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Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine 30 (2020) 104–112

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Acute heart failureR,RR

Lauren Sinnenberg a,c, Michael M. Givertz b,c,∗
Department of Internal Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA, United States
Cardiovascular Division, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA, United States
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Keywords: Acute heart failure (AHF) is one of the most common causes for hospital admission and is associated
Acute heart failure with a high risk of mortality. Compared to chronic heart failure, there is less robust evidence to guide
diagnosis, risk stratification and management of AHF. This state-of-the art review aims to summarize new
developments in this field. We also highlight areas of ongoing work including novel vasoactive agents,
Diuretics alternative models to traditional hospital admission and strategies to improve patient engagement.
© 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Introduction is concern that these reductions may be accompanied by an in-

crease in 30 day post-discharge mortality [7,8].
Acute heart failure (AHF) is a clinical syndrome characterized In-hospital mortality estimates for AHF range from 4–6% in the
by rapid onset or worsening of symptoms of heart failure [1]. US [5,9] and up to 9% in the UK [4]. Risk of mortality rises af-
While AHF is among the most common reasons for hospital admis- ter hospital discharge with approximately 10% mortality at 30 days
sion, particularly in older patients, less is understood about patho- and 22–27% mortality at 1 year [2,6]. Recent phase 3 clinical trials
physiology and management compared to chronic heart failure. In (TRUE-AHF and RELAX-AHF-2) demonstrated similar post-discharge
this review, we aim to identify and summarize new developments mortality estimates for patients with AHF receiving standard of
in diagnosing, risk stratifying and managing patients with AHF. A care [10,11]. Interestingly, the recent Acute Study of Clinical Effec-
comprehensive review of the field of AHF is beyond the scope of tiveness of Nesiritide in Decompensated Heart Failure (ASCEND-
this work. HF) trial demonstrated a 30-day mortality of 4% in the placebo
group, raising the question of whether mortality after AHF hospi-
Epidemiology, morbidity and mortality talization is decreasing [12].
In 2012, the total cost of HF care in the US was $30.7 billion.
The incidence of heart failure (HF) is estimated to be 5.7 cases Projections suggest that total costs will rise to $69.7 billion by
per 10 0 0 person years with the highest incidence rate in African 2030 (Fig. 2). 80% of these total costs will be for patients with AHF
American men (9.1 cases per 10 0 0 person years), followed by rather than for chronic management [13].
African American women (8.1), Caucasian men (6.0) and Caucasian
women (3.4) [2]. AHF is a common cause of hospital admission Pathophysiology
with approximately 90 0,0 0 0 hospital discharges annually in the US
(Fig. 1) and 81,500 in the UK [3,4]. The median hospital length of In most patients hospitalized with heart failure and reduced
stay for an HF admission is 4.3 days with a 30-day readmission ejection fraction (HFrEF), end-systolic and end-diastolic volumes
rate of approximately 24% [5,6]. In the US, Medicare-driven finan- and end-diastolic pressure are increased. These elevated end-
cial penalties for hospital readmissions through the Hospital Read- diastolic filling pressures are transmitted to the pulmonary venous
missions Reduction Program (HRRP) have achieved reductions in circulation, resulting in signs and symptoms of pulmonary conges-
readmission rates amongst Medicare beneficiaries; however there tion [14]. In some patients, elevated right-sided filling pressures
result in systemic venous and hepatic congestion, leading to ab-
dominal discomfort, anorexia and bloating. Reduced contractility
Disclosures: None. may result in a fall in stroke volume, leading to signs and symp-
Funding: None

toms of systemic hypoperfusion. For patients admitted with heart
Corresponding author at: Cardiovascular Division, Brigham and Women’s Hos-
pital, Boston, MA, United States. failure and preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF), the end-diastolic
E-mail addresses: (L. Sinnenberg), pressure/volume relationship is also shifted upward leading to pul- (M.M. Givertz). monary vascular and systemic venous congestion. Despite these
1050-1738/© 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
L. Sinnenberg and M.M. Givertz / Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine 30 (2020) 104–112 105

Fig. 1. Hospital discharges for heart failure by sex (United States: 1997–2014). Hospital discharges include people discharged alive, dead, and status unknown. Source: National
Hospital Discharge Survey/National Center for Health Statistics and National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. From Benjamin et al. [3] with permission.

