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‘TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 1-3): In this exercise, listen carefully to each short dialogue and question on the recording, and then choose the best answer to the question. 4 (O) Now con coroner Toe Exc (a 1-3) 1 “ B) © (0) (a) B) © ) w (B) © @) a) B) (C) () “@ (B) © 0) @ (B) © (D) He would like some iced coffee. He wants to stop drinking coffee. A drink seems like a good idea. He needs to drink something to stop his coughing, She would prefer a sunny day. The park is too crowded. She would like a place that is not so loud. She cannot walk because she’s too old. He should open an account. He should take a ride on a ship. He should try to keep the cost cheap. He should try something moniotonous to get to sleep. ‘The department is not changing the requirements. . He hasn't heard anything about the change. ‘The changes are believable. ‘What has happened is incre him, ‘The wait has taken close to an hour. ‘They were stranded in their car. Most of the people have been in line for hours. They made a line in the sand. The instructor is selecting several passages. ‘The conductor is fair to the passengers. The stamp collector is conducting his business. ‘The riders are paying for the train ip. 7. 10. “a (B) © (D) a (B) o (D) cy} (B) © 1) a) (B) © (D) “The managers will ake the train to the program, A program to develop new ‘managers will commence soon. ‘The new management program is very weak “The program will be maintained to the letter. ‘The fire started to attack the building. ‘The firefighter stared at the attacker. ‘The fire probably began at the top of the building. ‘The firefighter started to attack the fire He assured the woman that he knew the truth. He is sure that it isn’t new. He thought that the woman was aware of what happened. He soon will know the truth, The art professor is not one of his fans. His drawings were amazing ‘The catches that he made were fantastic. His sketches showed a fantasy world. ‘TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 4-6) : In this exercise, listen carefully to each short dialogue and question on the recording, and then choose the best answer to the question. (OY Now exon rie neconning at Torn Exercise (Skits 4-6). 1. (A) (B) «© (p) 2 (A) (B) © ) “@ (B) © ) 7A) (B) ©) (D) 8 (A) (B) Co} (D) Ina department store 4. Ina stationery store At the post office At the airport The teacher gave the students a 5. hand. ‘The term papers were turned in. The students got the papers from the office. ‘The teacher handed the papers to the students, ‘The attendant checked the oil in Mark's car. 6. Mark checked to see if he had enough oil in his car, Mark checked with the service station attendant. Mark wrote a check to pay for the oil. ‘The doctor returned to the office. 9. asked the doctor to come to the office. ‘The doctor will not return until next week. Jim was told to come back, Go to work in the lab ‘Sample the work from the lab Have the samples delivered. Send a note to the lab 10. (A) A delivery man (B) A famous chef (©) A clerk ina fast-food restaurant (D) Anairline steward (A) They need new print for the additional copies. (B) They can make extra copies if necessary. (©) Printers are needed for the additional copies. (D) Additional copies are needed immediately. (A) The professor bought two books. (B)_ The students had to purchase two books. (©) The students sold two books to the professor. (D) The students were required to read two books by the professor. (A) Mary became the new class president. (B) Sue took her place as class president. (©) In place of Mary, Sue became senior class president. (D) The senior class president replaced Sue and Mary. (A). The panel was analyzed on the television program. (B) A committee evaluated recent political events. The program featured a psychoanalyst. (D) The panel discussed the television program, «© TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 11-13): In this exercise, listen carefully to each short dialogue and question on the recording, and then choose the best answer to the question. ” Now seGiN'THE RECORDING AT ToEAL EXERCISE (SkiLLS | 1-13). @) (B) (©) (D) 2 (A) (B) (©) (D) 3. (A) (B) «© () 4. (A) (B) (oc) «) 5. (A) B) © (D) She plans to talk a lot this month. She hasa lot to say about the phone bill. The bill is high because she has a lot to say. She agrees with the man, Bill had never really been sick. Bill was too sick to come to class. Bill was sick of calculus class. Bill had forgotten about the calculus class that morning, ‘The man should go out tonight. ‘The man should stay home and relax, The man should work on the paper tonight. ‘The man should go out Monday instead. ‘The cafeteria was open in the morning. The cafer breakfast. ‘The breakfast in the cafeteria was not very tasty. ‘The woman never ate breakfast in the cafeteria, id not serve He believes that it is acceptable to park there. ‘The parking lot is too far from their destination, He knows that they won't get a ticket. He knows where the parking lotis. 