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Application of CuO Nanofluid for Efficient Cooling of Proton Exchange

Membrane Fuel Cell

Supervised By:

Dr. Om Prakash Singh


Submitted by:

Abhishek Gupta (Delhi Technological University)

Aniket Gupta (Delhi Technological University)


One of the most important issues in the field of polymer electrolyte membrane
fuel cells (PEMFC) is the heat management in the cell. In fact, heat management
deals with keeping the operating temperature at the proper range in the cell and
trying to uniform temperature distribution in the cell surface. Temperature
distribution has a great impact on the effectiveness, efficiency, and durability of
fuel cells. Severe temperature gradients in fuel cells cause thermal stresses and
perhaps hot spots; both can damage cells reduce the output voltage. Usually for
cooling the polymer membrane fuel cells, water is flowed in the channels
embedded in the cooling plates. Because of the fuel cells’ operating temperature,
the heat rejection equipment is typically much larger than that for a comparable
conventional engine. The relatively large size of cooling systems may be reduced
by making use of nanofluid. In this study, cooling of polymer membrane fuel cell
by nanofluid is numerically studied with the help of single phase homogeneous
technique in which thermo physical properties of the CuO nanofluid are functions
of temperature and nanoparticle concentration. Laminar flow and heat transfer
associated with serpentine flow cooling plate is investigated in fuel cells with
varied concentration. Key parameters such as maximum surface temperature
distribution, temperature uniformity, and pressure drop are studied under
various involved variables.

Properties of CuO nanofluid

The thermo physical properties of CuO nanofluids are established to determine

the correct simulation settings and to evaluate the analytical parameters
accurately. For the experimental, determination of the flow rates for designated
Reynolds numbers was first calculated for each nanofluid due to the difference in
density and viscosity. For thermo fluid analysis, the thermal conductivity and
specific heat must be obtained. The thermal conductivity of nanofluids was
determined from the proportions of the particles within the base fluid using
The specific heat is determined using

The density of nanofluid can be determined from

Viscosity of nanofluid is calculated using

The Reynolds number (404-606) for all fluids is applied to calculate the mean
velocity, um and for the determination of the required volume flow rate of
individual fluids.

The volume flow rate of the coolants (in liters per minute) for the experimental
can then be determined using
Where Ai is the inlet area (in m2 ) of the cooling plate. The mass feed rate, (in
kg.s1 ) of each fluid for the calculation of the actual cooling rates can be obtained

Model description and conditions

The single-phase technique is used to model the flow field, assuming the
nanofluid is homogenous. If temperature-dependent thermo physical
characteristics of the nanofluid are utilized, the governing equations for pure
fluids can be applied.

Serpentine flow field of cooling plate (18 cm * 18 cm * 2 cm) is as shown in Fig. 1

Hydraulic Diameter of Channels is 1.33 mm whereas width and depth of channels
is 2 mm and 1 mm respectively.
Fig 1 Cooling Plate Design

Ansys Fluent 19.2 was used to solve the problem. The SIMPLE algorithm is used to
link velocity and pressure, and the governing equations are solved using the
second-order UPWIND technique. Temperature-dependent nanofluid
characteristics and nanoparticle concentration are inserted into FLUENT using
UDF functions.

The schematic representation of the serpentine flow field is shown in fig1. Under
the plate, a continuous heat flux of 11500 W/m2 is assumed. The working fluids
for the cooling process are mixture of water, and nanoparticle (CuO) at varied
concentrations 0.6 %, 1.2 %, and 1.8 %. In all situations, the fluid's intake
temperature is assumed to be 313 Kelvin and simulations have been done in the
range of 404-606 Reynolds number.

Governing equations

The continuity and momentum equations regulate the steady-state laminar flow
of an incompressible fluid.

Stress tensor is defined as:

Energy equation

A prominent factor representing the thermal performance of coolant is surface

mean temperature which is given by:
The integrals are computed at a constant heat flux surface, where A is the surface

Grid independence study and model validation

Figure shows the mesh produced within the modeled serpentine flow. This mesh
is fine-tuned at areas with high gradient values, such as along walls. To ensure
that the results are independent of grid size, a mesh independent test is done.

The difference in temperature and pressure for mesh numbers greater than
20,00,000 is negligible, as shown in the fig 2, . As a result, throughout the rest of
the modeling, a mesh number of 20,00,000 is used.

Fig. 2 Effect of number of network cells on the results for Re = 404


In this project, nanoparticle concentration has been selected in the range of 0:6%
and 1:8%. Reynolds number varies between 404 and 606. As cooling plates are
used for removing excess heat from the fuel cell, temperature distribution in their
surfaces is more important. Figures 3 and 4 show temperature distributions at the
lower surface of cooling plates for two different values of Reynolds number and
concentration. Increasing and Re results in decreasing maximum and minimum
temperature difference.