Fig. 2. Costs of care for heart failure. The projected increase in direct and indirect costs attributable to HF from 2012 to 2030 is displayed. Direct costs (cost of medical care)
are expected to increase at a faster rate than indirect costs because of lost productivity and early mortality. From Heidenreich et al. [13] with permission.

similarities, recent studies suggest that pathophysiology differs on Clinical assessment and risk stratification
a molecular level between HF phenotypes. Network analysis in
the Biology Study to Tailored Treatment in Chronic Heart Fail- Causes and precipitants
ure (BIOSTAT-CHF) demonstrated that biomarker profiles in HFrEF
are related to cellular proliferation and metabolism including N- Of patients with AHF, 80% present with worsening chronic heart
terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP), growth dif- failure while 20% are new cases of heart failure [1,14]. Initial work-
ferentiation factor-15 (GDF-15) and interleukin-1 receptor type 1, up should include identification of the precipitant(s) of the presen-
whereas biomarker profiles for HFpEF are more closely related to tation, including evaluation for myocardial ischemia, uncontrolled
inflammation and extracellular matrix reorganization (e.g., integrin hypertension, atrial or ventricular arrhythmias, worsening renal
subunit beta-2 and catenin beta-1) [15]. Furthermore, patients with function and nonadherence with medications or sodium and fluid
AHF and mid-range ejection fraction showed an intermediate pro- restriction. Acute bacterial or viral infection can also precipitate
file with biomarker interactions between both cardiac stretch and worsening chronic heart failure, especially in older patients. Signs,
inflammation markers [16]. symptoms and initial laboratories can help to guide diagnosis of
106 L. Sinnenberg and M.M. Givertz / Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine 30 (2020) 104–112

Table 1
Acute heart failure biomarkers.

Biomarker Labelled indication Comments

N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide Diagnosis and risk stratification of heart Prohormone produced in heart in response to
(NT-proBNP) failure increased wall stress, associated with HFrEF
High sensitivity cardiac troponin T (hs-cTnT) Diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome Regulatory protein integral to muscle contraction
Soluble suppressor of tumorgenicity 2 (sST2) Prognostication of heart failure Member of the interleukin-1 receptor family, produced
in response to myocardial stretch
Growth differentiation factor-15 (GDF-15) Investigational Regulatory protein involved in inflammatory pathways,
associated with HFrEF
Cystatin C Diagnosis of renal dysfunction, Inhibitor of lysosomal proteinases and cysteine
investigational in heart failure proteases
Galectin-3 (Gal-3) Prognostication of heart failure Protein factor involved in apoptosis and angiogenesis,
noted to promote ventricular remodeling
High sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) Risk stratification of cardiovascular disease Pentameric protein produced in response to
Uric acid Diagnosis and treatment of rheumatologic Breakdown product of purine metabolism cleared by
disorders, investigational in heart failure the kidney
HFrEF, heart failure with reduced ejection fraction.

