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o1. What are the strategies followed in teaching learning
of social studies from 1950 to 1980?

Social studies as a school subject started in 1916 in
United States of America. In our country in 1937 social studies
formed an important part of Gandhiji's Basic education.
From the period 1950 to 1980 1like in all other countries
in our country also teacher centered approaches were
nractice. In this approach teacher gives information and
student 1s passive listener. Student used to remember
whatever the teacher said and learn subject matter by rote
method. The student could not participate in the teaching
learning process actively. Teacher is given lot of importance.
Generally teacher used to follow lecture method to explain
the concepts.
In the later period of 1960 this method was questioned
by educationalists., Students learning capabilities like
problem solving, decision making, creativity, scientific and
analytical thinking skills are not being developing in this
Over the period of time the changes came into the
teaching learning strategies of social studies as a result of
intluence of psychology research. From 1960 to 1980 lot of
research had taken place in the field of students learning.
Most important of these are Bandura's "social learning
Bruner "concept attainment", "Discoverylearning"
Unit-6 - VEDA
ttees and
and c

ons that
red tha
observed SUPW, NSShave not
yielded desirable results
c o m m i t t e e s


country about
social stu
the social studie due examination orientation in the
to the
1952-53) said tha
(1952-53) em. Even Yashpal committee (1993 educational
c o m m i s s i o

hat system.

expressed similar

are (1)
to pr vid
zen ion. Recently NCERT replaced the word
sciences. National curriculum framework
ofsecondary for earming
money (3) quality
money gu
of with
ms capacity

2 to
recommended new
approach to the social science
(to (1964-66) lso emphasized
disoemphasi th subject.

national system
in the nattonal systen of Approaches to teaching, pedagogy and resources in
portance recommendations
nclusion of
are i n c l u s i o n cial cocial sciernce teaching needs to be revitalized. It should help

o r i e n t e d subject.
All social I social subjects such he learner acquire knowledge and skills in an interactive
siences as e x a m
civics to be
cluded at high
environment. Ieachng soclal Sciences must adopt methods
as history, that promote creativity, aesthetics and critical perspectives.
level etc.
recommendod acher should
Teacher should utilize greater resources and make the
Iswaribhai Patel as SUPW (social.
sUPW (socially learning more participative.
manual work
work). These
endations were
Position papers of soCial science (NCP-2005, RTE-2009)
sefuland productive n
committee in 1978 (national
Adisheshaiah nd (APSCF-2011)
also recommended in the same
faly endorsed by education) According to these policies teaching should provide
committee on higher
the strategies
tolowed in teaching learning oDportunities and experiences to the children to understand
Q2 Whatarestudies from 1980 onwards?
af social analyze the information in order to develop their own
Ans: concepts.
have been made both
After1980 tremendous changes According to NCF 2005 knowledge construction in the
ot teaching social studies through interaction. Getting
in content and methodology classroom should take place
of students'
Teacher should have an understanding knowledge process in which children think
is a constructive

psychological development. Students need to be active based on their self-experiences, school should become a
is to prior
learmers in the class room. importance given center for knowledge construction and development.
knowledge of students. Concepts are not taught they are 03. Write in brief about constructive approach?
corstructed based on the previous knowledge.
Constructive approach, collaborative learning was Ans. (Aug/Sept-2018) (May/June-2019)
gven importance. Students actively take part in learning Constructive approach is developed based on
process. Teacher tries to develop creative, analytical, constructive learning theory. Its origin beginswilth Socrates
method. In the modern times John Dewey, Jean Piaget
dIscaiminatve, critical and exploratory skills among the
students Montessori developed this approach. It was further
National policy on education 1986, in the document strengthened by Liv Vigotsky, Bruce, Daoid Ausubell and
named 'the challenges of education a policy perspective -

YEDA Pedagogy of Social Sciences Unit-6 VEDA

approach was
applied e
educa tional

Brouns Ford
eld, DuckWorth, Geor
students. Similar
students should
JohuD Grennan
Brooks and
Brooks clear the doubts by asking questionsbe encouraged to

other Bridging: there should be a

student already know and bridge between what
what he
Definition each other, and sh re their
with each Other, and
there should be a good coordination needs to know,
hej and learning proceeds from between these two
knowledge, nce, and co- known to the
that is bas areas. unknown
and knowledge
knowledg based on

their Exhibition: students should be encouraged to
needs students must. whatever they have made, and their exhibit
that must
that students

knowledge it they are

re to
should programs.
share their opinions with other
construct, and
itit Reflecting: NCF 2005
facilitate the students to
construct 6. suggested that every school
own. Teacher
their learning exneruct
learning experience
different should follow the constructive approach and
the knowledge by his constructive learring . It should include activating
new Knowledge with
Student will assimilate
prior knowledge, acquiring
knowled For this teache prior knowledge,
to provide
knowledge a various kinds of learnin8 experiences understanding knowledge, using knowledge and
should develop thinking skills an
reflecting knowledge.
These experiences Role of teacher:
condition and find
students, understanding the new th e
1hus studentsS knowledge ic Teacher plays the role of facilitator. He should always
solutions to the problems.
constructed on the basis of experlences
irom home
school encourage the students. He should supervise the activities
and community. of students, identify the drawbacks and give guidance
Teacher should have a clear
of the
There are six main 1ssues that are important in improve. understanding
Constructivist approach students capabilities. Teacher should provide learning
1. Developing a situation: Situations should be created experiences based knowledge skills of students.
on the

