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Glocalization strategies

The concept of glocalization

The combination of the word globalization and localization describes the service or

product that is developed and distributed to a global scale (Svenson, 2001). Svenson (2001)

opines that the glocalization concept enables products and services to effectively be ‘localized’

in the ‘global’ perspective. Roudometof (2016) notes that global corporations face difficulty in

making decisions regarding global strategies to maximize standardization, integration, and

homogenization of marketing activities across markets around the world. The author pen that

global marketers form strategies that address various issues to ensure their brands are successful

on a global scale. Svensson (2001) considers various issues in the process of glocalization by

global brands. The author mention differences in political, economic, social and cultural

environments around the world as some of the factors that influence the formation of

glocalization strategies by various business brands. Torres (2002) defines glocalization as a

process in which local and global telescope to make a blend that makes global markets become

customized to suit the local environment. The author notes that it takes a long time for any

locality to experience the consequences of globalization; hence, strategies require being in place

for business brands to enable the glocalization process.

Universalism aspect of glocalization strategy

Roudometof (2016) conceptualize the essence of globalization as the sole interpretation

of the universalization of particularization as well as the particularization of universalism in

emphasizing the framework of the glocalization strategy. The author argues that globalization

and glocalization are interdependent processes. Dumitrescu, Luigi, and Simon (2010) pen that
globalization of the local and the localization of globality is expressed as micro-globalization and

macro-localization. Khondker (2004) opines that the society is managed by the mechanisms of

voluntary and free trade through integration to a global level that cannot emanate from any short

experience of globalization. On the other hand, Shamsuddha (2008) notes that the original idea

of glocalization strategy entails classic economic thinking as well as efforts of global economic

integration that is based in the international markets that have been going great regression for

decades. The author highlights the regression trend of the global economies mentioning the new

political, cultural, and economic environments that makes the globe to have a novel capitalist

system as well as capitalism. Robertson (2018) notes that the duality of global processes, which

are visible to the neologism nature of the glocalization strategy. The author affirms that

glocalization offered the means of bridging the divide between the space of places and the space

of flows. Furthermore, Robertson (2018) highlights the dimension of global cultural flows in

terms of ethnos-capes, medias-capes, technoscapes, finances-capes, and ideas-capes.

Prerequisites of glocalization strategy

According to Sutikno and Cheng (2012), the global business community undertakes

global strategies for companies to operate as one global market ignoring the national and

superficial differences. Grigorescu and Zaif (2017) enumerate fundamental prerequisites for the

glocalization strategy in the world. These prerequisites include reform of traditional diplomacy,

the centrality of cultural issues, municipal governance, public funds, private resources,

innovative sectors, capacity building, financial mechanisms, peace, and development. Khondker

(2004) opines the core values in the glocalization strategy. The author mention core cultural

values such as syncretism, hedonism, pragmatism, and collaboration in defining the strategic

process of glocalization. According to Grigorescu and Zaif (2017), global corporations face steep
challenges regarding global marketing strategies for integration, homogenization, and

standardization of marketing activities around the world. The authors conceptualize the concept

of glocalization through understanding the theory of standardization of marketing processes as

well as activities through a strategic level. Furthermore, Grigorescu and Zaif (2017) opine that

marketers need to understand that brands must meet the needs of customers as well as the

marketing efforts of different localities.

Brands marketing a concept of glocalization strategy

According to Svensson (2001), multinational brands face an array of challenges in

marketing and programs in efforts to meet targets. Svensson (2001) defines the specific

framework of global marketing through product and communication strategy. The author

highlights the product strategy through standardization and localization of products.

Additionally, the communication strategy through both global and glocal strategy in defining the

glocalization strategy. Torres (2002) writes that the glocal strategy standardizes various core

elements as well as localizes the other elements. The author notes that glocalization requires a

compromise between domestic and global marketing strategies. Furthermore, Torres (2002)

opines that glocal marketing reflects both the ideal of the recognition and pure global marketing

strategy. Robertson (2018) conceptualizes glocalization in two terms such as a method of

localization and globalization through the strategic process as well as synergy. Additionally,

Robertson (2018) notes that the glocalization system encompasses approaches to a global or

local market, articulation of glocal values, development of enterprise plan, production of key

products and optimization of local as well as global enterprises.

Dumitrescu and Vinerean (2010) differentiate glocalization from other aspects of such as

localization and globalization. The authors opine that glocalization entails the utilization of
global experiences or global brand names to appeal to the market. Additionally, glocalization

entails operation within the global market as well as the local market niches. Furthermore,

glocalization integrates both localism and globalism. According to Dumitrescu and Vinerean

(2010) high brand notoriety, integration of quality and values sum up the glocalization strategy

process. Sutikno and Cheng (2012) describe various glocalization strategies in the business

arena. The authors define the strategies based on four main variables in the marketing mix such

as product, promotion, price, and distribution. Furthermore, the author allays stereotypes that

accompany the globalization process in the global marketing of brands. Similarly, Dumitrescu,

Luigi, and Simona (2010) define adapts the product means of glocalization strategy through the

adoption of global marketing considering regions around the world. Price as a variable in glocal

strategy involves sparing and positioning through pricing the brands (Khondker, 2004).