these entities, but at a minimum the work up should include an Biomarkers

electrocardiogram, B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) level and chest
x-ray as well as consideration of a troponin level and transtho- Individual biomarkers can be utilized to predict outcomes in
racic echocardiogram. If a clear, potentially reversible, underlying patients with AHF, including risk of readmission and mortality
precipitant is identified (e.g., acute coronary syndrome), diagnosis- (Table 1). For example, BNP levels measured during hospitalization
specific therapy should be initiated. for AHF are associated with 30-day HF readmission rate [19]. In
In addition to the trigger for the current presentation, knowl- addition to BNP, studies have demonstrated that soluble suppres-
edge of the patient’s ejection fraction is crucial in determining ap- sor of tumorgenicity 2 (sST2), GDF-15, cystatin C, galectin-3, serum
propriate treatment. As discussed below, most therapies available uric acid, microRNAs and low serum chloride are predictors of out-
for AHF have been largely tested in patients with HFrEF. Less is comes in AHF [20].
known about how therapies can be more uniquely tailored to the Biomarkers related to renal function can be used to identify
HFpEF population. risk and monitor response to therapy in patients with AHF and
cardiorenal syndrome. Persistent worsening renal function as de-
fined by elevated creatinine and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) is as-
Symptoms sociated with increased mortality and risk of readmission. Levels
of proenkephalin, a novel marker of kidney function, are also as-
Typically, patients with AHF and volume overload present with sociated with worsening renal function, in-hospital mortality and
symptoms of dyspnea on exertion, lower extremity edema, orthop- follow-up mortality in patients with AHF [21].
nea and paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea. Recently, a new symptom There is emerging interest in multi-marker strategies for clini-
of AHF, bendopnea or dyspnea on bending over, has been identi- cal assessment and risk stratification in patients with AHF. Studies
fied. Bendopnea is present in 25% of subjects with HFrEF referred have demonstrated that models that account for multiple biomark-
for hemodynamic assessment. In one study, the presence of ben- ers have improved prognostic accuracy compared to those utilizing
dopnea was associated with higher supine right atrial pressure individual biomarkers [22].
[17]. Furthermore, right atrial and pulmonary capillary wedge pres-
sures increased in all patients when bending during right heart Imaging
Until recently, imaging, apart from chest radiography, has not
played a significant role in risk stratification of patients with AHF.
Physical exam New studies are demonstrating the potential role of ultrasound in
this setting. In the emergency department (ED), lung ultrasound
The physical examination is a fundamental component in as- can improve accuracy of AHF diagnosis [23]. Point-of-care ultra-
sessing, risk stratifying and predicting outcomes in patients with sound of jugular venous compliance has also shown promise with
AHF. Patients with AHF can be characterized at the bedside as strong correlation with invasive right atrial pressure measurement
falling into one of four broad hemodynamic profiles: dry-warm, and ability to predict 30-day readmission for AHF [24].
wet-warm, dry-cold or wet-cold. Clinical assessment of these pro-
files can predict death or urgent transplantation in patients with Management
Patients with physical examination findings consistent with vol- Triage
ume overload such as elevated jugular venous pressure (JVP) and
peripheral edema have higher body mass index, N-terminal pro B- While many patients with AHF are admitted to inpatient set-
type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) and BNP levels, more comor- tings, home hospitalization can be a safe alternative for elderly pa-
bid disease and lower ejection fraction compared to those without tients with no difference in mortality compared to traditional hos-
these findings [18]. Furthermore, physical exam findings consistent pitalization [25]. Studies are ongoing to assess when it is optimal
with volume overload can predict mortality. Patients with elevated to discharge patients from an AHF hospitalization, and whether
JVP and peripheral edema have a 24% increased risk of all-cause short stay units (less than 24 h hospitalization) or discharge di-
mortality at 30 days compared to patients with elevated JVP only, rectly from the ED can be implemented effectively and safely for
peripheral edema only or neither finding of volume overload. selected patients [26–28].
L. Sinnenberg and M.M. Givertz / Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine 30 (2020) 104–112 107

Table 2
Recent diuretic trials.

Trial Study design N Conclusion

Diuretic Optimization Strategies Evaluation Prospective, double-blind RCT, 2 × 2 factorial 308 No significant differences in global symptoms or
(DOSE)(30) design of IV diuretic bolus vs. infusion, as well change in renal function in patients who received
as high dose vs. low dose diuretic continuous or bolus diuretic therapy. High dose
diuretic therapy was associated with greater diuresis,
but transient worsening of renal function.
Comparison of metolazone versus Retrospective cohort study of metolazone vs. 55 Metolazone and chlorothiazide are both safe in
chlorothiazide in acute decompensated chlorothiazide patients with AHF and diuretic resistance
heart failure with diuretic resistance(32)
Efficacy and safety of spironolactone in Prospective, double blind RCT of high dose 360 The addition of spironolactone to usual care for
acute heart failure (ATHENA-HF)(35) spironolactone vs. placebo or low dose patients with AHF was well tolerated but did not
spironolactone improve mortality or rates of heart failure
Registry focused on very early presentation Prospective observational cohort study 1291 Earlier diuretic therapy is associated with lower
and treatment in emergency department of mortality in patients with AHF
acute heart failure (REALITY-AHF)(29)
AHF, acute heart failure; IV, intravenous; RCT, randomized clinical trial.

