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Technical Reference

Version 10.05 - July 2011

Production & Playout Server

XT2+ Series DISK RECORDER - Version 10.05 - Hardware Technical Reference Manual Issue
EVS Broadcast Equipment SA – July 2011 10.05.A

EVS Br oadca st E quip men t – Co pyri ght © 20 10-1 1. All r ight s res erve d.

The inf ormat ion i n thi s m anual i s fur nish ed for inf ormati onal use on ly an d subjec t
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XT2+ Series DISK RECORDER - Version 10.05 - Hardware Technical Reference Manual Issue
EVS Broadcast Equipment SA – July 2011 10.05.A

Table of Contents
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................. III
WHAT’S NEW? .............................................................................................................. VI
1. OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................. 1
1.1 XT2+ HIGH-RESOLUTION SERVER ..........................................................................................1
1.2 XT2+ PROXY SERVER ...............................................................................................................2
1.3 UNPACKING ................................................................................................................................2
1.4 DIMENSIONS ..............................................................................................................................2
1.4.1 Video Disk Recorder Main Frame 19 Inches ...........................................................................2
1.4.2 SAS-HDX ................................................................................................................................4
1.4.3 Remote Control Panel .............................................................................................................5
1.4.4 10” Touch Screen Video Monitor.............................................................................................5
1.4.5 18” Touch Screen Video Monitor.............................................................................................5
1.4.6 Keyboard.................................................................................................................................6
1.4.7 Tablet ......................................................................................................................................6
1.5 INSTALLATION............................................................................................................................6
1.6 SAFETY, COMPLIANCE AND OPERATING CONDITIONS ........................................................6
1.6.1 Safety ......................................................................................................................................6
1.6.2 EMC Standards.......................................................................................................................7
1.6.3 EMC Warning ..........................................................................................................................8
1.6.4 CE Marking .............................................................................................................................8
1.6.5 Power Supply ..........................................................................................................................9
Environmental Conditions .......................................................................................................................................9
Secondary Power Supply .......................................................................................................................................9
Grounding ..............................................................................................................................................................9
1.7 VENTILATION & RACK MOUNTING .........................................................................................10
1.8 XT2+ SERVER MAIN SPECIFICATIONS ..................................................................................10
1.8.1 Video .....................................................................................................................................10
1.8.2 Audio .....................................................................................................................................11
1.8.3 Video Codecs & Bitrates .......................................................................................................11
Supported Codecs................................................................................................................................................11
Target Bitrate Range and Default Values .............................................................................................................12
Content Transfer Encoding and File Header ......................................................................................................... 12
1.8.4 Recording Capacity for XT2+ Servers ...................................................................................13
1.8.5 Supported SMPTE Standards ...............................................................................................18
1.8.6 Maximum Bitrate values ........................................................................................................18
1.8.7 AVID DNxHD ® and APPLE ProRes 422..............................................................................19
Introduction ..........................................................................................................................................................19
Video Bitrate Compatibility with Avid and Apple Products .....................................................................................19
Choices of Bitrates when Using Avid DNxHD® or Apple ProRes 422 with EVS XT2+ Servers ............................. 20
Important Recommendations................................................................................................................................24
1.8.8 Raid level: 3 ..........................................................................................................................24
1.8.9 Interpolation ..........................................................................................................................24
2-line Interpolator .................................................................................................................................................25
4-line Interpolator .................................................................................................................................................25

2. CABLING .............................................................................................................. 26
2.1 XT2+ REAR PANEL ...................................................................................................................26
2.1.1 XT2+ with COHX Board ........................................................................................................26

Issue XT2+ Series DISK RECORDER – Version 10.05 - Hardware Technical Reference
10.05.A EVS Broadcast Equipment SA – July 2011

2.1.2 XT2 with V3X Board ..............................................................................................................27

