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ENG 150 Principles and Theories of

Language Acquisition and Learning


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Multiple Choice
Choose the best answer.

According to this theory, language began when our ancestors started imitating the
natural sounds around them.
Bow-wow theory
Ding-dong theory
La-La theory
Yo-he-ho theory

Which of the following statements is true?
The first language is acquired subconsciously and there is a need for motivation to acquire it.
Personality does not affect language acquisition.
The second language has no effect on the culture of a person.
The second language learning depends a lot on the structure of the first language.
Language may have developed from sounds associated with love, play, and song. The
idea that speech emerged from the sounds of inspired playfulness, love, poetic
sensibility, and song.
Pooh-pooh theory
Bow-wow theory
La-la theory
Ding-dong theory

_______provide the foundation for _______, and the outcomes of _________ help us to
refine and even replace our __________ over time.
theories, scientific studies, scientific studies, theories
scientific studies, theories, scientific studies, theories
scientific studies, theories, theories, scientific studies
theories, scientific studies, theories, scientific studies
Correct answer
theories, scientific studies, scientific studies, theories

This is one factor that affects language acquisition that pertains to the learner’s
introversion and extroversion that makes a huge difference in the learning process of
the second language.
Which of the following statements about first language is true?
A language a person learns in order to communicate with the native speaker.
It is a personal choice of a person.
It is unnatural and it needs continuous guidance and instruction.
It is like an instinct which is triggered by birth and developed with experience of being exposed to
Below are the benefits of a constructivist classroom except,
Constructivism stimulates and engages students.
Constructivism concentrates on how to think and understand.
Constructivism is most successful with children from privileged backgrounds.
Constructivism promotes social and communication skills within the classroom.

The downside of this theory is that no language contains very many interjections.
Noises as described in this theory bear little relationship to the vowels and
consonants found in phonology.
Yo-he-ho theory
Pooh-pooh theory
Bow-wow theory
La-La theory

Which of the following statements about mother tongue is not true?
It is the first language.
If the structure of the first language is similar to the second language, it will be easy and fast for
the learners to internalize it.
A first language and a second language have no effects on each other.
The first language is natural and has a solid base in a person’s intellectual development.

The following are the factors of difference for first language and second language
acquisition except,
social construct
According to Ding-dong theory, original sounds people made were supposedly in
harmony with the world around them. What is the downside of this theory?
This theory still fails to account for the gap between emotional and the rational aspects of
speech expression.
No language contains many interjections.
Relatively, few words are onomatopoeic, and these words vary from one language to another.
Apart from some rare instances of sound symbolism, there is no persuasive evidence, in any
language, of an innate connection between sound and meaning.
Children acquire language through,
direct instruction
deductive approach
conscious process
unconscious process
The following statements describe how a child acquires a language except,
Children acquire language through a subconscious process.
Acquisition is seen as an implicit process.
A learner who has acquired a linguistic system has a tacit knowledge of grammar
Acquisition is the result of direct instruction in the rules of language.
Who influences most generative-transformational linguistics?
Sigmund Freud
Jean Piaget
Noam Chomsky
Carl Roger

Language acquisition
is best understood by watching animals communicate.
is a theory that is agreed upon by the psychological community.
cannot happen among deaf community.
is the process by which we learn to communicate in meaningful ways.
Which of the following characteristics is not reflective of a cognitive view of learning?
Changes in knowledge lead to changes in behavior.
The outcome of learning is an observable behavior.
Reinforcement is seen as an information.
Humans are active learners.

Generative grammar provides:
A set of infinite rules and limited number of sentences
A set of infinite rules and unlimited number of sentences
A set of finite rules and limited number of sentences
A set of finite rules and unlimited number of sentences

Correct answer
A set of finite rules and unlimited number of sentences

The structural linguistics as one of the schools of thought in second language
acquisition prided itself on the principle that,
languages can differ from each other without limit, and no preconceptions could apply across
human language cannot be scrutinized simply in terms of observable stimuli and responses
emphasis is placed on the importance of learners constructing their own reality
meaning, understanding, and knowing were significant data for psychological study

Which of the following is concerned about the importance of social interaction and
cooperative learning constructing both cognitive and emotional images of reality.
radical constructivism
situated cognition
social conctructivism
Which of the following defines second language?
it is the mother tongue or the native language.
Completely acquired with 100% proficiency within 6 years from birth
Any language that a person uses other than his native language.
It begins with telegraphic speech.