for students to learn, they should be related to the real Students progress should be assessed on the basis of
life situations. learning experiences and prior knowledge.
2 Grouping: All the students in the class should be Role of student:

divided into different groups. Care should be taken Student should pay attention to listen in the class room.
so that all students in the same
group doesn't have He should observe and actively participatein all activities.
similar capabilities. He should demonstrate what helearnt sothatheconstructs
Questioning Before starting the lesson
teacher should the knowledge. Student should understand the skills and
assesshow much previous knowledge the students subject based on the prior knowledge. Students should be
have. While
teaching in between teacher should ask self-regulatory, self-mediated and self-aware of their
questions to find out the understanding of the
EDA (4 Pedagogy of SocialSciences Unit-6
of experience with the phenomena. As they work
Q4 Explain about 5E model.
Ans: (Aug/Sept -2018,Sept /Oct-2016 together in ams they build a case of common
experience, this assists them in the process of sharing
can be traced to the experience

Origin of 5Emodel of teaching Teacher acts as a facilitator

of Johann flerbart and Joh and communicatn8
philosophy and psychology At third stage learner begins to put the abstract
Dewey's complete act of thought plaint
perience through which he has gone into
5E model is based on model ot instruction bu communicable form. Communication occurs between
Researchers Atkins and Arplus in 1967. 5E model i s
orwithin the learner himself.Working
peers, facilitator
originally proposed by BSCS (biological sctence curriculum learners support each other understands as
in group
study) in the late 1980 by a team ot investgators led by Roger articulate their observations, ideas, questions and
Bybee. Later in 2007 it became GPISD initiative and they
continued tobeaframeworkfor lessons designed toinclude In this stage students the concepts
expand on
various strategies ot active learning Elaborate: to
learned, make connections other related
they have
their understanding to the world
Engage concepts and apply
around them.

Evaluate Explore Eevaluate is an ongoing process that

SE'S Eyaluate : The tifth has
determine it the learner
allows the teacher to
attained understanding of concepts and knowledge.
Elaborate Explain Evaluation and assessment can occur at all points along
instructional process. Some of
the continuum of the
In this model the process is explained by employing observation,
the tools that are used are rubrics,
five E they are Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate and checklists, intervieWs, porttolios, project etc.
Evaluate of concept mapping? What are
Engage: At this stage students first encounter and identify 05. Explain the meaning
different stages in the concept mapping?
the instructional task. Here they make connections
(October -2016) (May/June-2019)
between past and present learning experiences, lay the
in 1970
organizational ground work for the activities alhead Joseph D Novak of Cornell University
the David
and stimulate their environment in the anticipation of developed the concept maps based on
Ausubel's Assimilation theory. Concept map is a tool to
theseactivities. Asking questions, defininga problem,
showing a surprising event and acting out a represent the structure of knowledge we have learnt and
hold in our head structure of knowledge that exists in
problematic situation are all ways to engage the or a

studentsand focus them on the instructional task. the text book. Concept is a perceived regularity in events or
Explore: In the exploration stage the students have the objects or records of events or objects designated by a label.
opportunity get directly
to involved with the The label for most concepts is a word, although sometimes
phenomena and materials. They develop a grounding we use symbols such as + or %. Propositions contain two or

YEDA Pedagogy of Social Sciences Unit-6 YERA

with other word to for. form a Liiaking stage 0se lies with arrows to connect and
more show the relationsip betweehconnected items
Sometimes theSe are called semant Write
meaningful statement word short phrase by each line or arrow
or sh
word or
units, or units of meaning a to specify
the relationship. Many arroWB can originate or
Concept nap ahows concepts Chcloned circles
the relationshin
ninate on particularl important concepts.
boxes and the Connecting lines indicafing Revising and finali stager Carefully examine the
the branches connectine
between the concepts, Verbs on concept map Rearrange sections to
draft emphasize
concepts are called linking words linking phrases, whic
organization ana PPearace remoVe or combine
denote the relationship between the two concepts, orga
Consider adding color or different
items to simplity,
There are five stages in the construction of corncert onts. Clean up and finalize your prenentation so that
map. They are others can readily understand the concept map,
1. Brain storming stage: List any and all terms and the uses of concept maps?
concepts assoclated with the topic of interest. Then we 06 Explain
need to write them on Post It Notes or scraps of paper, Ans
Concept maps are uselul in many ways, They are
one word or phrase per note, Weneed niot worry about design comnplex structure, to
to generate ideas
to a
redundancy, relative importance, or relationships at lpful
ommunicate complex deas, to aid learning by explicitly
this point. The objective is to generate the largest old knowledge, to define processes and
pOssible Iist integrating new and
2. flows
Organizing stage: At this stage one should spread
concepts on a table or on the floor. Create groups and Play
sub-groups of related items. Try to group items to ground Media