6 10. ) (B) © (D) a) (B) © ) (A) B) ©) (D) a) (B) ©) ) @ (B) (©) (D) He would be glad to say it over again. He would like the woman to repeat what she said. He says that he would like to take the class again. He’s happy the class is over, too. He finished all the problems. He doesn’t believe what the woman said. He was able to finish some of the problems. Both he and the woman were unsuccessful on the math problems. ‘The man had mailed the package. ‘The man had forgotten to go to the post office, The man had given the package to the woman to mail. The man remembered the package after he went to the post office. ‘They should take both cars. ‘The woman should try not to be afraid, ‘The woman should buy a bigger They should go together in his car. He wants to know if the muffins taste good. He thinks the muffins were recently prepared. ‘The muffins are not really fresh. He's sure that the muffins were just made. TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 14-15): In this exercise, listen carefully to each short dialogue and question on the recording, and then choose the best answer to the question. (1) Now sean nie neconoine at Torn. Exencis (Skis 14-15) L a) @B) ©) @) (a) B) ©) @) @ (B) ©) @) (a) (B) ©) (D) (A) (B) (c) (D) She enjoys violent movies. She would have preferred a more violent movie. She thinks the film was too violent. She enjoyed the movie. He left the windows open. ‘The rain did not get in. He forgot to close the windows. ‘The rain got into the house. Her family is unable to come to graduation. Itis possible that her family will Her parents are coming to the She is not graduating this year. He is going to miss the conference. He will take his vacation next week. He will attend the conference. He won't miss his vacation. He enjoys chemistry lab. He doesn’t have chemistry lab this afternoon. He isn’t taking chemistry class, He has to go to the lab. 6 10. A) (B) ©) (D) a) (B) © (D) (a) (B) ©) ) a) (B) c) (D) a) (B) ©) () They filled up the gas tank at the last service station. Although they filled up the tank, they still ran out of gas. Even though they didn’t stop at the service station, they didn’t run out of gas. They ran out of gas because they didn’t stop at the gas station. His schedule is not really heavy. He needs to add a few more He enrolled in more courses than he really wants. He will register for a lot of courses next semester. She never took the bus to work. She regularly takes the bus. She doesn’t know how to get to work. She gets lost on the bus. She bought some eggs at the store She doesn’t have any eggs to lend him. He can borrow some eggs. She didn’t go to the store. Teresa is feeling a lot beter. ‘The doctor didn't prescribe the medicine. ‘Teresa didn’t follow the doctor's orders. Teresa did exactly what the doctor said. ‘TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 16-17): In this exercise, listen carefully to each short dialogue and question on the recording, and then choose the best answer to the question, (O _Now secin ti neconcin at Toen. Exercise (Skis 16-17) 1 a) (B) © (D) “@ (B) © (D) (A) (B) (c) (D) a) @ (©) (D) (A) (B) © @) She gets lots of take-out dinners, She and her roommate alternate cooking responsibilities. Her roommate cooks more often than she does. Her roommate does the cooking while she does other chores. He resembles his father. He has a chipped tooth. He lives one block from his father. He and his father were play game with blocks. She's going somewhere else. She does not like football. She has a lot of work to do. She is getting sick. He put his foot where he should not have. He put the food that the teacher gave him into his mouth, He said something embarrassing. He told the teacher that his foot was hurt. She'd like the man to delay his trip. She prefers that the man leave a few minutes earlier than he planned. She wants to know if the man will stay in the market for only a few minutes. She'd like to talk to the man for a few minutes. 