Lavina Maam Lecture Notes

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Lecture 1:

Workforce planning vs human resource planning

Planning vs forecasting

Workforce segmentation: Segmentation based on skills of employees

Which skills I have in abundance, I have less, are complimentary, easy to find/replacable, skills extra
special or rare.

Now you do workforce planning

3 decisions you take under planning

Buying: hiring people/talent from outside. (Talent Segmentation)

Building: training the existing employees, capability improvement.

No action taken: no problem, adequate supply of talent in our organization for the demand in
question, can be used quickly in the required area

Lecture 2: 08/12/2021

Workforce planning process:

1.Forecasting the demand for human resources

2.Forecasting the supply for human resources

3.Comparing forecasted supply and demand

4.Taking Apt actions.

For step 1 above: 2 methods are used: Qualitative and Quantitative Methods

Qualitative: Delphi method, Nominal group technique, Scenario Planning

Quantitative: Time study, work sampling, ration analysis, trend analysis, Regression analysis

Scenario planning

Shell started, 40yuearsago

Taking help of critical uncertain dimensions, scenario is built up

Generally, 2 uncertain dimensions are taken, 4 scenarios are developed.

Example: Blackberry case, EV Case,

Salesforce video on scenario planning

Delphi method :

Experts give their opinion about what the future entails

Open ended questionnaire is preffered

Experts never face to face

Facilitator receives opinion of all experts

Another round of focused questionnaire is sent to experts to arrive at a narrower decision

Various iterative rounds can go on like this

When is Delphi apt ?

No clear cut resolution

Heterogeneity of participants and anonymity

Difficult to have face to face meeting

Exploring an issue

Nominal Group Technique:

Technique is similar to Delphi

But experts are made to go through documents and data related to the topic, and then the
questionnaire is sent to them for their responses.

All ideas are recorded and shown on flip chart (showcasing to all experts)

Through secret voting, it gets decided which idea is the most pertinent one with respect to future

Time Study:

Establish standard time for jobs

Done by industrial engineers mainly, HR professionals

Once std time is set, no one can change it unless another time study is done

Standard time is connected with employees pay. Nowadays

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