2.2 GPI IN CONNECTIONS .............................................................................................................28
2.2.1 Relay  Opto Inputs on the XT2+ Server (GPI Inputs 1, 2, 3, 4) .........................................28
2.2.2 Relay  TTL Inputs on the XT2+ Server (GPI Inputs 5, 6, 7, 8) ..........................................28
2.2.3 TTL  TTL Inputs on the XT2+ Server (GPI Input 5, 6, 7, 8) ...............................................29
2.3 GPI OUT SETTINGS..................................................................................................................29
2.4 MTPC GPIO CONNECTOR 15/10/02 ........................................................................................30
2.4.1 GPIO Connector: SUB-D 25-pins Male .................................................................................30
2.4.2 GPIO Hardware Specification ...............................................................................................30
2.5 RS422 CONNECTOR ................................................................................................................31
2.6 AUDIO CONFIGURATIONS ......................................................................................................32
2.6.1 CODA FOR XT2+ .................................................................................................................32
2.6.2 PIN ASSIGNMENT ON SUB-DB15 CONNECTORS ............................................................32
2.7 CONNECTING MULTIPLE EVS VIDEO SERVERS ON XNET..................................................33
2.7.1 Connection Diagram without EVS XHub SDTI HUB .............................................................34
2.7.2 Connection Diagram with EVS XHub SDTI HUB ..................................................................35
2.7.3 Required Conditions to Set up and Run XNet .......................................................................36
2.7.4 Starting XNet.........................................................................................................................37
2.7.5 XNet Performances & Troubleshooting .................................................................................37
2.8 GIGABIT NETWORK .................................................................................................................39
2.8.1 Functional Overview..............................................................................................................39
2.8.2 Backup of Clips .....................................................................................................................40
2.8.3 Restore of Clips.....................................................................................................................41
2.8.4 Important Rules.....................................................................................................................42
2.8.5 Switches................................................................................................................................42
Supported Switches .............................................................................................................................................42
Comparison ..........................................................................................................................................................43
Additional Information ...........................................................................................................................................43
2.9 REDUNDANT IPDP SERIAL LINK .............................................................................................44
3. HARDWARE DESCRIPTION................................................................................ 45
3.1 BOARDS AND SLOT CONFIGURATIONS ................................................................................45
3.1.1 Slot Configuration with COHX Boards...................................................................................45
3.1.2 Slot Configuration with V3X Boards ......................................................................................46
3.2 VIDEO AND REFERENCE BOARDS ........................................................................................46
3.2.1 COHX Boards .......................................................................................................................46
Description ...........................................................................................................................................................46
Block Diagram ......................................................................................................................................................47
Jumpers on the COHX Base Module ....................................................................................................................47
Leds on the COHX Base Module with Genlock .....................................................................................................48
Leds on the COD A and COD B Modules (from Left to Right) ............................................................................... 48
Connectors on the COD A and COD B Modules ................................................................................................... 49
Layout of Connector Positions and Assignments .................................................................................................. 50
3.2.2 V3X Board “Dual Power” .......................................................................................................52
Description ...........................................................................................................................................................52
Block Diagram ......................................................................................................................................................53
Jumpers on the COHX Base of a V3X Board ........................................................................................................ 53
LEDs on the COHX Base of a V3X Board with Genlock .......................................................................................54
LEDs on the V3X COD A and COD B Modules (From Left to Right) ..................................................................... 54
General Connectivity on the V3X COD A and COD B Modules............................................................................. 55
Connectivity on the V3X COD A and COD B Modules for 3D and 1080p Dual Link .............................................. 59
Connectivity on the V3X Boards COD A and COD B Modules for 3D and 1080p in Single-Link 3G-SDI ............... 61
3.2.3 Channel Assignment .............................................................................................................63
3.3 AUDIO CODEC BOARD ............................................................................................................65
LED Information and Connector ...........................................................................................................................65
3.4 RAID CONTROLLER BOARDS .................................................................................................66
3.4.1 HCTX Board..........................................................................................................................66

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EVS Broadcast Equipment SA – July 2011 10.05.A

Jumpers ...............................................................................................................................................................67
LEDs ....................................................................................................................................................................67
Connectors ...........................................................................................................................................................68
Gigabit Connectors...............................................................................................................................................68
3.4.2 RCTL Board on SAS Disk Array (with HCTX) .......................................................................69
LEDs on Internal Array .........................................................................................................................................71
3.4.3 External RAID Array SAS-HDX for XT2+ Server...................................................................72
LEDS on External Array .......................................................................................................................................72
Sound Alert on External Array .............................................................................................................................. 72
Disk Insertion and Removal .................................................................................................................................. 73
3.5 MTPC BOARD ...........................................................................................................................74
3.5.1 Introduction ...........................................................................................................................74
3.5.2 A2/A4 Board..........................................................................................................................75
Multiviewer ...........................................................................................................................................................75
LED Information ...................................................................................................................................................76
Board Configuration .............................................................................................................................................76
3.5.3 Memory Hole Activation ........................................................................................................77

