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Isaerah Marie R.

Aransazo Euthenics 1
BSIT101-A Mr. Bryan Chester Cruz

React to the quote below:

“Life is all about choices. Choices define us, sculpt us. What will your choices say about you?”
-  Sheena Hutchinson, DiscoveringApril


I believe in this quote of Sheena Hutchinson that “Life is all about

choices. Choices define us, sculpt us.” Because we need to make
choices or decisions in our lives, it varies from person to person with
this our choices and decisions in life will define our future and will
develop ourselves. Indeed, if we choose to do wrong things more than
the right ones, this choice determines if we are a good or bad person. In
same way, our choices which turns into our decisions will affect the
path we are taking in. It determines our character. It reflects our
principles, goals, and aspirations. With this we can decide for ourselves.
Only us can choose what kind of life we want to live. Making choices is
hard because we need to think carefully because if we don’t think it
carefully, we might regret our choice that we made. For example, when
choosing a college course, we need to think carefully because it is our
way for our better future, when we choose a college course, we need
to think of the things we really want to do because if we didn’t choose
it, you will regret it in the end so let’s be careful in choosing.
Here are other examples of the things we need to make choices or
decisions in life:

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