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Coca cola


The main problem with coca cola life was branding.

 Addressing the red or green was not the issue.
 Addressing issues under wicked customer trend, scientific evidence, and legislative


 Sales was decreasing. (partly correct)

 They were targeting the hybrid customer segment- that is, consumers who valued
both the sweet taste of soft drinks and their individual health. (correct).

1. Earlier there was only one segment which believed in taste that’s why there was
sugar sweeten beverage.

2. Now there was other segment added to this beverage industry who were health
conscious people who don’t like sugar coke i.e. why diet coke.

3. Taste liking people who were also health conscious did not like the diet coke as the
taste was not as the same as the original coke.
4. So, to satisfy the people who didn’t like the diet coke but were health conscious to
consume the classic coke, tccc developed the coke life.

Considering the requirement of this hybrid segment what should they do?

1. Is it feasible at first and would it be successful?

2. Some places it is successful some not.

What lead to the failure?

Global soft drink market was increasing. Carbonates drink has constant growth since 2008
time which shows the product has reached its maturity stage.

Characteristics of the maturity stage-

 Sales growth slows or lays off. Yes
 Saturated market -doubt

What innovations have they done (to answer whether they have reached the saturation
 Removed one ingredient. Sweet component
 Changed the color and packaging.

All of Pepsi and coca cola are extending product line by just changing the color of packaging
and adding a little variation with the sugar sweetener.
So, we can say no innovation just product line extension.
Stylistic product change is the color packaging.

 No new innovation.

No competitors.
Niche market- are they trying to target them? Not with coke.

If it in maturity stage what they should do?

The sales of tccc was not very promising.

The brands star product not doing well ant they were thinking to develop a product that will
help them rejuvenate the company.

What factors could influence the performance of the product?

What strategy the company need to follow to overcome the effect those factors
Will the company be able to adopt these strategies?

There is no protagonist.
Steps -
1- Check the pestle no-p, e, there are 3 social factors. 1- emergence of heath conscious.
2 social marketing over control of obesity (first is avoid cold drinks and supported by
govt) 3 green washing- your product is no sustainable, organic, Eco-friendly but u
claim through advertisement. When u claim wrong, people get to know it and they
come to know the companies are green washing attempt and there will be backfire.
Awareness restricts our actions to communication and advertisement to social
awareness about the product.
Legal- ban in school canteennee, taxes will reduce profit, restrict access

There is problem with place promotion price. Problem coz of product.

Ecological factors -health problems type2 diabetes

2- What marketing mix you can adopt and not adopt.

Pricing -consider tax and increase the prices.
Product-consider sweetness and deases
Place-regulations with many places
Promotion-social marketing, green washing, customer existing awareness.
3- Consumer behavior
Here 3 questions are imp –
1 how is the beverage consumption behavior changing (taste, health conscious. Now
hybrid typ.
As there was only incremental innovation the customers were not satisfied as the
customer may have wants a health and tasty drink both.
2what value is demanded by the consumers
3does the evolving consumption practices approve this product.

Any product is not acceptable coz of 4 reasons-

1 lack of awareness
Lack of availably
Lack of affordability
The risk associated with the consumption of the product.

4- Branding strategy
How to analyze the branding strategy.
1 choose a target market
2 brand names
3 packaging color

1- The advantage of pricing strategy lies in its capacity to make the item speaking to
clients, while likewi
1- The advantage of pricing strategy lies in its capacity to make the item speaking to
clients, while likewise taking care of their expenses.
2- The disadvantage of pricing strategy become an integral factor when they are not
fruitful, either by not adequately speaking to clients or by not giving their the pay they
3- Advantages of Penetration Pricing  
4- High adoption and diffusion 
5-  Marketplace dominance  
6- Economies of scale 
7- Increased goodwill  
8- High inventory turnover:     
9- Disadvantages of Penetration Pricing  
10- Pricing expectation  
11- Low customer loyalty  
12- Damage brand image  
13- Price war 
14- Inefficient long-term strategy
15- se taking care of their expenses.
16- The disadvantage of pricing strategy become an integral factor when they are not
fruitful, either by not adequately speaking to clients or by not giving their the pay they
17- Advantages of Penetration Pricing  
18- High adoption and diffusion 
19-  Marketplace dominance  
20- Economies of scale 
21- Increased goodwill  
22- High inventory turnover:     
23- Disadvantages of Penetration Pricing  
24- Pricing expectation  
25- Low customer loyalty  
26- Damage brand image  
27- Price war 
28- Inefficient long-term strategy
The reason a consumer will buy coke life are-

1. For already existing customer of coca cola classic, who are bored of the normal
version of coke, will buy the coke life for a change, and also to try the new product.
2. The new segment that is formed, the hybrid segment-the consumers who value both
the sweet taste of soft drinks and their individual health will buy the new coke life as
this is the product with low sugar and is naturally sweeten with stevia leaves.
3. As coke life is an incremental innovation of classic version ,so people who are not
looking for much of a change with classic version, will buy the coke life.
4. People who like soft drinks and are also aware of the environmental factors can but
coke life as coke life is packed in a 100% recyclable container.
5. the brand name retains, so loyal customers of the TCCC will buy the coke life. 
6. there can be fads that is customer enthusiasm or motivation to try the new product.

The reason a consumer will not buy coke life are-

29- the sales of carbonated drinks was stagnant since 2008 that means that the product has reached its
maturity stage, so people will not buy coke life with a little change from the classic coke.
30- The coke life was not a new product it was just an incremental innovation and consumers being
health conscious will not buy coke life.
31- In many countries the awareness regarding the consumption of soft drinks has led to people’s
perception that soft drinks are unhealthy for consumers will not buy coke life
32- Also earlier the companies advertised the coke as healthy and ultimately knowing the long term
effect of coke there is consumers feel they have been GREEN WASHED earlier which has let to
bad image of the product.
33- The old version is totally different in colour and packaging so the loyal customers to TCCC will
find it unfamiliar and cannot buy the product.
36- The advantage of pricing strategy lies in its capacity to make the item speaking to
clients, while likewise taking care of their expenses.
37- The disadvantage of pricing strategy become an integral factor when they are not
fruitful, either by not adequately speaking to clients or by not giving their the pay they
38- Advantages of Penetration Pricing  
39- High adoption and diffusion 
40-  Marketplace dominance  
41- Economies of scale 
42- Increased goodwill  
43- High inventory turnover:     
44- Disadvantages of Penetration Pricing  
45- Pricing expectation  
46- Low customer loyalty  
47- Damage brand image  
48- Price war 
49- Inefficient long-term strategy
4 positioning
50- The value propositions
Is this product really acceptable?
Whether we are going for a line extension or line stretching?

This product is not acceptable coz it just an incremental innovation

The tccc assumed taste means sweet health means no carbs. Ask consumers what
they want.

Here the product category id declining as there theirs is regulation on tis

consumption so here tccc need to come up with totally new different product.

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