Issue XT2+ Series DISK RECORDER – Version 10.05 - Hardware Technical Reference
10.05.A EVS Broadcast Equipment SA – July 2011

What’s New?
The ch ange s li nked to ne w feat ures in vers ion 10. 05 are lis ted in the tabl e below .
Click the sect ion numb er in th e ta ble to jump dire c tly t o th e co rres pond ing s ectio n.

In the user manu al, the icon has b een a dded o n left marg in t o hig hlig h t
inform atio n on new and u pdated fe atur es.


Subjec t

2.7 XNet2 SDTI netw ork no l onger oper ates at 540 Mb ps

(only 1.5 Gbps )

XT2+ Series DISK RECORDER - Version 10.04 - Hardware Technical Reference Manual Issue
EVS Broadcast Equipment SA – January 2011 10.04.D

1. Overview
Welcome in t he EVS ra nge of prod ucts and t ha nk you for u sing an EV S XT2+
server . We wil l do ou r best to s atis fy your vid e o pro duct ion need s an d we loo k
forwar d to con tinu ing wor king w ith you.

The EVS XT2+ s erve rs a re ful l dig ital in PA L (62 5i), NT SC (52 5i), 720p , 1080p or
1080i stan dard s. Th ese multi- chan nel, dis k-bas e d vide o se rvers are ide al for a
wide rang e of broa dcast applica tion s, from sp ort s and live pro duct ion to playou t
and t ransm issi on.
XT2+ se rvers work w ith SAS dis ks: t hey ar e equ i pped wi th in tern al SAS di sk arra y
and/or can be conn ecte d to a SAS-HD X ex tern al S AS dis k ar ray.


The X T2+ serv er is typi cally use d a s a hi gh-r es oluti on serve r w ith var io us th ird
party c ontr olle rs, ap plic ation s and au toma tion system s usin g indu stry - standa rd
protoc ols such as Sony BVW75, VDCP, Ode tics , DD35, or EVS’ AVSP , EditRe c,
LinX A PI. XT2+ ser ies se rvers can also be cont roll ed by EVS appl icat ions :
Live Sl ow Mot ion ( LS M) for s port s pro duct io n, inc ludi ng re play s, hi ghlig hts
editi ng, and anal ysis too ls li ke Sp lit Scre en t o c ompare 2 sy nchr oniz ed actio ns
side by s ide, Tar get Tr acking an d Pa inti ng t o highl ight a p arti cula r d etail or
provid e t acti cal expl anat i ons.
IPDire ctor: a su ite o f Windows sof tware ap plica tion s des igne d to manage
networ ked EV S vid eo se r vers. I ts a ppli cati ons ma ke it p ossib le t o con trol multip le
channe ls wi thin the XN et netw ork, as wel l as to log a n eve nt, t o cre ate and
manage clip s and pla y-li s ts wit h adv ance d fun ctio n s, amon g ot hers to ex tra ct cli ps
from a VTR. It als o pr ovi des ex tens ive dat abase s earch fea tures .

Issue XT2+ Series DISK RECORDER – Version 10.05 - Hardware Technical Reference
10.05.A EVS Broadcast Equipment SA – July 2011


A low-r esol utio n op tion c an be s et u p to use the XT2+ s erve r as a pro xy serve r
only. T he Prox y serv ers can be ru n on lar ge pro d uctio n even ts as th e cou nterpa rts
of th e h igh- reso luti on s e rvers. In th is c ase, th ey need to be i nclu ded in a n XNet
networ k di stin ct f rom the high-r esol utio n XN et n et work.
The XT2 + pr oxy s erver s are us ed fo r br owsin g pu rposes and can be co ntr olled by
IPDire ctor or EVS’ own A PI (AV SP) p roto cols .

