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Elementary Conversation

Take a look at these animals, pay attention to the similarity some names have with
Portuguese. While you look at them and read their names think about the animals that
you like and the ones you don’t like.

Yara Carobrez
Elementary Conversation

Yara Carobrez
Elementary Conversation

Here we have some animals and their babies.

Yara Carobrez
Elementary Conversation

Now look at the animal’s body parts.

Yara Carobrez
Elementary Conversation

Here are some habitats where these animals Desert

may live.

Rainforest (jungle), Forest

Marine, Oceans

Artic and Antartic Polar

Grassland, Savannah


Yara Carobrez
Elementary Conversation


Yara Carobrez
Elementary Conversation


1) Think about one animal and don’t tell you colleagues.

The students take turns asking yes or no questions to discover the animal the others have
in mind.

For example:

I think in the animal: Lion

My colleagues asks:
Is this animal big? Yes, it is big.
Does this animal live in the ocean? No, it doesn’t.
Does this animal have fur? Yes, it does.
Is this animal yellow? Yes, it is.
Continue until someone discovers the animal.

2) Do the opposite.
- The teacher sticks the name of an animal in the forehead of the students;
- The students needs to discover his/her animal by asking yes or no questions
following the example above.

3) Think about an animal and don’t tell your colleagues;

- Describe this animal mentioning the physical characteristics, use adjectives,
mention the habitat, the kind of food this animal eat, etc;
- Continue until someone discovers the animal.

4) Exercise of comparative and superlative.


- Describe 2 or 3 animals like in all the activities above and don’t mention the
names so I can guess them.

Yara Carobrez

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