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Inquiries, SENIOR

Investigations and HIGH

Division of Pasig City Research Manual &
Research Agenda
Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion
First Semester
First Edition, 2020

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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names,
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Every effort has been exerted to locate and seek permission to use these materials from
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Published by the Department of Education Division of Pasig City

Development Team of the Manual

Writers: Marivi T.Camacho, Rommel John L. Aballe, Evelyn S. Lopez, Kate Anne M.
Macasinag, Melannie Nanteza
Editor: Ardith Telewik
Reviewers: Marivi T. Camacho, Kirk F. So
Illustrator: James Harold B. Francisco, Rommel John L. Aballe
Layout Artist: Name
Management Team: Ma. Evalou Concepcion A. Agustin
OIC-Schools Division Superintendent
Aurelio G. Alfonso, Ed. D.
OIC-Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
Victor M. Javeña, Ed. D.
Chief - School Governance and Operations Division
OIC – Chief Curriculum Implementation Division
Education Program Supervisors
1. Librada L. Agon, Ed. D., EPP/TLE
2. Liza A. Alvarez, Science
3. Bernard R. Balitao, Araling Panlipunan
4. Joselito E. Calios, English
5. Norlyn D. Conde, Ed. D., MAPEH
6. Wilma Q. Del Rosario, LRMS
7. Ma. Teresita E. Herrera, Ed. D., Filipino
8. Perlita M. Ignacio, Ph. D., ESP/SPED
9. Dulce O. Santos, Ed. D., Kinder/MTB
10. Teresita P. Tagulao, Ed. D., Mathematics
Printed in the Philippines by (School)
Department of Education – Division of Pasig City
Office Address: Caruncho Avenue, San Nicolas, Pasig City
Telefax: (02) 8641-8885
E-mail Address:
Inquiries, SENIOR

Investigations and HIGH



Division of Pasig City

Research Manual & Research
Introductory Message

For the facilitator:

Welcome to the Division of Pasig City Research Manual & Research Agenda.

This manual was collaboratively designed, developed and reviewed by educators

from Schools Division Office of Pasig City headed by its Officer-In-Charge Schools
Division Superintendent, Ma. Evalou Concepcion A. Agustin in partnership with
the Local Government of Pasig through its mayor, Honorable Victor Ma. Regis N.
The writers utilized the standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum using the Most
Essential Learning Competencies (MELC) while overcoming their personal, social,
and economic constraints in schooling.

This learning material hopes to engage the learners into guided and independent

learning activities at their own pace and time. Further, this also aims to help
learners acquire the needed 21st century skills especially the 5 Cs namely:
Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, Critical Thinking and Character while
taking into consideration their needs and circumstances.

In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the body of
the module:

Notes to the Teacher

This contains helpful tips or strategies
that will help you in guiding the learners.

As a facilitator you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this manual.
You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to
manage their own learning. Moreover, you are expected to encourage and assist the
learners as they do the tasks included in the manual.
For the learner:

Welcome to the Division of Pasig City Research Manual & Research Agenda.

The hand is one of the most symbolized part of the human body. It is often used to
depict skill, action and purpose. Through our hands we may learn, create and
accomplish. Hence, the hand in this learning resource signifies that you as a
learner is capable and empowered to successfully achieve the relevant
competencies and skills at your own pace and time. Your academic success lies in
your own hands!

This manual was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities
for guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be
enabled to process the contents of the learning material while being an active
Chapter 1



One of the initial steps in planning a research work is to ask oneself first ―What

are the existing problems that need solution?‖. In this section, you need to discuss the

relevant theories, history and background of the problem being researched. It will help

you establish the need to conduct the study and explain the importance of your research


The first paragraph discusses the rationale of the study. It must define the

subject, main variables used, issues, or problem of the study. It also contains global or

broad perspective where you can cite situations or ideas taken from published works.

And finally, this part should describe why the present study is conducted and attempt to

bridge knowledge gaps identified and how further progress can it be useful in the

academic and societal discipline.