emphasize hierarchies. Identify terms that represent

higher categories and add them. Feel free to rearrange School Values Friends
items and introduce new items omitted
initially. Some
concepts will fall into multiple groupings. This will ( T e a c h e r s
(Parents Relatives
become important in the linking
3. Lay out stage Arrange terms so that they
your understanding of the interrelationships and Concept map in the world of education is powerful
connections among groupings. Use a consistent tool helping students to perform at higher cognitive levels,
hierarchy in which the most important concepts are in helping teachers to explain complicated subjects, to assess
the center or at the student understanding& to organize and structure new
top. Within sub-grouping, place
closely related items near to each other. Think in terms material, Increase learning by relating new and old
of connecting the items in a knowledge, to map out relationships between things such
simple sentence that shows
the relationship between them. Feel free to as vocabulary words, characters in a story, events in history
things rearrange
Pedagogy of Social Seiences Unit-6 O EDA
Concept maps are helpful to students to Plan/ou learning material This kind of planning should be
writing projects, design their own representation n/outline eachingl


the form of a n n u a l plan, unit plan/lesson plan, and

knowledge, brainstorm new ideas, to take notes, to c done

period plan.

study guides and design complex structures reate Annual p l a n - s t e p s t

Teachers can use concept mapping to Plan curriculhts Class

to construct
concept map involving students, to expla lum Subject:
complex ideas, to assist struSgling readers. The lain number periods allotted in the year:
o u t c o m e s among the children by the
incorporate concept maps inte teaching methodoloo-ey tonected learning
Concept map aids to facilitate the process of learninggyfor end ofthe
wise and Unit
students, to give a focus question to get to initiate learnine Annual plan (moth
Teacher creates list of key concepts to help 5 of TLM Activities to be
determine what
student Unit/
to include in their map teacher provide
or Month
expert skeleton maps for students to fill in.
Concept map can be used at any stage of lesson. A
introductory stage-students get a complete picture of what of t e a c h e r s o n the implementation
of annual
they are going to learn. At developmental stage- AReflections
are taken smoothly from one students
concept to another. At plan:
of the headmaster on the
evaluation stage -it can assess the Reflections and

the students. They help in understanding level of 7 of annual plan

have learnt. summarizing what the learners implementation
Explanation of steps:
Concept map as evaluation tool: Teacher can outcomes
among the students: These can
ask Expected learning
learner to create concept maP -inorder in view the units in the text books,
to assess be written keeping
existing knowledge. It can be repeated later -to after reading
it they c a n be written
based o n the
evaluate the new learning.
It helps to
remove academic standards.
misconceptions. Works well in smallgroups, cooperative Annual plan month wise
and unit wise : As per the
learning leads topositive cognitive affective outcomess I. should be written
or productive results. academic calendar this plan
materials: to related
Q7. Explain the steps of annual plan. Teaching learning
Ans: reference books, teachers handbook, charts, maps, atlas,
Teacher should have CD/VCD, services of experts, daily
complete understanding of globe, magazines
different capabilities that are needed to be newspapers and teaching
notes etc.
the children developed among
IV Actioities to be conducted: filed
trips, excursions, visit to
To achieve these social service, quiz, mock
different methods and capabilities
teacher should plan the social institutions,
suitable activities along with the parliament, mock assembly, meet the press,
YEDA L Pedagogy of Social Sciences Unit-6 VED A
workshops, seminars, lectures by subject Academic Standards: As per the guide
special programs should be written in the experts et
the textbook Academic standards for
annual plan os Drovided in
Teachers reflections on the or unit should be written in planned
implementatzon of anmual ni whole lesson

month wise teacher should write the manner, Overall manner

retlections. Ift
units are not
completed month wise reasons the Explanation
of lesson plan steps
be mentioned. should /point : Every lesson has some important
the headings
generally shown as
Reflections and advises of head master on tnplementation of ((a) cepts.
These are
them and plan
annual plan : in the month ot Teachershould recognize
April headmaster should of the
conduct teachers meeting and discuss concepts period
about the these
Teaching strategies are
implementation of annual plan and unit plan. Teaching
learning strategies:
Q8. Write the steps in the lesson plan. Write l
(b) different subjects, Learning takes
different for
and advices. reflections and iscussions, ctivities, projects,
through listening, and evaluation.
Ans: observation

Teacher should always plan the lesson in Teaching
include concept mapping,
should think about what to be advance. He discussions, reading
and reflecting,
And what are the activities?taught?
How to be and and
What new things to be discussion on terminology,
collecting analyzing
works, KWL techniques etc.
introduced? etc. reflecting on
data, project
teacher should
Steps in the unit plan/lesson plan: materials: Every
Teaching learning beforehand. Reference
c) resources

1.Name of the unit/lesson collect the

vCDs and services of the experts,
Class: books CDs, and can be used to
3. Total number of periods allotted for the lesson dictionaries and teaching in an
learning experiences
Achievable academic standards: provide the teaching
Period wise interesting Way.
concepts teaching learning points and students-observation: To check
methods (d) Understanding ofthe
students are able to understand the lesson,
how much
No.of Teaching Teaching Teaching Understanding can be asked.
Periods points/ strategies/ learning of students some thought provoking questions
notes: lt should not be the repetition
concept learning materials IIL. Teaching be teachers own
information from text book. It should
information, additional information, extra activities,
stories etc., new examples and thought prOvoking

questions can be written.

