Self-Learning Home Task (SLHT) : What Are Irreversible and Reversible Reactions?

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Subject: ADVANCED CHEMISTRY Grade Level: 10 Quarter: 2nd Week: 3

MELC: Competency Code: None Derive the mathematical expression for the
equilibrium constant of a given reaction and
explain how the direction of a reaction depends
on the Q and K values

Name _____________________________ Section ______________ Date __________

School ____________________________________ District _______________________

A. Readings/Discussions

I. The Equilibrium Concept

We have often understood reactions as one-way processes. A reactant or

several reactants react to form product/s. It is shown in how we write our reactions as
shown below.

A + B → C + D (eq. 1)

In the reaction above, A and B are reactants and C and D are products. As can
be recalled in our stoichiometry lesson, a reaction stops when the limiting reactant is
used up. One common example of this is found in our kitchen. Butane, C 4H10, a
commonly used fuel, undergoes combustion with excess oxygen every time we light
our stoves for cooking forming carbon dioxide and water.

C4H10 + O2 → CO2 + H2O (eq. 2)

If we still have butane, combustion can still happen, and we can still use our
stove for cooking. However, when the butane has already been used up, the reaction
cannot proceed forward anymore, and we need to go to a nearby vendor to have our
fuel tanks refilled.

What are irreversible and reversible reactions?

What you can notice in the example above is that the combustion reaction and
its corresponding equation are always read from the reactant (left) side to the product
(right) side. In eq. 2 given above, C 4H10 and O2 are on the left side while CO 2 and
H2O are on the product side. Another thing that may be noticed is that the reaction is
irreversible. Once butane undergoes combustion and is converted to CO2 and H2O,
the products do not form butane again, hence the forward, or single-headed,
arrow (→). An irreversible reaction is a reaction that proceeds only in one
direction, ending in the complete consumption of the limiting reactant.
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Not all reactions are irreversible. Some reactions have reactants that are not
completely converted into products and some of the products may be converted back
into reactants. These are called reversible reactions.

How do we distinguish an irreversible reaction from a reversible reaction?

Unlike in irreversible reactions where a forward, or single-headed, arrow (→)

is used, reversible reactions use a double-headed arrow ( ).

This arrow indicates that the forward and the backward reactions are occurring
simultaneously. In general terms, a reversible reaction may be represented as follows:

A+B C + D (eq. 3)

What happens in a reversible reaction?

Both reactions shown below are happening simultaneously.

Forward reaction: A + B → C + D, and

Reverse reaction: A + B ← C + D (eq. 4)

In eq. 4, notice that the arrow is reversed. Thus, C and D now represent
reactants and A and B represent products. Thus, the reactants in the forward reaction
become the products of the reverse reaction, while the products of the forward reaction
become the reactants of the reverse reaction.

What is chemical equilibrium?

To describe the state of chemical equilibrium, consider Figure 1.

Fig. 1 shows the Marcelo

Fernan Bridge that connects the
islands of Mactan and Cebu. As
with any kind of road, the bridge is
divided into two lanes, one side
allows cars to go to one direction
Figure 1. The Marcelo Fernan Bridge connecting CEb&ust=1605509229713000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAIQjRxq
the islands of Cebu and Mactan while the other allows cars to go to the other
%2Fwww. direction. One lane is said to be Mactan inbound,
fernan-bridge while the other is Mactan outbound.

For the purposes of this lesson, let us assume that this bridge is the only passage in and out
of Mactan.

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What can you say about the number of cars in Mactan island if the rate at which cars
entering the island is the same as the rate at which cars are leaving the island?

Since the number of cars leaving and the number of cars entering Mactan island
are equal, then the total number of cars in Mactan at any given time remains constant.
In more scientific terms, as the rate (number of cars per hour) at which cars enter the
island is the same as the rate at which cars are leaving, then the two opposing processes
are at balance. This means that at any given time, there is a constant number of cars
inside the city.

What is chemical equilibrium?

A state of balance is
referred to as a state of
equilibrium. In a reversible
reaction, when the reactants start to
react and form the products, the
products would then start to form
Figure 2. Changes in the rate of the forward and reactants. The two opposing processes happen at
the reverse reactions in a reversible reaction. different rates but a certain point in the reaction
will be reached when the rates of the forward and
Source: DepEd. (2016). Teaching Guide for Senior High School: reverse reactions are equal (marked by the broken
General Chemistry 2.
line in Figure 2). This is the state of chemical equilibrium.

