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Grade 9- PRACTICE TEST No 137


Name:............................................................... Class:....................
Part 1. Listen to Helen and Alex talking about going shopping.
1. Alex has seen a nice, but expensive ________.
A. skirt B. dress C. shirt D. sweater
2. What does Helen suggest Alex buy?
A. trousers B. jeans C. T-shirt D. pants
3. How many skirts does Alex have?
A. four B. three C. two D. one
4. What is the name of the new shop on George street?
A. Shooz B. Raw C. Sonic D. Peaky
5. What colour of the shoes will Helen wear?
A. black B. blue C. white D. pink
Part 2. You will hear a man talking about a special sports school on the radio. For each
question, fill in the missing information in the numbered space.
International Sports Academy (ISA)
For students aged 12-18.
The interviews for new students are on (6) April 22nd

To arrange an interview call Leo (7) …………………….. Hawkins on 0998 354678.

Students choose one main sport (ISA are offering hockey as a new sport).
Students must do sports training and (8) …………………….. homework each week after school.
To perform well in competitions, students must also learn to train their (9) …………………….. mind
The personal coach helps students with organising their (10) …………………….. time .

Task 1: Choose the word (A, B, C or D) whose underlined part is pronounced differently
from that of the rest in each of the following questions.
1. A. drought au B. sought o: C. wrought o: D. nought o:
2. A. resign z B. resound z C. resonant z D. resource s
Task 2: Choose the word (A, B, C or D) whose main stress pattern is different from that of
the rest in each of the following questions.
3. A. expert B. contrast C. postpone D. product
4. A. necessary B. benefit C. vulnerable D. parade
5. A. relationship B. equipment C. customer D. deliver

Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best completes each of the following
16. John”: “Would you like me to get a taxi for you?” – Mary: “____”
A. Well, let’s see B. Yes, please, if it’s no bother
C. That would be delightful. Thanks D. Yes, I see
17. Mrs Ha is at the clothing store
Shop assistant: “Can I help you?” _Mrs. Ha: “ ___________”.
A. No, thanks. I’m just looking B. No, I’m seeing
C. Yes, I’m watching D. Yes, I’m thinking
18. Peter: “I’ve been awarded a scholarship to study in America.” Kate: “Uh, really? _____!”
A. Take care of yourself B. Lucky as you are
C. You are always lucky D. Congratulations
19. Jane: “Would you mind if I use you computer for an hour?” Tony: “________”
A. Not at all. I’ve finished my job B. Yes, you can use it.
C. Of course not. I still need it now D. Yes, It’s all right
20. Mike: “Would you mind getting me a cup of coffee ?” -Cathy: “_____________”
A. No, I’d be glad to. B. Cream and sugar, please.
C. Yes, I’d love to, thanks D. I never drink coffee.


Task 1: Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that is CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined part in each of the following sentences.
21. Have you ever tried using hydrogen peroxide as a person to induce vomiting instead of the
good old traditional methods?
A. control B. clean C. cause D. stop
22. He was mystified by my experience, though perhaps not particularly envious.
A. perplexed B. shocked C. upset D. excited
23. I was horrified to find a drug tablet which had been left on purpose in my room yesterday.
A. ashamed B. shocked C. nervous D. surprised
Task 2: Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the
underlined part in each of the following sentences.
24. He wants to find a temporary job or a seasonal one.
A. eternal B. genuine C. permanent D. satisfactory
25. The names of the participants in the survey were changed to preserve anonymity.
A. cover B. conserve C. presume D. reveal

Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best completes each of the following
26. I’m sorry, but I just can’t ________ your behaviour any longer.
A. go along with B. get on with C. keep up with D. put up with