V. Teachers reflections: Teacher
should self-analyze the
6 Teaching notes: teaching. Teacher should identity by following which
7.Teachers reflections methods students can give a creative answer and

VEDA Pedagogy of Social Sciences Unit-6 13 VEDA

understand the subject. Successful class class an hing
unsuccessful classes, and reasons for failure o
ake the teachi learning effective and make learning
re and e n t h u s i a s t i c

successful strategies should be written here. Teach Tntroduction and greeting: Teacher should greet the
own opinions also can be written here.
students as SOon as he ters the classroom. After he
Q9 Explain the in period plan ?
steps should try to understand the previous knowledge of
children orough mind mapping. If that is a second
riod he should ask recapitulation questions based
Period plan has the following steps:
on previous
class. Later he should announce the sub
L Preliminaries:
and write it on the black board.
Name of the lesson: topic
and identifying unknown words
Reading the text
2 Period At this stage
students w e r e asked to read the text
Time duration
books, observe pictures graphs given in the lesson

Sub topic: difficult words with pencil. Teacher

and underline and explain
these words o n the board
Expected learning outcomes/competencies/ objectives should write if these
them u n d e r s t a n d the meanings
a) Conceptual understanding and make
b) Reading the text and writing unknown words and words.
by discussion: Teacher
concepts Understanding the concepts
IM talk and encourage
the children to
c) Information skills should encourage did not
about the concepts they
social and contemporary issues them to ask questions should
d) Responding on
the lesson. Later teacher
understand from on the
and questioning questions (based
them to ask
about the pictures graphs
e) Mapping skills
academic standards) board. Teacher should
Appreciation and sensitivity them o n the
tables, write adding his o w n
Teaching learning strategies by writing
6. develop the concept children understand the main
Teachers Black board TLM and make the
S.No Steps work
the topic
activity points of Teacher should plan
for practicing
Practicing skills: table to the text and text
children to make
skills by the important map
need. And any
to the
table a s per the
Explanation of steps: to be practiced.
the topic needed
reflect all the activities that skills related to
Teachers activity: It should in the class. this stage recapitulation
of what was
do during that period Evaluation: At the class work
teacher has planned to and IV.
summarizing o r by giving
should be planned in a simple taught by by home
Blackboard work This be followed
be done. It should
lesson is being taught can
clear m a n n e r a s the materials planned for
m a t e r i a l s : Those assignment.
Teaching learning thatthey contribute
will be written so

that particular period Pedagogy of Social Sciences


There are many advantages of mind mapping, It i
ESSAY QUESTIONS 10 Marks n a t u r a l
constructivism because they collect different
houghts about one ingle concept and come to a decision
Q1. Explain the social studies teaching strategies in
constructive approach.
he children thinkit and
children actively participate in teaching and
beconmes active
Thus learning leading to
Ans meaningful learning as they link the previous experience
lot of importance
Introduction:Constructive approach gives with newly
acquired knowledge.
to student based learning in a meaningful manner, To Teacher gives a topic to the children and provides
achieve the desired objectives in an effective manne eminars:

some resourcesand asks them prepare a seminar paper.

be them
appropriate teaching learning process should selected of the paper should
be according to the number
Then only teacher can be effective in teaching according to The copies
students in the class. Then they should be distributed
the capabilities, interest and needs of the students. students. Ater give explanation onthe
that students
Secondary education commission has stressed the he has prepared by the doubts
seminar paper
tmportance ot right teaching methods, The new textbooks other students. 1he presenter of the
in the social studies are prepared based on the new teaching
exoressed by the the doubts. The
offers explanation of to clear
seminar paper
strategies. Strategies should be selected on the basis of teachers have to
extend their cooperation and guidance
nature of the topic so that objectives of learning will be seminars in the class on topics
like Banking,
achieved. Following are some of the important strategies conduct the
Tights, secularismn
suggested in this regard: laws, justice, povertY,
Meet the press is one of the interesting
Mind mapping teacher selects a topic/concept and makes Meet the press: an opportunity for
teaching strategies
which provide
thechildren think and gets responses. Then synchronizes students as press
we snould select some
alltheideas orthoughts and gives conclusion. For example: participation. topics those
them to prepare questions on
while teaching the chapter ot banking and they ask them reporters and ask students
allotted to them. Some of the are
what they know about banking then children think about it. which were
each should be assigned. The
The teacher writes the responses and writes them around selected as leaders. One topic
be asked to observe carefully
the mind map remaining children should
the model elections in the
Mind Mapping Model elections: By conducting
class room students will know about the process of
E.Banking and
Online A.T.M. conducting elections at all levels i.e, the village, state,
Accounts central levels. In 14th lesson of class 8th the theme parliament
and central government can be taught through the model
Locker Banking Cheques elections. Class leader can be elected in a democratic manner.
Now the government has made it mandatory to conduct the
model elections in the schools to enhance the awareness of
Bonds Deposits adult franchise and its importance in democracy,
VEDA Pedagogy ofSocial Sciences
Unit-6 MEDA
Field trips: Field trips are useful for the children to oget This
easily. Th strategy can be opted to teach those lessons
direct way. Ihey provide ch are suitable for the level, background and
firsthand experience through
for the children to link their previous knowledge to thi

eir Oundings of the children. According to this strategy the

s u r r o u n d

direct observation and construct knowle ge on their ow wn. ldren should be asked to go through the lesson first. Then
ildren should

