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Master of Science in Hardware & Networking
Course Code Course Name L-T-P Credits Total Marks
ENV401 Disaster Management 2- 0- 0 2 100

MHN(HU)401 Values and Ethics in Profession 2- 0- 0 2 100

MHN401 Cloud Computing 4 - 0- 0 4 100
MHN491 Information System Security Lab 0- 0 – 3 3 100
MHN492 Python Programming Lab 0- 0 – 3 3 100

MHN481 Project 0- 0 – 3 6 100

MHN482 Grand Viva 3 100

Total 23 700

Course Name: Disaster Management

Course Code: ENV401
Contact: 2L
Credits: 2
No of Lectures: 20

Unit I: Disaster and its types [6L]

Define disaster, Types of disaster and associated problems, Disaster threats, General effects of disaster, Outlines of
individual disaster, Earthquake Risk and its Impact with examples, Prediction of earthquake, Mock drill for public,
Bomb threat, Campus shooting, Tsunami, Terrorist incident, Flood Risk Management, Assessing flood risks and its

Unit II: Post effects of disasters [4L]

Pre disaster contingency plan, capacity development and training, Explosion, Hazardous material spillage/Release,
A sudden health emergency, unexpected loss of income, Death in family or other family emergencies and rent in
arrears and risk eviction

Unit III: DM Act along with Fire disasters [10L]

Disaster Management Act 2005, Measures by Government for Disaster Management, Natural disaster including fire
disaster and other all types of accidental disasters, various case studies of fire including Hydrocarbon fire ( i.e. slop
over and boil over), UVCE, BLEVE, LPG Vapour cloud handling, LPG Fire Emergency handling.

Text Books:
1. Disaster Management by Harsh K. Gupta, University press.
2. Disaster Management, Harsh K. Gupta, University Press.
3. Disaster Science and Management, Tushar Bhattacharya, McGraw Hill Education (India) Pvt. Ltd.
4. Biodiversity, Environment and Disaster Management, Shailesh Shukla, Shamna Hussain, Unique

Master of Science in Hardware & Networking
Reference Books:

1. Disaster Management Act 2005, Publisher by Govt. of India.

2. Encyclopedia of Disasters - Environmental Catastrophes and Human Tragedies, Vol. 1 & 2, Angus
M. Gunn, Greenwood Press, 2008.

Course Name: Values and Ethics in Profession

Course Code: MHN(HU)401
Contact: 2L
Credits: 2
No of Lectures: 20

Unit I: Introduction to Value Education [2L]

Understanding the need, basic guidelines, content and process for value education, Basic Human Aspirations:
Prosperity and happiness, Methods to fulfil the human aspirations.

Unit II: Harmony in Human Being [2L]

Harmony in family and society: Understanding human relationship in terms of mutual trust and respect,
Understanding society and nation as extensions of family and society respectively.

Unit III: Effects of Technological Growth [2L]

Rapid Technological growth and depletion of resources, Reports of the Club of Rome, Limits of growth, Sustainable
development, Technology assessment impact analysis.

Unit IV: Energy Crisis [2L]

Renewable Energy Resources, Environmental degradation and pollution. Eco-friendly Technologies. Environmental
Regulations, Environmental Ethics.

Unit V: Profession and Professionalism [4L]

Engineering profession: Professional Accountability, Roles of Software professional, Ethics and image of profession,
Ethical issues for software professionals, Conflicts between business demands and professional ideals.

Unit VI: Social responsibilities and human values [4L]

Social and ethical responsibilities of Technologists, Roles of Engineers in industry, society, nation and the world,
Codes of professional ethics, Whistle blowing and beyond.

Unit VII: Values in Indian Constitution [4L]

Basic structure, Justice, democracy, secularism, rule of law, Fundamental rights and duties.

