Earth and Planetary Science Letters,: 1. Introductory Remarks

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Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 24 (1974) 91-98 [~]

©North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam - Printed in The Netherlands

180 A N D 13C IN T H E S H E L L S O F F R E S H W A T E R M O L L U S C S A N D


Department o f Earth Sciences, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ont. (Canada)

Received May 21, 1974

Revised version received July 20, 1974

Carbon and oxygen isotope analyses on shells of freshwater molluscs and their habitat are presented. The data ob-
tained reconfirm the usefulness of such lao analyses for paleoenvironmental and paleohydrologicalstudies.
The laC analyses on freshwater molluscs from lakes in southwestern Ontario, specimensgrown under laboratory
conditions and a comparison with the tSC contents of the dissolved inorganic carbon in their habitat show that the
l~C contents in mollusc shells are primarily co~rolled by the aqueous carbonate species. Vital effects and food con-
trol appear to have only minor importance. The significance of this observation on the usufulness of mollusc shells for
14C dating is discussed.

1. Introductory remarks Much less significance for this type of research

has been attached to the 13C contents of mollusc shells
Following the development of double collecting although there is good evidence that some species
mass-spectrometers for precise stable isotope analyses deposit their shells in isotopic equilibrium with the
a number of researchers focused their attention on aqueous carbonate species of their habitat [5]. In
the 180 fractionations in the carbonate-water system general the impression persists that the carbon uptake
[ 1 - 3 ] . These investigations revealed that many by molluscs is rather complicated especially since it
marine molluscs deposit their shells in isotopic equili- was found that modern shells can have 14C concentra-
brium with the water of their habitat and the deter- tions which give 14C ages in excess of 2000 years [6,7].
mination of 180/260 ratios in fossil shells therefore At present most lSC analyses on mollusc shells are
provided a tool for paleotemperature studies. In order done in conjunction with 14Cdeterminations. The fact
to calculate the actual temperature of ancient environ- that mollusc shells could give false age data is extremely
ments it is necessary, however, to know the oxygen important and several studies were under taken to ex-
isotopic composition of the water in which these plain the reasons for this observation and to find pos-
molluscs lived. This prerequisite can often be evaluated sible means for correcting these data. The general con-
for marine environments but it is difficult to predict clusion from these studies was, that the uptake of tac-
the 2aO contents of ancient freshwater bodies. Never- free organic food or limestone particles was primarily
theless, it has been recognized that the 2aO contents responsible for the 14C deficiencies in these shells. This
of freshwater molluscs are useful paleoenvironmental interpretation was supported by growth experiments
indicators since also their shells are formed in isotopic during which carbonate regenerated under controlled
equilibrium with the water [4]. This is especially true conditions on damaged shells was analyzed [9]. Ad-
if approximate growth temperatures are known since ditional suggestions emphasized possible biological
in this case the isotopic composition of the water body fractionations and the importance of aqueous carbon-
can be determined. Such information is useful not ate species [4-6,8] which would be more significant
only in paleoenvironmental investigations but is ex- for the abundance of 13C in the mollusc shells than for
tremely valuable for paleohydrological studies which 14C concentrations [7].
attempt to elucidate the history of freshwater systems. Because of this rather confusing picture it was felt

that additional growth experiments might provide data rated water in these tanks was replenished continuous-
which could explain some of these abnormal variations. ly via a simple overflow mechanism and only deion-
In this paper the 13Cresults obtained on molluscs ized water was added.
grown under controlled conditions are presented and For the isotope analyses of the mollusc shells or-
compared with data obtained from modern specimens ganic matter was removed from the crushed shells
in a number of small lakes in southwestern Ontario by treatment with 5% sodium hypochlorite solution
(Canada), as well as some observations made on ma- for 6 - 1 2 hours. The samples were then thoroughly
terial separated from cores obtained in one of these washed with distilled water and treated under vacuum
lakes. with 100% H3PO4 [3]. The evolved CO: was separated,
The experimental work differs from previous studies purified and analyzed for 180 and 13Cin a double
inasmuch as care was taken not to damage the shells collecting mass-spectrometer.
and hereby upset the physiology of the animals, and The 180 analyses of the water were done on CO2
to utilize, where ever possible, only molluscs which equilibrated at 25°C with an aliquot of the water
were bred in the laboratory. It was speculated that sample [11 ]. The X3C contents of the total dissolved
biological fractionations may well be associated with inorganic carbon in lake and tank water were measured
physiological changes although at present we do not as CO2 removed from the water sample by acid treat-
have any proof for this assumption [10]. ment under vacuum.
No ~4C determinations have been made since not All isotope date are expressed in the conventional
yet enough carbonate for 14C analyses has been gen- 6%onotation. They refer to the standard PDB for all
erated in our laboratory. It is anticipated, however, ~3C analyses and the lSo contents of mollusc shells.
that this will be achieved in the near future and these The IaO concentrations of the water samples are re-
results will be published at a later date. ported with respect to the standard SMOW. The ana-
lytical precision of the 180 and 13C data for both
water and carbonate samples was better than -+0.2%o.
2. Experimental and analytical techniques