So the teacher should arrange a field trip for the children what the have understood. By
en. will be asked to say
For example banks, public health centers, courts, assembly, children can self-learning
cultivate the
this method

agriculture tields, market places etc. thod: Case study can be used as a part of
Case study
Posters and brochures: The children should be provided in social studies in the text book of social
teaching strategiesof c a s e studies can be observed. For

an opportunity to make posters brochures on their own i n number

studies lessons 4, 5, 6 are based on case
order to bring awareness about a particular issue. By this example in the class 6th
case studies were included.
e xample
more things are known to people in less tinme. Similarly it is Even in classes 7, 8,
helpful to discuss a particular thing deeply in future .For text boOks are in the mode
of self-reading and
KWL: Latest technique to
t e a c n e r can use this
example women rights, preparing posters related to laws, understanding.
relation to the topics
preparing brochures to bring aware ness on women laws. experiences of students in
know the e n v i r o n m e n t of students;

It is close to the surrounding

Quiz: essential to include quiz program as one of the
teaching strategies in social sciences. The teacher has to
that are m e a n s What I have
what 1 Know.
to know. L
K means can be tollowed in
Learnt. This method
announce the quiz program to the children one day in what I have
means conservation
lessons of forest and consumption
advance. The next day the children have to be divided into gth class for road safety services
class agriculture in India,
groups and conduct the quiz competition among them. The poverty in 9h
remaining children observe the competition, think about the in India.
Mock parliament is an
answers and note down the questions. If participants failed Mock
that is conducted
with an active
to give the correct answers these students should be given interesting activity enthusiastic,
students who are active,
an opportunity to give answers. participation of those the guidance of
tluent in speaking under
Mono action: Expressing the feelings of a character by a interesting and conducted on the similar
teachers. t is
single actor is called Mono action. Mono action is very the social studies the state
center or Assembly at
appropriate strategy to enact the historical characters like lines of Lok Sabha at the
Alluri Sitaramaraju and Komaram Bheem etc. level. It involves following procedure.
students who are interested too
Classroom workshops: Workshop is meant for making i Planning: Select the
them as ministers and chief
learning material according to the lesson teacher should participate, some of
plan thoroughly before conducting workshop. All necessary minister and some of
them as MLAs. Then infom all
who will be spectators.
materials should be kept ready for the children at the time the teachers and parents etc.,
of work shop. Ex: making information tables. In the next step collect the
information aboutthe topic
of discussion and prepare the questions to be raised
Reading and rewriting the texts Simple language is used and discussed.
in the text books in order to enable the children to read
MEDA Pedagogy of SocialSciences Unit-6- 19 VEDA
After owing the
of the problem
problem is well
l e 2 E x a c td e f i n i t i o n

Presentation process: Seating arrangement should Eixact
should see
solve the problem only
done for the speaker, CM, opposifion leader, minat p r o b l e m

understanding of
the problem
and bodyguards, MLAs press, Cards show d e f i n e d .

they have complete
for solving
destgnation shouldbe displayed. Introducine Collection of required d resources

should not be
oblem solving methods
members with the permission of speaker, Questi
hour program in which questions are raised related i
oroblem Prol
scope very vast at
isv higher
vague. Soclal
should be suitably
all important portfolios, and answers by the ministe classes. herefore solutions
s u i t a b l e to the age
address by theopposition leader, adjournment ofthehous should be

ili. Evaluation: This is the third step. After the prog im students.
should have
should have aa
of the Problem
P roblem
evaluation should be made about performance ofthe interest
method can
students, Any improvements needed should be and
s o l utions
for that many
Perfect ut until they
a n d perfect disCussing
explained to the students for corrections in future, clear Students go on class
followed. thee
Q2. Explain the problem solving method in teaching be solutions
accepted by
social science methodology? find the apPproach:
solving informed
Ans. in problem should be
Steps s e l e c t i o n : S t u d e n t s

