Mechanics of Materials (AM 551) : P.R.Shaya 1

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Mechanics of Materials (AM 551)

P. R. Shakya

P.R.Shaya 1
Mechanics of Materials

Chapter 5
P. R. Shakya

Analysis and Design of Beams for


Mechanics of Materials
F.P. Beer, E.R. Johnston, Jr. J.T. DeWolf

P.R.Shakya 2
Mechanics of Materials
P. R. Shakya

Mechanics of Materials
Classification of Beam Supports
P. R. Shakya

Mechanics of Materials
Shear and Bending Moment Diagrams
• Determination of maximum normal and shearing
stresses requires identification of maximum
internal shear force and bending couple.
• Shear force and bending couple at a point are
determined by passing a section through the beam
P. R. Shakya

and applying an equilibrium analysis on the beam

portions on either side of the section.
• Sign conventions for shear forces V and V’ and
bending couples M and M’

Mechanics of Materials
Sample Problem 5.1
P. R. Shakya

Mechanics of Materials
Sample Problem 5.1
P. R. Shakya

Mechanics of Materials
Sample Problem 5.1
P. R. Shakya

Mechanics of Materials
Sample Problem 5.2
P. R. Shakya

Mechanics of Materials
Sample Problem 5.2
P. R. Shakya

5 - 10
Mechanics of Materials
Sample Problem 5.2
P. R. Shakya

5 - 11
Mechanics of Materials
Relations Among Load, Shear, and Bending Moment
P. R. Shakya

5 - 12
Mechanics of Materials
Relations Among Load, Shear, and Bending Moment
P. R. Shakya

5 - 13
Mechanics of Materials
Relations Among Load, Shear, and Bending Moment
P. R. Shakya

5 - 14
Mechanics of Materials
Relations Among Load, Shear, and Bending Moment
P. R. Shakya

5 - 15
Mechanics of Materials
Relations Among Load, Shear, and Bending Moment
P. R. Shakya

5 - 16
Mechanics of Materials
Relations Among Load, Shear, and Bending Moment
P. R. Shakya

5 - 17
Mechanics of Materials
Relations Among Load, Shear, and Bending Moment
P. R. Shakya

5 - 18
Mechanics of Materials
Relations Among Load, Shear, and Bending Moment
P. R. Shakya

5 - 19
Mechanics of Materials
Relations Among Load, Shear, and Bending Moment
P. R. Shakya

5 - 20
P. R. Shakya Mechanics of Materials

5 - 21
P. R. Shakya Mechanics of Materials

5 - 22
P. R. Shakya Mechanics of Materials

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P. R. Shakya Mechanics of Materials

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P. R. Shakya Mechanics of Materials

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P. R. Shakya Mechanics of Materials

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P. R. Shakya Mechanics of Materials

5 - 27
P. R. Shakya Mechanics of Materials

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P. R. Shakya Mechanics of Materials

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P. R. Shakya Mechanics of Materials

5 - 30
P. R. Shakya Mechanics of Materials

5 - 31
P. R. Shakya Mechanics of Materials

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P. R. Shakya Mechanics of Materials

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P. R. Shakya Mechanics of Materials

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P. R. Shakya Mechanics of Materials

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P. R. Shakya Mechanics of Materials

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P. R. Shakya Mechanics of Materials

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P. R. Shakya Mechanics of Materials

5 - 38
P. R. Shakya Mechanics of Materials

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P. R. Shakya Mechanics of Materials

5 - 40
P. R. Shakya Mechanics of Materials

5 - 41
Mechanics of Materials
Sample Problem 5.5
• Taking the entire beam as a free body,
determine the reactions at C.

• Apply the relationship between shear

P. R. Shakya

and load to develop the shear diagram.

Draw the shear and bending moment • Apply the relationship between
diagrams for the beam and loading bending moment and shear to develop
shown. the bending moment diagram.

5 - 42
Mechanics of Materials
Sample Problem 5.5
• Taking the entire beam as a free body,
determine the reactions at C.
 Fy  0   12 w0 a  RC RC  12 w0 a
 a  a
 M C  0  12 w0 a L    M C M C   12 w0 a L  
P. R. Shakya

 3  3
Results from integration of the load and shear
distributions should be equivalent.
• Apply the relationship between shear and load
to develop the shear diagram.
 x   x 2 
VB  V A    w0 1   dx    w0  x  
 2a 
0  a   0
VB   12 w0 a    area under load curve
- No change in shear between B and C.
- Compatible with free body analysis
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Mechanics of Materials
Sample Problem 5.5
• Apply the relationship between bending moment
and shear to develop the bending moment
a  x 2    x 2 x3 
 
M B  M A    w0  x   dx   w0   
  2a    2 6a 
0     0
P. R. Shakya

M B   13 w0 a 2

 
M B  M C    12 w0 a dx   12 w0 aL  a 
a w0  a
M C   16 w0 a3L  a   L 
2  3

Results at C are compatible with free-body


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