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Child of Chaos (Prestige) Child of Chaos Class Table

As the virtual mountain of a man approached the gate, the

Level Features Artifacts Mutations
guards crossed their halberds. A red flicker from his eyes
1st Metamorphosis 1 2
beneath his helmet betray his pact with chaos. A guard calls
for assistance, and an army of crossbows point from the 2nd - 2 3
barricades down upon him. He knows this feeling well, and 3rd - 3 4
turns to leave, muttering profanities to his cursed gods. 4th Path of Chaos 4 5
His tentacular arm crashed down on the beast’s back as his 5th Gifts of Chaos 5 6
sword plunges into the beast’s throat. After a gasp for breath,
the warrior returns his deformity to the pocket in his armor
crafted carefully to conceal it. Tonight, he will pray to chaos in
hopes of ridding himself of this cursed arm. Class Features
Standing atop a veritable pile of bodies, the armored figure As a child of chaos, you gain the following class features.
thrusts his axe into the sky above him. His cries to his gods
echo for miles as he seeks a blessing. A swirling black portal
opens above him, and his cries turn to an audible grimace. A
Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d10 per child of chaos level
figure of untold disgust thrusts forth from the void and drags
Hit Points per Level: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution
the warrior back with it. His audacity has caught the eye of
Modifier per child of chaos level
his patron. He is later spat forth from the same portal,
Agents of Chaos Armor: Chaos Artifacts
Weapons: Chaos Artifacts
Sometimes soldiers of fortune, mercenaries, or freelancers
Saving Throws: None
move towards the path of chaos. In their case, the
Skills: None
desperation is often more immediate. Perhaps they call out
for salvation as their enemies close in for the kill and all hope
seems lost and the grips of chaos bring forth the tools to Chaos Equipment
smite their foes, at a price. As part of your initial entry to the Children of Chaos, you gain
However, others follow a more dedicated path to chaos. an artifact and two mutations of chaos. Whenever you gain an
They spend their days and nights in service of the gods of artifact or mutation, either through a class feature or when
chaos, hoping to one day receive their blessing. Equally, they you gain levels as a child of chaos (as seen in the Artifact and
know there is no turning back. Once they become a child of Mutation columns of the Child of Chaos class table), you must
chaos, they are irrevocably damned. roll 1D20 and consult the Artifacts and Mutations tables at the
end of this document.
Some mutations can only be gained once and if you end up
Prerequisites with this result twice, you must roll again.
In order to be granted the boons of chaos, you must meet the
following prerequisites (in addition to the multiclassing
prerequisites of your existing class):
The whims of chaos are fanciful and unpredictable. The boons
• Constitution 20. To suffer the blessings of chaos, that you receive from the chaos domain as a result of your
one must be well conditioned and able to cope with devotion are in constant flux and change.
the harshest of circumstances. Whenever you take a long rest, you must spend at least 4
• Character Level 10th. Those who are capable of hours engaged in a dedication ritual to chaos. This may take
receiving these gifts must be well travelled, and their the form of meditation, the scattering of random objects
deeds known to the Gods. around you, or running naked into the night.
• Chaotic Alignment. Only those whose actions are At the end of this ritual, your blessings have changed.
truly unpredictable can entreat the will of chaos. Choose one mutation you’ve gained as a child of chaos, and
• Acolyte. To become an agent of the Children of remove it. Then immediately gain a new mutation by rolling
Chaos, you must be a devout follower of a deity from on the Mutation table.
the Chaos domain.