Decongestion Marked fluid restriction should be reserved for patients with sig-
nificant hyponatremia [38].
Intravenous (IV) loop diuretics remain the mainstay of treat-
ment for patients with AHF. IV diuretics should be given at the Vasodilators
same dose as the patient’s chronic oral dose or greater, with esca-
lating doses if the patient does not respond. Earlier diuretic admin- In patients presenting with AHF and pulmonary edema with-
istration in AHF is associated with lower mortality when control- out significant hypotension, guidelines recommend use of IV va-
ling for age, blood pressure, renal function and other independent sodilators including nitroglycerin and nitroprusside, however evi-
risk factors [29]. dence that these agents improve outcomes is lacking. [1,38] Several
The Diuretic Optimization Strategies Evaluation (DOSE) trial newer vasodilators have been studied to assess safety and efficacy
demonstrated that high dose loop diuretics were associated with in AHF on top of standard of care. Nesiritide, a recombinant form
better symptom improvement and greater volume loss than low of human BNP, was shown to have a small effect on patient dys-
dose loop diuretics; however higher doses transiently worsened pnea, but did not reduce mortality or hospitalization rates in 7141
renal function [30]. Furthermore, the results from DOSE indicate patients with AHF (Fig. 3(A)) [12]. Similarly, serelaxin, a recom-
that diuretic infusions are no more effective or safe than inter- binant form of human relaxin-2, improved dyspnea compared to
mittent boluses of diuretics (Table 2). Recent pilot studies demon- placebo, but did not impact cardiovascular death or hospital read-
strate safety and efficacy of subcutaneous furosemide compared to mission at 60 days (Fig. 3(B)) [39]. TRUE-AHF (Trial of Ularitide Ef-
IV furosemide, raising the future possibility of home-based man- ficacy and Safety in Acute Heart Failure) evaluated the use of ular-
agement of AHF with alternatives to oral diuretics [31]. itide, a synthetic form of urodilantin, in 2157 patients with AHF.
Diuretic resistance can be a major obstacle in management of Despite greater early reductions in blood pressure and BNP levels,
AHF. Causes include inadequate diuretic dosing, gut edema hinder- ularitide did not reduce long-term cardiovascular or all-cause mor-
ing absorption, chronic kidney disease, hypotension and low renal tality (Fig. 3C) [11].
blood flow. Non-cardiac medications such as non-steroidal anti- Ongoing studies are evaluating the use of novel vasodilators,
inflammatory agents can also inhibit diuretic effects. Strategies to such as BMS-986231 a nitroxyl donor, in AHF.
overcome diuretic resistance include use of a thiazide diuretic such
as IV chlorothiazide or oral metolazone which can increase urine Inotropes
output when given along with a loop diuretic [32]. Positive in-
otropes can also be used to augment renal blood flow and improve Guidelines recommend the use of positive inotropes including
diuresis in the setting of resistance due to low cardiac output. dobutamine, dopamine, milrinone and levosimendan, for patients
Studies using vasoactive agents like low-dose dopamine, low- with AHF and evidence of end organ hypoperfusion [1,38]. Levosi-
dose nesiritide, and tolvaptan to improve response to diuretic ther- mendan, a calcium sensitizer, is an inotrope with vasodilator ef-
apy in AHF have been disappointing [33,34]. Similarly, the addition fects that is approved for use in Europe and Latin America but not
of high-dose spironolactone (100 mg daily for 4 days) to the di- in the US or Japan. In the Survival of Patients With Acute Heart
uretic regimen in AHF was safe but did not improve outcomes, in- Failure in Need of Intravenous Inotropic Support (SURVIVE) trial,
cluding change in NT-proBNP, clinical congestion score or 30-day levosimendan did not demonstrate a mortality benefit when com-
death or readmission rate [35]. Finally, the potential role for ul- pared to dobutamine [40]. In light of its vasodilatory properties,
trafiltration (UF) in the treatment of AHF has been investigated. the Hemodynamic Evaluation of Levosimendan in Patients with
While small studies suggest that upfront use of UF can lower the PH-HFpEF study (HELP; NCT03541603) is evaluating the role of lev-
incidence of recurrent HF events compared to diuretics, the risk of osimendan in patients with acute HFpEF and pulmonary hyperten-
device-related complications raises concern. For patients with re- sion.
fractory congestion who fail to respond to diuretic based-strategies, All guideline-recommended inotropes act on adrenoreceptors,
rescue use of UF also remains controversial, with higher rates of in- and therefore result in dose-limiting adverse effects including
fection, bleeding and worsening renal function [36]. atrial and ventricular arrhythmias. Omecamtiv mecarbil (OM), an
While guidelines suggest that fluid restriction is reasonable in activator of cardiac myosin, has raised interest due to its alterna-
patients with heart failure, aggressive fluid and sodium restriction tive inotropic mechanism that is less likely to cause these side ef-
has not been shown to effect weight loss or clinical stability at fects. In the Acute Treatment with Omecamtiv Mecarbil to Increase
3 days, and is associated with significant increase in thirst [37]. Contractility in Acute Heart Failure (ATOMIC-AHF) study, OM was
108 L. Sinnenberg and M.M. Givertz / Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine 30 (2020) 104–112