In a state of chemical equilibrium, since the rate of product formation is equal to the
rate of consumption of the products to form the reactants again, then the concentrations
of the reactants and products become constant (as shown in Figure 3).

The state of chemical

equilibrium is a highly dynamic
state. In fact, chemical equilibrium
is often referred to as dynamic
equilibrium. This means that
though there are no net changes in
the composition of the reaction

Figure 3. Changes in the amount of reactants and disturbed by changes in the reaction conditions.
products in a reversible reaction. mixture and no visible changes are taking place,
Source: DepEd. (2016). Teaching Guide for Senior High School: the particles of all chemical species in a reaction
General Chemistry 2.
are always reacting. Also, a system at chemical
equilibrium can easily be

Page 3 of 15
This state of dynamic usually imagine when we hear of the words
equilibrium must be distinguished from a state of balance, equal or equilibrium. Take for example
static equilibrium. This latter state is what we a double-pan balance, as shown in Figure 4.
When the weight of the object of interest equals Figure 4. Double arm balance illustrates the
the weight of the standard, the balance stops concept of static equilibrium.
moving. This Source:

state of balanced immobility (equal and non-moving) is referred to as static.

It must however be noted that dynamic equilibrium does not require equal
amounts from both sides of the reaction, as can be seen in the equilibrium region of
Figure 3. Rather, dynamic equilibrium requires equal rates of the forward and
reverse processes and a constant net amount of all species at equilibrium.

For now, it is sufficient to remember that all systems aim for a state of
equilibrium. What we previously refer to as the end of a reaction refers to the
reaction that has already attained equilibrium. Even the human body is always
aiming for equilibrium. Whenever the body is not in equilibrium, we say that the
body is stressed. The body however has a way of maintaining and restoring
equilibrium. This process or ability, common to all living things, is called

II. Expressions of Mass Action and/or Equilibrium Constant

The relationship between the concentrations of the reactants and products

may be expressed using the mass action expression/ equilibrium constant
expression. For the general equilibrium reaction:

aA + bB cC + dD

where A, B, C, and D are chemical species while a, b, c, and d, are the coefficients
in a balanced chemical equation. The mass action expression is written as

������ =[��]��[��]��

where the [ ] is the concentration expressed in molarity and ������ is the equilibrium

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If molar concentrations are used, ������, may also be referred to as ����. The
mass action expression is basically the ratio of the concentrations of products raised to their
respective stoichiometric coefficients to that of the reactants.

Sample Exercise 1:

Question: What is the mass action expression for the reversible decomposition of
N2O4(g) to NO2(g)?
N2O4(g) 2 NO2(g)

Answer: ������ =[����2]2


Note that the reaction must first be balanced before a mass action expression can be

Sample Exercise 2:

Question: What is the mass action expression for the reversible conversion of
ozone to diatomic oxygen?

2 O3(g) 3 O2(g)

Answer: ������ =����23


Note that the reaction must first be balanced before a mass action expression can
be written.

Equilibrium constants for homogeneous gaseous equilibria may also be

expressed in terms of partial pressures (pX, where p is partial pressure and X is any
gaseous substance). The expression is written in much the same way as described,
only that the partial pressure is used in the expression instead of the molar

For equilibrium reactions where the reactants and products are in different
phases (heterogeneous equilibria), pure solids and pure liquids are excluded in
writing equilibrium constant expressions.

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Sample Exercise 3:

Question: Write the mass action expression for the ionization of lead (II)
+ 2 ����(����)

PbCl2(s) ����(����)

Answer: ������ = [����2+][����—]2

Note that the reaction must first be balanced before a mass action expression can be
Why do we omit pure solids and pure liquids in writing mass action or equilibrium constant

As can be noted above, mass action/ equilibrium constant expressions are

ratios of concentrations. Because the molar concentrations of pure solids and pure
liquids do not vary greatly with temperature, the concentration of pure substances at
both sides of the expression remain greatly unvaried. This leads to a quotient of 1,
and thus does not affect the value of expression.

III. The Equilibrium Constant, K

The equilibrium constant, K, is the numerical value that is obtained when

equilibrium concentrations are substituted to the mass action/ equilibrium constant
expression. The value of K may vary from very large to very small values. This
value provides an idea of the relative concentrations of the reactants and products in
an equilibrium mixture.