Steve Fidler - Child of Chaos

Path of Chaos Gifts of Chaos
The child of chaos has not gained any ability or boon in a Your experience as an agent amongst the Children of Chaos
fashion similar to another adventurer. Instead, they submit and your intuitiveness with their gifts has given you the
themselves to a trial known as the Path of Chaos. This takes ability to modify them to your will.
the form of a pilgrimage to their deity, a ritual performed You learn a ritual that allows you to bond the effects of two
while adventuring, or simply a crippling vision that thrusts similar artifacts into one. You perform the ritual over 2 hours,
upon them change. which can be done during a long rest. You choose one
Roll a D6 and consult the following table for the results. dominant artifact, which will gain the effects and properties of
the secondary artifact. The artifacts must be within your
Roll Path of Chaos (1D6) reach throughout the ritual, at the conclusion of which your
1 Chaos Mutation (2) deity may grant you the bonding you seek or perhaps offer
Roll two times on the Mutation table you something you did not want. If the bonding is successful,
2 Chaos Mutation (1) & Chaos Artifact (1) any effects, properties, or bonuses of the secondary artifact
Roll once each on the Mutation and Artifact tables are added to the bonuses of the dominant artifact. This effect
3 Statistic Increase (1) & Chaos Mutation (1) lasts for 24 hours, at which point the items separate and
Roll once on the Statistic Increase table and once regain their identities.
on the Mutation table Roll on the following table to determine if the bonding is
4 Statistic Increase (2) successful.
Roll twice on the Statistic Increase table
5 Chaos Artifact (2) Roll Gifts of Chaos Table (1D4)
Roll twice on the Artifact table 1 The artifacts fracture and sunder, revealing within
6 Chaos Artifact (1) & Statistic Increase (1) a new gift. Roll twice on the Artifact table and
Roll once on the Artifact table and once on the gain those artifacts in place of the ones used in
Statistic Increase table this ritual.
2 Clouds gather and the sky splits in twain, but
Increases made to your ability scores made through the nothing happens to your artifacts.
Path of Chaos feature can raise your ability score above the 3-4 Success! The gods of chaos have favored you and
limit of 20. bonded your artifacts together.

Roll Statistic Increase Table (2D6)

2 Luck: +1 to all Saving Throws
3 Strength: +1 to Strength
4 Charisma: +1 to Charisma
5 Dexterity: +1 to Dexterity
6 Toughness: You add your character level to your
maximum hit points
7 Movement: +15ft to Speed
8 Initiative: +1 to Initiative checks
9 Intelligence: +1 to Intelligence
10 Wisdom: +1 to Wisdom
11 Constitution: +1 to Constitution
12 Weapon Skill: +1 to hit on weapon attack rolls

Steve Fidler - Child of Chaos

Mutations Your teeth lengthen and sharpen to fine points. You can use
Some mutations are cumulative, meaning that you can gain these fangs as a melee weapon. They deal 1d6 + Strength
the mutation more than once. Other have the visible tag, modifier piercing damage. On a successful hit, you can
meaning it is a visible mutation or change that may have an attempt to grapple the target as part of the bite using the
effect on how others view and interact with you. standard grappling rules. This does not require you to use
To find out which mutation you receive, roll 1D20 and your hands.
consult the following table. You gain the corresponding This mutation may not be gained more than once. If it is
mutation as listed at the end of this document. rolled again, re-roll on the Mutation table.

Roll Mutation Table (1D20) Visible?