Remember that it is important acknowledge your sources using:

 Indirect citation – (Nanteza, 2020), or

 Direct citation – According to Nanteza (2020)

In writing this part, consider the following format shown in the example below.
Century Schoolbook 12,
center aligned, bold
2 single space
1 single space Century Schoolbook 12,
center aligned, bold,
1 single space ALLCAPITAL
Schoolbook 12, 1 single space
Left aligned, bold

of concepts

Citation According to Kapri (2014), emotion is the energy that makes the mind work

and emotions supply the energy for survival. Human emotions make life

more dynamic and functional. It is the human ability to feel greater than

what sustains our physical needs and still, greater than the five senses; it is

the ability to be affected and to have an effect. Emotions are both mental

and physical feelings that are vital in living life. These emotions influence

thoughts, thoughts influence words, words affect actions and actions turn to

habit, which in a way indicate that emotions are necessary in stimulating

and forming one’s behavior and actions towards oneself and towards the

world he lives in.

Human beings are specks of intelligences afloat a sea of emotions;

humans are controlled and can be overcome this. With this being said, it is

more than important to develop emotions for our own betterment and guard
it as it brings on negative and positive effects on the way a man perceives

and acts. This process is known as emotional maturity. (Alexander, 1967)

Introduction to The state of the world we live in today impedes maturity in all its
the problem
forms. Everyday, life gets more complex and complicated, yet humans still

have to continuously venture and struggle through. The youth are target for

the greatest impediment in growth. Yes, through adolescence a young

adult’s biological formations have reached its highest peak and have almost

finished growing, however in this stage adolescents face another dilemma—

their emotional maturity.

The next section contains the national perspective of your research. Begin with a

phrase or sentence that will maintain the coherence of your composition. Example, In

the Philippines‖.

In the Philippines, recent study by Sunny (2018) was conducted to test the

maturity of college students. The result turned out that students are mostly mature

intellectually, but not emotionally. This finding lead the researcher to focus on the

perspective of studying the emotional maturity of learners in the lower levels.

The following paragraph(s) contain/s the local perspective of your research. You

may narrow down from the national perspective in the second paragraph, to regional,

then provincial, lastly to your specific locale. Example, ―In the Municipality of San
Francisco, one of the municipalities of Caraga,… or In Agusan del Sur National High

School, one of the secondary schools in Agusan del Sur,… ‖.

In Nagpayong High School, studies tackling the effects of emotional

maturity on the youth, specifically its connection with the social and

academic self-esteem of the students have amount to none. Nagpayong High

School is home to almost 8,000 students, all belonging to the definition of

youth. And within this population, a greater emphasis on emotional

maturity is needed as they interact socially and excel academically.

Wrapping all the situations from global, national, and local perspectives, state

the necessity of conducting your research. Make sure that the reader will be convinced

on the importance of your research by the well-established prepositions in the first,

second, and third paragraphs. You may also add paragraphs, but always make sure that

the last paragraph is for the importance of conducting the study in your chosen locale.

The current situation of our world is a reflection of the world’s lack of

maturity. Maturity changes mankind’s view over things and enables man to deal

with it responsibly, in a way that pilot for the greater good. Thus, the main

purpose of the study is to determine the relationship of the Emotional Maturity

and the Self-Esteem of Grade 12 Students in Nagpayong High School.

Theoretical Framework

The theoretical framework discusses the relationships of variables in your

research problem. Basically, it is anchored from an existing theory, laws, ordinance,

concepts or principles within the research area of the study. These will serve as the
foundation of the research work and describes how they are applied or used by the

researcher in the current study.

In the first sentence of the first paragraph, state the main objective of conducting

your research. You need also to discuss the theory or concept where you anchored your

study. The discussion should be at the context of your study and not on the mere

definition of the theory. Layout your diagram below this paragraph which represents

your Theoretical/Conceptual Framework. See samples below.

After the discussion of the theory provide another paragraph that explains the

connection, relevance and use of the said theory to the present study. It should justify

that the theory used is the most appropriate foundation of the study at hand.
The Genos EI model is a foundation for our study as it discusses the

seven dimensions of emotional intelligence, which is a predictor of emotional

maturity and by some scholars, almost similarly associated terms. The seven

dimensions of emotional intelligence also describe aspects present in the four

aspects of emotional maturity which is emotional instability, social

maladjustment, emotional regression and personality development.

Also, Stanley Coppersmith theory is one of the theoretical backbones of

our study because firstly, it gives a valid background for self-esteem—self-

esteem stems from childhood through the parent’s child-rearing practices and

states how self-esteem is affected, can be changed, increased or decreased

throughout the lifetime of a person by different factors and such positive and

negative circumstances can affect an individual’s self-esteem.

