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Senter, Weatherman, Krapohl, Horvath

Psychological Set or Differential Salience: A Proposal for

Reconciling Theory and Terminology in Polygraph Testing

Stuart Senter, Dan Weatherman, Donald Krapohl, and Frank Horvath1

What is now known as the Comparison Question Technique (CQT) is based on the assumption that
truthful persons will be more physiologically responsive to comparison questions than to relevant
(incident-related) test questions whereas for deceptive persons the opposite will be true. Years of
research have confirmed this expectation. While the term “Psychological Set” has been accepted in
the field to refer to this difference in responsiveness, the term has very limited value. It does not
accommodate non-CQT procedures and it is neither understood nor applied in the scientific
literature as it is by polygraph examiners. In this paper it is proposed that the CQT phenomenon
is better described by the concept of “Differential Salience,” a term which has a stronger scientific
foundation. Moreover, the concept of differential salience describes what is observed
physiologically in common polygraph testing methodologies aside from the CQT.

Introduction dampening, were original to Backster.

According to Matte and Grove (2001),
The use of what was termed a however, Backster attributed the term
“comparative response question,” a question “psychological set” to the author of a 1948
specifically introduced during polygraph psychology textbook (Ruch, 1948). However,
testing to provide a stimulus against which to in a recent paper Handler (2007) reported that
compare and evaluate the significance of the “psychological set” was not mentioned in the
physiological reactions to relevant questions, Ruch text. When Handler discussed this with
was introduced by John E. Reid in 1947. Backster, Backster said that he himself had
From that time such a “control question” created the term “psychological set” (Handler,
became commonplace in the field. Today the personal communication December 15, 2007).
“control question” is more appropriately
referred to as a comparison question. The use There is some confusion regarding how
of such questions is the basis for Comparison these three concepts differ. The commonly
Question Techniques (CQT). accepted definition for “psychological set”
seems to be what was originally used by
In the early 1960’s Cleve Backster Backster to describe his concept of “anti-
applied the term “Psychological Set” to climax dampening.” For instance, here is
polygraph testing in an attempt to explain the what Backster (1960b) wrote about that
functioning of the CQT. That concept, along concept:
with two others advanced by Backster, “super-
dampening” and “anti-climax dampening,” “The anticlimax dampening concept is
joined the lexicon of polygraph examiners formulated on the well-validated
from that time forward (Backster, 1960a, psychological principle that a person’s
1960b). Backster introduced all of these fears, anxieties, and apprehensions are
terms to explain different patterns of channeled toward the situation which
physiological responding which he observed holds greatest immediate threat to his
during CQT polygraph testing. The latter two self-preservation or general well-being.”
terms, super-dampening and anti-climax pg 1.

1The views expressed in this article are solely those of the authors, and do not necessarily represent those of the
Department of Defense or the US Government. The principal author can be reached at

