Two Procedures For Stochastic Simulation of Vuggy Formations

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Two Procedures for Stochastic Simulation of Vuggy Formations
Ricardo Casar-González, Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo and Vinicio Suro-Pérez, SPE, PEMEX Exploración y Producción

Copyright 2001, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

reservoirs are associated to fractured and vuggy carbonated
This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum rocks whose main characteristics are the rapid variation of
Engineering Conference held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 25–28 March 2001.
rock quality and significant secondary porosity. These items
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
should be addressed in any geological–petrophysical model
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to providing insights about properties such as porosity and
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at permeability. Under this context, vug connectivity and porous
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of space associated to vugs and fractures can be accomplished by
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is investigating the spatial distribution of secondary porosity
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300
words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous from computed tomography (CT) images of cores. Therefore,
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O.
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
the goal will be to reproduce quantitative aspects of the
porous-vugular media through stochastic simulation.
Simulated annealing and stochastic simulation based on Geological setting
indicator kriging are used to describe vuggy formations in a The data studied come from the Abkatun field, located in the
Mexican offshore field. Besides heterogeneity associated to southeast part of the Gulf of Mexico (Figure 1). The main
these carbonated formations, vug spatial distribution is an reservoir rocks are dolomitic carbonated breccias from the
important issue since hydrocarbon storage and deliverability to Upper Cretaceous-Lower Paleocene (K-T). They consist of 50
the wells is highly controlled by vugs density and to 150 meters of coarse-grained carbonated breccias strongly
connectivity. From computed tomography images, exhaustive dolomitized and naturally fractured with secondary vuggy
3D statistics are derived to build 3D stochastic models of porosity due to diagenetic dissolution processes, having a
those vuggy formations. Multiple point statistics simulated porosity range from 6 to 14 percent and permeabilities from
annealing and sequential indicator simulation based on kriging 800 to 3,000 milidarcies (PEMEX Exploración y Producción,
are used to model vugs geometry. The results indicate that 1999). The reservoir breccias and corresponding seal origin
both approaches honor the target statistics, and visual (bentonic shale and siltstone beds), may be due to tectonic
inspection of such images confirm good reproduction of activity which created a debris flow deposited as carbonated
connectivity. Further, it is shown that computer performances breccias along the shelf margin and the shelf slope. Recent
are different with simulated annealing being the most research relates the origin of these rocks to the K-T meteoric
demanding. Although stochastic images from indicator kriging impact event known as Chicxulub. So the breccias sequences
can be used as initial images for simulated annealing, it is are likely to have resulted from a major slumping of the
demonstrated that few value is added by imposing multipoint carbonated platform margin triggered by the Chicxulub impact
statistics in the framework of vugs modeling. Therefore, it (Grajales-Nishimura, et al, 2000).
seems that stochastic simulation based on indicator kriging
can build, with an acceptable computer cost and good
reproduction, 3D images of vuggy formations. Scale
Petrographic studies of core samples characterized the
mineralogy, the texture and the pore system. The rock samples
Introduction are dolostones composed predominantly of moderate to
Oil reservoirs associated with carbonated rocks are of great closely interlocked mosaics of dolomite crystals. They exhibit
economic importance because between one-third and one-half diagenetic texture produced by complete dolomitization of
of the world oil production comes from limestone or dolomite precursor peloidal limestone. Minimal crystal size is 0.02 mm
reservoirs (Pettijhon, E.J. 1975). The offshore reservoirs (lower fine crystalline) and maximum crystal size observed is
located in the southeast of the Gulf of Mexico are the case; 0.44 mm (upper coarse crystalline). Depositional textures have
this area contains about 50 percent of the oil reserves in been obscured by dolomitization, but it is likely that the
Mexico (PEMEX Exploración y Producción, 1999). These

created a high secondary porosity network, which is an

efficient oil storage and delivery system. (Figure 3).
Taking units of 5 centimeters along 60 centimeters of core,
and obtaining the average porosity for each 5 centimeters unit,
it can be seen how irregular the porosity is along the whole
core sample. The total average porosity of the sample core is
18.8 %, while the range of the partial average porosity is from

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6.1 % to 37.9 % (Figure 4).