The molluscs analyzed for this study were collected 3. Results and discussion
in several small lakes in southwestern Ontario, others
were separated from cores of lake sediments or were 3.1. 180 in lakes and freshwater molluscs
grown in the laboratory under controlled conditions. The 180 contents of smaller lakes is dependent on
The lake samples include both live and dead speci- the 180 contents of the inflowing water and the local
mens. Water samples were collected for ~So and ~3C precipitations but is equally strongly influenced by
analyses in the habitat of these molluscs. Since this evaporation and exchange reactions with the atmos-
sampling was mostly done in the shallow, near-shore pheric vapor reservoir. The relationship between
environments the isotope data may not be representa- surface area and depth of the lake is thereby of great
tive for the lakes as a whole. importance. Most shallow lakes show pronounced
The dissolved inorganic carbon in the tank experi- seasonal variations in their 180 contens with the
ments was artificially controlled by bubbling CO2-free highest values observed during the summer months.
air and 13C-labelled CO2 through the tank water. The Little or no seasonal variations are observed in large,
tank bottom was covered with carbonate-free sand deep lakes but climatic changes over long periods
but some finely powdered calcite had to be added will cause a response in the stable isotope contents.
periodically in order to maintain a near-neutral pH in In northern climates most lakes are ice covered
the water. Care was taken to prevent the snails from during the winter months and inflowing surface water
coming in contact with this carbonate and ingesting and groundwater during this period cause a decrease
it with their food. The carbonate and the macroscopic in the 180 concentrations. The lowest 8180 values are
food (lettuce) were identical in all experiments, but normally observed immediately following the spring
no attempt was made to control algae gi'owth which melt and the heavy inflow of isotopically light waters.
provided the foor for some of the species. The evapo- With the onset of the ice-free season strong 180 en-

richments will occur in small lakes due to the prefer- The importance of the hydrodynamic regime of
ential loss of H2 ~60 by evaporation. The highest ~So small lakes is emphasized in the data shown in Fig. 1.
concentrations throughout the year will be observed Each of the four lakes considered shows a different
during the months of August to October. pattern of seasonal variations in its 180 contents and
The maximum level of ~aO enrichment is not only the different levels of ~80 enrichment during the
controlled by the climatic parameters which control summer months are clearly visible. The most stagnant
the rate of evaporation and thus the isotope fractiona- lakes show the highest ~80 contents whereas lower
tions which occur, but also by the degree of flushing 8180 values were found in lakes with significant sur-
which is related to the amounts of surface and sub- face and subsurface inflow and outflow.
surface inflow and outflow from these lakes. Each Fig. 1 also demonstrates that most mollusc species
lake develops a very distinct pattern of ~So variations closely reflect the 180 contents of these lakes during
throughout the year which is only indirectly related the growth season. Differences in ~80 contents of
to the average annual precipitation. However, preci- various species from the same lake are almost cer-
pitation has a significant indirect influence since it tainly related to different growth periods and the
controls the 180 contents of the inflowing waters. temperature of their habitat (shallow vs. deep water).
Major climatic changes can thus easily introduce However, the overall variations between different
changes in the average ~So contents of lake waters and species are small, an observation confirmed by data
the associated seasonal variations. The significance of obtained from a core drilled into the sediments of a
climatic changes has been documented not only for small lake in this area (Fig. 2) [13], and samples ob-
small lakes [4] but is also very pronounced in larger tained from a core of Lake Erie sediments [12]. These
systems such as the Great Lakes [ 12]. small differences which rarely exceed 2%0 are not sur-

8'%*/0. 2A)"

SPRY LAKE tl° 2A2-



-8- 2BI'