Sample Exercise 4:

Question: Consider the reaction for the production of phosgene, COCl2, a toxic
gas used in the manufacture of certain polymers and insecticides, at 100℃. This
process has a ������ = 4. 56 x 109. What does the value of ������ tell us
about the reaction? CO(g) + Cl2(g) COCl2(g)

Answer: ������ =[��������2]

[����][����2]= 4.56 x 109
The large value of K indicates that the concentration of COCl2 must be very
large as compared to the concentrations of CO and Cl2. At equilibrium, the reaction
mixture contains more of the product COCl2 than the reactants. This is
experimentally verified to be true. In other words, the equilibrium lies towards the
product side or to the right of the equation, as written.

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How can the value of the equilibrium constant, K, be used to determine the relative
composition of the reaction mixture at equilibrium?
Sample Exercise 5:

Question: Gaseous hydrogen iodide is placed in a closed container at 425℃,

where it partially decomposes to hydrogen and iodine.

2 HI(g) H2(g) + I2(g)

At equilibrium, it is found that [HI] = 3.53 x 10−3 M, [H2] = 4.79 x 10−4 M and
[I2] = 4.79 x 10−4 M. What is the value of ������?

[����] =(4.79 x 10−4)(4.79 x 10−4)
Answer: ������ =[��2][��2] (3.53 x 10
= 1.84 x 10−2

The value of K is small (<1). In the case of the given reaction, the
equilibrium concentration of HI is higher than the equilibrium concentrations of the
products. This means the equilibrium lies towards the reactant side or to the left of
the equation, as written.

In general,

• If K >> 1 (large K value), the equilibrium lies to the right and the products
predominate in the equilibrium mixture.
• If K << 1 (small K value), the equilibrium lies to the left and the reactants
predominate in the equilibrium mixture.

These points are summarized in Figure 4.

Figure 4. The relationships of K value and the composition of the equilibrium


Source: DepEd. (2016). Teaching Guide for Senior High School: General Chemistry 2.

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IV. The Reaction Quotient, Q

What if the concentrations of reactant and products given are not equilibrium

If the concentrations are not equilibrium concentrations, the mass action

expression yields the reaction quotient, Q, instead of the equilibrium constant, K.

What is the reaction quotient, Q?

The reaction quotient, Q, is the value obtained when product and reactant
concentrations or partial pressures at any point of the reaction is substituted into the
mass action expression. It is calculated in the same way as K.

Thus, for a general reversible reaction,

aA + bB cC + dD
the reaction quotient can be expressed as

�� ��
�� =[��] [��]

or in terms of partial pressures,

�� =���� ������
���� ������

Sample Exercise 6:

Question: The equilibrium constant, K, for the reaction,

N2(g) + 3 H2(g) 2 NH3(g)

at 472 ℃ is 0.105. Suppose a mixture of 2.00 mol of H 2, 1.00 mol N2, and 2.00
mol of NH3 is placed on a sealed 1.00-L container. How would we know if the
reaction is already at equilibrium?

Answer: We can calculate for the reaction quotient and compare it to the reported
equilibrium constant value.

�� =[����3]2
[��2][��2] =2.002
(1.00)(2.00) = 0.5 ≠ 0.105

Since Q ≠ K, the reaction is NOT in equilibrium.

Since the Q ≠ K, then the mixture is NOT in equilibrium.

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Note that the values that will be substituted into the equilibrium constant expression should
be molar concentrations. The given moles of the reaction components must therefore be
divided first with the volume of the container in liters.

What is the significance of the reaction quotient?

The reaction quotient may be used to determine if a particular reaction is at

equilibrium, and if not, in which direction the reaction will proceed to attain the

What will happen to the system in order to attain equilibrium?

To attain equilibrium, Q must decrease to 0.105. This will only happen if the
concentration of NH3 will decrease and the concentrations of N2, and H2 will
Thus, the reaction must proceed in a way that will reduce NH 3 concentration
and correspondingly increase N2, and H2 concentrations. What direction will allow
this to happen? Only if the reverse reaction will proceed at a faster rate than the
forward reaction until equilibrium is attained.

In general,

• If Q = K, then the system is already at equilibrium.

• If Q > K, the products dominate the reaction mixture beyond their equilibrium
concentrations so the formation of reactants is favored. The products must
react to form the reactants. The reverse reaction proceeds until equilibrium is
• If Q < K, the
reactants dominate
the reaction
so the formation
products is
The reactants must
react to form the
products. The
forward reaction proceeds until equilibrium is shift given the values of K and Q.
attained. It is summarized in Figure 5.
Figure 5. Predicting the direction of equilibrium Source: DepEd. (2016). Teaching Guide for Senior High School:
General Chemistry 2.