The need
"Problem solving method is an instruction by which Problem
y 1 its
and its
ied. Teacher
learning is stimulated by the creation of challenging situation the problem olving
solving should
s h o u l d De
that demand solutions. It is a specific procedure by which a problem and thinking
for for q u e s t i o n i n g ,
major problem is solved through the combined solution of should give scope
a number of smaller related process of students. the
problems." After r e c o g n i z i n g
-Charter V. Good (1959) of the problem:
defined in clear
Analysis s h o u l d be
Using this method in social science 2 2
with knowledge and provides stud
ence provides students problem the problem
various issues
related to the

of this
training in research. The main objective and analysis
signals in providing
approach is to find
solutions to the different issues givee
skills of critical thinking anmong students, problem, develop These
related to the problem.
before hand and making an efforts to find analyzing problem solutions
collected in the
solutions. This Data should be
approach helps them to solve the problem they face in future Data collection:
should participate in
this process.
life also. The main idea behind this All the students the regard.
approach is to manner. in
training in order to develop capabilities of solving provide
should give appropriate
real life Teacher i n f o r m a t i o n can be used for
situations among the school children. Based the collected
out solutions.
John dewy has played a major role in developing the discussions and finding
problem solving approach as the teaching strategy. information: After organizing and applying
Grouping the
Characteristics of a problem students will arrange the
the collected information,
Owning the problenm: The problem should be in a logical manner.
information needed for problem solving
meaningful interesting and useful then only the should be arranged in scientific manner in a
students take interest in problem solving. serial order.
20 PedagoRy of Social Sciences Unit-6 YEDA
this stage di for average children
Establishment of opinions
Students at not suitable
information and lorms their opi scu If in
of r e s o u r c e s
anl booka many not be within
based on collected AVailabilyos t u d e n t n
fhe collection.of infomation only d reach of
After completing
analysis stude
should be taken Bascd on the nt
important role in ihis approach,
role in this approach. FHe
avsan an important anal
should take the most suitable solution the problem
T e a c h e r w

Teacher plays the problem

problem and
and analyzing
selecting the
w h i l e selecting
should be proved to
Evaluate the decision: Decisions
clear solution
hould be appropriate so n
to develop the skitl

need an
a to ask questions
reasonable. For this students finding
andTeacheralways teaches the students
Teacher should
ities. Teacher should
should be free it
critical observation. The decisions of capabilit
in an
in real life quetioning
favoritism. Generalizations should be applied should be
the shoul
nd problem

the d oubti
whenever it
whenever itis
situations also. a
ro le
ol e of guide,
e o
and c l e r
o n the teachet
Four methods are mainly used in this approach ie,pluyriate way, the
ch depends
depends on
E fffective trained
f e c t i y v e trained
Effective rained

Success of widance.
inductive method, deductive method, analytical metlhod patience
and guidance,
and synthesis method. encouragemen

Advantages of the problem solving approach

can only
feacher use rain
Eskimos why do they

It is related to real life situation they livein live in igloos,

this approach the students develop critica
why they
Through dentification
kinds of resources
knowledge deer? collection:studernts use alI
Students develop practical knowledge
of living in
of learning about the Eskimos
As this method is based on the principle
more and
know the lite
retain for long time, analyse
by doing, knowledge will observation skills,
Analysis: they
and cometo
It will develop information skills,
polar regions.
analyse the
decision making skills, critical thinking skills etc, Generalizations:

based o n
the method
among the students conclusions between project
it is based on the about the
Jtavoids learning by rote method, as 03.
observation thinking and practical knowledge. and problem

Student develops broad minded, and co-operation

skills behavior among
Ong Project method
purposeful activity

Itdevelops initiative, and responisible Definition:

Whole hearted

the students. is k n o w n as
in a
approach Dewey's pragmatic
Requires lot of effort and time consuming which tells method is based on Johan well developed and
like history Project
Itis not suitable to subjects

of of the university
about facts of past Dr.William Head Kilpatrick
it many times perfected by defined a s a
Not suitable for lower classes.. using has been
of Columbia. P'roject YEDA
may lead to boredom
Pedagogy ofSocial Sciences
towards the learning of signifi uting: The whole project is to be executed through
activity that is directed learning by doing
1s Exec
skill or process. The main principle efforts of all
erative effo students under the guidance of the
which includes ans
Project is significant undertaking any perform many activities and
cher. At this stage studentsThechildren
models, drawin
activity ike dramatics, pageants, making

rious useful experiern collectinformation

preparing scrap book Jearn
refer tionaries and encyclopedia
maps, and charts, collectin8 pictures, read bbooks,
oo visit places,
constructive experiment
other ntal Teacher shoul work as a guide.
going ona field trips or any a significant skill,
ious works.
etc, vario

act which enables children to learn done by teacher as well as students

Executing is
Judging: project in terms of its purpose,
Types of projects: ua
teacher assess the
the production o f of their success
The producer type: Project results in The
assess their pertormance
in terms

material object or article.