These two theories implicitly state that there is a relationship of one’s

emotional maturity to a person’s self-esteem which this study hopes to prove

and discover.

(Note: You may have a separate section for Conceptual and Theoretical


Conceptual Framework

While the theoretical framework of a thesis states the fundamentally

accepted principles, theory, laws, where the research study is anchored, the conceptual

framework is consist of statements that link abstract concepts (linguistic, reading

competency) to empirical data (Rudestam & Newton, 2001). Concepts serve as the

central building blocks of scientific investigation. Davis (2005) states that concept is an
abstract ideas derived from certain facts. Thus, it is the operationalization of the theory

as applied to the research study.

By utilizing the system approach, the theoretical framework discussed earlier is

operationalized in the sample conceptual framework of the study illustrated as follows:

Input Process Output

 Demographic Profile of the
- Enabling Steps Data Gathered on:
 Gender
 Grade Level
Data Gathering
 Level of English Proficiency
 Linguistic Competency Assestment on
 Subject- Verb Students in English
Agreement - Test Questionnaire Proficieny.
 Structural Analysis
 Correct Usage
 Reading Competency
 Vocabulary Action plan on the
 Noting Details
 Determining the
Processing results of students’
Author’s Purpose English Proficiency
 Making
 Getting the main - Item Analysis
Idea -
- Data Interpretation




Do not forget that after the diagram must be a description of each box (Input-

Process-Output) and explain their relationship as shown in the model. The diagram

must be titled ―Figure __. Conceptual Paradigm of the Study on the (__main variables of

the study___) written all caps and inverted pyramid style.

Conceptual Framework

This conceptual framework serves as the research scheme of this study. It

adopts the system approach known as the input-process-output model.

The schematic diagram of the Conceptual Framework involves the three

interrelated parts of the study: Input, Process and Output.

The Input of the study is composed of two parts: Part 1 includes the

demographic profile of the respondent, Part 2 contains the level of English

Proficiency in terms of Linguistic Competency (Subject-Verb Agreement,

Structural Analysis, Correct Usage); Reading Competency (Vocabulary, Noting

Details, Determining the Author’s Purpose, Making Inferences, Getting the Main


In the process box, (1) it consists of the analysis, interpretation, and

conclusion of data through answering standardized proficiency test (2) Processing

the gathered data using statistical tools will come up the analysis, interpretation

and conclusion, with all the analysis done, the output box is expected to come up

with: (1) the assessment of English proficiency HUMSS Students and (2) action

plan proposal for the improvement of English proficiency of the respondents.

For the purpose of this study, the output box is premised to gather data on

the respondent’s level of English proficiency and to come with an action plan and

necessary recommendations.
Another example of conceptual framework is the use of Independent Variable

(IV) on the Dependent Variables (DV). The illustration below shows the effect of IV to

DV with control variables.

Conceptual Framework

The paradigm of the study shown in figure 1 illustrated the

conceptual framework of the study. This study elucidated the

relationship of the emotional maturity and the self-esteem of Grade 12

students in Nagpayong High School. The frame showed the relationship

and the actual pattern that is used in the study.

Statement of the Problem

The statement of the problem (SOP) of a thesis contains a brief summary of the

conceptual foundation of the proposed research study. Thus, it is a very clear

formulation of the research problem. The SOP has 2 main parts, the central problem

and the sub-problems identified by the researcher. The main or general objective is

stated in declarative form. Usually, it is stated like ―This study aims to….‖ Then, three

to five specific problems are stated in interrogative form.

Follow the sample format where: The main objectives and the specific objectives

are indented. Each sub-question must be numbered.

Main and
Problems of
the study.d

Here is another example of a statement of the problem taken from the thesis

titled ―The Impact of the Individual Spirituality of Public Employees on Organization

Values in Selected Government Organizations‖

This study attempts to find evidence of the impact of individual

spirituality on organizational values. More specifically, it seeks answers to the
following questions:

1. How does the organization’s proneness to corruption affect or relate to

individual spirituality in terms of the following: personal spirituality
and societal spirituality?
2. How does the organization’s proneness to corruption affect or relate to
organization values?
3. What is the relationship between individual spirituality and
demographic variables?
4. What is the relationship between individual spirituality and
organizational values?