6 10. Ny (B) «@) (D) @) (B) (C) (D) a) (B) (©) (D) @) (B) (©) (Dy “) @B) (©) @) ‘The man might start fire in the park. ‘The man parked his car near the fire. ‘The man’s thinking of doing something dangerous. ‘The man’s playing a game in the park, ‘The machines do not act very well The machines don't really bother her, She would like them to stop the noise. She wishes the machines would cut the wood. Fred has a dog that barks a lot. Fred has hidden the money ina itee. Fred has backed into a tree. Fred has made a mistake. She will give him any help he needs. He has to give away what he doesn’t need, He should not give up. He should give back what he borrowed. She'd rather go swimming than do the homework. The chemistry homework is really difficult She's doing the homework by the swimming pool, ‘The stream is drying up. TOEFL EXERCISE 25 that follow. Now sc coroner Ton Bxtase 2, 1 (A) (B) ©) ©) “@ (B) (c) (D) (A) (B) (©) 0) (a) (B) (©) ©) ) (B) ©) (p) (a) (B) ©) (D) a) (B) © 0) (A) (B) (c) (D) Find work on campus Work in the employment office Help students find jobs Ask the woman questions In the library Ina classroom Ina campus office Inan apartment No more than ten Atleast twenty Not more than twenty Uptoten Every morning Afternoons and weekends ‘When he’s in class, Weekdays, I out a form Give her some additional information Tell her some news Phone her Just before a vacation Just after the end of a school semester At the end of the summer Justafter a break from school A trip to visit the Eskimos Atrip the woman is planning to take A trip the man has already taken A camping trip the man and woman took Three hours Three complete days Three classes Three weeks 9. 10. 12. 18. 14 1b. (A) (B) (C) (D) (a) (B) (c) (D) (A) (B) ©) (Dy a) (B) (c) ) ) (B) (c) (D) a) (B) «) () “ (B) (c) (D) jsten to each complete conversation and answer the questions Sleeping outside on the ground Spending time in a hot tub Relaxing at the lodge Enjoying excellent food She'd be scared, but she'd like to wry. She can’t wait Itwould be quite exciting for her. She'd prefer not to try. All kinds of pollution How acid rain has harmed the earth Pollution from cars and factories The causes and possible effects of acid rain Nuclear power Electricity Burning coal and oil Solar power From sulfur dioxide and water vapor From sulfur dioxide and oxide From nitric acid and sulfur dioxide From water vapor and nitric acid Only in North America Acthe North and South Poles In parts of several northern continents In equatorial areas rogen She should protect herself from the rain, She should clean up the water supply. She should read a novel She should get more information about acid rain. TOEFL EXERCISE 27: Listen to each complete talk and answer the questions that follow. (OY Now sect tie RecoROING At Torr. ExeRCSE 27 1 (A) (B) © (D) A) (B) (C) ) “) (B) © (D) a) (B) Ko} (D) (a) (B) c) (D) (a) (B) (c) (D) (A) (B) (c) (D) a) (B) (c) (D) During a biology laboratory session Ina biology study group ‘On the first day of class Just before the final exam Once a week Two times a week Three times a week For fifteen hours To do the first laboratory assignment To take the first exam To study the laboratory manual To read one chapter of the text Room assignments Exam topics Reading assignments The first lecture Exams and lab work Reading and writing assignments Class participation and grades on ‘examinations Lecture and laboratory attendance ‘What caused the Ring of Fire ‘The volcanoes of the Ring of Fire Hawaiian volcanoes Different types of volcanoes The Ring of Fire ‘The characteristics of volcanoes in the Ring of Fire ‘The voleanoes of Hawaii Mauna Loa In Hawaii In the United States Along the Ring of Fire Within the Ring of Fire (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (c) (D) (A) (B) (Cc) (D) (a) (B) C) (D) “ (B) They are not so violent. They are located along the Ring of Fire. They contain a lot of gas. ‘They contain thick lava Ayoleano on the Ring of Fire An island in Hawaii A long, low volcanic mountain An explosive volcano An artist A tour guide ‘An Indian Orville Wright Several Sixty thousand Sixteen million Millions and millions The National Air and Space Museum ‘The Museum of Natural History (C) The American History Museum (D) The Smithsonian Arts and Industries Building (A) The American History Museum (B)_ ‘The Smithsonian Arts and Industries Building (GC) The Washington Museum (D) The National Air and Space ‘Museum (A). To the White House (B) To the Smithsonian (C) To the mall (D) To various other museums

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