Student should
find what they have learnt
and mist
experience and enjoyment and have committed1
Consumer type: Project provides the mistakes they
to children for ex: Participation in drama
etc. and rectify m a i n t a i n record book and
s t u d e n t must
The problem type: Project results in solving the problem Recording: Every should be noted down. It
details in various steps
ex:projectsolves the problem of cleanliness in the school all the a situation and of
the procedure of providing
surroundings should give duties assigned,
felt and
The drill type: Project results in attaining skill. For example choosing the project,
experiences gained etc.
map drawing skills.
Steps in project method: Advantages:
method is based the psychological
Providing a situation: This is the first step students feel This
Laws of learning: law of readiness, law
spontaneous urge to carry out the project. Teacher should laws of learning i.e.,
principles of
create the situation by discussion telling stories and showing exercise and
the law of effect.
method is
ures or taking them for a field trip. This makes them to
real life: Knowledge gained in this
Prepares for
choose the activity. useful to life.
In this second step the intellectual and practical and trains for democratic way
Choosing a project: democratic way: It
alert teacher guides the students to choose a good project. Training in a like tolerance,
inculcate citizenship virtues
The most important thing about the project is that the pupils of life and resourcefulness etc.
do the proposing self-choice and self-imposition lead to independence, open-minded
activities on their
better result. Teacher may guide them but decision should Students perform their
Dignity of labor:
be democratic. realize the value of work.
own thus they
abilities: Students learn by doing
Planning: Proper planning is essential for better results, Develops
While planning available resources should be considered,
encourages problem solving
thinking and reasoning abilities
different proposals and alternatives should be taken into It establishes correlation and
consideration. After good deal of discussions, suggestions, Help in holistic development: in holistic
various school subjects and help
counter suggestions etc., the best possible plan has to be unity among

agreed upon. development.

VEDA H Pedagogy ofSocialSciences Unit-6- 25 PUBLICATOS
Limitations Q4 Write
W about the collaborative learning approach in
teaching social sciences

Itis not possible to follow rigid timetable and also no (August-209180May/une-2119)

possible to teach all subjects in a project Ans is bbased on the ides hat
learning is
ve learningg tht
which the parteigarte
p e f i n i t i o n : c o l l a b o r a t i v e

itis expensive lt needs Jotof haterials which mighi Det

social act in
is a the talk that oSeani
talk that
be expersiveat times, consumes lot of time and enery
themselses tis through the
of students and teachers i k among
Copletion of sylabus is not possible is rooted in Lev
Collaborative Collaboratis learning

i s not suitable to all types of students of one of

onoept approechtn
important modem educational
Problem solving approach: Refer to essay question no2 arning is an imvolves grosps
o f a d e rels
and Jearnng that complete a
Differences between project nethod and probiem solving taching to solve
method: werking togrther the resporebilityof
Studenttaks sklle
catea product. deselops
Central idea of both project method and problem student an
solving nmethod is the problem on his own and Collaborative learning is
learning approaches
variety of edacational
Problem solving method gives importance te the mbrella ters
intrllectual etfort by
sudents or
theory, Project method gives importance to practical molving joint
a d achers together
aspect Stadente of sanme
into 4 groups
The main idea of pmoblem solving approach at the class is divided Teacr
One with each ohe coperatingg
school levelisgivingtraining to the studentsin finding gup do
anactivity by collectively work for
All of them
solution to the problem these
helps group
hievingg the s t e c t i v e s
Main idea of the proect method is to train the students learningg
to doa practicaf activity in the natural evironent A.Steps in collaberative
or anactivsty jn gosp
For exannple why the banking services are imgortant d e n t f y the peolblern
of3 o6students
can be given as an issue of problesm olving approad Each grop should comsist
tolloving varikoas
to the students, similarly collectingg the information Probie l be soled in group by
proces, disssions
about he differenoeservices and reporting can be g v e methodss soch as thoght
activitses expet
as an activity of peroject metihod the knowledge
Stodents themselves construct
Though both the approaches oentralidea isa problem se the
they are different in the way of giving imgportanoe Collaborative leaning itself is hased
gossater hey
problem sobying method givesinportance to theory
project method gives importance to the practical Teacher facilitates the sudents to obtain theie
activity obecties in hee speiied tme periodd

YEDA -O 4Y06
constdered fo provide tearning through exploration: activitiei related to
Important issus to be exploralion create enhuaiasm among the students
meaningrul learning thorough tudents explore and nalyze the information, then
Teacher should be consicdered the willingnegs of onne to the generalizationa For example: collect the
sthudents while forming grupa intormation related to the erops in your area and what
Students only should decide about
the rules and
aw the climatic onditions required for the growth of
regulations of their group such work children try to
Teader of the group shoulkd divide the work equally those crops? By doing
out hew Uhing they particlpate in
explore and tind
for all its memberts with great interest
the activities
this method all the ideas a r e
All the membersof the group should take part actively w Brain storming vIn T'roblem is identified and
Every member of the group had to be povided equal accepted, and appreciated,are found, Ex what are the
hance to espress their opinions, thoughts in order to solutions
small groups
achieve their goabs
to conserve the environment? By this
activities taken and creativity of
C.Ways of applying collaborative learming approach provokin8 skills
activity thought
P'rocesses that play an important role in students
children will be developed
learning: thinking, examining. observing questioning i n this method groups of
Collaborative learning
Narticipating, interacting, diseovery, discussing, taking about their thoughts, concepts,
students together write
part in the activities, visiting etc a paper.Childrern express
discussion and opinionson
There are different ways of applying collaborative their opinions in the form of writing,
learningapproaches Some of them are as follows seminars with the advice of teachers
Discussions and
1) Activity based learning Activity based learning VD and plan and
children themselves
select some topic8
includes activities not only movements of the body discussions on their own.
conduct seminars and
but also psyehological is learning by may be doing an activity, or observing D. Limitations of collaborative learning p0ssible
on the groups is not
Or may be group diseussion. Teacher should Continuous supervision
encourage all students to participate in the activity always.
based learning, For example (a) make an in depth study Some children may not participate in group activities
of ditferent kinds of maps in atlas-discussion and Burden is making the students responsible for each
observation (b) visita bank:collet intormation related other's learning and supervision
todifferent services provided in the bank -group work I f proper planning is may not lead tosuccess
not there it
(c) why poverty is an obstacle in the growth and In this way collaborative learning is a child centered
development of the country-discussion method. It develops various skills among the
) Discovery: Encourage the students to find out on their teaching
students. Teachers should keep in mind their interests and
own anything, without our interference/For example
aspiration in the view, and plan and conduct the activities
finding out directions based on the sunrise. This kind in an appropriate manner
oflearning created lot of interest among the students
VERA 8 Pedagogy of Social Soiences
Unit-6 1VEDA
model of lesson/unit plan ? Appreciation and Sensitivity:
05 Explain the Appreciates the
secular ideas of our country
Ans. the fact that some countries adopt harsh
Sensitizes o n
Lesson Di- the basis of religion.
Understanding Secularism laws on

