies and their larger peers is
topline scale. In cannabis though, scale should not matter as each state represents • In the interim believe investors
a market unto itself and in many cases these operators are the leaders in the should focus on undervalued
individual states in which they operate. As enhanced awareness and investability
small and medium sized MSOs.
eventually come for US cannabis companies, these underappreciated operators can
provide outsized returns for investors by taking share in the coming years in key Group includes: Ascend, AYR,
growth markets and simply by starting at a discounted current valuation level. Well Columbia Care, Marimed, Jushi,
positioned companies in the category of small to medium sized MSOs that we Schwazze, Terrascend and TILT.
believe can offer outperforming returns for investors include: Ascend, AYR, Columbia Longer-term, these companies
Care, Marimed, Jushi, Schwazze, Terrascend and TILT. offer greater return potential.
M&A can provide upside in the short term
Meanwhile, for immediate investment we believe M&A targets should be a focus. • Short term focus should also be
M&A activity for US companies has been up meaningfully this year and we expect on likely M&A targets given
the trend to continue in 2022 as discounted valuations motivate both buyers and
consolidation in the space.
sellers. Discounted valuations and the concern for further compression over slowing
growth will motivate buyers to acquire operators that can contribute to results and • Takeout candidates within
provide meaningful growth in the immediate term. We expect this to include more coverage include: 4Front,
public to public transactions in the near term and note that we are already seeing
Cansortium, Goodness Growth
this trend with AYR having acquired Liberty Health earlier this year, Trulieve
acquiring Harvest and Terrascend agreeing to buy GAGE amongst other 2020 Holdings, Harborside, Lowell
transactions. Given the scale of the transactions referenced (>$2B for Harvest being Farms, Planet 13 and Schwazze
the biggest), we are confident that now all but the largest MSOs are in play to be
acquired in the near term (including companies mentioned above). For sellers, it is Click the Link to Subscribe to the
their persistent discounted valuations and the fact that the equity of larger acquirers Viridian Cannabis Deal Tracker
likely offers the potential for upside from current levels that serves as motivation.

For investors, finding takeout candidates can provide immediate returns at a time when again we expect gains to be modest (or
non-existent) for the broader market.

Names within our coverage that we believe could be takeout candidates in the near term while also having attractive growth
opportunities in their own right which can be achieved through execution include: 4Front, Cansortium, Goodness Growth Holdings,
Harborside, Lowell Farms, Planet 13 and Schwazze. We believe a takeout for each would provide meaningful upside from current
levels for investors.

US Cannabis Valuations

2021E 2022E 2021E 2022E
Curaleaf 6 .2 4 .4 2 5 .3 1 5 .0
Green Thumb 6 .2 4 .8 1 7 .6 1 3 .4
Trulieve 5 .7 3 .5 1 3 .6 8 .9
Verano Holdings 4 .5 3 .0 9 .5 6 .6
Cresco Labs 4 .0 2 .9 1 6 .4 9 .3
Ascend Wellness 5 .8 3 .4 2 3 .8 1 1 .3
Terrascend 6 .4 3 .2 1 8 .7 9 .4
AYR Wellness 3 .4 1 .6 1 2 .3 4 .5
Columbia Care 2 .6 1 .7 1 3 .5 6 .2
Jushi Holdings 4 .7 2 .6 3 7 .2 9 .1
Planet 13 5 .7 4 .4 2 9 .9 1 6 .7
4Front Ventures 5 .2 3 .7 1 8 .9 1 1 .5
Gage Cannabis 3 .0 1 .4 1 8 .9 4 .4
The Parent Co. 0 .5 0 .4 6 .0 0 .8
Schwazze 2 .7 1 .4 9 .5 4 .2
Cansortium 2 .9 1 .9 9 .3 4 .6
Goodness Growth Holdings 4 .1 2 .1 1 1 .5
Lowell Farms 4 .0 2 .8 1 9 .1
TILT Holdings 1 .1 0 .8 9 .5 5 .1
Harborside Health 13.3 1.0 13.9 4.6
Slang Worldwide 1 .3 1 .0 6 .3 5 .1
Marimed 2 .9 2 .4 8 .0 6 .4
Vext 2 .3 1 .7 6 .3 4 .5
STEM Holdings 1 .2 0 .6 3 .0
Flower One 0 .9 0 .6 5 .2 2 .4
VIBE Growth 0 .7 0 .5 4 .4 1 .6

M ean 3 .8 2 .3 1 5 .2 8 .3
Median 3 .7 2 .3 1 3 .6 6 .5
Source: Viridian Capital Estimates, Priced 12/7/2021


Required Research Disclosures

Distribution of Ratings/IB Services

IB Services in Past 12 months
Rating Count Percent Count Percent
Buy (Buy) 11 92% 0 0%
Hold (Hold) 1 8% 0 0%
Sell (Sell) 0 0% 0 0%
Not Rated (NR) 0 0% 0 0%

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