Module #2 - Finding Prospects & Inviting Prospects - Script

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Finding Prospects & Inviting Prospects


To be a professional in network marketing, you are required to

acquire the basic skills needed to build your successful

In the previous session, we have shared with you about the 5

basic skills required for you to become a professional.

Today, I am going to share with you the first and second skills:

Finding Prospects and Inviting Prospects as if you are a



To find prospects, you need to start with making a list of people

you know. In this regards, there are 3 categories of sponsor in
network marketing:

First, is the Poser

They only make their list in their memory.

Second, is the Amateur

They prepare the static list in writing at the beginning, without
making any effort to keep on expanding the list.

Third, is the Professional

They prepare a list in writing, and then keep on expanding their list
from time to time for the business.

Among the 3 categories, only the professional is able to succeed

with the list, to be expanded continuously throughout their career
in network marketing.

To begin with, make your own list basing on the people you know
around you. Try to make your list of prospects as comprehensive
as possible without missing out anyone you know. Whoever
comes to your mind, write their name in the list. It doesn’t matter
whether they are your relatives, friends, classmates, colleagues or
people you know in your neighborhood, community, association,
club and etc.

Please don’t make the mistake of prejudging people based on

your previous experience with them. In this step, you need to
make only a name list as complete as you can. Don’t prejudge,
Don’t worry about their character, your relationship with them, how
they will respond and etc., no need to think anything now other
than writing the names. Only write down the names.

Yes, it is necessary to write down the names. Don’t deviate the

system, and don’t try to skip it with the notion it is in your phone,
memory and etc., If you break the system, you cannot duplicate it.
So first step, is about making a name list.
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Finding Prospects & Inviting Prospects

Look at the list of the people you have prepared, and think about
the people they know.
The people that they know are most likely known to you too.
If you know them too, add them in the original list to expand it.
This is the second step to expand the list.


From time to time, from place to place, you will meet new people.
Wherever and whenever you meet them, add them into your list
and expand your prospect list.

In our daily life, we will keep on meeting new people for various
reasons, like functions, events, occasions, and circumstances.
There will be wedding dinner, family gathering, social association,
community event, car repair, insurance matter, statutory issue,
school event of your children, festive season, vacation, traveling,
and many others where you will meet new people.

These new people can be added into your list of prospects from
time to time. The list of prospects that you prepare in this manner
will become an Active Candidate List.


Bear in mind that whoever comes across your way will become
your prospect, and you will put their names in your list in the
earlier step of making an Active Candidate List.

Now, you can go one step further by doing this approach in

purpose. Meaning to say, you make it a point to get the name and
contact of the new people you meet with the purpose, to make
them your prospect.

Once they are on the list, you will keep on finding a chance to
reach them, or keep in touch with them to build the relationship. In
doing so, make sure that you do it without the prospects knowing
it. Do it naturally. Otherwise, you will surely face rejection. This is
the 4th step of doing networking on purpose.


Based on the Law of Average, you will only have 5% success rate
to continue to build relationships with your prospects until they join
your network. Knowing this industrial statistics or standard, you
will not make your failure in inviting your prospect as a personal

This is not your fault, and it is not the fault of the prospect either,
but it is simply natural as per the law of average. So, don't give up
easily and accept the reality. Prepare yourself not to be
emotionally attached to the outcome of trying to get in touch with
them to build the required relationship.

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Finding Prospects & Inviting Prospects

We have gone through the first skill, the skill of finding prospects.

To sum up, there are 3 categories of sponsor in making the list of

prospects. You should make yourself as a professional among the
3 categories. Then in expanding your list of prospects, you should
do it on purpose until you are able to recruit them. But make sure
not to be emotionally attached to the outcome while you are trying
to get in touch with them to build the relationship.

Having said that, now we are going to share with you about the
Skill number 2, which is about Inviting Prospects.


In the past, Networkers used to apply the Hunter Approach in

inviting their prospect. On this Hunter Approach, the sponsor acts
like a hunter, and focus on the number of prospects who can be
invited for the business.

The sponsor is not particular about how their prospects will feel
when they are being hunted. Even when the sponsor fails to invite
the prospect, he will always be prepared with the mentality of
apathy, and think so what? Some will, some won’t, just go to the

This approach always ends up with a higher rate of rejection. In

the modern lifestyle, people are very busy and they don’t have
much time for others. They tend to be annoyed, especially being
contacted by someone new to them from the direct selling

So, the Hunter Approach is found to be outdated and not

applicable anymore. You should change the approach into the
Farmer Approach.