27. It is doubtful whether newspapers ________ governments to any great degree.
A. draw B. influence C. catch D. attract
28. Many companies ________ to take part in illegal logging.
A. denied B. rejected C. protested D. refused
29. The music ________ the composer’s joy of life.
A. arouses B. appeals C. expresses D. attracts
30. The Grand Canyon is the product of centuries of ________.
A. erosion B. decay C. crumbling D. deterioration
31. The Keep Environment Clean campaign raised far more than the ________.
A. target B. object C. goal D. aim.
32. The other day I came ________ a really beautiful old house in the back streets of London.
A. over B. down C. by D. across
33. Black, red, and even bright pink diamonds________.
A. occasionally found B. have occasionally been found
C. have occasionally found D. occasionally to find
34. Before________, they used horse drawn wooden carts
A. farmers had tractors B. farmers have had tractors
C. tractors owned by farmers D. having tractors farmers
35. The door is unlocked; ________ here last night.
A. Something strange was happened B. Something strange should have happened
C. Something strange had happened D. Something strange could have happened
36. By the 1300s, the Spanish had learnt that gunpowder could ________ propel an object with
incredible force.
A. using it to B. used to C. be used to D. been used to
37. Tennessee has about 140 newspapers, ________ 25 are issued daily.
A. of which about B. which is about C. about which D. which are about
38. When consumers cannot have everything that they want, they have to choose ________ most.
A. they want what B. what they want C. they want it D. that they want
39. Rodney ________ for the company for very long before he was promoted.
A. hadn’t been working B. hasn’t been working
C. didn’t used to work D. didn’t work.
40. “Do you think Harry will want something to eat after he gets here?”
“I hope not. It’ll probably be after midnight, and we ________.”
A. be sleeping B. are sleeping C. will be sleeping D. have been sleeping
41. Mr. Lee was upset by ________ him the truth.
A. us not tell B. we didn’t tell C. not to tell D. our not having told.
42. ________ for the fact that he was working abroad, he would have helped win the project.
A. Had it been B. Hadn’t it been C. If it hadn’t been D. If it had been
43. “Could you please turn off the stove? The potatoes ________ for at least thirty minutes.”
A. are boiling B. were boiling C. boiling D. have been boiling
44. I didn’t see anyone but I felt as though I ________.
A. am watched B. have been watched C. was being watched D. be watched

45. Let’s leave early, so we’ll be ahead of the rush of commuters. We can’t risk ________in
heavy traffic during rush hour.
A. to hold up B. holding up C. having held up D. being held up

Give the correct form of the words in brackets to complete the following sentences.
46. Due to the clerk’s ……………………………..
stubborness we missed the train. (stubborn)
47. Very few countries have corporal ……………………………..
punishment in schools. (punish)
48. We are trying to find some suitable methods to teach the kids good …………………..……..
sports . (sport)
49. He completed the report with the ……………………………..
assistance of his secretary. (assist)
50. The happy beggar thanked the passer-by for his ……………………………..
generosity . (generous)
51. It was a terrible game. Our team played very ………………………………
unimaginatively (imagine)
52. A list of …………………………..
incoming meetings will be posted on the noticeboard in the corridor. (come)
53. You look rather ……………………………..
preoccupied . Are you worried about something? (occupy)
54. You do have some good ideas but your work is very ……………………………..
unorganized . (organise)
55. The traffic problem has improved ……………………………..
unexpectedly . (expect)


There are 05 errors in the following passage. Identify the errors, write the line number and
correct them. Write your answers in the numbered spaces below. Number (00.) is done as
an example.
Line Passage
1 One of the most important discovery of the nineteenth century was a method of
2 using natural gas for cooking and heating. Large amounts of natural gas are found in the
3 United States, usually several feet over the surface of the earth. Natural gas is most often
4 found in places where petroleum, the oil from which gasoline is made, is found. Often the
5 natural gas must be remove before the oil itself can be reached. For many years after
6 natural gas was first discovered, it was thought to have no valuable. Finally, however,
7 people began to understand its use and to find ways of storing it and moving it from place
8 to place. Today natural gas is stored in large tanks and used for lighting, cooking and
9 heat. It has also been used for electric generators and hybrid cars recently. In many ways
10 natural gas is one of our finest fuels. It can be used for cooking without making the room
11 hot. It is cheap and can be moved easily from one place to another through long pipelines,
12 some of that are hundreds of miles in length.

