Mavi Cal Gtiuy: Cokba Asddad Ulhunal Usatckt O The Hbaa

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MAVI CaL gtiuy

v Tukui oppanel julail

had Cald tmillio pains an ndolt
al $99 millen o grstn emrengus

dast cix yaru 30 CAGR 321 retail

oo0 and 5000 usholaLal
disli bution unh

ChoresEhat MAvI CDLld c cu

OLth to gimat olenanaia a anaterd4E
Alreada masket lradainud4_uih

mund YreCall_
cponli euice poalheinmankt
phrop taat faahiam
pxemum_puiied preatae pmmde
lbuty Ondor anualkua_pmepaa hand

Cokba asddad ulhunal usatckt o the hbaa

ompant Kisom

o d ARarlelas undEmk i i n a dai

manuattwunq oempanyin letandkul (198&4)
199| 199 hlaunchad hiu ouon_LDilclannm
oandn Tuakoyt t h a that I a s dhemasket
wa dlenaunatoluuth toxeign pocds kt ha
C0oLpaahdsut_oht local appeal 2ALscr_pm.e
V Maul mea blue

1retail toa Nect o_manutactutung

in Itonbu mon +
ALatid a itian calLd_os ntpired
Lvi's CO1) fa alon do oca

Janahed to cnallrage 2uigm deoinaute

iu dninu asknt

Paapat bt_cisaleg peahuct kt_korya

bedy to sct asid
ate /

- y Aoo th tiund th oduetuigg

Stceaen wkuy aAnd oasion-
LAdCallahorat with luie foscani
to2a.ta Maui-tunanaa medileaear
aCaath empoat & poiou)-

2004 CoQla horatadai dtimkiah druignnu

RAat Telaahul T-eht o ha ald-
olongaidls Mauia glolbalya

2008 Rtail atrun _Deno solid

Turkiak 2Daul ndluual

Cecen dorgeat nduat
GDP1 unduaiual sukput,3
Anploymarut L&1 a oportr

devi, ke2, Wanglen lustag wee peplan

in luhey

So o 8o mulon_populal" uwas undeyago

30 ukul popuilath.
1 1 CAGRwnoeae in dhs number dhoppu
mal dheuazghsut tha coLnyb1kuwun 2000

Rnancds eueh w JRaand, hzans q_Hucnaiby,-

T br_all mankund sesued Luun segaunt

Leuandedyans makt 2 S 4
appauLaasket pie

Jatunaunal ppoxdhuniby2
$5 hllLhn denin sady n glolasl appaul

Lv Mau onliu USR kunepeala maskutia

lat 1990 Cusoms baar Loa m a l a ,
mor dicutt segmuni dm bi beand laalh
T Maw
Mau poabened t htandaptian
Pmduct $00)
2008- 9 &atnnatnéra naskulgg-

Gnoing naluust Jiu

Jeau a p hasuo product 4produet

potslio wu uieaidied
aAuAnu2ouhwion dn lastw
man ao u0oman-
New vtDu Jayout insludeel Hehns wih ops k
aLcsaRiu to look caaual, uban or prethy

Understoolusg ConaLLmLnL

LKLatiR ood hcoad uand bok ucceesul

ad anpagnidnbhed & cel.beit tatrha
shuld eallak uidh
omal cudtonau relatnomasp manageaseat om
lCem) u24_et up
ce aathad 2oa
de allau cépany ta sak Aoint sal dala,
a ragiui b irdidclual uoma data
K disount n Bat punehaasss
Atfu 1ya rwodh opauta pushast
4.1 ilion sipel uP, 3 salu Raatu caad
katupsidad uriaighti uäda ha pakouasnes
4 dfunt loestien
_Cuatormur olata uaed t o oleternin produt
Juiu ono ustuauze Caimpcugind pemoliou
Pmdust baaad egnnodtah_wou clonL
v_Pootenal tampaigw aokdtzu iu bmont-
istinwalk, Jhsnea4nd nunahau rntas.
ndepHabeut_utooma k s dulLku
and lunds llouuad

La keuers

o ca COatantu Loalmarkt

vCon enatupa dalas ko Toed

dnand 2 cuaitthun-

mono Ppmhntuos ka ecpana.

line s A00ah_aspirahàsa-
r naal
Cain_magket_han h shala h

bie poaihioni whthnMaukaBg
paui poaieun ad shatagia uhelthn
Hhay ghould coasaidan oesingAsi gRAAnAIL
ma n

PrieRopoahonie Bond octanaien daaugh Ruldig

SB - bands PouAL
remuum or botanol bnana

Louerg Pny upmarkcd)

Valun pepaa

abrarad LoLda audinnss buli

uoit Ha
Areation s p s t Rt
Maui- tuanian'2 asces b an l e t


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