1 Frenzy
Magic Resistance
2 Poisonous Bite The power of chaos has afforded you a resistance to spells.
3 Iron Hard Skin When gaining this mutation, select one type of damage: fire,
4 Agility cold, lightning, thunder, acid, poison, necrotic, or radiant.
5 Cowardice You gain resistance to that type of damage. If you gain this
6 Fangs mutation again, select another type of damage.
7 Magic Resistance
8 Mindless Mindless
9 Powerful Legs At the beginning of each of your turns in combat, roll a D6.
10 Scaly Flesh Visible On any result other than a 1, you act as normal. However, if
11 Chaos Magic you roll a 1 you immediately become mindless until the end of
12 Albino Visible your next turn.
13 Insubstantial Visible While mindless, you have disadvantage on all Intelligence
14 Hunchback Visible checks and all spell attack rolls.
15 Levitation This mutation may not be gained more than once. If it is
16 Arcane Knowledge rolled again, re-roll on the Mutation table.
17 Acid Spit Visible
18 Vampiric Tendency
19 Teleport Powerful Legs
20 Regeneration Your legs ripple and pulse as the muscles expand.
You have advantage on any saving throws or ability checks
against being knocked prone. When making a running jump,
Mutation Descriptions you can add your Strength score to the number of feet you
can jump.
If you gain this mutation again, you gain an additional 5 feet
Frenzy of movement for each instance of this mutation.
At the start of the first round of combat after rolling initiative,
roll a D6. On a score of a 6, you are frenzied until there are
no more hostile creatures visible or you are knocked
Scaly Flesh (visible)
Your flesh begins to turn scaly and chitinous. This process is a
unconscious. While frenzied, you deal an additional 1d6
slow one, and can take time to take its full effect. At the end
damage on your melee weapon attacks.
of a long rest, roll a D6 to see how the mutation progresses.
If you gain this mutation again, you trigger frenzy on a roll
Roll of 1. The scales have become hardened and locked,
of 5-6. That range increases to 4-6, and 3-6, and so on until
reducing your movement by 10 feet.
you have gained this feature 6 times at which point you can
Roll of 2-5. No change in condition, although more scales
no longer gain it and must reroll on the Mutations table.
have begun to spread throughout your body.
Roll of 6. The scales have spread rapidly, granting you a +1
Poisonous Bite bonus to your AC.
As a bonus action, you can make a poisonous bite attack Once you have rolled either a 1 or a 6 on this table, the
against a target within 5 feet. This is considered an unarmed effect has run its course and you no longer roll at the end of
melee attack that deals 1d4 + Strength modifier piercing long rests.
damage. On a hit, the target must succeed a Constitution This mutation may not be gained more than once. If it is
saving throw with a DC equal to 10 + your Child of Chaos rolled again, re-roll on the Mutation table.
level or take 2d8 poison damage.
If you gain this mutation again, the poison damage
increases by 1d8 for each additional instance of this mutation.
Chaos Magic
Your deity has bestowed upon you the ability to reach into the
weave and pull forth a spell. Choose one cantrip from the
Iron Hard Skin Wizard spell list. Intelligence is your spellcasting modifier for
Your skin, despite looking normal, becomes as hard as iron. this spell. You can cast it a number of times equal to your
Your AC is 16 while you are not wearing any armor. Intelligence modifier per long rest.
This mutation may not be gained more than once. If it is This mutation may not be gained more than once. If it is
rolled again, re-roll on the Mutation table. rolled again, re-roll on the Mutation table.

Cowardice Albino (visible)

You have disadvantage on any saving throws against Your skin and hair turn white and your eyes turn red. You
becoming frightened. gain weakness to radiant damage.
This mutation may not be gained more than once. If it is This mutation may not be gained more than once. If it is
rolled again, re-roll on the Mutation table. rolled again, re-roll on the Mutation table.

Steve Fidler - Child of Chaos

Insubstantial (Visible) Teleport
As the boons of chaos grow within you, your form begins to Once per long rest, you’ve gained the ability to move through
become slightly blurred and misty. the domain of chaos. Instead of a move action, you can
Attacks made against you with non-magical weapons are instead opt to teleport to any spot that you can see within
made with disadvantage. 100 feet. This action does not provoke opportunity attacks.
Any attack roll again you that results in a natural 1 causes If you gain this mutation again, you can perform this action
you to slip into the Ethereal plane until the start of your next an additional time per long rest for each instance of this
turn. mutation.
This mutation may not be gained more than once. If it is
rolled again, re-roll on the Mutation table.
Your body tenaciously clings to life, recovering and mending
Hunchback (visible) the most heinous of wounds. As a reaction after taking
The warping of your body has left you twisted and in a damage, you can regain 1d4 hit points.
crooked shape, with a noticeable hump on your back. Your If you gain this mutation again, you instead regain 1d6 hit
movement speed is reduced by 5 feet. points. This healing increases to 1d8, 1d10, and 1d12 if you
This mutation may not be gained more than once. If it is gain further instances of this mutation. Once you have gained
rolled again, re-roll on the Mutation table. this mutation five times. If it is rolled again, re-roll on the
Mutation table.
You can cast the spell fly on yourself, ignoring any material
components once per long rest.
This mutation may not be gained more than once. If it is
rolled again, re-roll on the Mutation table.

Arcane Knowledge
Your mind becomes inundated with arcane secrets. On the
first round of combat after rolling initiative, roll a D6 to see
what affect the knowledge has on you.
Roll of 1 or 2. You become completely overwhelmed by the
knowledge. You drop whatever items you may be holding in
your hands, and fall to your knees. You are paralyzed until
the start of your next turn.
Roll of 3 to 6. Your knowledge becomes focused. Roll 1d6
and add the result to your initiative. On your next turn, you
take the Cast a Spell action if able, and must cast a random
3rd level spell from the Wizard spell list.
This mutation may not be gained more than once. If it is
rolled again, re-roll on the Mutation table.