According to Khondker (2004), convenience in pricing is an essential aspect of a glocalization

strategy. Promotion and distribution form a significant aspect of glocal strategy (Khondker,

2004). Additionally, Khondker (2004) affirms that brands carefully adopt the local approach in

overseas expansion through proper product management, pricing, promotion and distribution


Players in the glocalization strategy

The key players in the glocalization strategy include brands, marketers, and consumers.

(Torres, 2002). According to Robertson (2018), the adaptation of global products and services is

a necessity for global brands and corporations. The author notes that global corporations should

not only adopt global standards of marketing strategies but should consider all aspects of

cultural, political, and economic aspects of countries where the corporations exist. Marketers

play a critical part in the glocalization strategy (Sutikno and Cheng, 2012). The authors
acknowledge that to meet consumer needs, marketers must consider the integration of cultural

particularities in the corporate philosophy to make the brands go global and glocal. The

consumers are an essential aspect of glocalization strategy since they want brands, which are

both global and local to be able to feel like apart of international community-global as well as

local to be able to connect to their culture (Grigorescu and Zaif, 2017). Furthermore. Grigorescu

and Zaif (2017) opine that consumers must be able to feel and respect their cultural preferences

as presented in global brands.

Levels of glocalization strategy

Glocalization can either understood in a two or three-level system depending on the

brand (Dumitrescu and Vinerean, 2010). The two-level system means the creation of products

or services for the global market that adapts to the local cultures. According to Robertson (2018),

the essentialities polarities between local and global should be rejected. Robertson believes that

the local identities were invented and nurtured contractually. The interaction, trends, and

comparison in the glocalization strategy entail interplay of trans-local interactions through local

and global forces (Svensson, 2001). Svensson (2001) argues that local is shaped by the global

making the opposite also true. The second system is the three-level system of glocalization that

contains subnational, supranational, and national levels (Torres, 2002). The contemporary

political system fundamentally shapes the national sovereignty norms that in turn influence

international political spheres. Khondker (2004) argues that glocalization points tend to increase

in transnational interaction in the context of subnational entities as well as supranational entities,

hence, circumventing the national level strategies. Furthermore, the author opines that

subnational political entities like provinces, states, and cities involve themselves in international

activities, therefore, essential for defining the glocalization strategy.

Communication strategy

Communication is an important aspect of a glocalization strategy (Roudometof, 2016).

According to Svensson (2001), corporate sites undertake glocalization strategies through the

creation of web sites through a depiction of cultural values in their brands. The communication

strategy in glocalization through high context, uncertainty avoidance, collectivism and power

distance in communication play a critical context in the development of the strategy (Robertson,

2018). Integration of communication aspects of the theory of glocalization strategy based on the

underlying cultural values as well as cyberspace. Khondker (2004) confirms that high-speed

systems of communication facilities for easy access to corporate facilities or the establishment of

international brands around the globe. The author argues that regions hosting multinational firms

must be able to have infrastructural reliability. Robertson (2018) notes that glocalization is

characterized by the internationalization of multinational brands. The global products and

services necessitate global corporations to undergo glocalization strategies (Torres, 2002).

Robertson (2018) affirm that consumer need brands to be both global and local regarding culture

and personal preferences.


Svensson, G. (2001). “Glocalization” of business activities: a “glocal strategy”

approach. Management decision.

Torres, O. (2002). Small firm, glocalization strategy, and proximity. Research in

Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 16, 1-12.

Roudometof, V. (2016). Glocalization: A critical introduction. Routledge.

Shamsuddoha, M. (2008). Globalization to glocalization: A conceptual analysis.

Robertson, R. (2018). Glocalization. The International Encyclopedia of Anthropology, 1-8.

Khondker, H. H. (2004). Glocalization as globalization: Evolution of a sociological

concept. Bangladesh e-journal of Sociology, 1(2), 1-9.

Sutikno, B., & Cheng, J. M. S. (2012). How global companies communicate in the host country:

a glocalization strategy in webspace. Asian Journal of Communication, 22(1), 58-77.

Roudometof, V. (2016). Theorizing glocalization: Three interpretations1. European Journal of

Social Theory, 19(3), 391-408.

Grigorescu, A., & Zaif, A. (2017). The concept of glocalization and its incorporation in global

brands’ marketing strategies. International Journal of Business and Management

Invention, 6(1), 70-74.

Dumitrescu, L., & Vinerean, S. (2010). The glocal strategy of global brands. Studies in Business

and Economics, 5(3), 147-155.

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