A hypothesis is a declarative sentence that predicts the results of a research

study based on existing scientific knowledge and assumptions. It is a statement that

the researcher can empirically test, that if true, would explain the researcher’s output.

There are two types of hypothesis: null Ho) hypothesis and alternative (Hi)

hypothesis. Null is stated in negative form while alternative is stated in positive form.

Sample Null Hypothesis (Ho)

1. There is no significant relationship between the CSR practices

and financial performance of the IT distributor enterprises

when respondents are grouped according to profile.

Sample Alternative Hypothesis (Hi)

1. There is a significant relationship between the emotional

maturity of the students with their academic self-esteem.

2. There is a significant relationship between the emotional

maturity of the students with their social self-esteem.

Scope and Limitation

This portion will set the boundary of your study. It needs to answer the

following questions: Where will the study be conducted? What is the planned timeframe

of the study? And who are the people involved in the study? What resources and data

are needed?

It also contains the main objective of the study and the variables under study to

attain the research objective. After enumerating the variables, emphasize other factors

that may intervene the results are not under study. Example ―Other factors not stated

in this section are beyond the scope of this study‖.

Scope and Limitations

The scope of the study is reflected in the title, the Relationship of

Emotional Maturity to the Self-Esteem of Grade 12 Students in Nagpayong

High School. The variables of the study are Emotional Maturity in terms

of Emotional Instability, Social Maladjustment, Emotional

Regression and Personality Disintegration and Self-Esteem in terms

of Academic and Social. The study limited its coverage to Nagpayong

High School. It is confined to the current Grade 12 senior high school

students enrolled for school year 2018-2019 from strands HUMSS

(Humanities and Social Sciences), GAS (General Academic Strand)

and the ICT (Information and Computer Technology) of the said school

. The sample size is delimited to 207 students from NHS who will serve as

the respondents for this research with the use of a questionnaire survey. The

study will solely focus on finding whether there is a significant relationship

of the emotional maturity with the self-esteem of students, after finding out

Significance of the Study

The significance of the study gives the highlights of its contribution to the wealth

of knowledge of the academic discipline. To be significant, it must be timely and

relevant to the beneficiaries. The first paragraph states the general significance of the

study or the purpose of conducting the study. You may establish a paragraph by

thinking what or who will benefit the conclusions of your study.

After the paragraph, enumerate the persons and discuss specifically on how

they can be benefitted. Be sure to indent and highlight the listed beneficiaries of the

study followed by a period. You may state this way, ―Moreover, this study is beneficial

to the following:‖.

The terms are indented, boldface followed by a period. The discussions are

not boldface and are written in complete sentences. You may state this way: See

sample as follow.

Significance of the study

To understand ourselves more and the relationship between our emotions

and self-view is a fundamental foundation of learning. The study aims to provide

significance to:

Parents. Through this, parents would be able to aid their children in their

path toward maturity and to guide them as they make decisions needed for their

growth as human beings. Parents would begin to engage more of themselves into

the lives of their children and the youth as they pour affection and affirmation for

the gaining of self-esteem of the adolescents.

Students. This study will give the students, more importantly those

involved in the research, a more thorough understanding of their own selves and

their development, specifically in the emotional maturity and self-esteem field.

Community. This study would make the community realize the need for

youth development and guidance. The youth can only become the hope of the

nation if they have viewed themselves in a positive way and are fully physically,

mentally and emotionally mature.

Future Researchers. This study can be used by future researchers as a

reference material for their research and this research may serve as a guide for

their report and research study. This study may also be a source of sufficient

information and data for their works.

Definition of Terms

The purpose of definition of terms is to bring the researcher’s ideas within the

grasp of understanding of the reader. Definitions should be defined operationally or

contextually, and terms should be arranged alphabetically.

Follow the sample format where: The terms are indented, boldface followed by a

period. The definitions are not boldface and are written in complete sentences. You may

state this way:

Definition of Terms

The following is a list of terms that will provide meaning in order to

understand the contents of this study:

Academic Self-esteem. The self-esteem of a person based on academic

achievements and recognition.

Adolescence. Typically describes the years between ages 13 and 19 and can

be considered the transitional stage from childhood to adulthood.

Emotional Instability. Is being exaggerated and acting inappropriately. It is

the inappropriate control of the emotions that sometimes eventually leads to

emotional health disorders.