2B2" o qlt~ z~
~1./11 i f /
-12- 3AI'
A M J J A S 0 3A2" +e,~ •

\/ /
8'~0%. 3A5'
5A4" © IH- eL5

3A5- • ,~em o
\ \ \ \
5BI' •,5,o

~///~AT LAK~E -~o -fo -~o -~o -4o 4o 3 0 -~o -io 6 .io .~o
~'80 PDB%° ~3C PDB%o
• P,s,#,#m mlJd~m contortu~
1975 ~OP , s , ~ m v~lnnco=dm
4, Pl~d~m feftugtn~m ¢osfotum
A M d d A' S ' 0 ~ V o / ~ t a m c o r , ~ #~confuso
• Hel/so~ co~totum mpch/g~$e
• Amntcola / ~ t o n t
Fig. 1. ~So contents in waters from small lakes in southwestern
Ontario, Canada, and the average values and range of ~80 con- Fig. 2. 180 and 13Cconcentrations in mollusc shells separated
tents in modern mollusc shells collected in these rakes. Note from a core drilled in the sediments of Townline Lake (south-
that the water data are expressed as 8 ~80%o SMOW and the western Ontario, Canada). The total length of the core is
shell data as 8 lSO%o PDB. about 2 m and possibly covers several thousand years [ 13].

prising because the increasing water temperatures du- showed that most of the observed variations in the
ring the growth season which would cause lower180 lakes they investigated can be explained by exchange
contents in the carbonate deposited are at least in with the atmospheric carbon dioxide reservoir (513C =
part compensated or even overcompensated by the in- - 7 to - 9 [16,17]), the 13C content of the inflowing
crease in 180 in the water due to evaporation. These groundwater (dissolved carbonates) and CO2 produced
data thus demonstrate again that it is virtually im- during the decomposition of organic matter. The con-
possible to deduce temperature information from 180 tributions from these different sources results in these
analyses on freshwater molluscs but that such analyses lakes in a 13C stratification. Surface waters usually
can be useful in paleoenvironmental or paleohydrolog- have the highest 813C values which typically fall be-
ical studies especially if a number of different species tween - 5 and -9%owhereas deeper water is strongly
can be compared. influenced by biological activities. The aerobic decom-
position of organic matter and plant material normal-
3. 2 Carbon-13 ly results in the production of CO2 with 813C values
below -20%0. If anaerobic conditions prevail, reduced
3. 2.1. General remarks carbon species, such as methane, are generated simul-
Whereas there is general agreement that the 180 taneously to the production of CO2. Laboratory ex-
contents in shells of freshwater molluscs are good en- periments [18] and field data [15] show that under
vironmental indicators there is considerable doubt these conditions CO2 may become considerably en-
as to the usefulness of carbon isotope investigations. riched in 13C with respect to the original plant ma-
This is due to several facts: The laC variations which terial. Mixing of such CO2 with other dissolved carbon
may occur in freshwater systems were only studied present typically produces 6 laC values in deeper waters
in a very limited number of investigations and our between - 1 0 and -20%0.
knowledge at present is very incomplete. Furthermore Another process which may significantly influence
14C data demonstrate that molluscs can derive some microenvironments within a lake is the photosynthetic
of the carbon used in the shell carbonate from 14C de- activity of aquatic plants. Similar to terrestrial plants,
ficient sources. These may be either the organic food aquatic plants utilize preferentially isotopically light
[6,8], inorganic carbonate utilized in the gizzard to carbon which results in a 13C enrichment in the im-
mechanically disintegrate plant tissues [ 14] or inor- mediate vicinity of these plants. For example, calcium
ganic dissolved carbon [4,5,14]. This dissolved carbon carbonate precipitated on pond weeds is enriched in
may be of biogenic origin, be derived from the disso- 13C with respect to the aqueous carbonate as a direct
lution of carbonates or be isotopically controlled by consequence of the preferential 12C extraction by the
exchange with the atmospheric carbon dioxide reser- pond weeds [14,19].
voir. The effects make it impossible to predict the 13C
In a attempt to solve the question on the origin of contents of the dissolved inorganic carbon in a lake.
the carbon in mollusc shells we grew molluscs in 13C- However, similar to the 1So contents of lake water,
controlled environments. As will be shown, the data one might expect that each lake is characterized by
obtained from this study indicate that the inorganic specific 13C concentrations in its dissolved carbon
dissolved carbon closely controls the 13C contents species. Furthermore, these concentrations are to a
of the carbonate shells deposited. A brief discussion large degree influenced by biological activities, which
of the 13C in inorganic dissolved carbon in lake waters in these latitudes depend on the climatic conditions
is therefore warranted. prevailing and therefore 13C may still prove to be a
useful paleoenvironmental indicator especially if con-
3.22. Carbon-13 o f lake waters sidered together with 180 data. One could thus spec-
The most comprehensive investigation of 13C in ulate that a combined consideration of 180, laC and
dissolved inorganic carbon in lake waters was presented lac in present day lakes and their geologic environ-
by Oana and Deevey [15]. They discussed in detail ment could help in the identification of lakes in which
the various sources and their influence on the 13C con- the contribution of 14C-free carbon is minimal and
tents of the different dissolved carbon species and which also in the past produced organic matter or