Upon rece ipt o f the equ i pment ex amine p acki ng for obvi ous si gns of d a mage. If
damage d, do no t unpac k and infor m the car rier i mmedia tely . Check t hank s to the
includ ed p acki ng l ist if al l the item s ar e pr esen t a nd if the y sh ow an y mec hanica l
damage . If y es, r epor t d amage o r the m issi ng p arts to EVS or thei r app ropria te
repres enta tive .



Rack mo unt 6U.
Weight :
• with 6 HDD: 35 kg / 77 .2 lb
• with 1 2 HDD : 37 kg / 8 1. 6 lb
The fo llow ing draw ings pr ovide the var ious dime nsi ons, in mm , of the XT2 + server .

XT2+ Series DISK RECORDER - Version 10.05 - Hardware Technical Reference Manual Issue
EVS Broadcast Equipment SA – July 2011 10.05.A

Issue XT2+ Series DISK RECORDER – Version 10.05 - Hardware Technical Reference
10.05.A EVS Broadcast Equipment SA – July 2011

1.4.2 SAS-HDX
The fo llow ing drawi ngs provid e th e va riou s dim e nsions , in mm, of t he S AS-HDX
extern al array .

For more inf ormat ion o n the SAS -HDX, refe r to s e ction 3.4. 3 “Ex tern al RAI D Array
SAS-HDX for XT2+ Ser ve r ”, on pa ge 7 2.

XT2+ Series DISK RECORDER - Version 10.05 - Hardware Technical Reference Manual Issue
EVS Broadcast Equipment SA – July 2011 10.05.A


Weight : 2. 9 Kg / 6.3 Lbs.


Weight : 3. 6 Kg / 7.8 Lbs.


Weight : 11 .0 K g / 23. 9 Lb s.

Issue XT2+ Series DISK RECORDER – Version 10.05 - Hardware Technical Reference
10.05.A EVS Broadcast Equipment SA – July 2011

Weight : 0. 4 Kg / 0.9 Lbs.

1.4.7 TABLET
Weight : 0. 3 Kg / 6.6 Lbs. Ref: Wacom® CTF-430 Bamboo One

Before tu rnin g o n t he p o wer, open th e fr ont doo r of Vide o d isk reco rder unit to
check if a ll boa rds fi t in to thei r guide s. If a b oa rd is out of i ts gui des, remove
carefu lly the boa rd a nd r eplace it in the same slo t .



1.6.1 SAFETY
This equi pment ha s be e n des igne d a nd t este d t o mee t th e r equi remen ts of the
follow ing:

EN 609 50 Europe an Safety of inf ormat ion tec hnolog y eq uipm ent incl ud ing
busine ss e quip ment .

IEC 95 0 Inter na- Safety of inf ormat ion tec hnolog y eq uipm ent incl ud ing
tiona l busine ss e quip ment .

In ad diti on, this equ ipme nt ha s be en d esig ned to meet t he foll owing :

UL 195 0 - USA USA Safety of inf ormat ion tec hnolog y eq uipm ent incl ud ing
busine ss e quip ment

XT2+ Series DISK RECORDER - Version 10.05 - Hardware Technical Reference Manual Issue
EVS Broadcast Equipment SA – July 2011 10.05.A


EN 550 22 Europe an Emissi on S tand ard

EN 610 00-3- 2 Europe an Electr omag neti c Com pati bilit y (EMC ) Pa rt 3 (Li mit s);
Sectio n2 ; lim its for harm onic c urre nt e miss ions
(equip ment inp ut c urre nt <16A p er p hase )

EN 610 00-3- 3 Europe an Europe an E lect romag neti c Compa tib ilit y (EM C) Pa rt
3 (Lim its) , Se ctio n 3; lim i tatio n of vol tage fl uctu ati on
and f lick er i n low -vol tage supp ly sy stem s fo r
equipm ent with rat ed c urr ent o f 16 A.

EN 610 00-4- 3 Europe an Europe an E lect romag neti c Compa tib ilit y (EM C) Pa rt
4 (Lim its) , Se ctio n 3; Tes ting and m easu remen t
techn iques - R adia ted, ra dio-Fr eque ncy,
electr omag neti c fi eld imm unity tes t.