Name of the Lesson Teaching

VIl Strategies TLM Evaluation
Class Con- Resources
2 Teaching
3. No. of Periods Period cepts
Comes Method
Expected Learning Mind
Placard of Whyis there
Conceptual Understanding: Secula- Hitler discrimina-
about secular ideas of
our country.
rism mappib
Loca tes
tion on the

Gives examples of discriminations based on the

Discussion on
a u and
d iW
grounds of
h a tcan
grounds of religion
Differentiates between
Indian secularism and
be adopted
terms Arabia on
secularism of other countries. Text to table to allow all
and Interpretation: dmap.
B. Reading the Text, Understanding Reading and religions
text from pg. nos. 223-226 by to live
Interprets by reading the responding
freely and
understanding the concept
practice as
Information Skills:
Makes a list of different types
of religions and their
C h a r t sho-Can
places of worship. Mind wing fun- different
countries that follow Indian
Collects information of the mapping damental viewsinone
secularism. religion?
and rism rights
D. Reflection on Contemporary/Social Issues iS
and its
on World map How
Questioning: objectives
India n
the fact that why people are ill-treated terms secularism
Questions on
Reading and
on the basis of religion different
responding from other
Gives suggestions on how to practice religious
Questioning democratic
tolerance and COuntries2

E Mapping Skill: discussion

theocratic countries on
Locates different secular and of the Observer
the world map. Signature of the Social studies Teacher
America on the world map lsrael Teacher
Locates Germanyand
and Saudi Arabia.
PedagoEy ofSocial Sciences
in India.
06. Explain the steps of lesson/unit plan for social
ill practices words
with an e unknown

For steps refer to short answer
question 8 andd mode

t e x t a n d
i d e

n the
t i f y i n

f r o m page
e i

the text trom C o n s t i t u t i o n

numbe r

refer to essay question 5. b)

a n d c o n c e p t s :

textf n d i a n
o by of the
Q7. Explain the steps of period plan with an )

Ans. mple? 150 para Skills: i n t o r m a t i o n
onn the
Refer to short answer analyzes
question 9 tor steps of fe)
o b s t a c l e s

i n f o r m a t i o n

plan and for essay question refer to essay q u e s t i o P e

and ops analyzes

Q8. Explain the model of period plan? Collects

agTeed by the t a b l e
principles prepares

Ans. ) democratic


Period Plan-I governing issues and

for analyzes it.
and c o n t e m p o r a r y

Name of the Student Teacher social

Roll Number Responding

social ill

Name of the college (d)

d) q u e s t i o n i n g :

and put
society given
Name of the Practicing School Responds in t h e
i) still seen
and laws
are provisions of i l l
Class interest
on the
e r a d i c a t i o n

C o n s t i t u t i o n

ii) Indian
in means
Date from the society. and

for the way which are
Name of the Lesson Give

9 Period iil) the

of accepting leaders
10 Time Duration national

agreed by the
11 Sub topic Mapping Skills democratic
countries on

12 Expected Learming Out Comes (e) Points o u t the


Objectives /competencies or i)
world map. the A n d h r a
and locates
(a) Conceptual Understanding: Draws the India map
i) Explains the importance of making of the Indian
and Sensitivity: of
Constitution. 0
and slogans
on importance
ii) Explains the social and political conditions i) Prepare posters
democratic values
and principles
declaration of Independence. for accepting the
the national leaders
iii) Gives reasons for why our national leaders were i) Appreciates
o u r country.
desired that our country should be with democracy for ruling
backward conditions during
democratic principles. iii) Sensitizes o n socially
iv)Compares and contrasts between autocratic ruling declaration of the independence
and democratic ruling 13 Teaching Learming Strategies
YERA Podagogy of Social Scies 1YEDA
32 Ueit-6
Pedagogyaf SocialSoiso
t-6 YERA
YEDA 36 Pedagogy of Social Sciences Unit-6
37 EDA

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