109 Polygraph, 2010, 39(2)

Psychological Set or Differential Salience

Most polygraph examiners today would 1988; Department of Defense Polygraph

likely recognize this definition of anticlimax Institute Research Division Staff, 1998) offers
dampening as being the same as the a clear challenge to the jeopardy presumption
contemporary definition of the term of “psychological set”. Recall that during DLC
“psychological set.” Indeed, Matte and Grove testing the polygraph examiner not only gives
(2001) advised that this same definition was the examinee permission to lie on the DLCs,
used in 1965 by DACA’s predecessor but there is an explicit agreement struck that
organization, the US Army Military Police the examinee will lie to the DLCs. Fear of
School (USAMPS), to describe “psychological detection is eliminated as an explanation for
set.” an examinee’s reactions to DLC questions.
The fear-based “psychological set” concept
For the purpose of this paper we have does not support the effectiveness of DLC
focused on what is the prevailing field polygraph testing, nor does it explain the
understanding of “psychological set.” accuracy of polygraph testing in non-
Examinees will be more physiologically threatening situations. The prevailing
responsive to stimuli (test questions) that pose definition of “psychological set” therefore is
the greatest threat to their well-being or inadequate, prompting the current search for
interests. If more than one type of threat is a more fitting and scientifically supported
presented, reactivity will tend toward that concept that can account for such effects.
which is perceived as the greatest threat with
diminished or no reactivity to the secondary The concealed information test (CIT),
threat. When the two threats include both also known as the guilty knowledge test (GKT),
relevant questions and probable-lie represents another situation where
comparison (PLC) questions, “psychological psychological set fails to account for all
set” is said to explain why liars respond more possible responses that occur on the test. The
greatly to the former and truthtellers to the CIT is based on recognition, and not fear of
latter. detection. Over the course of the test, the
examinee is simply asked to repeat plausible
Central to “psychological set,” and to stimuli contained in a particular crime scene.
the concepts “super-dampening” and “anti- The foundation of the test is on what the
climax dampening” is the notion that an examinee knows or recognizes, not the
examinee’s fears will orient his attention, that emotional reactions that may emanate from
the physiological responding will tell where the stimuli, such as fear or perception of
those fears are directed, and that deception threat (Ben-Shakhar & Elaad, 2003).
and truthfulness can be inferred by the Ultimately, the narrow scope of the
pattern of physiological responding. Though psychological set cannot account for the
superficially appealing, the theory is robust effects of the CIT.
insufficient to explain those circumstances
where polygraph testing continues to produce One substantial problem with respect
accurate results despite the lack of examinees’ to “psychological set” is that no branch of the
fears. For example, previous writers have behavioral sciences, including what is often
pointed out that examinees will still react in said to be polygraphy’s parent science,
the predicted way during polygraph testing psychophysiology, recognizes how those in the
even when there are no threats against the polygraph field apply the term. A search of the
examinee (Davidson, 1968; Lieblich, Naftali, EBSCO behavioral science database returned
Shumueli, & Kugelmass, 1974). Examinees 39 abstracts or article summaries that
will even respond when answering truthfully included the term ‘Psychological Set’ ranging
to a chosen card in a card test (Gustafson & in time from 1956 to 2006. Two of these
Orne, 1964; Kugelmass, Lieblich, & Bergman, instances were simply incidental pairings of
1967). In these studies there is no threat to the words ‘psychological’ and ‘set’ and did not
the examinee’s self-preservation or general refer to an integrated concept. Without
well-being, an essential component of the exception, the remaining 37 abstracts used
“psychological set” theory. the term psychological set to describe some
sort of mindset, expectation, world view, or
Similarly, the directed-lie comparison approach taken in a problem solving
(DLC) question technique (Honts & Raskin, situation. The term was never used in the

Polygraph, 2010, 39(2) 110

Senter, Weatherman, Krapohl, Horvath

context of channeling or focusing concern on published articles, book chapters, and

the greatest of a group of potential threats, as dissertations. Salience is a broad reaching
the term is used in the polygraph community. term, covering the arenas of memory,
This peculiarity gives rise to confusion and attention, speech pragmatics, perception,
provides a basis of derision for polygraph emotion, cognition, social contexts, and many,
critics (Furedy, 1991). Even as a best case, many others. There is little to debate
“psychological set” is viewed as non-scientific regarding the pervasiveness or general
jargon. A replacement expression would not scientific acceptance of the term “salience.”
only have to have an accepted definition More importantly, there is also a large body of
within the larger scientific community, but it literature that argues for the role of salience in
would also have to deal with those phenomena lie detection, and more specifically, polygraph
which “psychological set” fails to address. We applications.
propose that the appropriate expression is
“differential salience.” Salience and Lie Detection

Defining Salience Vendemia, Buzan, Green, and Schillaci

(2005) and Vendemia, Buzan, and Simon-
The adjective “salient” is described as Dack (2005) described a model of deception
“prominent” or “conspicuous” based on the that included salience as a key component,
Random House Unabridged Dictionary (2006). among other critical factors. This model is
The American Heritage Dictionary of the shown in Figure 1. As shown, salience is
English Language (2006) characterizes proposed as a critical component of the
“salient” as “strikingly conspicuous” or physiological measures indicative of
“prominent.” The WordNet® 3.0 system deception, among a model that includes
produced by Princeton University describes memory, emotion, and attentional
“salient” as “having a quality that thrusts components.
itself into attention.” Finally, the Kernerman
English Multilingual Dictionary defines Handler and Nelson (2007) recently
“salient” as “main,” “chief,” “most noticeable.” argued for the inclusion of salience in the
These sources also define “salience” as “the polygraph lexicon, specifically for the purpose
state or condition of being salient.” of explaining the PLC question test. However,
multiple authors have also included the
Based on the definitions above, notion of salience in theories of lie detection.
salience indicates that a stimulus is Wolpe, Foster, and Langleben (2005)
prominent, conspicuous, and/or striking. As suggested that from “a neuropsychological
the source or cause of salience is unspecified perspective, both the CQT and GKT are
in these definitions, the implication is that a ‘forced-choice’ protocols that seek to detect
given stimulus can be salient for a wide differences in psychological salience between
variety of reasons. A stimulus that is questions by examining the physiologic
considered to be salient may be threatening, responses of the subject to target and baseline
novel, surprising, familiar, complicated, conditions.”
pertinent, or otherwise significant.
Furthermore, different stimuli will possess In other work, Offe and Offe (2007)
different degrees of salience, in the same stated that “the basic assumption of the CQT
sense that different stimuli would be is that RQ will have a higher significance for
threatening, novel, surprising, etc., to different guilty subjects and CQ for innocent subjects
degrees. It may not always be possible to and that these differences in significance will
know why, in any particular case, one item is be reflected in the physiological variables
more salient than another. recorded as the reaction.” In this work, Offe
and Offe (2007) concluded that “criticism
Salience in the Scientific Literature cannot be sustained that it would be
impossible to systematically achieve a
Conducting a search for “salience” or differential significance of relevant and
“salient” using the EBSCO PsychINFO comparison questions and to measure it
database for the behavioral sciences indicates physiologically.”
that these terms exist in over 15,000

