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Name: _Laparan Monica D.

__________________ Score:
Course & Year: ______Bsed -III_______________ Date: 6-23-21

Identification. Select from the box the correct answer.
Consonance cacophony alliteration
Euphony assonance rhyme
Repetition onomatopoeia sonnet
Blank verse haiku villanealle
Free verse fiction sestina
Characters theme plot
Voice and dialogue point of view

alliteration_____1. It is a sound device that deals with the repetition of similar sounds, either
consonants or vowels, at the beginning of words.
assonance______2. It is the repetition of vowel sounds in a line.
Consonance ____ 3. It refers to the repetition of consonant sounds usually at the end of words.
Euphony _______4. It is meant to create a pleasant experience to the ear through the use of devices
such as alliteration, rhyme, and assonance.
cacophony ______5. It makes use of jarring, unpleasant sounds, usually harsh because the sounds do
not go together.
onomatopoeia __6. It is the use of words to imitate an actual sound.
rhyme_________ 7. It is the repetition of identical or similar sounds in two or more words, most often at
the end of lines in a poem.
repetition_______8. It is the repetition of words or phrases to create rhythm or to emphasize an idea.
haiku__________9. It is a traditional Japanese poetic form with a three-line poem, which has a 5-7-5
syllable count.
sonnet_________10. It is a form of poetry which contains an octave (eight lines) and a sestet (six lines)
to a total of fourteen lines.
villanelle_______11. This form of poetry consists of 19 lines spread across six stanzas, it has five tercets
and a final stanza with four lines.
Blank verse_____12. This form is written in iambic pentameter, or a line with ten syllables and five
stresses, usually unrhymed and uses dramatic speech.
sestina_________ 13. This form was invented by the troubadours – court poets of the 12th century in
Southern France, where difficult six end words must be repeated in succeeding
Free verse_______14. It is an open form that does not follow a rhyme, metrical or musical scheme.
fiction_________ 15. This is created using imagined events, characters and places, which means that
It cannot possibly have happened in real life.
plot____________ 16. It is the sequence of events in a story.
characters_______ 17. These are the individuals in a story.
Point of view_____ 18. It is the position in which the story is being told and the manner of its telling.
theme___________19. It is what the story is trying to say about the human condition.
Voice and dialogue_20. It is how speech is rendered in a story, either as the narrator talking to the
reader or characters talking to the reader or characters talking to each other.

II. Essay

1. What are the types of Drama? Explain each. 6pts.

- Based on content, tragedy is a type of drama that ends with unhappy ending.
Especially one concerning the downfall of the main character. On the other hand comedy
is a type of drama that ends always with a happy ending for the characters of the play.
Based on length, first, sketch which is a brief dramatic scene. Next, One act play which
naturally tells a story in just one act. Last, Full– length plays which tells a story over a
number of acts. Based on medium of the drama, there are (radio dramas) and (television
dramas, sitcoms, sketch comedy shows) Cinemas (movies) and even on line (web series
and podcasts) this makes drama not only one of the oldest forms of entertainment but
also one of the most widespread.

2. Discuss the parts of a Drama. 10 pts.

- The parts of drama are characters a person in a novel, play, or movie; played by an
actor. Plot is the events that make up a story, or the main part of a story. Plot, referring to
the basic storyline of the play, is the structure of a play which tells what happens as the
story goes. Theme is the subject or main idea of a play, novel, or movie. Dialogue is the
conversation between two or more people as a feature of a book, play, or movie. Audience
is a group of people who watch the play. Genre is the type of play. The setting is the place,
together with other conditions, such as time and the environment, involved in which the
events occur. The setting in the drama can be presented through the visual element deals
with the scenes, costumes and special effects used in it. The setting can as well be
enhanced by using viewable elements, sound effects, and music.

3. State the learning you gained from this course. What recommendations do you have to improve
the teaching-learning process. 9pts.

- I have 8 things i've learned about Creative Writing. Never edit while you write.
It’s okay if your writing is bad at first. Dedication is more important than inspiration. Stop
comparing your work to others. The most important is make your story unique. Your own
support is the best support. Criticism is a chance to grow. Keep falling in love with your
writing. In improving my teaching – learning process as a future educator I must
recommend myself to study hard, always pray and always believe in myself that I can
always do my very best to finish this course. Encourage and motivate myself to become
active because if I do more practice and practice writing it later become also perfect.
However, everyone says teaching can learn by step by step process .



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