EN 610 00-4- 4 Europe an Europe an E lect romag neti c Compa tib ilit y (EM C) Pa rt
4 (Lim its) , Se ctio n 4; Tes ting and m easu remen t
techn iques - E lect rica l f a st tr ansi ent/ burs t imm unit y

EN 610 00-4- 5 Europe an Europe an E lect romag neti c Compa tib ilit y (EM C) Pa rt
4 (Lim its) , Se ctio n 5; Tes ting and m easu remen t
techn iques - S urge immu nity test .

EN 610 00-4- 6 Europe an Europe an E lect romag neti c Compa tib ilit y (EM C) Pa rt
4 (Lim its) ; Se ctio n 6 ; Te sting and meas ureme nt
techn iques - Immun ity to conduc ted dis turba nces ,
induce d by rad io-f requ en cy fi elds .

EN 610 00-4- 7 Europe an Europe an E lect romag neti c Compa tib ilit y (EM C) Pa rt
4 (Lim its) , Se ctio n 7; har monics and int erha rmoni c s
measur ement s an d in stru mentat ion, for pow er s up ply
system s an d eq uipme nt c onnect ed there to.

EN 610 00-4- 11 Europe an Europe an E lect romag neti c Compa tib ilit y (EM C) Pa rt
4 (Lim its) ; Se ctio n 11 ; V oltag e di ps, shor t
interr upt ions and vol tage variat ions immu nit y te sts.

EN 500 82-1 Europe an Europe an G ener ic Im mun ity S tand ard – Par t 1 :
Domesti c, commer cial an d lig ht i ndus try
enviro nmen t.

FCC USA Conduc ted and radi ated emissi on l imit s fo r a Clas s A
digit al d evic e, p ursu ant t o the Code of Fede ral
Regula tion s (CF R) Ti tle 4 7 –
Teleco mmuni cati ons, Par t 15: Rad io Fr eque ncy
device s, s ubpa rt B -Uni nt entio nal R adia tors .

Issue XT2+ Series DISK RECORDER – Version 10.05 - Hardware Technical Reference
10.05.A EVS Broadcast Equipment SA – July 2011


Change s or mod ific atio ns not ex pres sly ap pr oved by t he man ufac t urer for
compli ance c ould void the use r's au thor ity t o operat e the e quip men t. This
equipm ent has be en tes ted and fou nd to comp l y with the limi ts for a Class B
digit al de vice , purs uant t o Part 1 5 of t he FCC R ul es. The se li mits are de si gned to
provid e r easo nabl e pr o tecti on agai nst harm ful int erfer ence in a res ident ial
insta llat ion. Th is equ ip ment gen erat es uses a nd can rad iate ra dio fr equenc y
energy and, if no t in stal led and used in ac cord ance wi th th e ins truc tio ns, may
cause har mful in ter fere nce to radi o commun ic ation s. Howev er, the re is no
guaran tee th at int erfe re nce will n ot occ ur in a partic ular i nsta llat ion . If this
equipm ent doe s cause h armful in terf eren ce to ra dio or telev isio n recep tio n, which
can be det ermin ed by tu r ning the e quip ment o ff a nd on, the u ser is e ncour aged to
try t o co rrect th e in terf er ence b y on e or mor e of t he fo llowi ng m easu res:
• Reorie nt o r re loca te t he r eceivi ng a nte nna
• Increa se the s epar atio n b etween the equ ipme nt a n d rece iver
• Connec t the equ ipmen t i nto an out let on a cir cui t differ ent fr om that to w hich
the r eceiv er is co nnec ted
• Consul t th e de aler or an experi ence d ra dio/ TV t ec hnicia n f or h elp

The CE mark ing is a ffix e d to indi cate comp lia nce with t he foll owing dir ect iv es:
• 89/336 //EE C of 3 May 1 989 on the appr oxima tio n of t he la ws of the Me mbers
States to ele ctrom agne tic compa tibi lity .
• 73/23 /EEC of 19 F ebru ary 1 973 on t he harmo nizat ion of the laws of the
Members St ates rel atin g to ele ctri cal equi pme nt de sign ed for use wi thin
certai n vo lta ge l imits .
• 1999/5 /EC of 9 M arch 1999 on ra dio equ ip ment and tel ecomm unic ation s
termin al e quip ment and t he mut ual reco gnit ion of t heir c onf ormit y.