111 Polygraph, 2010, 39(2)

Psychological Set or Differential Salience

Honts (2004) also described the perceived by the examinee generated these
rationale of the comparison question test as different reactions. Honts used the general
assessing credibility based on the differential description of differences in salience tied to
reactions caused by two different types of different questions to explain the diagnostic
questions. Differential salience between value of both PLC and DLC question tests.
relevant and comparison questions as

Figure 1. Proposed relationship of the underlying theoretical constructs involved in the process of
deception. From Vendemia, Buzan, and Simon-Dack (2005).

Salience in the Context of the difference in the degree of salience across

Psychophysiological Detection of stimuli provides the basic theoretical
Deception foundation for all polygraph methodologies
listed below. It is well accepted, at least given
Reid (1962) recognized “emotionally current scientific knowledge, that there is no
weighted” response differences not only unique “lie” response. It is only the variability
between relevant and comparison questions, in the salience of different stimuli that permits
but also observed degrees of salience across an inference of “lying” or that an item is
the relevant questions themselves. The simple recognized as unique amongst other items.

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Senter, Weatherman, Krapohl, Horvath

The following passages discuss how ratings, even though provided by persons who
differential salience can be used to explain the were unaware of the theoretical basis for PLC
effectiveness of major categories of polygraph testing, were clearly supportive of the
testing approaches. underlying premise. Those examinees who
were “deceptive” during the testing rated the
PLC Question Test relevant questions as of significantly greater
concern to them than the comparison
In the PLC question test, examinees questions. On the other hand, “truthful”
are guided to commit that they are ‘not the examinees expressed significantly greater
kind of person’ that would perform a concern for the comparison questions than for
particular transgression, such as lying, the relevant items. These subjective ratings, in
stealing, or harming another. Later, addition to the objective scoring of the
examinees are specifically asked whether they physiological data, showed that the salience of
have ever done such things. The assumption the comparison questions was greater for
is that all examinees have done these things, “truthful” examinees and the salience of the
but that the presentation of such questions relevant questions was greater for those who
will be particularly uncomfortable to the were “deceptive.” It can be concluded that it is
truthful participant who has little concern this differential salience that accounts for the
over the relevant questions. In contrast, guilty diagnostic value of PLC polygraph testing.
examinees are expected to have little concern Moreover, because similar findings have been
over the comparison questions, engaged reported in more recent studies, there is
instead by the relevant questions. compelling reason to suggest that this
differential salience generalizes across a
The different response magnitudes variety of settings (Honts, 2003; Horowitz,
produced by truthful and deceptive examinees Kircher, Honts, & Raskin, 1997; Offe & Offe,
during the polygraph data collection process 2007).
can be attributed to the differential salience
that the relevant and comparison questions DLC Question Test
hold for the two groups of examinees.
Comparison questions are more salient The flexibility of the term salience can
(perhaps because they are more threatening, also be used to explain the processes included
pertinent, or otherwise significant) than in the DLC question test. This test is distinct
relevant questions for truthful examinees. from the PLC question test in that
Relevant questions are more salient (again participants are instructed to lie to the
due to increased relative threat or comparison questions. In this context,
significance) than comparison questions for comparison questions do not present different
deceptive examinees. Thus, the PLC question levels of threat to truthful or deceptive
test is effective due to the different levels or examinees, but rather, different levels of
threat or pertinence (encompassed by the cognitive engagement. Relevant questions, in
term ‘salience’) possessed by the different this type of test, still exist as a potential
classes of questions, for deceptive and truthful threatening stimulus, depending on the
examinees. This coincides with the reasoning examinee.
presented by Honts (2004) and Wolpe et al.
(2005) described earlier. Truthful participants should
experience little threat from the relevant
While the differential salience of the questions, but should view the DLCs as more
two categories of questions for truthful and salient, as these questions require them to
deceptive examinees has been demonstrated perform a cognitive task, as directed by the
empirically from inspection of the objective polygraph examiner. Also, truthful examinees
physiological data, it has also been obtained are likely vigilant for such questions, relative
when examinees are debriefed following to the other questions, which likely
polygraph examinations (National Research contributes to their differential salience. In
Council, 2003). Horvath (1988) asked contrast, deceptive examinees should feel
examinees in a laboratory study to provide threatened by the relevant questions, which
subjective ratings of the questions that had detract from the prominence or salience of the
been asked during the testing process. These DLC questions.

