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Topic 01

Sp.Gr. Nursing Tutor
• Job designing is a primary function of HRM.
• Without jobs, there will not be a need for allocation
and maintenance of human resources in an

• So, HR manager is to assign a job which is best suited

for the employee, for this reason, HR managers are
required to design the activities of job which is called
as ‘Job Design’ to achieve the primary goal of the
So the primary goal is maximization of Govt.
(owner’s) net assets through maximizing
customer satisfaction and employee
Customer = The patient
Employee = Nurse ,joiner staff ….

To be prepared good production and

marketing of a certain good or service.

• good production (skilled, competent and standered nurses)

• Service ( competent /standard, safety care.)
So the primary goal is maximization of Govt. net assets


maximizing patient’s satisfaction and nurses’

• Jobs are result of basic building blocks of the
organization. Job design is creation of jobs which
individuals in the three main components.

• A task is composed of motions and is a distinct
identifiable work activity
• A duty is composed of a number of tasks and a larger
work segment performed by an individual.

Thus a task is a series of motions and is identifiable

small work activity A duty is a series of tasks and is
a larger work segment.
• Both tasks and duties describe activities, it is not
always easy to distinguish between the two.

• A responsibility is a requirement. It is a obligation of

performing the entrusted tasks and duties.
Tasks Responsibility

Job Tasks Duty
University Lecture -Talking Delivering lecture
-Asking questions from the students
-Giving answers for the questions raised by the students

Human Resource Manager -Checking certificates Interviewing job applicant

-Asking questions

Nursing officer (e.g.) -Maintain respiration -Provide care for the patient
-provide nutritious diet with pneumonia
-change position
-handling equipment
-Proper documentation
-maintain interpersonal relationships
-drawing blood
-analyze reports
Job Task Duty

Nursing officer -Assessing and planning nursing care

(Kandy PBCN) requirement

Nursing officer -Providing pre and post operative care

(Batticaloa PBCN)

Nursing officer -Monitoring and administering

(Kurunegala PBCN) medication and intravenous infusion

Nursing officer -Supervising junior staff

(Jaffna PBCN)

Nursing officer -Safely transfer patient into and out of

(Colombo PBCN) bed and chair
Should be submitted before 27th June via e-mail to kkvpkumari
Job Tasks Duty

Nurse manager -(Maintain good employer relations and

(Gall PBCN) solve problems and grievance)

Nurse manager -Direct and supervise personnel and

(Colombo PBCN) students

Nurse manager -Direct and supervise personnel and

(Anuradhapura PBCN) students

Nurse manager -Demonstrate care and safety measure

(Badulla PBCN) procedure

Nurse manager -Maintain good employer relations and

(Kalutara PBCN) solve problems and grievances

Nurse manager) --Direct and supervise personnel and

(Kandana PBCN) students
Job Task Duties

Nurse manager Maintain good employer relations and

(Colombo PBCN) solve problems and grievances

Nursing officer Providing pre and post operative care

(Colombo PBCN)
• So, Job Design can be defined as arranging tasks,
duties and responsibilities into an organizational unit
of work for the purpose of accomplishing the primary
goal and objectives of the organization.

(Maximization of net assets through maximizing

customer satisfaction and employee satisfaction.)
• Job designing should not be done by HR manager.
Essentially support of a engineer or line manager are
competent of engineering the production process
should design jobs with the help of HR manager too.

• (With competent ward manager and experienced

nurses should design jobs)
Importance of job design
• A particular job has been designed as a direct impact on the
individual who performs that particular job.

