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1. I sometimes … my head under the water when I swam in the ocean.

a. put
b. puts
2. He was sleeping when you … him last night.

a. called
b. was calling
3. The woman had already left when her friends …

a. come
b. came
4. You … regret if you joined the community.

a. wouldn’t
b. won’t
5. Did the tour participants … the sunrise this morning?

a. see
b. saw
6. The businessman … the sales contract two days ago.

a. backs out of
b. backed out of
7. The family … in poverty for two decades.

a. lived
b. live
8. It wasn’t her who … money from your wallet.

a. took
b. takes
9. How did you … your last weekend?

a. spent
b. spend
10. They made mistakes because they didn’t … the guidelines.

a. followed
b. follow

1. a. put | Simple past tense digunakan untuk menyatakan kebiasaan dimasa lampau.
2. a. called | Simple past tense untuk menunjukkan bahwa ada aksi berdurasi pendek yang
terjadi ketika aksi berdurasi panjang (past continuous tense “was sleeping”) sedang
3. b. came | Simple past tense untuk menunjukkan bahwa aksi langsung mengikuti aksi
yang telah selesai (past perfect tense “had left”).
4. a. wouldn’t | Simple past tense digunakan pada conditional sentence type 2.
5. a. see | Bare infinitive (bentuk dasar verb) digunakan sebagai kata kerja
pada interrogative sentence simple past tense.
6. b. backed out of | “Two days ago” merupakan time signal untuk tense ini.
7. a. lived
8. a. took
9. b. spend | Gunakan bare infinitive sebagai kata kerja pada kalimat pertanyaan simple past
10. b. follow | Bare infinitive digunakan sebagai kata kerja pada kalimat negatif simple past

40 Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris tentang Simple Past Tense

Choose the right answer between a, b, c, or d
1. I ……… my phone two days ago
a. loss b. lost c. was losing d. is losing
2. I was listening to music when my t\mother ……… my room.
a. has entered b. was entering c. entered d. enter
3. My father ……… the newspaper when he was waiting my mother.
a. read
b. was reading c. had read d. is readed
4. My sister and me went to campus and then we ……… in a cafeteria.
a. had relaxed b. relaxed c. were relaxing d. relax
5. Daniella ……… George when she was reading book in library.
a. was meeting b. met
c. had met d. have meet
6. The students ……… to museum when they were studying history
a. were going
b. went c. had gone d. go
7. Anissa ……… to English conversation when her friend was singing beside her.
a. listened b. listens c. was listening d. listen
8. I ……… to school alone when my friend was coming late.
a. walked b. walk
c. was walking d. is walking
9. ……… she read book last morning?
a. Do b. Does c. Did d. Done
10. My brother ……… a car three weeks ago.
a. has b. had c. have d. is
11. I ……… when my niece was going to abroad.
a. am sad b. were sad c. was sad d. is sad
12. When I lived in South Korea, I ……… in a hospital.
a. work b. worked
c. was working d. was worked
13. He passed his examination because he ……… very hard.
a. was studying b. studies c. studied d. were studying
14. My teachers were angry because I ……… lazy.
a. am b. was c. were d. are
15. When my sister………, it was raining
a. a.. got up b. gets up c. get up d. is getting up
16. My teacher……… new book yesterday.
a. bring b. brought c. brings d. is bringing
17. I……… Julian at the Nick’s party. He was handsome.
a. see b. saw c. seen d. is seen
18. Julio………. student last year.
a. was active b. were active c. is active d. are active
19. I was watching movie when my mother ……… me.
a. was calling b. calls c. called d. is called
20. I was writing journal when my brother ……… game.
a. played b. was playing c. plays d. is playing
21. I………to the school alone yesterday a. walk
b. walked c. walks d. walking
22. we……in this restaurant 2 days ago a. ate
b. eaten c. eating d. eat
23. I……in this sofa with him a. sleeping
b. sleep c. slept d. sleped
24. We…… each other 2 years ago a. love
b. be loving c. are love d. loved
25. I……this scissors to cut the grass yesterday
a. cuted b. cuting c. cut d. be cutted
26. ………he read novel last night?
a. do b. did c. done d. are
27. We….. to aceh two weeks ago a. gone
b. come c. went d. go
28. They……. this musc two hours ago a. listened
b. listen c. listening d. be listen
29. Anita……me in this market yesterday
a. meeting b. meets c. met d. meet
30. Dona……. this delicious food for us, 1 hour ago
a. cooking b. cooked c. cooks d. cook
31. I….. this floor yesterday a. swept
b. sweep c. sweeps d. sweeped
32. My brother…….this novel yesterday a. reading
b. reads c. read d. readed
33. We……to the collage yesterday a. walking
b. walk c. walked
d. be walking
34. My lil bro……..a new motorcycle yesterday
a. has b. have c. having d. had
35. I….. sad when my best friend left me yesterday
a. am sad b. were c. was d. did
36. I……in this office 2 years ago a. working
b. worked c. work d. be working
37. I……my wallet in this market two months ago
a. loose b. losed c. lose d. losing
38. My brother…….a letter for me a. write
b. wrote c. writing d. was writing
39. My students……hard last night a. study
b. studied c. was study d. studying
40. When I… is raining 5 minutes ago
a. got up b. getting up c. gets up d. get up

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