Activity 12

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Education 4.0 is a response to Industrial Revolution 4.0 or IR 4.0. IR 4.

0 is computers connected to
computers. It is inteconnectivity. It is the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence. In IR4.0 we have
robots, driverless cars, genetic sequencing and editing, miniaturized sensors, and 3D printing, to name a
few. We get digitally connected to one another across the globe. We can know anything, anytime,
anywhere. Global community connects everything, everywhere always - the INTERNET of Everything.
Stem cell curing becomes obsolete. With genetic sequencing and editing, we can now remove the
sickness. With all these profound changes brought about by IR 4.0, Education 4.0 is the response of the
education sector. With the aid of science and innovation, schools have to respond to the dramatic
changes brought about by IR 4.0, if they have to be relevant. Higher education institutions cannot ignore
these developments or else become irrelevant.

With the efficiency of machines, routinized jobs can be done by machines with greater efficiency than
human laborers. So human laborers must be taught how to use the machines at their advantage. But
machines lack important human characteristics such as creativity, flexibility, compassion and empathy.
School curricula then should focus on the development of these innately human characteristics of
creativity, flexibility, compassion and empathy. Education 4.0 must intentionally and formally include
program butco course outcomes and learning outcomes that are focused on the development of the 10
skills enumerated by the World Economic Forum Report for success in IR 4.0. School curricula should
develop a new generation that is analytical in their way of thinking and is continuously adaptable to new
skills and new roles.

Creativity and flexibility, compassion and empathy form part of the 10 skills demanded by IR 4.0
enumerated by the World Economic Forum Report as follows:

• Complex Problem Solving

• Critical Thinking

• Creativity

• People Management

• Coordinating with Others

• Emotional Intelligence

• Judgment and Decision-making

• Service Orientation

• Negotiation

• Cognitive Flexibility
Course content must necessarily, purposively (not incidental teaching) include or integrate these 10
skills. They must be taught to welcome machines and other features brought by IR 4.0. Learners should
be taught that Al can enhance or optimize creativity but cannot create. Al is a great creative tool for
scientists, artists, musicians and writers. Learners must therefore be taught how to use machines with
their unprecedented processing power, storage capacity and their unlimited access to knowledge.
Learners must be made to understand that Artificial Intelligence (AI) can't replace workers in creative
jobs but can do the routine jobs at the service of humans.

School curricula should focus on the development of innately human characteristics of creativity,
flexibility, compassion and empathy. School curricula should develop a new generation that is analytical
in their way of thinking and is continuously adaptable to new skills and new roles.

Teaching methods, strategies and activities must be such that these top skills for success in IR 4.0 must
be developed. Problem based learning (PBL), project-based learning (PrBL), service learning, immersion,
shadowing, internship are expected regular features of teaching-learning methods and strategies.

Modes of teaching shall be flexible. With knowledge anywhere, anytime, lesson delivery can be flexible.
We can have flipped classrooms where students are given the problems or questions in class and they
go out to search for the answers to the problems or questions then come back to share their answers.
One can combine face-to-face instruction with on-line learning. Assessment of learning will not be
limited to paper-and-pencil test. The assessment of knowledge, skills and values is done though more
authentic modes of assessment.

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