Emotional Intelligence. The capacity to be aware of, control, and express

one's emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and


Emotional Regression. It requires receding to an earlier growing stage (

emotionally, socially, or behaviorally).

Chapter 2


The review of related literature of a research paper reviews recent or

historically significant research studies, data, company, government, community or

industry reports that act as the basis for the study being proposed. It encourages,

educates, teaches, and enlightens. It creates ideas; helps to formulate critical

questions which are instrumental in the research design process. The researcher

studies different types of literature applicable to their analysis by reading,

reviewing, and critically analyzing what has been written about the topic. A well-

constructed literature review is an important criterion in establishing research


The Review of Literature and Studies shall be organized thematically;

therefore, the subheadings will be based on the themes/topics. A synthesis of the

reviewed literature and studies should be placed at the end of the chapter. The

minimum number of literature and studies to be reviewed shall be 5 every theme or

topic. The introductory part of this chapter is written by following the format

indicated herein.
2 single space
Century Schoolbook 12, center aligned,
1 single space

Century Schoolbook 12, center aligned,

1 single space

Box 1. Sample of an introduction for the

Review of Related Literature

The first paragraph should contain

a brief walkthrough of the themes that are
included in your research. The themes
could be numbered so that the
presentation of the data should be
organized and easily understood by the
readers as shown from box 1.

Box 2. Sample paraphrased paragraph using the APA Format

THEME 1: Century Schoolbook

12, left aligned, BOLD

Each of the citation should be

arranged also in chronological
manner. Texts gathered from
varied sources should not be copied
directly to avoid plagiarism. They
should be rephrased, and sources
should be labeled based on the APA
6th edition format. (Dela Cruz,
2018) or Dela Cruz (2018) …
“If there are statements or direct quotation that you want to include in

your Chapter 2, do not revise the statement. Instead, write it directly in an

inclosing quotation mark, and indent the entire statement. After the statement,

write the source.” (Makiling, 2018)

Box 3. Sample statements using direct quotation

"The level of a person's interest has repeatedly been found to be a

powerful influence on learning". (Subramaniam, 2009)

―Education is perceived as the ―golden ticket‖ to a life’s betterment,

however this ―golden ticket‖ is not being taken seriously by numerous

beginners and young individuals at the perfect age to pursue the higher

education. And in order to attain the good and right essence of education,

we should practice the art of decision-making‖. (Brenner, 2015)

―And in order to attain the good and right essence of education, we

should practice the art of decision-making ―. (Brenner, 2015).

Make sure to use different key words in rephrasing your citations to add

variety to your work. Here are sample key words that you can use:
Box 4. Sample key words/phrases in paraphrasing

 Aziana (2014) said that if an individual likes the job, regardless…

 According to Assessment Associates International (2018), when a career….

 The study of Uyar (2011) have been observed that personal interest has …

 Raj (2010) cited that matching what one likes to do…

 From the results of a study of Roach (2010) to determine career

 This finding is similar to that of Aswani (2012) who found out that ….

 Furthermore, Anuja (2017) concluded that personality factor had positive…

 Edwards and Quinter (2011) emphasized the influence of Kenyan schools…

 Mtemeri (2017) indicated that the location of the school…

 Super User (2015) mentioned that the choice of career …

 Furthermore, Siliman University (2017) define each track.

 Hewitt (2010) notes that most people are heavily influenced either…

 This finding is similar to that of Aswani (2012) who found out that …

 The study of Uyar (2011) have been observed that…

 A study of Moniarou-Papaconstantinou et al. (2010) conducted among…

 Korrir and Wafula’s (2012) study highlighted the influence…

 . Santos (2016) briefly discussed all about the…

Source or citation should be in APA 6th edition (Rizal, 2018).

Box 5. Sample related literature sorted by theme/topic

left aligned

Allot one
paragraph for
each reference.
Use the APA

BOLD, left

The following criteria can help the researcher have a good literature review:

1. Is the material presented in literature review relevant to my research


2. Is the specific problem area identified in the first paragraph of the two


3. Does the researcher establish the importance of the research problem?

4. Has the researcher been appropriately selective in deciding what studies to

include in the literature review?