Vugs stochastic simulation

Vug characterization through the use of computed tomography
images was initiated by Suro-Pérez (1997) and by Casar-
González and Suro-Pérez (2000) in Mexican offshore fields.
In these references the association of secondary porosity with
vug spatial distribution and fractures, their connectivity and
vugs stochastic imaging were addressed. The simulation
algorithm used was the sequential indicator procedure for
categorical variables, which uses indicator kriging as
methodology for estimating the conditioned probability. The
last reference concluded, that the algorithm selected has been
proved to be an appropriate tool to reproduce statistics, spatial
distribution and vugs geometry.
The objective of this work is the comparison between two
methods of stochastic simulation of vuggy media, their
analyses, advantages and disadvantages of the sequential
indicator procedure for categorical variables and simulation
annealing with multiple point statistics.
Figure 1. Location of the Abkatún field at the south Gulf of
Sequential indicator simulation (indicator kriging)
original rock was a peloidal packstone and/or peloidal In stochastic simulation, the objective is to build alternative
grainstone. The pore system corresponds mainly to and equally probable models of spatial distribution of the
intercrystal, but some samples exhibited some others pore phenomena under study. However, different simulation
system types in minor proportion including micro-intercrystal, algorithms give different uncertainty models and spatial
vuggy/moldic and fracture/microfracture. The size of features on each realization. In this work, vuggy media is
intercrystal space is controlled by distribution shapes size of modeled as a categorical variable where the threshold is a
the dolomite crystals. This porosity space dimension is less percent porosity value. The approach considered here is the
than 0.5 mm. Some vugs are visible in thin section, since they application of sequential simulation for categorical variables,
are in the order of magnitude from 0.25 to 1.5 mm. (Figure 2). which is based in indicator kriging, where:
While the maximum coverage of a standard thin section is
10 to 15 mm, the coverage of computed tomography images is n
120 mm. This means that the total diameter of the core,
approximately 92 mm, can be studied by using CT. Therefore,
Prob  Ik (u) = 1 /(n)  = pk + ∑
α =1
λα [ Ik (uα) – pk ]

the observed area is about 10 times greater than the ones

coming from thin section analysis. At this scale, better view of with: pk = E [ Ik(u) ] ∈ ( 0,1 ) being the proportion of values
secondary porosity can be obtained since vugs size exceeds below some percent of porosity. Weights λα are given by the
thin section dimensions.
simple kriging system and Ik (uα) the indicator variable defined
Observing the CT images from the studied core, it is relevant
for a threshold k (Journel, 1989). An example of the results
to notice that at this scale, vugs are the main characteristic of
obtained with this algorithm is show in Figure 5.
the porosity system. In these images vugs vary from 0.625 to
An indicator variable is a transformation that describes how
50 mm, with an erratic distribution. In some parts, vugs are
many of the values are above or below certain threshold. This
abundant and in others, they are absent. Further, sometimes
approach considered a cut-off value to transform the CT
vugs constitute a touching vug porosity, and always they are
porosity images into indicator images. After inspecting these
always surrounded by aureoles of high porosity which connect
different images, it was seen that selecting the decile q0.8 as the
isolated vugs or touching vugs. This porosity system has
threshold, the vugular media according to the size of the vugs

and the degree of interconnection between them is well energy function cannot be updated after each swap, the
represented as compared to the actual media. (Casar-González computation time will be long and then, the methodology may
and Suro-Pérez, 2000). be unpractical.
Srivastava (1994) presented an approach in which rather
than incorporating sophisticated statistics into the energy
Simulated annealing (multiple point statistics) function, he suggested the use of more simple statistics, as the
Simulated annealing was developed by Metropolis, et al histogram. The idea in this approach is that the methods

