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Canto 3 Chapter 29

Explanation of Devotional service by Lord Kapila (Kapila describes the types of Bhakti)

Section I - 3.29.1-6 Devahuti’s questions about 11-14 – Characteristics of Pure Bhakti beyond
types of Bhakti, Birth and Death and nature of the 3 modes:
Time mad-guëa-çruti-mätreëa
mayi sarva-guhäçaye
1-5 – Devahuti to Kapiladev: mano-gatir avicchinnä
a. Please tell me in detail about the path of bhakti yathä gaìgämbhaso 'mbudhau
which is the root cause of the knowledge of
sankhya lakñaëaà bhakti-yogasya
b. Please describe about the various birth and nirguëasya hy udähåtam
death of the jivas, hearing about which a person ahaituky avyavahitä
becomes completely detached from the world yä bhaktiù puruñottame
c. Please describe about the nature of time in
whose fear, people perform auspicious acts Because the mind (manah), by hearing about my
qualities (mad-guëa-çruti-mätreëa), flows
 You have come as the sun for (i) those who are continuously (gatih avicchinnä) to me (mayi), the
suffering due to false identity (ii) those who are Supreme Lord residing in the hearts of all people
blind (iii) those who are sleeping in samsara (sarva-guhäçaye), just as the Gaìgä flows to the
(iv) those who are exhausted due to attachment ocean (yathä gaìgä ambhaso ambudhau), it is said
that (udähåtam) the quality of bhakti (lakñaëaà
6 – Maitreya to Vidura: bhakti-yogasya) beyond the guëas (nirguëasya) is
Pleased with His mother’s words, Kapila starts to absence of results other than bhakti (ahaituky yä
respond with compassion bhaktiù puruñottame) and lack of obstructions
from other processes (avyavahitä).
Section II – 3.29.7-20 Kapila describes various
classes of Bhakti sälokya-särñöi-sämépya-
särüpyaikatvam apy uta
7-20 – Kapila to Devahuti: déyamänaà na gåhëanti
vinä mat-sevanaà janäù
7-10 – Bhakti in 3 modes:
a. Bhakti appears in many forms based on the The devotees (janäù) do not accept (na gåhëanti)
nature of the performer who is endowed with living on my planet, having similar powers, staying
different combinations of modes close to me, or having a similar form, what to
b. Performer of Bhakti in Mode of Ignorance: speak of merging into me (sälokya-särñöi-sämépya-
(i) Angry (ii) devoid of compassion (iii) särüpya-ekatvam apy uta), when these things are
worships the Lord with intensions of offered (déyamänaà), unless it involves service to
violence, pride and hatred me (vinä mat-sevanaà).
c. Performer of Bhakti in Mode of Passion:
(i) Worships the Lord with desire for other sa eva bhakti-yogäkhya
ätyantika udähåtaù
objects (ii) with goals of material gain, fame
or wealth yenätivrajya tri-guëaà
d. Performer of Bhakti in Mode of Goodness: mad-bhäväyopapadyate
(i) Worships the Lord with a desire to
destroy Karma (ii) makes his work as an The highest state of existence (sa eva ätyantika
offering to the Lord (iii) worships as a matter udähåtaù) is called bhakti (bhakti-yogäkhya), by
of duty (iv) to achieve liberation which one surpasses the three guëas (yena
ativrajya tri-guëaà) and attains prema for me
(mad-bhäväya upapadyate).
15-18 – Angas of Bhakti: He who worships the deity (yah arcäà bhajate)
The mind should be purified by: while rejecting me (mäà hitvä), the Lord being
a. Following Varnasrama duties approved by present in all beings (sarveñu bhüteñu santam
ätmänam éçvaram), out of ignorance (mauòhyäd),
previous devotees, without desire for results
simply makes oblations into ashes (instead of fire).
b. Performing powerful deity worship with best (bhasmany eva juhoti saù)
choice of items, regularly and without
unnecessary violence dviñataù para-käye mäà
c. Offering obeisances to, praying to, mänino bhinna-darçinaù
worshipping, touching and seeing the deity bhüteñu baddha-vairasya
form of the Lord na manaù çäntim åcchati
d. By thinking of Lord’s presence in all beings
If a person offers respects to me (mäà mäninah) but
e. By giving up bad association with is inimical to other beings (bhüteñu baddha-
determination vairasya), hating other bodies (dviñataù para-käye),
f. By greatly respecting the great devotees, by not seeing others’ suffering as equal to his own
showing compassionate to the unfortunate, (bhinna-darçinaù), his mind does not attain peace
and by being friendly to ones equals (na manaù çäntim åcchati).
g. By following yama and niyama of yoga
aham uccävacair dravyaiù
h. By continually hearing about the good and
bad qualities of the Antah karana naiva tuñye 'rcito 'rcäyäà
i. By chanting the Lord’s name bhüta-grämävamäninaù
j. By sincere association of great devotees
without pride O mother (anaghe)! I am not pleased with the
person (aham na eva tuñye) who criticizes other
19 – Being thus purified by the above mentioned beings (bhüta-gräma avamäninaù) while
processes, the mind of such a devotee quickly worshipping my deity form (arcito arcäyäà) with
attains the perfect form of bhakti consisting of rites (kriyayä utpannayä) using various materials
actions such as sravanam (uccävacair dravyaiù).