XT2+ Series DISK RECORDER - Version 10.05 - Hardware Technical Reference Manual Issue
EVS Broadcast Equipment SA – July 2011 10.05.A


The XT3 s erve r is f itt ed with two a uto sw itc hing an d hot -swa ppab le power
suppli es.
Connect ion to suppl y: P luggab le eq uipm ent T ype A (EN609 50 §1 .2.5 ): Eq uipmen t
which is inte nded f or co nnect ion to the bu ildi ng power su pply w irin g via a non-
indus tria l p lug and soc k et-ou tlet or a non- indu s trial ap plia nce coup ler or bo th.
Correc t ma ins pol arit y must alway s b e o bser ve d. Do no t u se rever sibl e pow er
plugs with th is e quipm ent .
Class of e quipm ent: Class 1 eq uipm ent (EN 60950 § 1 .2.5 ): ele ctri c shoc k
protec tio n by bas ic i nsul a tion and prot ecti ve e arth .
Rated volta ge: 115 to 2 4 0Vac ( sing le p hase )
Rated frequ ency: 47- 63 Hz
Relate d Cur rent: 8 A (10 0 to 120 Vac range ) 4 A ( 220 t o 24 0 Va c ran ge)
Input conne ctor: CEE2 2 /IEC 3 20 3 -pin mal e re ce ptacl e

Importa nt
The pro tect ive ea rth m u st be co nnec ted t o the ground befo re pow erin g
up th e un it.

Tempera ture : 10 °C t o + 50°C ( 50°F to 122 °F) am bient with fr ee a ir f low
Relati ve h umidi ty: 0% to 90% (non- cond ensi ng)
Cooling requ irem ents: F orced air cool ing air flow from f ront to back
Handlin g/mov ement : De signed fo r fi xed use w hen in o pera tion
Storage and tra nspor tat ion te mpera ture: 0°C to +70°C (32 °F to 15 8°F)
Storage and tra nspor tat ion re lati ve h umidi ty: 0 % to 90% (non- conde nsin g)


The seco ndar y hot- swap p able pow er sup ply s houl d be conne cted to main s t o allow
automa tic powe r swi tchi n g to the seco nd p ower su pply s houl d t he f irst one f ail.

Ensure the d isk r ecor der unit i s pro perly grou nde d at al l tim es to avoi d el ectric al
shock haza rd.

Issue XT2+ Series DISK RECORDER – Version 10.05 - Hardware Technical Reference
10.05.A EVS Broadcast Equipment SA – July 2011


Adequa te ve nti lati on is o bvious ly r equir ed f or op ti mum per forma nce. As a r esult of
this cons idera tio n, e nsur e no othe r eq uipme nt is l ocated cl ose to t he ma inf ram e.

Importa nt
• Remembe r tha t fans are used to air co ol th e equ i pment a nd pro tect it
from o verh eati ng.
• Do not blo ck f ans int akes duri ng o pera tions .
Having reg ard to t he we i ght o f th e XT2 + ch assi s, suppo rt g uide s ar e re qu ired f or
this unit in to the rack m ount. The fro nt ears of t he XT2 + u nit are not des igned to
suppor t i ts f ull weig ht. A pplyin g f ull weig ht o n t h ese mi ght resu lt in b end ing t he
metal plat e.


1.8.1 VIDEO
XT2+ S erve r

Standar d De finit ion High De fini tion

Video Forma ts 525i 59.9 4fps (NTSC ) 720p 5 0/5 9.94 fps
625i 60fp s (PA L) 1080i 50/ 59.9 4fps
1080p 50/ 59.9 4fps (Dua l Link)

Digita l In terf ace 10-bi t 4: 2:2 Seri al 10-bi t 4: 2:2 Seri al

(SMPTE2 59M). (SMPTE2 92M).
Full frame syn chron izer a t Full frame syn chron izer a t
input . input .
Dual o utpu t f or PL AY Dual o utpu t f or PL AY
channe ls. channe ls.