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(1953), and it is an optimization algorithm. An outline of how always honor the point support histogram and do not honor
simulated annealing works concerning tomography porosity any large support histogram. Therefore, in this approach n
images is as follows: support configuration where chosen, capturing vug spatial
distribution and their directional anisotropies. This procedure
a) Training image is defined as vugs and no vugs (1’s and 0’s). not just honors two point statistics, it honors multiple point
statistics. In this context, the energy function or objective
b) An image, without any spatial correlation is generated with function is:
the same proportion of the actual image.
n n
c) An objective function, or energy function, E, is chosen. It E= ∑∑
i =1 j =1
(PTi,j – PIi,j) 2
measures the deviation between the training image statistics
and the generated statistics after perturbation.
where PTi,j and PIi,j are the proportion of the values of the j-th
d) Two locations of the grid are chosen at random, and their class of the histogram for the i-th support configuration, for
values interchanged. When the new energy value is lower than the training image PT and the initial image PI.
the old one, then the swap is kept. If the new energy value is In the case of CT, images of 100 x 100 pixeles were
greater than the previous, the swap is accepted with a considered. They were extracted from the original grids of 512
probability equal to: x 512, which correspond to the core samples slides. Two grid
support configurations were selected: 4 x 4 and 2 x 8. The
P = e (E new – E old / t) support configurations were over imposed in the upper left
margin of the grid, from which the total amount of ones (white
with t being a parameter named temperature. E new is the new pixels) was counted. The support configurations were
energy value, and E old the previous energy value before the translocated cell by cell in X and Y directions. Accordingly,
two value locations being swapped. there are 97 support configuration positions in X direction and
97 in Y direction, thus the total number of support
e) Repeat the previous step, cooling down the temperature configuration positions are 9,409 in each image.
until the energy value is close to zero. The choice of the initial In both support configurations and in each position the
temperature, the number of swaps before decreasing the amount of ones’s are going from 0 to 16, so there are 17
temperature, and the rate at which temperature decreases, are different possibilities. For each support configuration and for
all part of the cooling schedule in the annealing algorithm. all position in an image, it was calculated the frequency of
each of these 17 possibilities. The data sets contained this
At the end of the procedure, hopefully there is an image information are represented graphically by histograms.
honoring the variogram, which is included as the objective Figure 6 show some examples of simulation results with
function, and defined by: simulated annealing. In these figures, it can be seen the actual
vugular media and their corresponding histograms as well as
E= ∑
i =1
[ γT (hi) – γI (hi) ] 2 some realizations obtained with simulated annealing. Notice
the good reproduction of the statistic, which differs from 0.02
to 0.04. Also, notice how the objective function converges to
zero, starting with values next to 15 and ending with values
where γT (hi) is the experimental variogram value for lag hi,
from 0.005 to 0.001 after 250,000 swaps.
calculated for the training image, and γI (hi) is the
Figure 7 compares the actual images and the images
corresponding experimental variogram value calculated from
generated by simulation. It can be seen that those obtained
the image being perturbed by swapping value location.
with annealing show a better definition at the edges, in
contrast to those resulting from sequential indicator
As it can be observed, the simulated annealing advantage
simulation, which show diffuse edges as opposed to the round
over other geostatistical methods is the capability to
forms of actual images. However, both methodologies show
incorporate any statistics in the energy function: information
an acceptable vugs geometry reproduction, and connectivity
from different sources and different supports can be used.
similar to the actual cases.
However, the drawbacks include that annealing requires
Concerning spatial distribution, sequential indicator
thousands of swaps to reproduce the chosen statistics. If the
simulation incorporates the variogram information and

reproduces it, while multiple point statistics simulation computer performance. While sequential indicator simulation
through annealing does not incorporate explicitly the takes an average of 15 seconds per realization, simulated
variogram information; nevertheless, it does honor the two annealing reaches 3,600 seconds. Hence, sequential indicator
point statistic implicitly. Figure 8 shows the actual vugular simulation, for this particular case, is 240 times faster than
media as well as the media simulated by the two methods annealing. As a result of this disproportion in performances, a
under investigation. In that figure, it can be seen an actual mixed approach was considered, combing the two algorithms.
vugular media, a annealing realization, a sequential indicator The simulated images obtained by sequential indicator were

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realization and corresponding experimental variograms and taken as initial images and were processed by simulated
their fitting models. Notice the similarity between the annealing. However no significant value in terms of statistics
experimental variograms and models of the simulated media reproduction was added. Therefore, it is concluded that
and the variograms and models of the actual image stochastic simulation based on sequential indicator simulation
It is important to mention that for a computer with a can build 3D images of vuggy formations with an acceptable
processor at 166 MHz and 96 MB of RAM, the annealing computer cost and vugs imaging, for posterior upscaling of
algorithm takes between 45 to 90 minute; with average time petrophysical properties and flow simulation.
per realization of 3,600 seconds. For the sequential indicator
simulation the realization takes from 10 to 20 seconds, being
15 seconds the average time per realization. References
With the purpose of improving the results obtained with both 1. Casar-González, R. and Suro-Pérez, V.: “Stochastic
methods, it was thought of mixing both approaches. The idea Imaging of Vuggy Formations.” Paper 58998 presented at
consisted of improving the realization obtained by sequential the 2000 SPE International Petroleum Conference and
indicator simulation applying afterwards simulated annealing. Exhibition, Villahermosa, México. (Feb. 2000).
For this aim, simulated images obtained by sequential
indicator simulation were taken as initial images, and then 2. Grajales-Nishimura, J.M, Cedillo-Pardo, E, Rosales-
were processed by simulated annealing. Domínguez, C, Móran-Centeno, D.J, Alvarez, W, Claeys,
If simulated annealing is being used, the average initial P, Ruíz-Morales, J, García-Hernández J, Padilla-Avila, P,
value for the objective function is 15.0 (according to the used Sánchez-Ríos, M.A.: “Chicxulub impact: The origin of
proportion), and the final objective function values are in the reservoir and seal facies in the southeastern Mexico oil
range of 0.002 to 0.006. Using an image from sequential fields.” Geology, V. 28, No. 4, (April 2000) 307-310.
indicator simulation as initial image, the initial image values
for the objective function are, in average, 0.15. To reduce the 3. Journel, A.G.: Fundamentals of Geostatistics in Five
initial energy to the range of the final energy as obtained from lessons. Short Course in Geology: Volume 8. American
simulated annealing, it requires 100,000 swaps, task that takes Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C. (1989).
an average time of 1,200 seconds (Figure 9). Notice that
simulated annealing instead of decreasing the initial energy 4. Metropolis N, Rosenbluth, A.W, Rosenbluth M.N, Teller,
from the image obtained by using sequential indicator A.H, Teller, E.: “Equation of state calculations by fast
simulation, it increases the energy first, and then begins to computing machines.” The Journal of Chemical Physics.
converge. This behavior limits the use of sequential indicator V. 21, No. 6, (June 1953) 1087-1092.
simulation images as initial images for simulated annealing,
preventing its use together with the faster sequential indicator 5. PEMEX Exploración y Producción. Las Reservas de
simulation. hidrocarburos de México. Volumen I y II. Primera edición,
Mexico. (1999).

