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Name : Lita Agusniasari Dewi

NIM : 178820300014/ B1

1. Human’s language is different from animal’s language in terms of stimulus dependency.

Answer: Language in both animals and humans consists of signals. Signals are sounds or gesture
that have meaning to those using them. Some animals use signs, signals, or sounds to
communicate. For example, bees uses complex “dances” to convey information about location,
animals such as birds and whales use song to communicate among one another, and humans may
wave their arms or scream in the event of something dangerous.

2. Explain the difference of semantics and pragmatics study.

Semantics Pragmatics
Study of words and their meanings in a Study of words and their meaning in a
language. language with concern to their context.
Focuses mainly on the significance of the Additionally focuses on the meaning of words
meaning of words in a literal sense. according to the context and their inferred
meaning as well.
Studies the literal meaning. Studies the intended or the inferred meaning
as well.

Can be concluded that semantic is study sentence meaning and word meaning, not tied to
context. Whereas pragmatics is study utterance meaning. Utterances are expressions identified
only by their contexts.

3. Explain the following terms

a. Senders meaning
Answer: is what a senders means (intends to convey) when he/she uses a piece of language.
b. Sentence meaning
Answer: is what a sentence (or word) means.

c. Literal Meaning
Answer: its meaning is based on the semantic information that know from knowledge of
English. The meaning can be recognized without wondering who might say or write the words,
where or when. No consideration of context is involved.

4. Explain and give examples of the following terms.

a. Sinonymy
Answer: sinonymy is the words with the same or similar meaning, or the quality of being
similar. For example, small = little, mother and father = parents, politician = statesman
b. Complementaries
Answer: refers to the existence of pairs that the denial of one, implies the assertion of the other.
For example, present >< absent, awake >< asleep, alive >< dead
c. Antonymy
Answer: antonymy is the state or phenomenon in whhich the words have the sense relation
which involve the opposite of meaning. For example, young >< old, fast >< slow, good >< bad
d. Converses
Answer: refers to the pair of words that display symmetry in their meaning. For example, give
>< take, teach >< learn, push >< pull

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