21-28 – Kapila – Don’t disrespect the jivas:

20 – Thus Bhakti acts as the vehicle to carry the
a. He who disrespects Me in all beings is
mind to the Lord
performing false worship of My deity form
Section III – 3.29.21-34 However, in such a b. Such a person who neglects Me, who is present
bhakti, offense creates restriction – Don’t as the Supersoul, and worships the deity is
disrespect the Jivas simply making oblations into ashes
c. The mind of such a person who worships Me
ahaà sarveñu bhüteñu but hates other beings does not attain peace
bhütätmävasthitaù sadä d. I am not pleased with such a person
tam avajïäya mäà martyaù e. But, when a person does not know that the Lord
kurute 'rcä-viòambanam is situated in all beings, he should worship My
deity form with prescribed duties without
I (ahaà), the soul of all beings (bhütätmä), am attachment
always situated in all beings (sarveñu bhüteñu f. In the form of death, I give fear to those who see
avasthitaù sadä). He (martyaù) who disrespects me difference between oneself and others
(mäà avajïäya) in all beings (tam) performs false g. Therefore one should worship Me while treating
worship of my deity form (kurute 'rcä-
all beings as equal friends
h. But, this equal vision does not mean that the
yo mäà sarveñu bhüteñu devotee does not see gradation in the jivas
santam ätmänam éçvaram
hitvärcäà bhajate mauòhyäd 28-34 – Gradation in jivas:
bhasmany eva juhoti saù a. Inanimate objects < Living immovable entities <
Living entities with greater life symptoms <
Entities with higher consciousness of movement 12. All the demigods controlling nature perform
< Entities with senses their functions out of fear of time
b. Among those with senses, beings with touch 13. All the trees and creepers produce fruits and
sensation < Beings with taste sensation < Beings flowers in the proper season out of fear of time
with sense of smell < Beings who can hear < 14. Rivers flow, oceans do not overflow, fire burns
beings who can distinguish form < entities with and the earth does not sink due to the fear of
2 sets of teeth < beings with many legs < animals time
with 4 legs < humans with 2 legs 15. Only by the order of time sky provides space
c. Amongst humans, Non Varnasrama humans < and Brahma spreads out his body of planets
Those in Varnasrama < Brahmanas < Brahmana 16. The gunavataras carry out the processes of
who knows the vedas < Brahmana who knows creation, maintenance and destruction due to
the meaning of the vedas < Brahmana who can the fear of time
dispel the doubts < Brahmana who also 17. Time is unchanging (avyakta)
completes his duties completely < Jnani who 18. Without beginning (anadi), but causes
does not enjoy the results of his previous everyones birth (adi-krt)
actions 19. Without end (anantah), but causes everyones
d. Best is the person who dedicates his activities end (anta karah), by death
such as hearing and chanting, his wealth, his
identity, mind, intelligence etc. to Me, and who
identifies with other’s sufferings and happiness
e. Such a person should offer great respects with
the mind to all the jivas thinking that the
Supreme Lord has entered into that entity

35-37 – Kapila to Devahuti:

a. I have described to you about bhakti and
astanga yogas by which a person can attain the
Supreme Lord as Bhagavan or Brahman
b. I am this form of Bhagavan, Brahman,
Paramatma, Prakrti, Jiva, Karma and Time

Section III – 3.29.38-45 Characteristics of


38-45 – Characteristics of Time:

1. Shelter of all beings (akhiläçrayaù)
2. The master of those controlled (kalayatäà
3. It enters all living beings and destroys them
through other living entities (yah antaù
praviçya bhütäni bhütair atty)
4. It is called Visnu (viñëv-äkhyah)
5. The giver of results of sacrifices (adhiyajïah)
6. It holds no one dear (na cäsya kaçcid dayitah)
7. It hates no one (na dveñyah)
8. It is friendly to no one (na ca bändhavaù)
9. It is always awake (apramattah)
10. It is the bringer of death (anta-kåt)
11. Destroys the living entities who are unaware of
its existence (äviçaty janam asau pramattam)

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