The Farmer Approach needs cultivation. You have to cultivate by

building relationship, friendship, and trust with your prospects first.
No matter how many times you need to approach them before you
get their confirmation on your invitation.

Don't focus on recruiting them, but building the relationship in a

natural way about their normal life. Talk with them on a common
topic in their life, excluding business until the timing is right. Do not
be in a hurry and be patient.

From building the relationship, you will obtain their trust. When
they trust you only then they will share their needs and problems
with you. When their needs and problems are related to your
areas about products and business, then only you can offer them
the help. When you offer them the help, make sure to focus on
providing the solution for their needs and problems, and avoid
trying to recruit them.

Your goal is to provide them and share with them the information
needed to solve their problems, or meet their needs. It is natural

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Finding Prospects & Inviting Prospects
for them to join your network if you are able to always help them,
or when they have really benefited the efficacy of the products.


Throughout your period of building relationship with your prospect,

don't act as an expert. Especially if your prospect knows you well
about your background in the past.

If you act as an expert all in a sudden, it will be difficult for them to

accept you knowing you were not such a person in the past. So,
guide them naturally by providing them information, or referring
them to other experts.

Professional Approach
Not to Recruit but rather to educate, and let the prospect make his
own decision.

Understand your role

Your Role should be like a consultant. A Consultant always gives
advice on various solutions for his clients, and he is not
emotionally attached whether the client is using his advice or not.
Likewise, you are a consultant, helping people to start their own
business. Then they will feel your sincerity, and have confidence in
the advice and consultation provided to them in trying to help
solve their problems.


When you are inviting your prospect, don't show your unhappy
face, or your emotional face to them whenever you are rejected.
Be professional, and keep on trying to invite your prospect.

It is very important on how to handle the outcome or response

from your prospect on your invitation. You should know how to
handle your emotions while inviting your prospect.


Rule number 1 is about to detach yourself from the outcome.

Set your expectation right

While you invite the prospects, you may get positive, negative or
neutral answers. Don’t be very happy if you are getting positive
answers, because you will be sad and feel rejected if anybody
rejects your invitation. Don't show your bad emotion to them, just
find a way out, and continue to invite.

You should totally detach yourself from your emotion. Your goal is
to give education, and need to have consultant mentality. If you
are talking to prospects to make them consumers or distributors,
you will get rejected.

Talk to them to educate them, and make them understand.

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Finding Prospects & Inviting Prospects

Don’t act like an Expert. Especially when you have known each
other for so long, that he knows very well of your past. Don't
suddenly act like an expert, and make them feel like you are
hunting them.

Just be yourself. Known to them and refer to the right person

when is needed, so that your prospect will know that you are very
sincere to help and guide him.

There are times you need to refer the needs and problems of your
prospect to other leaders who are really good to help them. It is
fine to get the help of other experienced leaders, or uplines for
providing your prospect the solution needed.

So, be yourself! Do not act as a professional. Talk as normal as

you are. Don’t try to be smarter, more gentle and soft. Don’t go
away from your nature. But be the best, communicate as best as
you can with your own nature.


Rule number 3 is about your Passion.

Bring Passion when you communicate. People cannot see you

over the phone, but for sure, they can feel your passion and
energy in your talk. Show enthusiasm in your conversation with
your prospect. It is contagious, which will spread to others very
fast. Let your prospect feel your excitement or enthusiasm when it
comes to your area. Then they will find it interesting
communicating with you.

Yes, you need to have a strong posture, even if it is on the phone.
Your body posture will bring confidence and energy in your
speech. Just be yourself, be confident, bold and strong when it
comes to your area of strength.
When your prospect asks questions about your products or
business, your answer should be affirmative to give the
assurance. If you are not confident in yourself, how could you
exert positive influence on your prospect? So, you must be very
sure of your reply.

Let’s look at how to do invitation.
There are warm market and cold market for your prospects.
Warm market means, your prospects are from those you know
well. Cold market means, your prospects are not familiar to you or
they are not yet interested in the business.
You can invite your prospect through either phone or face to face.
Now, we are going to share with you the 8 steps involved in
inviting your prospects through phone.

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Finding Prospects & Inviting Prospects

Step 1 is to treat everyone as busy and be in a hurry.

