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Böyük summativ qiymətləndirmə №1 İngilis dili VII sinif

Ad_______________ Soyad_______________ Tarix_________

1. Choose the correct variant
Americans celebrate “......” on July 4
A) İndependence Day B) Flaq day C) Thanksgiving Day D) Army Day
2. Сhoose the correct variant.
The National Salvation Day entered the history of Azerbaijan on .....
A)July 4,1991 B)June 15,1993 C)18 October 1993
3.Read and find which suffix is suitable for these words?
Value, enjoy, confort, forget
A)able B)ous C)ful D)less
4.Complete the sentence.
Children sing songs,dance,show performances and get presents on ....
A)New Year`s Day B)Children`s Day C)Mother`s Day
5.Find the correct variant.
Our National Flag`s total area is .... with a weight of about .....
A)2.450sq meters,350kg B)3.450sq meters,250 kg C)2.350 sq,250 kg
6.Choose the correct adjective.
In India children wear ..... to school on their birthday.
A)colorful B)white C)colourless D)pink
7.Choose correct variant.
The family decorates the birtday child`s chair with flowers,paper steamers and balloons in ...
A)India B)Netherlands C)Azerbaijan D)Denmark
8.When girls are 15,they have a huge birthday party in…..
A)Azerbaijan B)Denmark C)Argentina D)Columbia
9.The people hang … outside a window when they have a birthday parties in Denmark.
A) a flag B)a gift C)a flower D)a doll
10.Write a quote:”How do you celebrate your birthday?”
11.Complete the sentence.
In the late twentieth century tea came ...
A) To Japan from China B) to China from Japan C) from Britain to Japan
12.Choose the correct words.
The best advice of Americans is: “To relax, ... and ... yourself”
A) enjoy, improve B) smile, enjoy C) work, rest
13. Choose the correct conjunction.
My sister likes playing the piano, ... my brother likes playing the violin.
A) and B) that C) but D) because
14.Complete the proverb.
One for all and ... .
A) all for all B) all for one C) one for one D) one for all
15.Choose the correct modals.
You ….interrupt people while working.
A) can B) must C) mustn’t D) haven’t to

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