5. Is the research cited recent/ published ten years ago?

6. Is the literature review critical for the study?

7. Is the researcher clear as to what is research, theory and opinion?

8. Overall, is it a strong literature review?

Synthesis of the Reviewed Related Literature and Studies

This is the last paragraph of your Chapter 2 which contains the summary of

your entire readings including the gap or the need in conducting your study. The

summary of the findings should include the authors who agreed to the said topic

and those authors who disagreed. It should also include how their studies agreed

or differed from one another. The researcher should also discuss the gap and

uniqueness of the research study.

The last part should be long enough to discuss the important points of

your study and how it answers your research questions but be sure to only put

important and major details necessary for your study.

Sample of Synthesis of the Reviewed Related Literature and Studies

Short introduction for

the synthesis of the
Review of Related

Similarities of
findings of various
Differences of
findings of

Gap and
uniqueness of
research study

The main
problem of
the study
Chapter 3


The research methodology shows the research design of the study. It is

called the researcher’s road map that discusses the projected methods for

collecting and analyzing data to answer the research questions.

This starts with an introductory sentence which enumerates the contents of this

chapter. Follow the format indicated in the example here under.


Font style: Century Schoolbook

Font size: 12pts.
Chapter and Number: bold and
first letter should be capitalized
Chapter Title: capslock and bold
6 singles
spaces from top

3 single spaces

2 single spaces

Sample of an introduction
for Research Methodology

This part should include the

following parts of Chapter 3
such as: Method of
Research, Population,
Sample Size and Sampling
Technique, Description of
the Respondents, Research
Instrument, Data Gathering
Procedure, and Statistical
Treatment (for Quantitative
Method of Research

This refers to the specific decisions made by the researcher with regard to

the method and procedures adopted in the conduct of a research study. This

pertains to the plan for the study’s methodology.

This part states the following in this order: First sentence: - Research design

(whether experimental, correlational, descriptive, quantitative, qualitative or

combination, historical, etc.) which you are using in your study.Next sentence/s: -

are those that describe and support the purpose of your chosen design.Sentences

that explain the procedure or instrument you are using for this design.

Font style: Century Schoolbook
Font size: 12pts.
Spacing: double space
Title by part: bold and single

The first sentence/s indicates

the methods used by the

The following sentences will be

the description and purpose of
each method to the study.
Population, Sample Size and Sampling Technique

This pertains to population from which the respondents of the study are

chosen. The respondents are selected through computing the sample size by

applying the appropriate sampling technique.

This part of Chapter 3 includes the following steps and contents: First,

choose the participants of the study. Participants refer to the samples or

respondents you will use in your study.- If you are gathering data from human

beings, use “Participants of the Study.”- If you are gathering data from non-human

biological beings, phenomenon, or non-animate object, use “Subject of the Study.”

Second, describe and explain your samples/respondents. Make sure to provide

appropriate reason for choosing them. Third, write the sampling procedure that you

employed in your study and its method of identifying the samples.

Then, if you use probability sampling (Simple Random Sampling, Stratified

Random Sampling, Cluster Sampling, etc.), state the formula and the margin of

error that you will consider in identifying the samples. If you are using Non-

probability Sampling (Purposive Sampling, Snowball Sampling, Availability

Sampling, etc.), discuss the criteria that you considered in choosing your samples

or respondents. Lastly, for probability sampling, present the sampling computation

through table.
Font style: Century Schoolbook
Font size: 12pts.
Spacing: double space
Title by part: bold and single

This part discusses

the chosen
participants as
respondents of the
study with
descriptions, and
the sampling
procedure and its
method in
identifying the

formula is used
to determine
the sample size
appropriate the
study’s target
Table No. : first letter capitalized,
Table Title: single space after the
table number, bold, capitalize the
first letters of the main words

This table includes the

computed sample size
and percentage of the
respondents applying
the stratified random
sampling technique.

Then followed by the

description of the table
and its content.

This is the description of

the table and its content.

Table No.2 : first letter capitalized, bold

Table Title: single space after the table
number, bold, capitalize the first letters
of the main words

This table indicates

the sample
distribution per
section and its

Then followed by
the description of
the table and its
Description of the Respondents

This part refers to the description which indicates the characteristics,

background, and suitability of the respondents to the study.


Title: Century
Schoolbook, Bold

Content: specific
descriptions of the
respondents and the
justification of their
suitability as
respondents of the

For a qualitative research, this portion is called ―Informants‖. The

research should tell the reader how and why you chose the informants for your

study – Usually, ‘purposive sampling’ is used because the informants are

available, convenient and most importantly represent characteristics you want to

study (Silverman, 2000).