Page 9 of 15

B. Exercises.

Exercise 1. Define and illustrate the following terms:

1. Reversible reaction
2. Irreversible reaction
3. Static equilibrium
4. Dynamic equilibrium
5. Reaction Quotient
6. Equilibrium Constant
Exercise 2. Explain the significance of the following:

1. A K value much greater than 1.

2. A K value much lesser than 1.
3. A Q value less than the K value.
4. A Q value greater than the K value.
5. A Q value equal to the K value.

Exercise 3. Consider the following compounds, in the states indicated, as possible

reactants and products in a chemical reaction. Write a check mark ( ) if the compound
will be included in the mass action expression and and x mark if it must be excluded.
Explain each case.

1. CH3COOH(l)
6. CaCO3(s)
2. HI(g)
7. H2SO4(l)
3. HCl(aq)
8. NaOH(s)
4. C(graphite)
9. NaOH(aq)
5. SO3(g)
10. O2(g)

Exercise 4. Write the mass action expression for each of the following

reactions. CLUE: Are all equations balanced?

1. CO2(g) + H2(g) CO(g) + H2O(g)

2. 2 NO2(g) 2 NO(g) + O2(g)
3. 2 CHCl3(g) + 3 H2(g) 2 CH4(g) + 3 Cl2(g)
4. H2(g) + I2(g) HI(g)
5. 2NOCl(g) NO(g) + Cl2(g)

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Exercise 5. On the basis of the equilibrium constant values, indicate for each reaction if
the reactants or the products are favored.

__________ 1. NH3(aq) + H2O(l) NH4+(aq) + OH—(aq)

K = 1.8 x 10 —5

__________ 2. PbC2O4(s) Pb2+(aq) + C2O42—(aq)

K = 1.0 x 10—11

__________ 3. HS—(aq) + H+(aq) H2S(aq)

K = 1.0 x 107

__________ 4. H2O(l) H+(aq) + OH—(aq)

K = 1.0 x 10—14

__________ 5. 2 Fe3+(aq) + 3 S2—(aq) Fe2S3(s)

K = 1.0 x 1088

C. Assessment/Application/Outputs (Please refer to DepEd Order No. 31, s. 2020)

I. Directions: Draw a concept map using the keywords below to show the
interrelationship of each concept. You may use any graphic organizer which you
think is best. Refer to Annex A: Rubrics for Assessing Concept Maps on how
your concept map will be graded.

a. Equilibrium
f. Irreversible reaction
b. Dynamic Equilibrium
g. Homogeneous equilibrium
c. Static Equilibrium
h. Heterogeneous equilibrium
d. Mass action expression
i. Reaction Quotient
e. Reversible reaction
j. Equilibrium Constant

II. Answer the following questions and problems. Show complete solutions for
numerical problems.
1. (10 points) When giving the value of the equilibrium constant, it is also
necessary to write the balanced chemical equation. Why?
Page 11 of 15
2. (10 points) Mercury(I) oxide decomposes into elemental mercury and
elemental oxygen according to the following reaction:

2 Hg2O(s) 4 Hg(l) + O2(g)

a. Write the equilibrium constant expression for this reaction in terms of
partial pressures.
b. Explain why we normally exclude pure solids and pure liquids from
equilibrium constant expressions.

3. (10 points) Methanol (CH3OH) is produced commercially by the catalyzed

reaction of carbon monoxide and hydrogen according to the following reaction:
CO(g) + 2 H2(g) CH3OH(g)
An equilibrium mixture in a 2.00-L vessel is found to contain 0.0406
mol CH3OH, 0.170 mol CO, and 0.302 mol H2 at 500 K. Calculate K at
this temperature.
4. (10 points) Phosphorus trichloride gas and chlorine gas react to
form phosphorus pentachloride gas,
PCl3(g) + Cl2(g) PCl5(g)
A glass vessel is charged with a mixture of PCl3(g) and Cl2(g), which is
allowed to equilibrate at 450 K. At equilibrium the partial pressures of the
three gases are PPCl3 = 0.124 atm, PCl2 = 0.157 atm, and PPCl5 = 1.30 atm.
a. What is the value of K at this temperature?
b. Does the equilibrium favor reactants or products?