)leo%* SMOW-H20 I
13C contents of mollusc shells and dissolved inorganic carbon
from tank experiments
Species Sam- Average Range
p j o ples 613C

-I0 Tank 1 aqueous CO 2 5 --13.1 --11.3 to --14.4

%/o Ly mnaea
stagnalis 8 -13.8 -13.1 to-14.3
o,o, I trivolve 3 -14.3 -13.7 to -15.2
-iz -b -~ -~ -a -~ o z 4 6 Viviparus 6 -14.2 -11.1 t o - 1 4 . 4
Fig. 3. The 180 contents of lake waters is compared with the Sphaerium
t3C contents of their total dissolved inorganic carbon. The ar- lacustre 16 -14.2 mixed samples
rows indicate the isotopic evolution during spring and summer. Tank 4 aqueousCO2 4 -35.5 -35.7 to -35.3
stagnalis 2 -31.7 -30.5 to -33.0
shells which can be used for 14C dating purposes. The Helisoma
stable isotopes would be used as a m o n i t o r for the past trivolve 1 -33.4
history of the lake. Viviparus 1 -32.9
It is noteworthy that a comparison o f 180 and ~3C Tank 5 aqueousCO2 3 + 5.4 + 6.0 to + 4.9
data obtained from samples collected at different Lymnaea
times o f the year in a number o f lakes indicate a posi- stagnalis 7 + 0.8 - 0.3 to+ 1.3
tive correlation between the abundances o f the two Helisoma
trivolve 1 + 5.3
isotopes in water and dissolved carbonate (Fig. 3). A
possible explanation for this 180-13c relationship
could be that shallow and more stagnant lakes (high
180 contents) have higher rates o f biological activities tance [4,8]. In order to investigate in more detail the
and both the anaerobic decomposition o f their b o t t o m importance o f the dissolved inorganic carbon which,
mud as well as the photosynthetis activities o f aquatic as shown above, is directly related to the environment
plants contribute isotopically heavy CO2 to the lake in which the molluscs live we grew several species
water. Furthermore exchange reactions with atmos- o f molluscs in tanks with artificially controlled 13C
pheric CO2 might be more significant in shallow lakes contents in the dissolved carbon. The results of
than in deeper ones, which also would contribute these studies are given in Table 1 and, in part, are
laC-rich dissolved inorganic carbon. As the latter pro- shown in Fig. 4. Fig. 4 also compares the 13C con-
cess would add modern carbon to the water it is of tents of the total dissolved inorganic carbon of several
special importance for 14C studies. Note, however, lakes with the 13C content o f their mollusc fauna.
that our samples were always collected close to shore, The seasonal variations in 13C concentration in these
within the habitat o f the molluscs collected, and these lakes are shown in Fig. 5 and compared to the average
results are therefore not necessarily representative for and range o f 613C values of shells from a number of
these lakes as a whole. mollusc species.
An inspection o f these data indicates a surprisingly
3.2.3. Carbon-13 in freshwater molluscs good correlation between the ~3C contents of mollusc
All previous investigators emphasized the importance shells and total dissolved inorganic carbon. Since in
o f environmental parameters to explain the 13C con- the tank experiments the food source was kept as con-
tents in freshwater mollusc shells. Vital effect such as stant as possible and the tank b o t t o m s consisted of
biological fractionations which could occur during the carbonate-free sand, these results strongly suggest
shell deposition were thought to be o f minor impor- that primarily the dissolved inorganic carbon and not

• Lym~ooo Sh~F~h:S
• ................ LIT;::L:A::KE ]~ / , / ~ ,~
:J;"2~21,-,%°''°° FRANCISLAKE
®_~ !
~'~C % . PDB
o& ÷4-

