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ACMCL College

Ark of the Covenant Montessori Chamber of Learning Poblacion

1, Victoria, Oriental Mindoro

Name: Laparan Monica D.___________________________________________________ Date: _6-23-21___________

Final Examination
The Teacher and The School Curriculum

I. Identify the term/s being described in each statement.

Teacher_______________________ 1. He/ She deliver classroom instruction that helps students learn.
generalization___________________2. They not only know where they came from, they also know where they are going

aristotle________________________3. This Philosopher said that “those who know, do” and “those you understand,
learning________________________4. The acquisition of knowledge.
reinforcement___________________5. This refers to anything that has the effect of strengthening a particular behavior
and makes it likely that the behavior will happen again.

skinner_________________________6. He identified the theory of operant conditioning.

_watson________________________7. He devised the law of frequency that stressed the importance of repetition.
Cognitive psychology _____________8. Cognitive psychology is the scientific study of mental processes such as learning,
perceiving, remembering, using language, reasoning and solving problems.

Jean piaget_____________________9. He is one of the best-known psychologists in the field of child development and

_take care_______________________10. It is a Latin word curro or curere meaning to run or to be running.

II. Match the description in column A with the term/s in column B. Write only the letter of your answer.

1. They prefer to learn by doing rather than, for example, by reading or a. Pragmatist

2. They are keen to seek out and make use of new ideas. b. Theorists

3. They like to collect as much information as possible before making c. Activist

any decisions; they are always keen to „look before they leap‟.

4. They work towards adding new learning into existing frameworks by d. Howard Gardner
questioning and assessing the possible ways that new information
might fit into their existing frameworks of understanding.

5. He is the author of multiple intelligences. e. Reflectors

6. Lack of the ability to solve mathematical problems. f. Daniel Tanner

7. Any of various reading disorders associated with impairment of the g. ADHD

ability to interpret spatial relationships or to integrate auditory and
visual information.

8.The child has a range of behavioral problems associated with poor h. Dyslexia
attention span and concentration.

9. They are often excessively rigid in their behavior and response to stimuli, i. Asperger‟s Syndrome
and are largely emotionally detached
10. They will lack, to lesser or greater extents, the ability to behave j. Dyscalculia
and think with any flexibility, and, often, they will have poor physical
k. Autism
1. C
2. A
3. E
4. B
5. D
6. J
7. H
8. G
9. K
10. I

III. Essay
Direction: Write at least 5 sentence paragraphs in each. Express it in your own words (5pts. each)
1. Differentiate behaviorism from constructivism theory of learning.
- Behaviorism is learns via external processes. While constructivism is a learner that builds on personal experiences.
2. Are you in favor of using reinforcement in the teaching- learning process? Defend your answer.
- Yes im in favor of that because if there’s a reinforcement it will helps to boost my sel confidence. It helps me
minimize my negative behaviors in and outside the school. It helps motivate me to do better in the future.
3. Why is it important to know the learning styles of your students?
- In order to easily handle the different learning styles of my students. To know also what would be their
different attitudes or behavior in and outside the classroom. It is important for us future educator to understand the
differences in their students' learning styles, so that I can implement best practice strategies into their daily activities,
curriculum and assessments.
4. As a future educator, what are those strengths that you have now, where you can use in handling your students? How
about your weaknesses to be improved?

- As a future educator, those strengths that i have now are ability to explain difficult things in a simple way. As
a future educator is also I have good listening skills,reading skills, writing skills that I can also share to my future
students and I understand the emotions and problems children face nowadays. From my weaknesses, I would
mention computer skills there’s are some information that cannot learn before. I need to improve on them also.

5. As an overall learning define the following in your own words:

a. Curriculum
- In short the curriculum is it would be the specific learning standards, lessons, assignments, and materials
used to organize and teach a particular course or subjects.
b. Teacher
- In short the teacher is the one who give instructions, teach, help students learn by teaching knowledge to
them and by planning up a situation in which students can and will learn effectively. Teachers play an essential role
in education, most especially in the lives of the students they teach in the classroom. Also our teachers is like a hero
they do a complex set of roles, which connects from one society to another and from one educational level to another.
c. Learning
- The learning is the acquisition of knowledge. Learning is a step by step process of making one's own of
knowledge, abilities and skills in order to enhance the personal and also have a potential in order to become flexible
in doing all the given context or situation by the instructor/ teacher.

Happy Learning and God Bless

“Trust yourself, you know more than you think you do”
-Benjamin Spock
Prepared by:
Subject Teacher

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