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Experiment 12: RC Circuits


A capacitor consists of two conductors separated by an

insulator or dielectric.

Capacitance C = (charge Q on either

conductor)/(potential difference V between conductors)

The SI unit of capacitance is the farad, symbol F, so that

1 F = 1C/V and

C= Q/V

A capacitor has a capacitance 1 F if it requires 1

coulomb of charge per volt of potential difference Current I = dQ/dt  - R(dQ/dt) -Q/C = 0 (4)
between its conductors. Convenient submultiples of the
*q means charge,  means unit of pemeability, I =
farad are
current, R = resistance, C= capacitance, d= displacement
1 F = 1 microfarad = 10-6 F
By inspecting this equation we can see that at time t =
1 pF = 10-12 F 0, the charge on the capacitor is zero and the current is

PARALLEL PLATE CAPACITOR The capacitance of a I0 = /R. The charge then increases a maximum value
parallel plate capacitor with two large plates, the area of Qf = C when the current I equals zero.
of one side of one plate which is opposed by the other
Equation (4) can also be written as :dQ/dt = /R –
plate being A and the distance between them d, is
C = k0A/d
or dQ/[/R -Q/(RC)] =dt (5)
where k is the dielectric constant or the relative
Multiplying both sides of equation (5) by -1/(RC) we
permittivity of the non-conducting dielectric material
between the plates and 0 is the permittivity of free
space. In SI unit, C is in farad F and 0 is then in F/m with [-1/(RC)] dQ/[/R -Q/(RC)] =-dt/(RC) (6)
a value of 8.85 x 10-12 F/m.
Integrate equation (6) from 0 to Q for variable Q and
CHARGING A CAPACITOR variable time t from 0 to time t we have

Q= Q0(1-e-t/) (1) ln[/R – Q/(RC)]- ln(/R) = -t/(RC)

CV = Q and Q0=CV0 (2) [/R – Q/(RC)]/(/R) = e-t/RC

Therefore also V = V0(1 – e-t/) (3) /R – Q/(RC)=(/R)e-t/RC

Q/(RC) = /R(1 - e-t/RC)

Q = C(1 - e-t/RC) = Qf(1 - e-t/RC) (7)

where Qf is the final charge.

Differentiate equation (7) with respect to time t we

have current:

dQ/dt = [Qf/(RC)] e-t/RC= [C/(RC)] e-t/RC

Experiment 12: RC Circuits

= (/R) e-t/RC= I0 e-t/RC The minus sign is needed because while Q decreases,
dQ/dt is negative. Traversing the circuit in the clockwise
direction, we encounter a potential drop IR across the
DISCHARGING A CAPACITOR: Q= Q0e-t/  V = V0(e-t/) resistor and a potential increase Q/C across the
capacitor. Thus, Kirchhoff’s loop rule gives
The initial capacitance across the capacitor is initially
V0= Q0/C. Close the switch at time t = 0. Since there is Q/C - IR= 0 (3)
now a potential difference across the resistor, there
Therefore since I = -dQ/dt
must be a current in it. The initial current is
Q/C +RdQ/dt =0
I0 = V0/R = Q0/(RC) (1)
The flow of current is due to the flow of charge from the
positive plate of the capacitor to the negative plate of
dQ/Q = -dt/(RC) (4)
the capacitor through the resistor. After a time, the
charge on the capacitor is reduced. If we choose the By integrating the variable Q from Q0 to Q and variable
positive direction to be clockwise, then the current time t from 0 to time t, we have
equals the rate of decrease of that charge. If Q is the
charge on the upper plate of the capacitor at time t, the ln(Q/Q0) = -t/(RC) or
current at that time is
Q = Q0e-t/(RC) = Q0e-t/ (5)
I = -dQ/dt (2)

Time constant RC = 

Differentiate Q with respect to time t we have current


I = - dQ/dt = (Q/RC)e-t/ (6)

But I = Q/(RC) therefore

I = I0e-t/(RC) (7)

Charging a capacitor:

V = V0(1 – e-t/RC) V = V0 – V0 e-t/RC

 ln(V0 - V) = -t/(RC) + lnV0

From equation of the line y =mx + b where m is the slope of the

line and b the y-intercept.
Experiment 12: RC Circuits

Graph ln(V0 - V) vs time t and equate the slope to -1/(RC) to find the time constant = RC.

Discharging a capacitor:

V = V0 e-t/RC  lnV = -t/(RC) + lnV0

Graph ln(V) vs time t and equate the slope to -1/(RC) to find time
constant RC.

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