Fig.3 Temperature distribution ( C) at the symmetry plane for Φ = 0:6% and Re= 404
Fig. 4 Temperature distribution ( C) at the symmetry plane for Φ = 1:8% and Re = 606

Fig. 5 Pressure variations (Pa) at the cooling plate channels for Φ = 0:6% and Re = 404

Figure 5 shows pressure distribution at the channels of cooling plates for = 0:6%
and Re = 404. Pressure drop increases with increasing nanoparticle concentration.
Variations of nanofluid viscosity at the middle plane of the cooling plates for =
0:6% Re = 404 are shown in Fig. 6. Nanofluid absorbs heat as flows in the
channels; hence, its temperature and viscosity increases and decreases,
respectively. Higher concentration leads to higher viscosity.
Fig. 6 Variations of nanofluid viscosity (Pa .s) at the middle plane of the cooling plates for Φ = 0:6% and Re= 404

Figure 7 represents variations of Ut with Re for various values of phi. An increase

in the nanoparticle concentration (or in Re) leads to a decrease in temperature
uniformity index. It is seen that increase in by 0:6% results in decreasing Ut by
13%. If water or nanofluid (1:8%) is used as the working fluid, by increasing Re
from 404 to 606, Ut is approximately decreased by 33%. In fact, by increasing the
mass flow rate of the cooling fluid (an increase in Re), on the one hand, heat
transferred by the cooling plate is increased, and on the other hand, the plate
temperature becomes more uniform.
Fig. 7 Temperature uniformity index versus Reynolds number

Figure 7 depicts variations of ΔT with Re and . Maximum/ minimum

temperature difference decreases with increasing (e.g., a 13% reduction in ΔT
by increasing u by 0:6%), since heat transfer between fluid and cooling plate is
enhanced. Increasing Re has also similar outcome, because higher values of mass
flow rate entering the cooling passages help improvement of heat exchange and
consequently reduction of this quantity. Reduction of ΔT in the cooling plate is
desirable. An increase in Re from 404 to 606 leads to a 32% reduction in ΔT.
Pressure drop ( p) as a function of and Re is illustrated in Fig. 9. Although heat
transfer and temperature uniformity are improved by increasing and Re, these
parameters have undesirable influence on Δp. Increasing Δp is observed as is
increased (35% enlargement in Δp by increasing by 0:6%). An increase in Re
from 404 to 606 results in increasing Δp by 77% and 72% for water and nanofluid
(1:8%), respectively. Therefore, increasing in the mass flow rate of nanofluid has
more desirable effect than increasing the mass flow rate of water, since less
pressure drop is achieved.
Fig. 8 Max. and Min. temperature difference versus Reynolds number

Fig. 9 Pressure drop versus Reynolds number for models


Research in improving the thermal management of PEM fuel cells have led to the
use of nanofluid that enhanced heat transfer mechanics within the system.
Simulation results of CuO nanofluids in a serpentine flow cooling plate are
presented. The coolant flow was in the range of 404-606 Reynolds number. In
general, the use of CuO nanofluid enhances the heat transfer rate compared to
distilled water (conventional coolant). The cooling effect increased as the volume
percentage of CuO dispersed in water was increased, which led to lower plate
surface temperatures. In all concentrations the dependence of temperature
uniformity index ( and temperature difference as well) on Reynolds number
decreases. The relation of nanofluid pressure drop and Reynolds number is not
completely linear in laminar flow as nanofluid viscosity varies with temperature.
Coolant in neighboring channels experiences different temperatures due to
entering different values of heat flux. Hence, besides flowing heat from the lower
surface of cooling plates to the channels, there is also heat transfer between
neighboring channels; this makes temperature more uniform at the lower surface
of cooling plates. The increase in required pump power due to the increasing
viscosity of each CuO nanofluid needs to be taken care of. In general, the increase
in the required pump power is acceptable compared to the enhancement in heat
transfer rate. This concludes that CuO nanofluids within the specified
concentrations can be considered as a viable replacement for distilled water in
PEM fuel cell thermal management that may lead to more compact stack designs
in the future.


- Thermal conductivity of nanofluid (W/m ◦C)

- Thermal conductivity of particle (W/m ◦C)

- Thermal conductivity of base fluid (W/m ◦C)

- Volume concentration of nanoparticle

– Specific heat of nanofluid (J/kg.K)

- Specific heat of base fluid (J/kg.K)

- Specific heat of nanoparticle (J/kg.K)

- Density of nanofluid (kg/m3)

- Density of base fluid (kg/m3)

- Density of nanoparticle (kg/m3)

- Dynamic viscosity of nanofluid (mPa.s)

- Dynamic viscosity of base fluid (mPa.s)

Dh- Hydraulic Diameter of inlet (m)

Ai- Inlet area (m2)

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