113 Polygraph, 2010, 39(2)

Psychological Set or Differential Salience

In principle, the DLC questions are on similar principles. The key value or
more salient for truthful examinees than are location of the item of interest holds a special
relevant questions due to the cognitive task prominence to the deceptive examinee, and
required of DLC questions and potentially due thereby, greater salience, relative to the other
to examinee vigilance. For deceptive stimuli presented. Thus, presentation of the
examinees, the relevant questions are more key value or location should produce the
salient than the DLC questions due to the greatest physiological response, relative to the
threat that they represent. For these reasons other items in the presentation sequence. In
we can expect greater response magnitudes to accordance with this line of reasoning, Wolpe
the comparison questions for truthful et al. (2005) suggested that the purpose of the
examinees and greater responses to relevant concealed information test was to assess the
questions for deceptive examinees in the salience of information presented to the
context of the DLC question test. This fits with examinee.
Honts’ (2004) and Wolpe et al.’s (2005)
description of the comparison question test, Relevant/Irrelevant Test
though the source/origination of salience is
certainly different than that of the PLC The relevant/irrelevant test operates
question test. on the premise that a particular relevant
question that represents the greatest threat to
Concealed Information Test the examinee will produce significant and
consistent physiological responses relative to
The concealed information test other relevant questions. For example, an
involves the presentation of elements individual who has committed an undetected
(sometimes called ‘keys’) present at a crime theft will likely be more concerned about or
scene, in addition to similar but unrelated more threatened by this question than
control (also referred to as foil) items that were relevant questions dealing with issues about
not present at the crime. The key items could which the examinee has nothing to hide. In
include the type of weapon used to stab a this context, questions that pertain to the
victim, the caliber of weapon used, the color of issues about which examinees are hiding
the victim’s shirt, and so on. In theory, the information are more salient than those
individual who committed the crime will know questions that do not, due to the different
the elements or keys of the crime, and these level of threat, concern, or prominence that
stimuli will be familiar and more prominent they represent. This differential salience
than the control stimuli. For the person who across questions produces greater
did not commit the crime, the key stimuli physiological responses to the relevant
should not be prominent or familiar relative to question or questions of concern.
the control stimuli.
Concluding Comments
The concealed information test is
effective because of the differential salience of It is important to note that all
the key stimuli relative to the control stimuli, polygraph approaches are effective or
from the standpoint of the guilty individual. diagnostic to the extent that the stimuli and
Key stimuli are recognized and familiar for questions that they include are salient in the
guilty individual, relative to control stimuli, expected direction. For instance, Offe and Offe
and larger physiological response magnitudes (2007) demonstrated that participants for
are produced. Innocent individuals whom erroneous decisions were made did not
undergoing a concealed information test rate comparison questions and relevant
should not find the key stimuli familiar questions in the predicted direction. In other
relative to the control stimuli. Thus, for words, for these participants, relevant
innocent individuals, there should be no questions and comparison questions did not
differential salience for the key stimuli relative show differential salience. This was not true
to the control stimuli. for participants on whom correct decisions
were made.
Versions of the concealed information
test, including the peak of tension and In the same vein, the concealed
searching peak of tension approaches, operate information test is only effective to the extent

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Senter, Weatherman, Krapohl, Horvath

that the key stimuli are salient for the guilty framework through which a variety of
examinee and not for innocent examinees. If polygraph approaches can be explained. The
ineffective key stimuli are chosen, for example expression differential salience allows for
when the guilty examinee does not remember multiple explanations of physiological arousal
a particular element of the crime, then this to come to bear, not just being limited to
key will not be familiar or differentially salient threatening circumstances, as with
to the examinee, relative to the foil (or control) conventional polygraph explanations. Using
items. No differences in response magnitudes salience, we can account for physiological
between key and control items are likely to be responses that occur due to a variety of
demonstrated in such cases. (Note: The term reasons, and in the context of a variety of
“buffer” usually refers to the opening item, not polygraph formats. The notion that such
to the noncritical ones which are usually responses appearing in polygraph
called foils, controls, non-critical items or examinations occur due to a single source
similar terms.) (e.g., fear of detection) is incompatible with the
psychophysiological literature. Salience
Summary provides a vehicle to broaden and enhance
our understanding of the multiple factors that
The concept of salience and more come to bear in polygraph testing. It is time to
specifically, “differential salience” provides a change the way we present what we do in
defensible and comprehendible theoretical terms of common scientific understandings.

115 Polygraph, 2010, 39(2)

Psychological Set or Differential Salience


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