Linguistic interference occurs when:
people try to speak if they are nervous and feel intimidated
people learn a second language or dialect
young children learn their first language
a person decides to learn his first language

How does age become a factor that makes L2 different from L1?
Learners who are introvert usually make slow progress.
Adults usually find it difficult to learn a new language when they are too accustomed to their
first/native language.
A young child’s personality does not affect acquisition.
A child who is motivated will likely to learn the language.

Which of the following does not play a significant role in the child’s learning of
imitation of adult speech
learning rules for sound combinations
learning rules for sentence structure
learning rules for interaction patterns

Speech arose in response to the essential qualities of objects in the environment.
Ding-dong theory
Pooh-pooh theory
Yo-he-ho theory
La-la theory

Which of the following statements about language learning is true?
Reading and writing is not intuitive.
Children repeat what is said to them and get a feel for what is and what is not correct.
Children repeat what they hear, try-out sound chains, until they make sense.
Learning needs a source of natural communication, usually the mother, father, or caregiver.
Correct answer
Reading and writing is not intuitive.

ENG 150 Principles and Theories of

Language Acquisition and Learning
Summative Test

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Section *

Multiple Choice
Choose the best answer.

Who influences most generative-transformational linguistics?
Sigmund Freud
Jean Piaget
Noam Chomsky
Carl Roger

Language acquisition
is best understood by watching animals communicate.
is a theory that is agreed upon by the psychological community.
cannot happen among deaf community.
is the process by which we learn to communicate in meaningful ways.
Complex structural distinctions are made such as using the concepts “ask/tell” and
changing the word order in the sentence accordingly happens in this stage of
language development.
two-word sentences
adult-like language

The structural linguistics as one of the schools of thought in second language
acquisition prided itself on the principle that,
languages can differ from each other without limit, and no preconceptions could apply across
human language cannot be scrutinized simply in terms of observable stimuli and responses
emphasis is placed on the importance of learners constructing their own reality
meaning, understanding, and knowing were significant data for psychological study

According to this theory, language began when our ancestors started imitating the
natural sounds around them.
Bow-wow theory
Ding-dong theory
La-La theory
Yo-he-ho theory

Linguistic interference occurs when:
people try to speak if they are nervous and feel intimidated
people learn a second language or dialect
young children learn their first language
a person decides to learn his first language

How does age become a factor that makes L2 different from L1?
Learners who are introvert usually make slow progress.
Adults usually find it difficult to learn a new language when they are too accustomed to their
first/native language.
A young child’s personality does not affect acquisition.
A child who is motivated will likely to learn the language.

Language may have developed from sounds associated with love, play, and song. The
idea that speech emerged from the sounds of inspired playfulness, love, poetic
sensibility, and song.
Pooh-pooh theory
Bow-wow theory
La-la theory
Ding-dong theory

It happens when we feel that some words are just eluding us, that we know the word,
but it just won’t come to the surface.
slips of the tongue
tip of the tongue phenomenon
Broca’s aphasia

Which of the following statements is true?
The first language is acquired subconsciously and there is a need for motivation to acquire it.
Personality does not affect language acquisition.
The second language has no effect on the culture of a person.
The second language learning depends a lot on the structure of the first language.
Generative grammar provides:
A set of infinite rules and limited number of sentences
A set of infinite rules and unlimited number of sentences
A set of finite rules and limited number of sentences
A set of finite rules and unlimited number of sentences
The following are the factors of difference for first language and second language
acquisition except,
social construct
The child reaches this stage between the age of two and a half. Grammatical
morphemes in the form of prefixes or suffixes are used when changing meanings or
multiple-word sentence
two-word sentences
adult-like language

The downside of this theory is that no language contains very many interjections.
Noises as described in this theory bear little relationship to the vowels and
consonants found in phonology.
Yo-he-ho theory
Pooh-pooh theory
Bow-wow theory
La-La theory

Which of the following defines second language?
it is the mother tongue or the native language.
Completely acquired with 100% proficiency within 6 years from birth
Any language that a person uses other than his native language.
It begins with telegraphic speech.

