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One of the world’s leading providers of vehicle warranty is the company of Car Care Plans

(CCP). It was founded in 1976, and mainly because of their passion to their job, the company has

a long-standing relationship with its clients. They also have a lot of collaborations with car

manufacturers, franchised dealers, and independent dealers who trust CCP because of its high-

quality service. Because of the large number of customers they serve, their company is well-

known all over the world, and they have offices in Europe and Asia. They also have a subsidiary

company, Motors Insurance Company Limited, which is well-established (MICL). They are

currently developing their firm and ensuring that standard processes are followed. CCP wants to

be able to provide excellent and high-standard services to their clients, thus they will design an

IT system to simplify operations and increase customer service and efficiency as their company

grows. Smart Innovation was created to aid policy and claims administration. There are issues

while envisioning the innovation; the team members' perspectives are conflicting, and

mismatched paperwork supplied by several firm insurance claimants are uncovered. The notion

was created as a result of a poor changeover of resigned employees to new employees.


A. How should Car Care Plan (CCP) handle the conflict which arises during the

conceptualization of “Smart Innovation” using the three-stage process in handling team

In this conflict, team leaders must be involved and take the lead. Following that, they

must use an elimination procedure to eliminate ideas that are vague and uncertain; second, they

must understand the situation and what ideas can help in the development of Smart Innovation

only; and third, they must agree that, after evaluating the various ideas from each team member,

the best idea will be selected. There will be no contradictions in concepts this way.

B. What type of total quality tool/continuous improvement method should Car Care Plan

(CCP) employ in order to determine the different causes that might have contributed to

the inconsistencies in the submitted documents of their insurance claimants?


Histograms will be the tool required to determine what caused the problem in the CCP

authorization documents. The various causes will be indicated in this tool, and an investigation

will be conducted, with each individual involved in the case being interviewed, and the root and

end of the problem will be determined.

C. How can ISO 9000 contribute in the overall improvement of Car Care Plan’s (CCP)

organizational performance?

Reduce operational expenses & Reduction of product liability risk

The improvement of CCP's IT system will aid in reducing the amount of time and money

spent on the process by making claim administration of their transactions easier. If ISO 9000 is

followed, risks such as document loss can be avoided, and the company can benefit from ISO

9000 by avoiding legal fees and complications. The company's client happiness will improve as a
result of clever innovation.


To effectively envision the growth of smart innovation, management must focus on

appropriately analyzing team members' ideas. And it's a good thing to contradict the members'

ideas at some point because it will find its way discover which ones will genuinely help sensible

innovation emerge. Because conflict is likely to lead to a fight, the team leader should

concentrate on enforcing order in meetings. Departments should also focus on reporting on

employees' job roles on a regular basis to verify that they are performing their duties



• Listen to both sides, when people have contradicting ideas especially in an

organization, it is good to be open on both sides because what each employee is

fighting for makes sense for them because they will not suggest it if they know it

will do no good to the company.

• Find agreement, talk together so that all members understand the decision to be

made. What is good for everyone is the agreement that must be followed because

it is better than nothing will be negatively affected by the changes to be made in

an organization.


Hire the right people, the issue of the CCP has been the improper turn over of

documents from previous employees so it is important that a company accepts only select

people who are capable of fulfilling their roles in a company. Employees who are unfit in
their roles can do harm to a company. All the ideas of the employees for smart innovation

will help to produce beautiful IT systems so all the insights should be iconsider.


Set standards, management in CCP is advantageous since their improvement is

continuous and they strive to achieve high standards in their company, but organizational

challenges cannot be avoided; the most essential thing is to encourage everyone in fixing the

problem and sharing their views to create solutions. Team members must actively participate in

the development and improvement of products and services in a firm, as evidenced by the CPP,

because the more ideas a team has, the easier it will be to do the task. Problems such as those

that occurred in the CPP with personnel who did not perform their duties correctly must also be

investigated as soon as possible to prevent risk from escalating.

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