Most people are busy in their daily life, and they do not want to be
disturbed. Treat your prospect as busy and you are busy too. So,
send your message short and precise. The shorter you speak
when you invite your prospects, the less resistance you will face
from your prospects as they will be more comfortable.

Be in a hurry. It will help the prospect to understand the

importance of your call, and also you will have less resistance. So,
you may start this way by saying “”Hi David, How are you? I am in
a bit hurry going out, but suddenly I remember about something
which I want to discuss with you, so called you before I forget. Do
you have a time of 2 to 3 minutes?”


Step 2 is to compliment your prospect before you start to invite


Before starting to invite your prospect, you should do your

homework on your prospect's background.

To start an invitation to your prospect, you should learn to

compliment him in his profession, or the area of his strength.
When you compliment him, he will become happy, and will not cut
your phone call. Then, only you can continue to make the

For example, you can say “I come to know that you are an expert
in the beauty salon. I just join for a business relating to the Korean
cosmetics, and I am not professional as you in this area. Can I
have a few minutes with you for some advice?”

Step 3 is about making the invitation.

In making the invitations, you should be mindful about the 3

categories of people for which, different approaches should be

The Direct Approach can be used when your prospects are close
to you, and you know about their difficulty, concern or need. You
can invite them by going straight to the point, and sharing your
solution to their difficulty, concern or need.

The Indirect Approach can be used when the prospects are close
to you, and you know that they are not serious about your view or
business. You may invite them indirectly to get an opinion from

The Super Indirect Approach can be used when the prospects are
above your level in term of ranking in status, profession or
expertise, and you feel they may not be interested in your
invitation. It is for you to seek the prospect’s advice.

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Finding Prospects & Inviting Prospects

Direct Approach:
You Are telling about your Job situation.
Are you serious in looking for any additional income? I
think I can suggest you a way to increase your Cash flow.

In Direct Approach:
I have started a Business project, I believe, will suit you with your
nature and talent.

Super Indirect Approach:

I am attached with a business project, which is expanding in your
area, and looking for some sharp people who are interested in
getting an additional income.

Remember: The above are only samples, you can customize your
phrases according to your style. But, keep it short and simple.
Don’t use the words, DXN, Network Marketing, MLM, direct selling
and etc., The objective is to create the curiosity, and to bring him
for a presentation, for instance.


After going through the previous 3 steps, your success rate is only
5% with another 95%, depending on the next few steps to get 3
confirmations on the subject matter for invitation.

To invite your prospect, you must first be clear of your subject for
the invitation. You can use the subject of “to view tools, to attend
events, to have personal meeting, and etc.” The subject need not
to be long, but have to be clear. This is just an invitation, and you
need a title to get your prospect to confirm for your invitation.

Sometimes, confirmation will not be accepted in the first time. You

just need to continue to build relationship with your prospect, and
wait for the correct timing to invite your prospect again. Keep it
short. It is only an invitation not a presentation. Remember, don’t
tell anything, ‘till you can tell everything.


Let us assume, your subject matter is to invite your prospect for

attending an event on the next coming Sunday.

First invitation:
If I give you a video, would you go through?

First confirmation as Step 5


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Finding Prospects & Inviting Prospects

Second invitation:
When will you go through the video, and can I call you again on
Saturday 9am to discuss in the video?

Second confirmation as Step 6


When you get this confirmation, your prospect will not feel
annoyed when you call again, because, he has given the


Third invitation:
How do you think of the video? We have an event on this Sunday.
Can you come along with me to attend the event to give me some

Third confirmation as Step 7

Yes, sure.


Step Number 8 is to get off the phone upon confirmation.

Make sure that you know when to get off your phone with your
prospect. Remember not to say anything until you meet with them.
Now get off the phone once you have got the confirmation, and
don’t talk about any other new subject in this call.
As mentioned earlier, this is the sample script you can learn how
to create your own script and practice it. It should be natural, and
with the motive of helping the prospect by showing him an
opportunity. Don’t talk too much over the phone, and KEEP IT


If your prospect happens to ask you whether the subject matter is

about Network Marketing, and want to know what is it, then you
can tell him lets meet on Sunday, and we will discuss about that.
By doing so, you are holding back with the curiosity for the
prospect to find out more during the event.

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So, go ahead, Do it!

Find your prospects and invite

them! Thank you!

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