Number of 2, 4 or 6 cha nnel s, 2, 4 or 6 cha nnel s,

channe ls revers ible REC/ PLAY revers ible REC/ PLAY

Monitor ing & Down - 1 CVBS or S DI ( soft ware 1 bui lt-i n dow n-co nver ter per
conver ters select ) pe r ch anne l, w ith OSD channe l, C VBS or SD I ou tput
(softw are sele ct) w ith OS D +
addit iona l cl ean SDI o utp ut.
1 ded icat ed HD SDI outp ut
with O SD pe r ch anne l

Referen ce Analog ue B lack Bur st Analog ue B lack Bur st a n d HD

Tri-Le vel Sync

Graphi cs Bo ard n.a. n.a.

XT2+ Series DISK RECORDER - Version 10.05 - Hardware Technical Reference Manual Issue
EVS Broadcast Equipment SA – July 2011 10.05.A

1.8.2 AUDIO
• up to 8+8 ana logu e ba lan ced i nput & o utpu t ch ann els
• up to 16+ 16 ( 8 pa irs + 8 pairs) AES /EBU or Do lby E inpu t & out put chan nel s
• up to 64 chan nels embe d ded au dio (16 aud io p er v ideo)
• 4 add itio nal anal ogue bal anced outp ut chan nels fo r moni tori ng
• all a udio con nect ors on mainfr ame

Audio Processing
• uncomp resse d au dio
• 24 bi t pr ocess ing and sto rage
• sample rat e co nver ter fro m 25-5 5 kHz to 48KH z
• audio scru b
• audio mix


The EV S XT2 + se rver us es an int ra-f rame vide o e ncodin g t echn ique .
The XT 2+ s erver sup port s nat ivel y th e fo llow ing vi deo co decs :

Codec SD HD Code Pr otec tion

M-JPEG √ √ No

DVCPro 50 √ - Code 9

IMX √ - No

Intra- fram e MPE G-2 - √ No

Avid DN xHD® - √ Code 5

Apple ProRe s 42 2 - √ Code 6

Apple ProRe s 42 2 HQ - √ Code 6

Apple ProRe s 42 2 LT - √ Code 6

DVCPro H D - √ Code 8

AVC-In tra 100 - √ Code 1 3

Issue XT2+ Series DISK RECORDER – Version 10.05 - Hardware Technical Reference
10.05.A EVS Broadcast Equipment SA – July 2011


The ta rget bi trat e of the encode d vi deo stre am c a n be set by t he u ser wit hin t he
accept ed ran ge: 8 to 1 0 0Mbps fo r stand ard de fi nitio n, 40 to 25 0Mbp s f or high
defin itio n wit h the exce p tion o f App le Pr oRes, Av id DNxHD® and D VCPro codecs
workin g wi th d efin ed b itr ates.
The de faul t va lues are M-JPEG 30Mb ps f or s tandar d de fini tio n and M-JPEG
100Mbp s fo r hi gh d efin iti on.
The code- prot ecte d code cs are sole ly avai labl e when the co rresp ondi ng code is
valid .


Up to Mul ticam 10. 01, all code cs u sed in the EVS Vide o se rvers wer e en c oding in
8-bit . From M ulti cam 10 . 03, it is pos sibl e to p erfo rm the en codi ng pr oces s in 8-bi t
or 10 bit and to writ e a 1 0-bit fil e on sel ecte d co d ecs.
The fo llow ing tabl e su mm arizes the pro pose d co nfi gurat ions in the XT2+:

Encodin g File H eade r

DNxHD 12 0/1 45 8-bit 8-bit

DNxHD 18 5/2 20 8-bit 8-bit

DNxHD 18 5x 10-bi t 10-bi t

DNxHD 22 0x

ProRes 120 /145 8-bit 10-bi t

ProRes 185 /220 8-bit or 10-b it 10-bi t

DVCPro H D 8-bit 8-bit

M-JPEG 8-bit 8-bit

MPEG 8-bit 8-bit

AVC-Int ra 1 00 10-bi t 10-bi t

When e ncod ing in 10 - bit, it i s no t po ssib le to u se t he gr aphi c
funct iona lity : Pa int, Tar g et, L ogo Inse rtio n an d ma nual offs ide line .

