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Pickens 1

Kacie Pickens

Larry Neuburger

English 101 Sec. 121

14 April 2011

Descriptive Essay

The Sunny Experiences

As I ran down the beach feeling the scorching hot sand in between my toes; I ran to the

bright blue ocean to cool them down, and then I gazed out to the ocean and saw birds and a sail

boats soaring through the water. My young mind was amazed at how different life was in Florida

compared to life in Missouri. I never new things could be so beautiful and amazing just a quick

plane ride away. I watched gorgeous gray and white dolphins swim all around. As I ran and dove

into the never ending perfect sky blue ocean I didn’t realize that it was salty water. My eyes

burned as if they were on fire, so I rubbed them until the burning eased. I walked around the

beach frightened from the water picking up seashells. I couldn’t believe that something as unique

and colorful as a rainbow was created by water and sand. The clouds looked as if they touched

the ocean. I thought sunsets so colorful and peanut butter colored beaches were painted, or only

on movies, but it was real and right in front of me.

As my vacation had just started I remember my mother and father were telling me they

had a surprise for me. We were going on a boat ride one that I would never forget. We were out

on the boat and suddenly Dolphins the colors of a gray stormy sky were swimming right next to

our boat. I was so amazed that this was really happening, and jumping up and down pointing and

laughing. My nine year old mind just couldn’t believe that this was happening really happening.

I was yelling for them to slow the boat down “slow down the boat” I screamed out of excitement.
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I was so excited that I kept screaming and screaming at the top of my little lungs that I was horse

for a week after our trip. The boat slowed down and then so did the dolphins, and I was feeling

them as they swam right next to the boat as if they knew they had to keep up with us. It seemed

like they were playing a game that seemed almost like tag. I just left my hand right above their

head feeling the slimy smooth skin as we slowly rode the boat down the ocean with my new best

friends that I wanted to take them home and keep forever. After thirty minutes or so passed the

dolphins took off swimming their own way. The waves were pounding as if they owned the

ocean and they were so strong it seemed as if they would just shove you down. We stopped on a

little beach to rest for a few and they told me to look for sand dollars, and I thought they were

kidding, but after exploring on this small beach in the hot try sand and waves throwing water at

us I finally screamed “I found one, I found one!!” A sand dollar is simply a form of a sea shell

that has a certain design, and I found about ten more perfect sand dollars later that day.

As the long thrilling day came to an end and the sunshiny bright day dimmed and became

dark we went back to my aunt’s house. Where they had a sun room that we all sat in talking

about our great day, and later I realized there were skinny slimy creatures crawling up the screen.

I looked and then stepped a few steps closer. My aunt yells “it’s a lizard, they are all over here.”

I had never seen a slimy shedding slithering thing in real life only in books. My family handed

me a jar with a small hole in the lid, and I was not about to touch that thing. We sent my dad out

to get me one, and later he finally found one. It was green, but greener than grass. After a while I

thought he was cute. I remember naming him “Eddie,” and that night I sat around looking at all

of my sand dollars, seashell’s, and my newly found lizard. Florida must be the best place to live

I kept thinking to myself. The sunshine is stunning the lizards are slimy and slithering, and sand

dollars are amazing. I never want to leave I told my parents before bed, and then I splattered on
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the bed like a can of vegetable juice hitting the ground. It had been a long day full of surprises,

and I was exhausted from the eventful day.

As my vacation continued we spent the days on the beach. We swam and walked around

and saw all the different things that Florida had to offer. The very tall and extremely skinny

palm trees that swayed as the sounds of wind hit them with a pounding force. The spicy

scorching sand under my feet that made me dance all around the beach like a crazed animal and

my blonde hair shining brightly in the sun. Fish jumping out of the ocean as if they just wanted

to hello to us as we walked down the beach. Older men wearing jeans and t-shirts fishing with

the longest fishing pole I had ever seen in my entire life. Things were so different there some

people spoke Spanish, and others spoke languages I had never heard before. You could wear

your swim suit almost anywhere, the restaurants, and even while shopping nearby stores. As a

child it was hard to understand why things were so different there. I didn’t realize that it was the

ocean and of course you can wear your swim suit on the beach, restaurants, and stores.

On our last night in Florida I remember sitting on the beach watching the sunset. When its day

the sun is bright and yellow, but as it turns dark it turns all of the colors of the rainbow. The sun

looks as if it’s sitting on the water and the waves are hitting it as seashells are being thrown up

on the shore. Fish flip flopping out of the water, and the waves so loud and so calm at the same

time. You feel nothing but peace. It even calmed my nine your old self. My mother flashing

pictures, and saying “wow look at that” and “look at the fish”. I had never experienced

something so wonderful. The sun slowly went down and it became dark. The stars were so

bright and reflected off the ocean. I walked up the beach back to our room, and the sand was cool

but dry and sticking to my little feet, but much better than the hot sand I kept thinking. I slowly
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laid down dreading the next day. I knew the next day I had to leave, and get back on the hot

stinky plane.

My mother thought ordering room service would cheer me up she let me pick anything I

wanted out, and even let me call myself. I ordered the biggest chocolate cake my eyes had ever

laid eyes on. Chocolate cake with warm chocolate drizzle and raspberries on the top, and I

couldn’t wait to dig into this piece of heaven. We stayed up talking about how great the vacation

was, and packing our bags while placing each sand dollar and seashell in a safe place. Eventually

I fell asleep, and woke up to breakfast in bed, a plane ride home, and a pinky promise to come

back next year.

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