(Challenges of Online Learning) AIMI BATRISYIA BT ALI-MBBS0321299

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The Challenges of Online Learning
Opening sentence
• COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way of learning in higher education.
Teaching, and learning activities that are usually carried out with face-to-face
meetings have turned into virtual meetings in various online learning
Thesis statement
• There are three challenges of online learning during the COVID-19
Point 1
Topic sentence
• First and foremost, the students find it difficult to adapt to the online learning
environment immediately after the traditional classroom learning environment.
Supporting details
• The students who have always been studying in the traditional classroom
mindset are not able to focus on the online platform at once.
• It is important for the students to accept the new learning environment with an
open mind.
Concluding sentences
• To conclude, it harder for a student to concentrate through online learning
because the student not fully adapt with the situation yet.

Point 2
Topic sentence
• Technical issues are one of the challenges of online learning.
Supporting details
• Many students are not well equipped with a high internet connection that is
required for online learning. Due to this, they face problems in going live for
virtual learning and other platforms that require an internet connection.
• Some student are staying in the rural areas which do not have a stable internet
connection which can interrupt the learning sessions.
Concluding sentences
• Student should inform the lecturer on what’s happening and they on the other
hand should understand and be flexible about the situation.
Point 3
Topic sentence
• Lastly, the challenges of online learning are communication issues.
Supporting details
• Students lack effective communication skills during online learning. Teachers
give assignments for improving reading and writing skills but there is a
possibility that they might not be able to write so convincingly that educators
understand the concept behind their assignments.
• There are some students who feel shy to communicate with their teachers and
friends due to the new model of learning.
Concluding sentences
• The teachers or lecturer should create a productive activity during online
learning to make an interest for the student.

To conclude, online learning is a type of education system which allows students to
learn about any particular course or subject from practically anyplace by just having access to
a good internet connection and digital technology. There are many challenges which students
face when it comes to online learning. And some of those challenges are the lack of a proper
instructor, the temptation for procrastinating, easily being distracted, and other challenges.

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