Which of the following statements about mother tongue is not true?
It is the first language.
If the structure of the first language is similar to the second language, it will be easy and fast for
the learners to internalize it.
A first language and a second language have no effects on each other.
The first language is natural and has a solid base in a person’s intellectual development.

Which of the following is concerned about the importance of social interaction and
cooperative learning constructing both cognitive and emotional images of reality.
radical constructivism
situated cognition
social conctructivism
By 18 months, the child reaches this stage. His or her sentences now usually comprise
a noun or a verb plus a modifier.
adult-like language
two-word sentence
multiple-word sentence

Which of the following statements about language learning is true?
Reading and writing is not intuitive.
Children repeat what is said to them and get a feel for what is and what is not correct.
Children repeat what they hear, try-out sound chains, until they make sense.
Learning needs a source of natural communication, usually the mother, father, or caregiver.

_______provide the foundation for _______, and the outcomes of _________ help us to
refine and even replace our __________ over time.
theories, scientific studies, scientific studies, theories
scientific studies, theories, scientific studies, theories
scientific studies, theories, theories, scientific studies
theories, scientific studies, theories, scientific studies

Which of the following statements about first language is true?
A language a person learns in order to communicate with the native speaker.
It is a personal choice of a person.
It is unnatural and it needs continuous guidance and instruction.
It is like an instinct which is triggered by birth and developed with experience of being exposed to
Speech arose in response to the essential qualities of objects in the environment.
Ding-dong theory
Pooh-pooh theory
Yo-he-ho theory
La-la theory

The following statements describe how a child acquires a language except,
Children acquire language through a subconscious process.
Acquisition is seen as an implicit process.
A learner who has acquired a linguistic system has a tacit knowledge of grammar
Acquisition is the result of direct instruction in the rules of language.
It is the study of the relationship between language and the brain.
brain train
language of the brain

Which of the following does not play a significant role in the child’s learning of
imitation of adult speech
learning rules for sound combinations
learning rules for sentence structure
learning rules for interaction patterns

At what stage does development of gestures, making adequate eye contact, and
sound repartee between infant occur?
multiple-word sentences
adult-like language

It is a type of language disorder that results in difficulties in auditory comprehension.
Broca’s aphasia
conduction aphasia
Wernicke’s aphasia

Which area of the brain may entail difficulty in speech comprehension if damaged?
Motor cortex
Arcuate fasciculus
Broca’s area
Wernicke’s area
A type of aphasia that has been associated with the damage to the arcuate fasciculus.
Individuals suffering from this disorder sometimes mispronounce words, but typically
do not have articulation problems.
conduction aphasia
Wernicke’s aphasia
Broca’s aphasia

Below are the benefits of a constructivist classroom except,
Constructivism stimulates and engages students.
Constructivism concentrates on how to think and understand.
Constructivism is most successful with children from privileged backgrounds.
Constructivism promotes social and communication skills within the classroom.

The damage to this specific part of the brain was related to extreme difficulty in
producing speech.
Broca’s area
Wernicke’s area
Motor cortex
Arcuate fasciculus

According to Ding-dong theory, original sounds people made were supposedly in
harmony with the world around them. What is the downside of this theory?
This theory still fails to account for the gap between emotional and the rational aspects of
speech expression.
No language contains many interjections.
Relatively, few words are onomatopoeic, and these words vary from one language to another.
Apart from some rare instances of sound symbolism, there is no persuasive evidence, in any
language, of an innate connection between sound and meaning.
Which of the following characteristics is not reflective of a cognitive view of learning?
Changes in knowledge lead to changes in behavior.
The outcome of learning is an observable behavior.
Reinforcement is seen as an information.
Humans are active learners.

This is one factor that affects language acquisition that pertains to the learner’s
introversion and extroversion that makes a huge difference in the learning process of
the second language.
Children acquire language through,
direct instruction
deductive approach
conscious process
unconscious process

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