Fig. 3. Primary results from recent pivotal studies of vasoactive therapy in acute heart failure. Panel A. Changes in dyspnea at 6 and 24 h and the primary clinical end points at 30
days in patients treated with nesiritide or placebo for 1–7 days. From O’Connor et al. with permission. [12] Panel B. Cardiovascular death or hospital readmission of patients
with acute heart failure treated with serelaxin 30 μg/kg/day compared to placebo. From Teerlink et al. [39] with permission. Panel C. Effect of ularitide on cardiovascular
mortality in acute heart failure. From Packer et al. [11] with permission.

well tolerated, but did not improve the primary endpoint of dysp- two groups. This study suggests that initiation of ARNI in patients
nea relief compared to placebo (Fig. 4) [41]. While dyspnea was with AHF is safe and may improve outcomes.
improved in those who received high-dose OM, plasma concen-
trations of troponin were higher in OM-treated patients. A pivotal, Mechanical circulatory support
phase 3 study (GALACTIC-HF; NCT02929329) is currently underway
to determine the effect of OM on morbidity and mortality in pa- For patients with AHF and cardiogenic shock who cannot be
tients with chronic HFrEF. stabilized with medical therapy, temporary or durable mechanical
circulatory support may be considered. Intra-aortic balloon pumps
(IABP) have traditionally been used for patients with acute my-
Neurohormonal antagonists ocardial infarction in cardiogenic shock, however the IABP-Shock
II Trial did not demonstrate a mortality benefit with IABP com-
In patients with HFrEF treated with guideline-directed medical pared to standard therapy [43]. Other forms of mechanical cir-
therapy, including angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, culatory support, including short-term percutaneous devices (e.g.,
angiotensin receptor blockers, angiotensin receptor neprilysin in- Impella, TandemHeart) and veno-arterial extracorporeal membrane
hibitors (ARNI) and beta-blockers, outpatient medications should oxygenation (ECMO), are being used more frequently at referral
be continued in the absence of hemodynamic instability or other centers despite lack of strong evidence to guide choice of ther-
contraindications [38]. In patients not previously on beta-blockers, apy [44,45]. In patients with refractory shock, these devices can
providers should wait until patients are euvolemic and hemody- be used as “bridges” to decision, transplant or recovery [1,46].
namically stable prior to initiation. The PIONEER-HF (Comparison
of Sacubitril-Valsartan versus Enalapril on Effect on NT-proBNP Respiratory management
in Patients Stabilized from an Acute Heart Failure Episode) study
sought to determine whether initiation of ARNI is safe and ef- In patients with AHF presenting with hypoxia, oxygen supple-
fective in patients with AHF following hemodynamic stabilization mentation is recommended. In the absence of hypoxia, oxygen
[42]. Patients receiving sacubitril-valsartan demonstrated a greater supplementation should be avoided given evidence that high-
reduction in NT-proBNP compared to those who received enalapril concentrations of inhaled oxygen can have detrimental hemody-
(Fig. 5). The rates of worsening renal function, hyperkalemia and namic effects (reduced cardiac output, increased systemic vascular
symptomatic hypotension did not differ significantly between the resistance) in patients with HFrEF [47]. Non-invasive ventilation
L. Sinnenberg and M.M. Givertz / Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine 30 (2020) 104–112 109