Acid Spit (visible)

Your cheeks expand and become mottled, filling glands with
acid ready to be expectorated from your mouth. As an action,
you can spit a stream of acid at a creature you can see within
15 feet. That creature must make a Constitution saving throw
against a DC equal to 10 + your child of chaos level, taking
4d8 acid damage on a failed saving throw, or half as much on
a successful one.
Once you have performed this action, you must complete a
short rest before you can do so again.
If you gain this mutation again, the acid damage increases
by 1d8 for each instance of this mutation.

Vampiric Tendency
You become overwhelmed with a thirst for blood. As a bonus
action, you can make an unarmed bite attack against a
creature within 5 feet. This attack deals 1d10 + Strength
modifier piercing damage, and you regain hit points equal to
the damage deal by the attack.
You must perform this action at least once every 24 hours,
or else suffer one level of exhaustion.
This mutation may not be gained more than once. If it is
rolled again, re-roll on the Mutation table.

Steve Fidler - Child of Chaos

Spell Eater Blade
Chaos Artifacts The blade is plain and dull, only bursting into a blaze of light
Whenever you gain an artifact, roll 1D20 and consult the when magic is cast in its vicinity
following table to see what the artifact is. This longsword allows its wielder to negate the effects of a
All chaos artifacts are unique, and require proficiency in single spell cast against him by spending his reaction to do
chaos artifacts to wield competently. As they represent your so.
devotion and the reward for embracing chaos, it is unlikely Once this feature has been used, the blade becomes a
that you should ever want to part with them. magical longsword that shimmers in the presence of magic
until the next dawn, when it regains its strength.
Roll Artifact Table (1D20)
1 Helm of Sorcery
2 Black Hood
Collar of Deflection
3 Ring of Desolation This collar is filled with magical intelligence, anticipating the
4 Axe of Hellstone movements of its opponents as though it had a mind of its
5 Spell Eater Blade own
6 Collar of Deflection Any attacks of opportunity made against a creature wearing
7 Blade of Disenchantment this collar are made at disadvantage.
8 Glittering Shield
9 Crown of Immunity Blade of Disenchantment
10 Skull Amulet of Health This blade is ancient beyond telling and its edge is cracked
11 Lashing Blade and broken. In battle, it crackles with barely contained
12 Parrying Blade energies, smiting down the foes of its wielder
13 Warhammer of Terror This greatsword is designed to destroy the effect of magic.
14 Axe of Fatigue Any creature struck by it who is concentrating on a spell must
15 Blade of Draining make their concentration saving throw at disadvantage.
16 Armor of Fortitude
17 Shield of the Void
18 Death Helm Glittering Shield
19 Hell Blade This shield shines with such lustre that any opponents are
20 Armor of Regeneration hard pressed to see who they are attacking
This shield gives an additional +1 AC against melee attacks
to its wielder. Its surface is perpetually polished to a mirror
Artifact Descriptions finish and cannot tarnish.

Helm of Sorcery Crown of Immunity

Cast in the strongest iron and enchanted in the forge fires of
This helm glitters with a sinister light surrounding the child of
chaos; this crown causes great power to flow through its
chaos with a halo of energy
At the end of each long rest, choose an evocation spell from
Each dawn, the crown replenishes three charges. On each
the wizard spell list that is 3rd-level or less and is not a
attack against the wearer, a charge is expended to give an AC
cantrip. This spell is stored in the helm and can be cast by
bonus equal to the number of charges at the time. (+3 AC on
wearer once per long rest. Intelligence is your spellcasting
the first attack, +2 for the second, +1 for the third.) After the
modifier for any spells cast this way.
charges are expended, it grants no further bonus until the
next dawn.
Black Hood
This hood appears insubstantial and ghost like, as though it
only partial exists on this plane
Skull Amulet of Health
This strange artifact possesses the power to restore energy
This hood allows its wearer to live without breathing, even
and vitality to the exhausted or wounded
underwater or in a vacuum.
This amulet grants its wearer the ability to regain health. As
an action, you can channel its energy and recover 1d4 + your
Ring of Desolation proficiency bonus hit points. One this feature has been used,
This ring is carved from ancient stone. Upon closer inspection, it cannot be used again until the start of the next dawn.
it looks as though it may have once been alive If the wearer of this amulet is reduced to 0 hit points and its
This ring allows its wearer to attempt to transfer its curse to energy is still available, the ability triggers automatically but
a creature as part of a melee attack. The target must succeed its energy becomes drained for 1d6+1 dawns.
a Constitution saving throw equal to 10 + your child of chaos
level or become petrified. This petrification can be removed
through the remove curse spell or other similar effects.
Lashing Blade
Forged from the twisting scales of a mighty serpent, this
Once this feature is used, it can’t be used again until the
blade constantly flicks this way and that; ready to strike at
next dawn.
any time
This shortsword unravels at the wielder’s command,
Axe of Hellstone allowing it to strike from 10 feet away.
The blade of this weapon is inscribed with twisting sigils of
power. Blazing icons of destruction which hurt the eyes to
gaze upon
This greataxe allows the wielder to turn an attack made
with it that hits into a critical hit. Once the attack roll has
been made and determined to have hit, the wielder can elect
to use the effect to ensure a critical hit.
Once this feature is used, it can’t be used again until the
next dawn.
Steve Fidler - Child of Chaos

