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Consultant Terms of Reference

Support for Indonesia’s Health Sector Reform Strategy (HSRS)

A. Background

1. Indonesia has made notable progress in improving its healthcare over the last few
decades; however, there are several lagging areas, (i.e., nutrition, maternal mortality,
rising Communicable and Non-Communicable Disease, primary care coverage, low
readiness of health emergency) that still need to be addressed.
2. Based on these focus areas such as improving primary care, increasing health
promotion and prevention, accelerating hospital accreditation, strengthening human
resources, and boosting the pharmaceutical industries, the Indonesian Ministry of
Health/Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia (Kemenkes RI) has developed its
strategic roadmap for 2020-2024.
3. However, to be responsive with the current challenges in health sector area, the
Kemenkes RI’s strategy should be optimized, streamlined and action-oriented across
the desired outcomes, plans and budgets, towards achieving Indonesia’s priorities as
stated in the country’s National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN).
4. To this extent, Kemenkes RI is looking to refresh its national healthcare strategy and
roll out an organization-wide transformation program.

B. Scope of Services.
The scope of services include defining the roadmap covering health policy, strategy,
budgeting, and organizational aspects within Ministry of Health. The detailed scope of
services can be seen below.

1. Diagnostics and Benchmarking

a. Conduct diagnostic and high-level benchmarking of Indonesia’s health system.
b. Identify key gaps in the priority impact areas.
2. Policy Review and Shifts
Identify potential policy levers that can influence broader health spending and suggest
policy changes to drive strategic outcomes.
3. Strategy Roadmap
a. Develop strategic initiatives and interventions to address gaps in achieving overall
aspiration for Indonesia health sector across different types of levers (e.g. policy,
efficiency, funding etc.)
b. Survey the latest application of information technology and artificial intelligence tools
in supporting innovative service delivery, health education, health promotion, and
health governance to improve the quality and responsiveness of health services,
health financing, and efficiency of health organizations.
c. Design a health system performance monitoring framework with KPIs aligned with
SDG goals, particularly Universal Health Coverage, and the RPJMN
d. Develop a key stakeholder engagement plan and syndicate the health reform
strategies and the associated KPIs with stakeholders. These may include relevant
government agencies, public and private health providers, non-governmental
organizations working in health, development partners etc
4. Organization and culture diagnostic
a. Conduct diagnostics to assess current organizational design and identify gaps and
challenges to address


b. Design alternative org structure and create new operating model (including roles
and responsibilities, etc.)
c. Align on new organization design and operating model with stakeholders
d. Conduct diagnostics to assess current culture baseline and identify gaps and
challenges to address
5. Budgeting Process design
a. Align on end-state aspirations for budgeting outcomes with key stakeholders
b. Identify and understand current key budgeting processes
c. Identify challenges with current design
d. Propose options for improvement and seek stakeholder input and alignment
6. Health sector reform strategy implementation plan
a. Create a detailed implementation work plan including definition of strategic
programs, role and responsibilities of involved agencies, key milestones, and
estimated budget.
b. Design and deliver capacity building for teams as necessary.

C. Consulting Team Composition

The Consulting Team shall have the freedom to propose a team structure and composition
that can deliver the highest quality of outputs to ADB under the assignment within the time
period stated. The Consulting Team shall assign a team leader to provide high level
guidance and coordination to the delivery of outputs required under the Contract. The
team leader will be responsible for the overall management of the Consultant’s team and
should meet the following criteria:
1. A master's degree from a reputable university with at least 15 years-experience in
health systems and health services consulting
2. Academic background in healthcare, healthcare business or other related fields
3. Having significant experience in leading multiple large-scale transformations in public /
state owned sector
4. Having significant experience in advising national health entities in South East Asia
5. Having experience in advising health care entities in Indonesia, preferably public /
state-owned ones.

The Consulting Team shall further detail the individuals that will lead each of the thematic
areas of (i) health policy, (ii) health economy; (iii) health human resources, (iv) health
service organization, (iv) institutional coordination, (v) health financing, and (vi) data
analysis. All senior team members shall have at least 7 years’ experience in their area of
specialization, while junior team members shall have at least 5 years’ experience.
All team members shall have excellent English language skills and be experts in the
thematic area to which they are assigned.

D. Deliverables.

1. Inception Report
An inception report shall be submitted by the Consultant within 2 weeks after
commencement of services and shall contain:
a. the master work program and resource mobilization plan for the project;
b. the master timeline describing detailed activities as a guidance for the team in
carrying out the task;


c. Method and strategy of consultant services implementation;

2. Progress Reports
The progress reports are divided into two main reports, namely first progress report
and second progress report:

A. First Progress Report to be submitted within 6 weeks after commencement

of services and consisting of the following outputs
1. Diagnostics and Benchmarking
a. Report of current-state diagnostics (including assessment of hospitals,
Puskesmas, and JKN)
b. Case studies with key learnings and insights
2. Policy Review and Shifts
a. Proposed potential adaptations to policy levers that can influence broader
healthcare spending
3. Strategy Roadmap
a. Roadmap of strategic interventions to address near term gaps and
achieve long term vision
b. Priority KPIs

