MID Term - Fall 2020 - Enterprise System Engineering

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Midterm Examinations: Fall 2020 Date: 07th September, 2020

Sir Syed University of Engineering & Technology

Faculty of Basic & Applied Sciences
Department of ____Software Engineering__________

Midterm Examinations (Fall 2020)

Course Title with
SWE – 304: Enterprise System Engineering Program BS SE
Instructor Dr. S. Saood Zia, Abeer Javid, Fayyaz Ali Semester 6th
Start date & Time September 12, 2020 Submission Deadline September 12, 2020
at 09:30 AM at 12:30 PM
Maximum Marks 30


Read the following Instructions carefully:

 Attempt All Questions on MS-Word. Font theme and size must be Times New Roman and
12 points respectively. Use line spacing 1.5. Convert file to PDF format before submitting.
 You may provide answers HANDWRITTEN. The scanned solution must be submitted in
PDF file format (Use any suitable Mobile Application for Scanning)
 For Diagrams, you can use paper and share a clear visible snapshot in the same Answer
 Arrange questions and their subsequent parts in sequence.
 Make sure that your answers are not plagiarized or copied from any other sources. In case
of plagiarism, ZERO marks will be awarded.
 Provide relevant, original and conceptual answers, as this exam aims to test your ability to
examine, explain, modify or develop concepts discussed during the course.
 Recheck your answer before the submission on VLE to correct any content or language
related errors.
 You must upload your answers via the VLE platform ONLY.

You must follow general guideline for students before online examination and during
online examination which had already been shared by email and WhatsApp.

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Midterm Examinations: Fall 2020 Date: 07th September, 2020

Sir Syed University of Engineering & Technology

Faculty of Basic & Applied Sciences
Department of ____Software Engineering__________
Q.1. [Marks | 10]

a. How much did you know about the term Enterprise Engineering? What problems did you
encounter while non-integrated Enterprise Systems implemented in an organization?
How did you solve them? [Marks | 04]
b. You are working as Business Development Manager in one of the leading IT company.
Your role is to develop a ERP system that will fulfill the requirements of the banking
sector. In what ways have you follow the Enterprise Life Cycle stages while developing
an ERP System. How did the problem solving methodology could solve the complex
problem while developing an ERP system? [Marks | 06]

Q.2. [Marks | 10]

a. Did you know the difference between the tradition architecture with Service oriented
architecture? How much did you know that which type of architecture are more suitable
for designing an Enterprise Application. Illustrate your answer with the help of examples.
Draw the diagram where necessary. [Marks | 07]
b. As enterprise grow, how much did you know the foundation of Enterprise Engineering
and its importance while developing an Enterprise Systems. [Marks | 03]

Q.3. [Marks | 10]

a. In what ways did you used model verification and validation process. Is model
verification and validation process is necessary for enterprise system engineering. Justify
your answer with the help of example. [Marks | 04]
b. You are working as an Enterprise Analyst in one of the leading IT company. Your major
role is to demonstrate the modelling process of an enterprise system. With the help of an
example you have to explain how the different stages of modelling process will be used
to develop an enterprise application. Show the integration between the stages of
modelling process with the help of diagram. [Marks | 06]

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