Conclusions 6. Pettijhon, E.J.: Sedimentary Rocks. Third edition. Harper

Stochastic simulation using simulated annealing and International Edition, (1975).
sequential indicator simulation are proper tools to reproduce
vugular media, vugs geometry and spatial distribution. In the 7. Srivastava R. M.: “An annealing procedure for honouring
case of simulated annealing, it was determined dependency change of support statistics in conditional simulation.” In
between the results and the chosen support configuration; Geostatistics for the next century. Kluwer Academic
further, support configurations need to be selected according Publishers. Netherlands. (1994) 227-290.
to the scale to be reproduced and existing anisotropy.
In the case of sequential indicator simulation, the 8. Suro-Pérez, V.: “Reservoir Description of a Portion of the
disadvantage is related to vug geometry forms, which present Abkatún Field, México.” PEMEX Exploración y
some diffuse edges in contrast to the round forms of the actual Producción and Amoco Exploration and Production
images. Nevertheless, the resulting stochastic images seem to Sector. Report No. S97-G-15. Inedit. México. (1997).
be proper equivalent media, which honor one point statistic
(histogram) and two point statistics (variogram). The main
difference between both methods are the efficiency and the

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Intercrystal pore system, rare vugs and micro-intercrystal Minor intercrystal pores, microfracture, vugs and
pores. Notice the heterogeneous pore distribution. micro-intercrystal pores. Vug size 0.75 x 0.3 mm.
Distance between marks 0.5 mm. Distance between marks 0.5 mm.

Figure 2. Thin sections showing the visible pore system.

Thin section photomicrography. The main vug has a size of CT porosity image. Vug has a size of 50 x 30 mm.
1.25 x 0.25 mm. Distance between marks 0.26 mm. Scale in mm.

Thin section photomicrography. The main vug has a size CT porosity image. Vugs have sizes from 1 to 6 mm
of 0.24 x 0.18 mm. Distance between marks 0.06 mm. approximately. Scale in mm.

Figure 3. Comparison between visible vugs in thin section and in CT porosity images. Notice that visible vugs in CT images are not
visible at the thin section scale.


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Figure 4. CT porosity images in 3D and their porosity variation. Scan is every 2 mm. a) From 0 to 5 mm, porosity average 15%. b)
From 5 to 10 mm, porosity average 27%. c) From 10 to 15 mm, porosity average 21%. d) From 15 to 20 mm, porosity
average 7%. Notice the variation in porosity values at short distances.

a) Actual indicator porosity images b) Sequential indicator simulation realization

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3D view

2D views

Figure 5. a) Some examples of actual CT indicator porosity images, 3D and 2D views. b) Some realization obtained by sequential
indicator simulation, 3D and 2D views.

a) Actual vugular media Simulated annealing realization

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b) Support configuration 4 x 4

Support configuration 2 x 8


Figure 6. Realization obtained by simulated annealing. a) Actual vugular media and simulated annealing realization. b) Corresponding
histogram of the actual media and simulated media for both support configurations: 4 x 4 and 2 x 8. c) Objective function
showing how the values decrese when swaps increase.

Actual vugular media

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Simulated annealing realizations Sequential indicator simulation realizations

Figure 7. Comparison between two different methods of stochastic simulation: sequential indicator simulation (left) and simulated
annealing (right).

Actual vugular media

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γ(h) = 0.008 + 0.235 Exp 6.36

Simulated annealing

γ(h) = 0.008 + 0.216 Exp 5.15

Sequential indicator simulation

γ(h) = 0.028 + 0.199 Exp 6.33

Figure 8. a) Actual vugular media. b) Realization obtained by simulated annealing. c) Realization obtained by sequential indicator
simulation. Their corresponding exhaustive variograms and fitting models appear at the right.

a) d)

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Initial value: 0.138 Final value: 0.0027

b) e)

Mean: 0.13

Mean: 0.002

Figure 9. a) Actual vugular media. b) Initial image for simulated annealing as obtained from sequential indicator simulation. c) The
resulting image after processed by simulated annealing. d) The behavior of the objective function. e) Histograms showing
the initial and final values of the objective function for simulated annealing (20 realizations).

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