B. Second Progress Report to be submitted within 10 weeks after

commencement of services and consisting of the following outputs
4. Organization and culture diagnostic
a. Organizational design diagnostic results and findings
b. Proposed redesigned organizational structure and operating model
(including roles and responsibilities etc.)
c. Cultural diagnostic results and findings
5. Budgeting Process design
a. Proposed redesigned process framework for budgeting process
b. Proposed budget planning.
6. Health sector reform strategy implementation plan
a. Detailed implementation work plan
b. Design and proposed timeline for the capacity building plan

3. Final report, to be submitted within 12 weeks after commencement of services

and consisting of the following outputs
• The detailed description of the process with which the Support for Indonesia’s
Health Sector Reform Strategy (HSRS) is conducted.
• The detailed finding on the following areas: 1) diagnostics and benchmarking, 2)
policy review and shifts, 3) strategy roadmap, 4) organization and culture
diagnostic, and budgeting and process design.
• The detailed list of suggestions based on the project findings for Kemenkes RI.
• Annexes containing (i) summaries of important project documents, such as the
scope document, the project plan, the analysis results and the final approval /
acceptance; and (ii) recommendations/options on how ADB lending/loan support
can be mobilized to support the implementation of the health sector reform


E. Payment

A lump sum contract will be signed for the provision of the requested services. Payments
will be made in installments for each deliverable once fully accepted by ADB, as follows:

Deliverable submission
Deliverables Payment
Inception report Week 2 20%
Progress report 1 Week 6 30%
Progress report 2 Week 10 35%
final report Week 12 15%

F. Preparation of Proposal

Proposing consultants are requested to prepare a detailed description of how

they propose to execute the deliverables required under the Contract in the section of
their proposal called “Approach and Methodology”. The provision of generic information
shall be avoided. In this narrative, entities should be explicit in explaining how they will
achieve the deliverables and include any information on their past experience of
delivering similar projects and the current research that they have been conducting in
the areas of focus within this Terms of Reference. The Consultant shall additionally
detail how it will mitigate the impacts of COVID-19 in its proposed implementation
strategy and outline alternative methods to deliver the project, should international travel
of experts continue to be restricted.

The Consultant shall clearly and concisely explain the rationale for the
proposition of its chosen team, including, but not limited to.
1. The number and seniority of the experts proposed;
2. How the expertise of the proposed team meets the requirements of the TOR and
the expectations of ADB; and
3. The estimated time allocation for each expert, (as required by the CMS system).

ADB will favorably evaluate proposals that include suitably qualified and
experienced team members. Consultants will be expected to explain how they will
ensure suitable coordination with ADB resident missions and government counterparts
in the preparation of contract deliverables.

Only one curriculum vitae (CV) must be submitted for each expert named in the
proposal. Only the CVs of selected key experts identified in the evaluation criteria will be
scored as part of the technical evaluation of proposals. The CVs of other key and non-
key experts will not be individually scored, however, ADB will review and individually
approve or reject each CV of these positions in the proposal and consider the overall
suitability of the bidders proposed team. ADB will further take into account the quality of
the consultants proposed team when evaluating the approach and methodology and
personnel schedule of the Consultant.

The Consultants Personnel schedule shall clearly show the percentage of home
and field presence of each team member and both full time and intermittent time


application to the project. The Consultant is also encouraged to overlay the contents of
its work schedule (TECH 3) with its personnel schedule (TECH-4) in order to further
elaborate on how the inputs of its staff are aligned with the completion of deliverables
under the project. This may be included separately as part of the submission.

Nationals of non-ADB member countries engaged through consulting firms duly

incorporated within an ADB member country may be proposed as key or non-key
experts in this consulting services selection. ADB will also accept the proposal of experts
for national positions that are citizens of other ADB member countries but who are
legally entitled to live and work in the country where they reside.

G. Implementation Arrangement

1. The contract will be administered by ADB who will closely coordinate with the
Kemenkes RI on the approval of deliverables. The recruitment process shall be fully
undertaken through ADB’s Consultant Management system. The “minimum” person-
months showing in the data sheet are required from a systems perspective and do
not represent the expected inputs of the Consultant. The Consultant will mobilize
promptly after signing the Contract, and will compile, prepare and submit all required
reports according to the delivery milestones agreed in the contract.
2. The Consulting Team shall include all costs necessary to undertake this assignment
within its proposal. This shall include any costs of international or national travel (if
any), per diem and related expenses, printing and other project related costs.
3. Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, the commencement and completion dates and
other implementation arrangements for this assignment are to be considered are
indicative only. The final dates and implementation arrangements will be agreed with
the first-ranked firm at contract negotiations taking into consideration the prevailing
situation with COVID-19 at that time.
4. Upon signing the Contract, the Consulting Team shall seek ADB approval prior to the
travel activity (if any), including the deployment of international personnel to the
project country (if any), providing details relevant to the deployment. The Consulting
Team shall not incur travel-related costs prior to receipt of ADB approval.

H. Safe working under COVID-19 conditions.

1. Physical distancing is a must. Meetings should be done virtually where possible.

2. Use personal protective equipment. Ensure standard precautions, including hand
hygiene, cough etiquette and appropriate waste-management techniques, are
3. Limit any interactions in closed spaces. Regularly communicate with all team
members regarding the requirement to not attend the practice if they have any
symptoms consistent with COVID-19, regardless of how mild, and will encourage
testing in line with local public health unit advice.
4. Support any team member who tests positive for COVID-19 or is identified as a close
contact or is required to self-isolate – including by making them aware of their leave

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