D. Suggested Enrichment/Reinforcement Activity/ies

Investigate the equilibrium processes involved in the formation

of stalactites and stalagmites. Write a one-paragraph description of this
phenomena. You may include photos of your chosen phenomena.
Write the balanced reversible reactions of the equilibrium phenomena

Refer to Annex B. Rubric for Assessing Science Writing on

how your output will be graded.


Department of Education. General Chemistry 1 Most Essential Learning Competencies List

Department of Education. General Chemistry 1 Teacher’s Guide
Whitten, K., Davis. R., Peck, M. L., Stanley, G. 2004. General Chemistry, Seventh Edition.
Belmont, California, USA: Brooks/Cole.
Zumdahl, S., Zumdahl, S. 2012. Chemistry: An Atoms First Approach, International Edition.
Books/Cole, Cengage Learning.

Page 12 of 15
Annex A. Rubric for Assessing Concept Maps
Exemplary Proficient Progressing Partial
(5 points) (4 points) (3 points) (2 points)

Identification Map identifies Map includes Map includes Map includes

of concepts the important most important some of the few concepts
concepts and concepts and Important with most
provides provides concepts important
evidence of evidence of provides concepts
understanding understanding evidence of missing and
of knowledge knowledge understanding limited or non
domain on domain on knowledge existent
multiple levels some levels domain on evidence of
limited or one understanding
domain knowledge

Interconnectivi Evidence of Evidence of Evidence of Evidence of

ty among understanding understanding understanding understanding
concepts relationships of most of some of few
and how all relationships relationships relationships
concepts are and how most and how some and how
interlinked concepts are concepts are limited
with many interlinked with linked to other number of
other other concepts concepts concepts are
concepts linked to other

Evidence of All concepts Most concepts Some concepts Limited

hierarchical are organized are organized are organized concepts are
organization hierarchically in in organized
and use of with clarity and hierarchical hierarchical hierarchical or
examples with extensive order with order with fair none at all, and
number of considerable with moderate there is a
relevant clarity and with number of limited number
examples and substantial examples and of examples
links number of links and links
examples and provided
links provided

Critical Map provides Map provides Map provides Map provides

thinking and evidence of some evidence evidence of evidence of
communication complex of substantial moderate limited critical
critical critical critical thinking; the
thinking; thinking; thinking; the type of concept
most appropriate concept map map allows for
appropriate selection of selected allows basic level of
selection of concept map for moderate understanding
type of concept that allows for level of
map that allows proficient level understanding
for exceptional of
level of understanding
Adapted from Jennings, D. (2012).

Page 13 of 15
Annex B. Rubric for Assessing Science Writing
Expert Proficient Apprentice Novice

Integrati The paper The paper The paper The paper does
on of demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates not demonstrate
Knowledge that the author that the author, that author, to that the author
fully for the most a has fully
understands part, certain extent, understood, and
and has understands understands applied
applied and has and has concepts learned.
concepts applied applied
learned. concepts concepts learned.
Concepts are learned. Some
integrated into of the
the writer’s conclusions,
own however, are
insights. The not supported
writer in the write-
provides up.
remarks that
show analysis
synthesis of ideas.

Topic The topic is The topic is The topic is The topic is

Focus focused focused but too broad for not clearly
narrowly lacks the defined.
enough for the direction. scope of the
scope of this assignment.

Cohesiveness Author’s writing Author’s Writing does Writing does

fully writing, for the not not
demonstrates an most part, demonstrate demonstrate
understanding demonstrates understanding understanding
of the an of relationship of any
relationship understanding among material relationships.
among material of obtained from
obtained from the relationship all sources.
all sources. among material
obtained from
all sources.

Spelling No spelling Minimal Noticeable Unacceptable

and and/or grammar spelling and/or spelling and/or number of
Grammar mistakes. grammar grammar spelling and/or
mistakes. mistakes. grammar

Adapted from: Whalen, S. “Rubric from Contemporary Health Issues Research Paper”.

Page 14 of 15
Prepared by:


Edited by:

Teacher 3, Buanoy NHS

SST-1, San Remigio NHS


SST-1, Buanoy NHS


Teacher 1, Argao NHS

Reviewed by:



For the Teacher

Learners must be guided closely in the accomplishment of this SLHT as the topic is
unfamiliar to them.
For the Learner

Take time to learn the concepts. Seek help from teacher, if needed.

For the Parent/Home Tutor

Kindly monitor that learner during study period. Please seek contact subject teacher
for assistance, if needed.

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