Suggested Books:
1. Stephen H Unger, Controlling Technology: Ethics and the Responsible Engineers, John Wiley & Sons, New York
1994, (2nd Ed)

Master of Science in Hardware & Networking
2. A. N. Tripathi, Human values in the Engineering Profession, Monograph published by IIM, Calcutta 1996.
3. Sumita Manna, Values and Ethics in profession, PHI.
4. Human Values: A. N. Tripathy (2003, New Age International Publishers)

Course Name: Cloud Computing

Course Code: MHN401
Contact: 4L
Credits: 4
No of Lectures: 40

Unit I: Introduction to cloud computing and networking [16L]

Networking Basics, The network stack, Packets and frames, Network equipment, Interconnect, Cloud
Data Center, Cloud Networking, Characteristics of Cloud Networking, Ethernet usage, Virtualization,
Convergence, Scalability, Software. Software as a Service (Saas)-Understanding SOA. Platform as a
Service (PaaS)-IT Infrastructure as a Service (Iaas)-Identity as a Service (IDaaS)- Understanding Single
Sign-On (SSO), OpenID, Mobile ID Management.

Unit II: Cloud Data Centers [14L]

Data Center Evolution: Mainframes to the Cloud: The Data Center Evolution, Computer Networks,
Ethernet, Enterprise versus Cloud Data Centers, Movement to the Cloud. Cloud Data Center
Networking Topologies: Traditional Multi tiered Enterprise Networks, Data Center Network Switch
Types, Flat Data Center Networks, Rack Scale Architectures, Network Function Virtualization.

Unit III : Cloud Storage Network [6L]

Storage Background Advanced Storage Technologies, Storage Communication Protocols, Network
Convergence, Software-Defined Storage, and Storage in Cloud Data Centers.

Unit IV: Software-Defined Networking [4L]

Data Center Software Background, OpenStack, OpenFlow, Network Function Virtualization, SDN

Suggested Books:
1.Cloud Computing : A Practical Approach by Anthony T. Velte Toby J. Velte, Robert Elsenpeter, 2010 by
The McGraw-Hill
2. Gary Lee, “Cloud Networking -Understanding Cloud-based Data Center Networks”, Elsevier, 2014

Master of Science in Hardware & Networking

Course Name: Information System Security Lab

Course Code: MHN491
Contact: 3P
Credits: 3

Unit I : Workgroup Security

Week1 : NTFS security, File folder security, DACL, Registry

Unit II : Network Security

Week2: TCP/IP filtering, Software firewall, Telnet port security, ACL

Unit III : Security Policy

Week3: Password policy, Local security policy, Local group policy, Applocker policy

Unit IV : User and Password Management

Week4: Password backup, Startup Password, Simple password and complex password
Week5: Local and Domain controller password recover

Unit V : IP Security Management

Week6: IP security

Unit VI : Domain Security

Week7: NTFS security, Account security, Group policy on domain OU

Unit VII : Certificate Management

Week8: Server Certificate,Install Certificate authority
Week9 : Certificate on webserver
Week10:.ADM template.

Unit VIII : Basic Firewall and NAT Security

Week11:.Basic firewall configuration
Week12:.NAT configuration in server

Suggested Books:
1. Fundamentals of Network Security by John E. Canavan, Artech House.

Master of Science in Hardware & Networking
Course Name: Python Programming Lab
Course Code: MHN492
Contact: 3P
Credits: 3

Unit I : Introduction to Python

Week1: Installing Python. Executing simple command in python terminal and Python based editor
Week2: Write a Python program to find square of a number and to calculate the area of a triangle
Week3: Write a Python program to print a demonstrate condition and loop statement

Unit II : Programming in Python

Week4: Write a Python program to demonstrate simple function and function call
Week5: Write a Python Program to Display Fibonacci Sequence Using Recursion
Week6: Write a Python Program to Find Sum of Natural Numbers Using Recursion

Unit III : Advanced Programming in Python

Week7: Write a Python Program to demonstrate Match, Search and Split function.
Week8: Write a Python Program that take command line arguments (word count)
Week9: Write a Python Program to demonstrate class, creating object, accessing object and accessing attributes

Unit IV : Network Programming using Python

Week10: Write a Python Program to demonstrate simple socket programming
Week11: Write a Python Program to demonstrate simple server client communication
Week12: Write a Python Program to error handling correcting in network environment

Suggested Books:
1. Charles Severance “Python for Everybody – Exploring Data in Python 3”, 1st Indian
Reprint, SPD Publication

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