Parrying Blade Death Helm
A shimmering haze surrounds this weapon and the wielder is This helmet is made of the bleached skull of some huge
protected by glowing bands of power horned beast; granting its wearer a most fearsome
This rapier grants its wielder a defensive bonus in combat. appearance. Although the beast is long dead, some of its
While wielding the parrying blade, if a creature hits you with a power is bound forever to the helm by chaotic sorcery
melee attack you can use your reaction to add your This helmet grants its wearer +1 to attack rolls made with
proficiency bonus to your AC for that attack, potentially melee weapons.
causing the attack to miss you. If the wearer of this helmet uses his action to dash, they can
make a bonus action attack with a melee weapon against a
creature. If the wielder has moved at least 10 feet in a
Warhammer of Terror straight line towards the target of this bonus action, that
This weapon shrieks as if in heinous torment as it cuts the air,
attack deals an additional 5 bludgeoning damage.
a soulless wailing of the damned
This warhammer can inflict the frightened status on
creatures it strikes. Any creature hit with the warhammer of Hell Blade
terror must succeed a Charisma saving throw equal to 10 + Chittering and infernal whispering emanate from this hellish
its wielder’s proficiency bonus or become frightened by the weapon, forged from the pure stuff of chaos
weapon While wielding this longsword, its wielder gains an
Any creature affected by this fear can make the saving additional action on each of its turns. That action can only be
throw again at the end of any of their turns, and the effect used to take the Attack (one weapon attack only) action.
ends automatically if they can no longer see and hear the
Armor of Regeneration
Axe of Fatigue This armor subtly throbs and thrums with the power of the
A dull throbbing fills the air around this weapon suggesting void. It contains an echo of the life energies of all its victims
great power about to be unleashed While wearing this breastplate, its wearer regains 1d10 hit
This handaxe has the potential to inflict exhaustion on its points while taking a short rest, whether they spend hit dice
targets. When rolling damage, if at least one of the weapon’s or not. This effect ceases to function if the wearer is at zero
damage die turn up its maximum roll, the target suffers a hit points.
single level of exhaustion.

Blade of Draining
This dark red blade looks as if it has been made from
coagulated blood, and thrums as it cuts the air
Once per round, its wielder can drain the life of his victim
with this longsword. After successfully hitting a creature
with an attack made with this weapon, its wielder can expend
a hit die to recover life equal to the damage dealt. This ability
cannot be used against inanimate creatures, Constructs, or

Armor of Fortitude
This armor is jet black in color and seems to absorb light as
its wearer strides through the dungeon
This armor is a breastplate with a +1 bonus, and grants its
wearer resistance to radiant and necrotic damage.

Shield of the Void

This shield has a silvered, polished finish; unadorned by blade
or emblem. Only when it catches the light from certain angles
does the symbol of a forgotten god blaze fiercely across its
This shield grants its wearer an additional +1 AC against
melee attacks and resistance to fire damage.
When taking fire damage from any source, its wearer can
use his reaction to gain immunity to fire damage against that
source until the start of his next turn. After doing so, the
shield no longer grants resistance to fire damage until the
next dawn.

Steve Fidler - Child of Chaos

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