Fig. 4. Effects of omecamtiv mecarbil on dyspnea in patients with acute heart failure. Although omecamtiv mecarbil (OM) did not improve the primary endpoint of dyspnea
relief when comparing the 3 OM dose groups with pooled placebo (A), OM did improve dyspnea response in the patients receiving the highest dose when compared with
the paired placebo groups (B). ∗ Ratio of response rate to pooled placebo. ∗ ∗ Ratio of response rate to placebo within each cohort. From Teerlink et al. [41] with permission.

can be used in patients with AHF and pulmonary edema, and has to favorable effects on CV death, myocardial infarction and stroke,
been shown to induce a more rapid improvement in dyspnea and reduction in HF hospitalizations has been observed [49].
metabolic disturbance compared to oxygen therapy alone [38]. For patients with chronic HFrEF and iron deficiency (with or
without anemia), IV iron can be administered to improve func-
Comorbidities tional status and quality of life [50]. For those with obstructive
sleep apnea, nocturnal continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)
Once patients with AHF are stabilized, providers should con- has been shown to improve EF, exercise capacity and quality of life
sider optimization of co-morbidities prior to discharge. In pa- [38]. Conversely, adaptive servo-ventilation is not recommended in
tients with type 2 diabetes, glugacon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) re- patients with HFrEF and central sleep apnea because of increased
ceptor agonists can be used as an adjunct to diet and exercise to mortality [1].
improve glycemic control. In the Functional Impact of GLP-1 for Many patients with HF have comorbidities including atrial
Heart Failure Treatment (FIGHT) study, liraglutide use was associ- fibrillation and venous thromboembolism for which full-dose
ated with reduction in weight and improved blood glucose control, anticoagulation is indicated. Lower doses of rivaroxaban, an oral
but did not improve post-hospitalization stability [48]. Sodium- direct factor Xa inhibitor, in combination with antiplatelet ther-
glucose cotransporter-2 (SGLT-2) inhibitors should be considered apy, has been shown to reduce the risk of cardiovascular death,
in patients with diabetes and cardiovascular disease. In addition myocardial infarction and stroke in patients with acute coronary
110 L. Sinnenberg and M.M. Givertz / Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine 30 (2020) 104–112

Fig. 5. Change in natriuretic peptide levels in PIONEER-HF. The time-averaged reduction in N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) concentration was signifi-
cantly greater in the sacubitril-valsartan group than in the enalapril group (percent change −47% vs. −25%; P < 0.001). From Velazquez et al. [42] with permission.

Table 3
Recommendations for hospital discharge.

Before hospital discharge, at the first post discharge visit, and in subsequent follow-up visits, the following should be addressed:

Initiation of GDMT if not done or contraindicated

Causes of HF, barriers to care, and limitation in support
Assessment of volume status and blood pressure with adjustment of HF therapy
Optimization of chronic oral HF therapy
Renal function and electrolytes
Management of comorbid conditions
HF education, self-care, emergency plans, and adherence
Palliative or hospice carea

GDMT, guideline-directed medical therapy; HF, heart failure.

