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Dynamical Systems

Dynamical Systems
Systems where the effects of actions do not occur immediately

State: a collection of variables that completely characterizes the

motion of a system

Dynamical Systems
Systems where the effects of actions do not occur immediately

State: a collection of variables that completely characterizes the

motion of a system
• gives the values of these states over time

Dynamical Systems
Evolution of these states over time is often given by a set of
governing ordinary differential equations
• Order: highest derivative that appears in the equations

ẍ(t) = u(t) Second-order system

Example 1: Mass-Spring System


x1 = y
x2 = ẏ

mÿ(t) + ky(t) = u(t)

Example 2: Pendulum on a Cart
x2 = ✓
x4 = ✓˙
(M + m)ÿ(t) ¨
ml cos(✓(t))✓(t)
˙ 2 = u(t)
+ ml sin(✓(t))✓(t)
ml cos(✓(t))ÿ(t) + (J + ml2 )✓(t)
mgl sin(✓(t)) = 0

x1 = y
x3 = ẏ 8
Example 3: Quadrotor
x1 = x x7 = ẋ
x2 = y x8 = ẏ
x3 = z x9 = ż
x4 = x10 = p
x5 = ✓ x11 = q
x6 = x12 = r

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