Programme - MCA Course Name - Discrete Mathematics Course Code - MCA104 (Semester - 1)

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Programme – MCA

Course Name –Discrete Mathematics

Course Code –MCA104
(Semester – 1)
Tutorial Sheet


1. In a graph if e=[u, v], Then u and v are called

a. Endpoints of e b. Neighbors
c. Adjacent nodes d. All of above
2. A graph with no circuit and no parallel edges is called

a. Multi graph b. Pseudo graph

c. Simple graph d. None of these
3. A minimally connected graph is a
a. Binary tree b. Tree
c. Spannig tree d. None of these
4. A graph G has a spanning tree iff G is
a. regular b. connected
c. simple d. tree
5. Sum of the degree of a graph is always

a. even b. odd
c. prime d. none of these
6. If a graph has 6 vertices and 15 edges then the size of its adjacency matrix is
a. 6X6 b. 6X15
c. 15X6 d. 15X15
7. Number of edges in a complete graph with n-vertices is:
n n
C1 b. C2
n n
C3 d. Cn
8. The root of a binary tree is the vertex having degree
a. 1 b. 2
c. 3 d. 4
9. The possible number of vertices in a binary tree is
a. 4 b. 6
c. 5 d. 2
10. To make a graph (with e edges and n vertices) free from any circuit the minimum number of edges
to be removes from G in
a. e-n b. e-n+1
c. n-1 d. e-1
11. If G is a tree with n vertices, then the number of edges of G are
a. n b. (n-1)
c. n(n+1) d. n(n-1)
12. Every vertex of a null graph is
Pendant b. Isolated
c. Odd d. none of these
13. An edge whose two end vertices coincide is called

ring b. adjacent edge

loop d. none
14. A vertex whose degree 1 is called

isolated vertex b.pendant vertex

even vertex d. none
15. Choose the correct statement

every walk is a path b. every circuit is a path


every loop is a circuit d. The origin and the terminus of a walk are
always same.
16. The degree of an isolated vertex is

a. 0 b. 1
c. 2 d. none
17. If T be a spanning tree in a graph G then the co-tree of T contains

a. all chords of T b. all the vertices of G which are not of T

c. all the edges of G d. none of these
18. A complete graph must be a

circuit b. regular graph

non-simple graph d. null-graph
19. If the origin and terminus of a walk coincide then it is a

path b. open walk

circuit d. closed walk
20. The degree of the common vertex of two edges in series is

a. 0 b. 1
c. 2 d. may be more than 2 .
21. A self-loop cannot be included in a
walk b. circuit
trail d. path

20. A simple graph has

no parallel edges b. no loops
no parallel edges and no loops d. no isolated vertex
21. A tree is a
a. any connected graph b. minimally connected graph
c. Euler graph d. none .
22. A minimally connected graph cannot have a
a. cycle b. component
c. even vertex d. pendant vertex
23. A binary tree has exactly
a. two vertices of degree 2 b. one vertex of degree 2
c. one vertex of degree 1 d. one vertex of degree 3 .
24. Each vertex (except one ) of a binary tree has degree
a. 1 or 2 b. 2 or 3
c. 1 or 3 d. 2 or 4
25. Sum of the degrees of all vertices of a binary tree is even if the tree has
a. odd no of vertices b. even no of vertices
c. four vertices d. none of these .
26. Tree contains at least
a. one vertex b. two vertex
c. three vertex d. none of these .
27. A tree always is a
a. self complement graph b. Euler graph
c. simple graph d. Hamiltonian graph .
28. Dijkstra’s algorithm is used to
a. find maximum flow in a network b. to scan all vertices of a graph
c. find the shortest path from a d. none of these
specified vertex to another
29. Addition of an edge between any two vertices of a tree creates
a. Euler line b. Circuit
c. Longest path d. Regular graph
30. The minimum number of pendant vertices in a tree with five vertices is
a. 1 b. 2
c. 3 d. 4
31. A connected graph with 150 vertices and 149 edges is
a. Not a minimally connected b. Euler graph
c. Binary tree d. Tree
32. Which of the following statement is true?
a. A spanning tree is a super graph b. A spanning tree is a subgraph of G
of G
c. A spanning tree may not be a d. G may not have a spanning tree
tree at all
33. Minimal spanning tree is found by
a. Dijkstra’s algorithm b. Ford-Fukerson’s algorithm
c. Floyd algorithm d. Kruskal’s algorithm

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