÷2- SPRY


-~5- ~'~C %0 PDB - CO~q

-35 -30 -z5 -20 -~5 -,0 -5 0 .5 .Jo

Fig. 4. A comparison of 13C contents of mollusc shells and

the total dissolved inorganic carbon of their habitat. The in-
-I0- ~-
organic carbon data are average values of the aqueous carbon-
ate species during the growth season.
-12- ~

the food source control the '3C contents of mollusc

shells. Note that the species analyzed include gastro-
pods as well as pelecypods. These results do not agree A M d d A S 0
with one of the assumptions made by Keith et al. [8]
Fig. 5. Seasonal variations of the 13C contents of lakes in
which attempted to explain abnormal ~4C values in southwestern Ontario and the average values and range
modern molluscs as being due to the uptake of ~4C-free of 13C contents in modern mollusc shells from these lakes.
organic food. However, these authors also suggest that
carbon dioxide from humus decay might be involved in the food material, but it can be assumed that it con-
in the shell formation. This agrees with our observa- tains more t3C than the dissolved carbon in tank 4 and
tions and supports the findings of Digby [20] who less than the one in tank 5 [ 16,21 ].
indicated that the carbon in the shell carbonate of As mentioned above, not all species grown in our
Mytilus edulis is derived by direct precipitation of tanks fed on the lettuce provided. For example the
aqueous carbonate. Furthermore, since the isotope sphaeriids (pelecypods) are filter feeders and live in
fractionation between bicarbonate, aqueous carbon- the sediment, Viviparus fed almost exclusively on algae
ate and solid carbonate is small, these data indicate and only Lymnaea and Helisoma ingested both lettuce
that the shell carbonate is deposited at least in near and algae. Fortunately, the 13C contents in algae are not
equilibrium with the dissolved bicarbonate or carbon- a simple function of 13C contents of the dissolved
ate. This interpretation agrees with the results of Mook carbon dioxide but depend also in a non-linear fashion
and Vogels [5]. on the partial pressure of the dissolved carbon dioxide
Minor carbon contributions from the food source, [21 ]. In our experiments the ~3C contents of the feed
however, could account for the observation that in gas was kept constant but we did not attempt to control
high 13C environments (tank 5 and lakes) the shell the partial pressure of the CO2 in the tanks and would
carbonates have somewhat less 13C than the dissolved therefore expect very significant 13C differences be-
carbon, and in the low ~3C environment (tank 4) the tween different algae generations and between algae
shells are somewhat richer in ~3C than the dissolved grown in the different tanks. These differences are
carbon. We have not determined the ~3C concentration not apparent in the shell material analyzed which

• Lymnaeo stagnalis These differences are not only a feature of these

A Galba elodes modern lakes but were found equally consistent
• He//soma trivolve throughout the length of the core from Townline
(D Helisoma campanula/urn Lake (Fig. 2) and in samples from a Lake Erie core
0 Helisoma anceps which covers a time span exceeding 10,000 years.
• Sphaerium simile Such consistency is difficult to explain, and possibly
reflects the minor micro-environmental, biological or
food influences. Perhaps the artificial environment
created in our tanks and the uniform food available
• • • ~ SPRY LAKE
prevented us from detecting these effects. If it is at
present impossible to document the relative impor-
• • ~ GOULD LAKE tance of vital affects and food control it should be
possible to distinguish between the two if more and
A • CI 0 CHESLY LAKE better controlled tank experiments are carried out
and if stable isotope analyses are compared with 14C