Research Instrument

The research instruments used in a study depends on whether the research

study being conducted falls into the category of a quantitative or a qualitative

study. These are the measurement tools such as questionnaires, test, survey,

scales, checklists designed to obtain data on a topic of interest from the research

subjects or respondents. (EBSCO HELP, 2017)

This includes the following contents: Start with discussing the instrument

you are using part by part and describe the contents of this instrument and what

data can be extracted using it. State whether it is a researcher-made or adopted


If adopted, make sure to mention the source from where you got it. Do not

forget to discuss the validation procedures and the reliability of the instrument.

Include the scale of measurement to be used for the research instrument.


Discussion of the
instrument used by
stating whether it is
a researcher-made
or adopted. If
adopted, include
the name of the
author, the
complete title of the
questionnaire, the
year it was
published, and if it
is modified by the
This includes the
discussion of the
content description,
part by part
discussion, and what
data can be gathered
from the instrument.

Other than
descriptions, the
scale for
measurement should
be discussed in this
part. This also
contains the aim of
the researchers for
adopting and utilising
These tables show
the scale for
used in each

For qualitative research, this part is called ―Instrumentation‖ If you used

INTERVIEW as a data collection, you will probably use an Interview Schedule or

Guide. State whether your interview was semi-structured or unstructured. You may

also list down the types of questions you included in the interview guide.

Data Gathering Procedure

Specifically, this is the “how-to” section of the study and will introduce the

design of the research and how the data will be collected based on the questions of

interest. It is the technique used to obtain the information used in research study

to substantiate the claims made by a writer.

This part must discusses the following processes: First Paragraph: Discusses

the preliminary procedures done by the researchers before gathering the data. This

indicates the preparation and distribution of intent letters to the different

concerned authorities. Second Paragraph: Discusses the extracting of data using

the instruments, researcher-made and/or the adopted to the target respondents.

Enumeration of procedures from setting the respondents, distribution of materials,

and up to the retrieval of instrument should be stated. Last Paragraph indicates

the proper handling of data gathered from the respondents by keeping the data

anonymous and/or confidential.

The initial stage of
data gathering
procedure is asking
the permission to
the authorities and
concerning the

This part indicates

the process of data

This part is the

discussion of the
proper handling of data
after the respondents’
answered the
Statistical Treatment

This section determines the correct statistical tools to be used in the study,

thus the research should ensure the fitness of the measuring instrument or

statistical tool appropriate in diagnosing specific problems identified in the study.

This section starts with an introductory that discusses the tool used to

analyze the data gathered through the research instrument, then followed by the

discussion of the following statistical tools and data analysis techniques that will

be used to answer the research problems of you study.

The title is written in sentence case, boldface and has no section. Each

conclusion should be numbered and indented.



Statistical treatment
used and its
purpose, and
statement of the
problem from which
it will answer.

The formula and

the function of its

Statistical treatment
used and its
purpose, and
statement of the
problem from which
The formula and
it will answer.
the function of its
If you are doing a qualitative research, there should be a specific discussion

for the Data Analysis in this chapter. One common example of this is called

thematic analysis, it is a method of analyzing qualitative data. It is usually

applied to a set of texts, such as interview transcripts. The researcher closely

examines the data to identify common themes – topics, ideas and patterns of

meaning that come up repeatedly (Caulfield, 2019).

A thematic analysis is a good approach in which you’re trying to find out

something about people’s views, opinions, knowledge, experiences or values from a

set of qualitative data – for example, interview transcripts, social media profiles,

or survey responses (Caulfield, 2019).

Thematic analysis is a flexible method that can be adapted to the

purposes of your research.

There are various approaches to conducting thematic analysis, but the most

common form follows a six-step process (Caulfield, 2019):

 Familiarization

 Coding

 Generating themes

 Reviewing themes

 Defining and naming themes

 Writing up

Font style: Century Schoolbook

Font size: 12pts.
Spacing: double space
Title by part: bold and single


narration of
data gathered
Next is the analysis
of data gathered
(story). With all the
ideas gathered from
relevant materials,
make a list of the
characters to be
analysed, classified
according to their

Jerusalem, V. Delos Reyes, A et al. (2017). Practical Research 2:Exploring Quantitative

Research. Sampaloc Manila. Fastbooks Educational Supply, Inc.

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