For patients with advanced heart disease. Adapted from Yancy et al. [38].

syndromes. COMMANDER-HF [A Study to Assess the Effectiveness Work is also ongoing to clarify the benefits of virtual visits and
and Safety of Rivaroxaban in Reducing the Risk of Death, Myocar- physical rehabilitation on patient outcomes post-discharge [53,54].
dial Infarction, or Stroke in Participants with Heart Failure and For patients with end-stage HF, hospice and palliative care refer-
Coronary Artery Disease Following an Episode of Decompensated rals should be strongly considered. In a large Medicare beneficiary
Heart Failure) compared low dose rivaroxaban to placebo in pa- study, hospice referral at the time of discharge was associated with
tients with chronic HFrEF and coronary artery disease in sinus lower 30-day readmission with no change in mortality [55]. De-
rhythm following treatment of worsening HF [51]. There was no spite this, most patients with HF eligible for hospice are not re-
difference in the rate of death, myocardial infarction or stroke ferred.
between the two groups, with more bleeding in patients receiving
Future directions

Discharge planning and follow-up Compared to chronic HFrEF, management of AHF is resource-
intense with much less data to guide clinical decision-making.
As patients with AHF approach discharge, providers should fo- Moving forward, studies will help determine the safety, efficacy
cus on patient and family engagement and transitions of care and cost-effectiveness of shifting care away from traditional hos-
(Table 3). Inadequate health literacy is shown to be an indepen- pitalizations towards alternative models of care (e.g., outpatient
dent risk factor for AHF re-hospitalization as well as all-cause mor- management with subcutaneous loop diuretics, short stay units,
tality [52]. Patient education is also key to avoiding unnecessary home hospitalizations) (Table 4). Meanwhile, risk stratification
hospitalizations and ED visits following a HF admission. In the tools will continue to evolve as new biomarkers are validated and
Care Optimization Through Patient and Hospital Engagement Clin- combined into multi-marker strategies. The increased use of point-
ical Trial for Heart Failure (CONNECT-HF; NCT03035474), investi- of-care ultrasound also shows promise as a method to improve di-
gators will assess the effect of a multifaceted, health system-level agnostic accuracy and risk-stratify patients with AHF. Finally, phar-
quality-improvement program on HF outcomes and quality-of-care macologic management of AHF will continue to evolve as new
metrics in over 70 0 0 patients. This study should help characterize vasoactive agents including vasodilators and inotropes as well as
the magnitude of the effect of patient engagement on outcomes in therapies targeting comorbidities such as diabetes, CKD and ane-
AHF. mia are studied.
L. Sinnenberg and M.M. Givertz / Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine 30 (2020) 104–112 111

Table 4
Selected ongoing clinical trials in acute heart failure.

Trial Study design Sample size Primary endpoint/duration

Rivaroxaban once daily versus dose-adjusted vitamin K Prospective, single center, open label 150 Change of high sensitivity troponin
antagonist on the biomarkers in acute decompensated RCT of rivaroxaban vs. warfarin plus from baseline to 72 h
heart failure and atrial fibrillation (ROAD HF-AF) enoxaparin
Short stay unit vs. hospitalization in acute heart failure Prospective, multi-center, open label 534 Days alive and out of hospital at 30
(SSU-AHF) (NCT03302910) RCT days
Prospective comparison of metolazone versus Single center, randomized open label 48 Net urine output at 24 h
chlorothiazide for acute decompensated heart failure pilot study
with diuretic resistance (NCT03574857)
Acetazolamide in decompensated heart failure with Multicenter, randomized, double-blind, 519 Treatment success (decongestion
volume overload (ADVOR) (NCT03505788) phase 4 clinical trial achieved) at 4 days
Acetazolamide in patients with acute heart Single center, randomized, double blind 90 Diuresis and negative water balance at
failure (ACETA) (NCT03720288) study 72 h
Registrational study with omecamtiv mecarbil/AMG Double-blind, randomized, 80 0 0 Time to cardiovascular death or first
423 to treat chronic heart failure with reduced ejection placebo-controlled, multicenter study heart failure event (through study
fraction (GALACTIC-HF) (NCT02929329) completion, up to 4 years)
Mechanism and effects of manipulating chloride Prospective, double-blind, randomized 200 Change in blood volume over 7 days
homeostasis in acute heart failure (NCT NCT03446651) study of lysine chloride or placebo
From, accessed January 12, 2019. RCT, randomized clinical trial.

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