A • ~ BOAT LAKE 4. Conclusions

A • t[D FRANCIS LAKE With this study an attempt is made to explain the
carbon isotopic composition of freshwater mollusc
shells and to reopen the discussion on the usefulness
of 14C dates obtained on such material. Experimental
data and data obtained on shells collected in small
lakes in southwestern Ontario indicate that the 13C
A' C o contents in mollusc shells are primarily controlled by
Fig. 6. Differences in 13C contents in the shells of different the dissolved inorganic carbon and its XSc contents.
mollusc species from various lakes in southwestern Ontario, Vital effects and food controls appear to be minimal
Canada. though it cannot be excluded that they have some
influence. We hope to substantiate these findings with
again supports the argument that only a minor food 14C analyses.
control exists. The 'aC contents of the aqueous carbonate species
Each mollusc species lives in a rather well-defined in a lake depend on a variety of factors which cannot
micro-environment. We did not investigate in detail be evaluated a priori. It is possible, however, to use
these micro-environments since often only bulk sam- '4C analyses on modern mollusc shells and the aqueous
piing of shells washed to the shorelines provided enough carbonate of their habitat to identify lakes in which
well-preserved material for our study. If, however, the at present the contributions of 14C-free carbon is min-
613C values of several species found in different lakes imal. A comparison of 180 and 13C data from mod-
are compared the importance of these micro-environ- ern samples and shells separated from the sediments
ments can be documented. Fig. 6 is such a comparison of such lakes could then possibly provide a tool to es-
which shows the surprisingly constant pattern of timate or evaluate such contributions in the past and
613C values: Lymnaea stagnalis and Galba sp. are in- to select shell material on which reliable 14C dates
variably the species with the lowest 13C concentrations may be obtained.
whereas Helisoma anceps shows the highest 813C values. A comparison of 180 contents in lake waters with
The overall spread in 613C values for samples from those of the carbonate shells show that the numerical
the same lake is almost certainly related to differences values of the 8 lSO-SMOW data of the water samples
in these micro-environments collected during the summer months are close to those

o f the 5180-PDB o f the mollusc shells. This agreement oxygen isotopic composition of mollusk shells from ma-
demonstrates again the usefulness o f 180 analyses on fine and fresh-water environments, Geochim. Cosmochim.
mollusc shells in paleoenvironmental or paleohydrolog- Acta 28 (1964) 1757.
9 M. Rubin, R.C. Likins and E.G. Berry, On the validity of
ical investigations.
radiocarbon dates from snail shells, J. Geol. 71 (1963) 84.
10 Experiments with chicken carried out by the principle
author, showed that if free running birds were put in
Acknowledgements small cages the carbon-13 contents of their egg shells va-
ried by several permil but became constant within 1%o
once the birds adapted to the laboratory environment.
The authors wish to acknowledge the technical 11 S. Epstein and T. Mayeda, Variation of 180 contents of
assistance given by Mr. R. Drimmie and Mr. D. Killey. water from natural sources, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 4
The manuscript greatly benefited from l o n g discussions (1953) 213.
with J.C. Fontes, University o f Paris. The Townline 12 P. Fritz and S. Poplawski, Isotope and paleontological
Lake core was collected by Dr. T.W. A n d e r s o n , CCIW, studies on Lake Erie core No. 13194. Waterloo Res. Inst.
Rep. 3068 (1973) 17 pp.
Burlington, w h o described in detail the p a l y n o l o g y 13 T.W. Anderson, Late and postglacial vegetative changes
o f this core [13]. The drafting has been done by and glacial retreats in the London-Owen Sound region of
Mr. P. Russell. Financial support was given through Ontario, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Waterloo (1970)
N.R.C. Grant A. 7954. manuscript.
14 J.N. Weber and A. LaRoque, Carbon isotopic composition
of lacustrine gastropoda from pond-weed environments,
J. Paleontol. 38 (1964) 965.
References 15 S. Oana and E.S. Deevey, Carbon-13 in lake waters, and
its possible bearing on paleolimnology, Am. J. Sci. 258-A
1 J.M. McCrea, On the isotopic chemistry of carbonates and (1960) 253.
a paleotemperature scale, J. Chem. Phys. 18 (1950) 849. 16 H. Graig, The geochemistry of the stable carbon isotopes,
2 S. Epstein, R. Buchsbaum, H.A. Lowenstam amd H.C. Urey, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 3 (1953) 53.
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4 M. Stuiver, Oxygen and carbon isotope ratios of fresh- (1959) 1658.
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5 M.G. Mook and J.C. Vogel, Isotopic equilibrium between (1960) 110.
shells and their environment, Science 159 (1968) 874. 20 P.S.B. Digby, The mechanism of calcification in the mol-
6 M.L. Keith and G.M. Anderson, Radiocarbon dating ficti- luscan shell, Syrup. Zool. Soc. London 22 (1968) 93.
tious results with mollusk shells, Science 141 (1963) 634. 21 J.A. Calder and P.L. Parker, Geochemical implications of
7 M.A. Tamers, Validity of radiocarbon dates on terrestrial induced changes in 13C fractionation by blue-green algae,
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8 M.L Keith, G.M. Anderson and R. Eichler, Carbon and

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