• Job design affects directly efficiency, effectiveness, productivity ,job

satisfaction, training and development and health of the employee/
job holder.
➢His Efficiency is employees ability to minimize wastage.
➢Effectiveness is employees ability to achieve objectives of the jobs.
➢Productivity is the ratio of outputs to inputs simply it is the quantity
and quality of works done by the employee.
➢Job satisfaction is the degree to which job is pleasurable.
➢Training and development refers to the employee’s ability to learn
the job and develop potential for doing a job of higher rank.
➢Health refers to physical and mental well-being.
Poorly designed job may lead to;
➢ lower productivity
➢ employee turnover
➢ absenteeism
➢ complaints
➢ sabotage
➢ unionization
➢ resignation and other problems.

• Job design is linked with the quality of work life.

• (QWL –involves the task, the physical work environment, the social
environment within the work place)
Employee efficiency

Employee effectiveness

Job Employee productivity

Employee satisfaction

Employee training and Development

Importance of job design

Employee health
Job Enlargement
• It is the process of increasing the activities of an employee by adding
more tasks to the job of an employee.

• The extra duties do not require special skills , they can be performed
with the same skills as before.

• Job enlargement is the horizontal expansion of the job which means

the job remains the same but the duties and tasks of the job become

❖ Help to decrease the boredom of the employee

❖Help to learn the new skills and tasks

❖Help to the organization to increase the workplace productivity

Job Enrichment
❖Job enrichment allows the employee to perform higher
responsibilities at a higher level.
❖It provides the opportunity for achievement, recognition,
responsibilities to the employee.
❖IT is vertical expansion of the job.
❖It is enables the employee to plan, control and evaluate their own
performance by themselves without the involvement of the management
or higher authorities of the organization.(Personal accountability)

❖It is added value to the employees existing job profile.

❖Job enrichment is a strategy which the organizations use to retain their

employees and make them feel worthy.

❖It is process of adding motivators to existing roles in order to increase

satisfaction and productivity for the employee.
Features of Job enrichment
Job Rotation
• Job rotation is a management technique that assigns trainees to
various jobs and departments over the period of few years.
Advantages and dis advantages of Job Rotation
Advantages Disadvantages
1. Decreases monotony 1.Employees feel frustrated
2. Helps to find best employee 2.Limited impact on organizational
3.Helps an employee to increase productivity
his abilities. 3.Cost increase, productivity may
4. Management gets to know more decrease
about employee. 4.Employees may feel demotivated
5.Helps to build career according to
qualifications and preferences.
6.Makes employees more flexible
• Job Rotation

Surgical Unit


Accident service
Job Simplification
➢It is an employee’s concentration on one particular type of
work.(expertise in that type of work).

➢His/her become a expert at it.

➢Specialization results from division of labor.

E.g. Nurse in Endoscopy unit, Operating theatre

Job Simplification
Process of removing tasks from existing roles in order to make them
more focused. (expertise in that type of work).

1. maximize output
2. Minimize expenditure and cost
3.Become a expert at it.
Employee / Job fit concept
• Matching characteristics of people with characteristics of jobs.

Technical and other competencies, Physical
ability, values, expectations

Tasks, Duties, Responsibilities, working
conditions and arrangements
• Employee- Job fit contributes to achieve the goals of the organization
and goals of the individual employee.

• There may be employee is not fit for the job or is not fit for the
employee. The solution is to change the employee so as to fit the job.
The solution is to change the employee so as to fit the job.
The change can be done;

➢Giving special training to the employee

➢Replace another employee who is fit for the job - Job rotation or
transfer (Hiring and firing)
➢Redesign by job rotation, job enlargement and job enrichment

❖This mismatch may due to wrong job design or wrong selection.

Relationship between Productivity and

40 39
Point ‘P’ is under specialized.
( It means the job has not been specialized at the optimum level)

- More specialization is the right solution.(work simplification)

- Can reduces the scope by removing some duties.

- If simplifies the job, increase productivity further.

Point ‘K’ is over specialized.
(means the job has been specialized beyond the optimum level)

- Solution is to reduce the degree of specialization. So that further

declining of productivity is stopped.

- Job rotation, job enlargement, job enrichment and team working are
used to reduce job specialization.

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