Line Error Correction

1 00. discovery à discoveries
………… 56. ……………………………………
remove à ……………………………………
………… 57. ……………………………………
valuable à ……………………………………
a method
58. …………………………………… à ……………………………………
the method
………… heat
59. …………………………………… à ……………………………………
………… 60. …………………………………… à ……………………………………


Supply each space with a suitable preposition or adverbial particle to complete each of the
following sentences.
61. Every student has to looked up …………
yo their teachers. They give them moral lessons everyday.
62. They put …………off the cricket match because of the hurricane.
out .
63. The room was so hot and stuffy that he passed …………
64. He asked her to marry him but she turned him …………
down. She said she didn't really love him.
65. She should not to use so much sweet food. She put ………
on so much weight in the last two months.
66. He finally turned …………
up at my house half an hour late.
67. I tried to get on …………
with him but he was rude I found it impossible to be friends with him.
68. I want to talk things ………… with Freddie first. He always gives good advice.
69. I had to take my coat …………
of when the sun came out, it was so warm.
70. The wet clay fell ………… in the water. The pot was ruined and she had to start again.


Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits each blank in the following passage.
The Industrial Revolution in Britain was built on the use of machines in factories. Since then,
Britain's (71) _______ industries have replaced machine operators with computers, and this
(72) _______ has led to a decline in the number of (73) _______ in many factories. Goods are
bought and used much more than ever before but a lot of these goods are imported. By the
beginning of the century, other industrial countries like the USA were (74) _______ with
Britain's exports, and countries in the Far East have been able to provide cheaper (75) _______
since the s. Areas located with heavy industries are suffering high unemployment. During the last
years, there has been a constant rise in smaller industries (76) _______ as "light industries".
These ones use electricity and are not (77) _______ on raw materials such as coal so they are
"footloose", i.e. they can be located anywhere. They produce such things as washing machines or
spare (78) _______ . Some of these industries produce nothing at all, but provide services like
distribution. The consumer boom of the s and the increased leisure time of most Britons have led
to rapid (79) _______ in service industries like banking, tourism, retailing and information
processing, and in industries which distribute, maintain, and repair (80) _______ consumer
71. A. manufacturing B. running C. large D. big
72. A. change B. automation C. replacement D. exchange
73. A. employers B. servers C. labours D. employees
74. A. working B. familiar C. competing D. fed up
75. A. products B. things C. imports D. produce
76. A. worked B. considered C. regarded D. known
77. A. dependent B. command C. dependable D. reliable
78. A. details B. parts C. sections D. gadgets
79. A. extension B. expansion C. growth D. increase

80. A. everyday B. household C. expensive D. home

For questions 1–5, finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it has the same
meaning as the first sentence

81. He left school and then he joined the army.

After ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................
he had left school, he joined the army
82. People believe that he speaks six languages fluently.
He ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
is believed to speak six languages fluently
83. Something must be done quickly to solve the problem of homelessness.
Urgent ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
actions must be taken to solve the problem of homelessness
84. The teachers agreed to introduce the new methods.
There was an ........................................................................................................................................................................................................
agreement among the teachers to introduce the new methods.
85. But for his contributions, the project wouldn’t have been completed successfully.
Had it ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
not been for his contributions, the project wouldn’t have been completed successfully.

For questions 86–90, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the
first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between
two and five words, including the word given.

86. The previous manager wasn't running the club well, so he was replaced. (badly)
was being run badly by
@ The club ………………………………………….……………………… the previous manager, so he was replaced.
87. You got lost because you didn't do what I told you. (instructions)
@ If ………………………………………….………………………
had followed my instructions, you wouldn't have got lost.
88. We were all surprised when she suddenly left the job. (found)
@ All ………………………………………….………………………
of us found it surprising when she suddenly left the job.
89. He doesn't often find it difficult to earn money. (trouble)
gets trouble to earn
@ He seldom ………………………………………….……………………… money.
90. Could you deliver the goods to my home? (delivered)
@ Could I………………………………………….………………………
have the goods delivered to my home?

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