XT2+ Series DISK RECORDER - Version 10.05 - Hardware Technical Reference Manual Issue
EVS Broadcast Equipment SA – July 2011 10.05.A


The foll owing t able s sho w the recor ding ca paci ty , in hours , for 1 reco rd channe l
(i.e. 1 vid eo + 4 stere o a udio tra cks in SD; 1 vid e o + 8 stereo aud io trac ks in HD)
with ar rays o f 300 GB d isks com pare d wit h the diffe rent v ideo bitr ates . These
table s ar e va lid w ith the “Operat iona l Di sk S ize ” pa ramete r se t to 100%.
Config urat ions in nor mal char acte rs a re the reco mmended on es w itho ut h ot sp are
Config urat ions in bold ch aracte rs a re t he r ecomm e nded o nes with hot spa re disks .
The di sk s tora ge c an b e as fo llows , wi th a to tal of up t o 84 dis ks:
• inter nal stor age only : 6 o r 12 x 30 0GB S AS d isks .
• extern al stor age only : u p to 4 a rray s wi th 24 x 300 GB SAS disks , w it h or
withou t sp are disk s
• both inte rnal and ext erna l sto rage .

Issue XT2+ Series DISK RECORDER – Version 10.05 - Hardware Technical Reference
10.05.A EVS Broadcast Equipment SA – July 2011

Recording Capacity in hours for 5 disks (4+1) RAID configuration – 50Hz

XT2+ Series DISK RECORDER - Version 10.05 - Hardware Technical Reference Manual Issue
EVS Broadcast Equipment SA – July 2011 10.05.A

Recording Capacity in hours for 6 disk (5+1) RAID configuration – 50Hz

Issue XT2+ Series DISK RECORDER – Version 10.05 - Hardware Technical Reference
10.05.A EVS Broadcast Equipment SA – July 2011

Recording Capacity in hours for 5 disk (4+1) RAID configuration – 59.94Hz

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Recording Capacity in hours for 6 disk (5+1) RAID configuration – 59.94Hz

Issue XT2+ Series DISK RECORDER – Version 10.05 - Hardware Technical Reference
10.05.A EVS Broadcast Equipment SA – July 2011


The fo llow ing stan dard s are su ppor ted:

SD SDI S M PT E 2 59 M ( 5 2 5 i 59 .9 4H z; 6 25 i
50 H z)

HD SDI S M PT E 2 92 M ( 7 2 0p 5 0 a nd 5 9 .9 4H z;
10 8 0 i 50 an d 5 9. 9 4H z)

Em be dd e d a ud i o HD S M PT E 2 99 M

A E S/ E B U au d i o S M PT E 2 72 M

LT C S M PT E 1 2M

D- VIT C S M PT E 2 66 M

A nc i l l ar y T C in H D RP 18 8

V er t ic a l A nc il l ar y D at a S M PT E 3 34 M

VC - 3 S M PT E 2 01 9- 1

IMX D- 1 0 S M PT E 3 56 M

10 8 0p 50 a n d 5 9. 9 4H z S M PT E 3 72 M

Mappin g of Aud io M etad a ta SMPTE 2 020

into Vert ical Anci llar y da t a


These ma ximum v alue s a re vali d for XT 2+ se rvers runnin g Mult icam v ersi o n 10.03
or hi gher . The y gu aran t ee a smoot h pl ay and a brow se a t 10 0% spee d on all
channe ls s imul tane ousl y.

4ch 4ch 4ch

2 ch 4 ch (3D) (1080p ) (3D SLS M 3x ) 6 ch

PAL 100 100 N/A N/A N/A 100

NTSC 100 100 N/A N/A N/A 100

PAL 225 225 110 110 100 160

NTSC 250 250 110 110 100 160

PAL 225 225 110 110 100 160

NTSC 250 250 110 110 100 160

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EVS Broadcast Equipment SA – July 2011 10.05.A

4ch 4ch 4ch

2 ch 4 ch (3D) (1080p ) (3D SLS M 3x ) 6 ch

PAL 185 185 100 100 100 120

NTSC 220 220 100 100 100 145

Apple PAL 185 185 85 85 85 120

422 NTSC 220 220 102 102 102 145

PAL 50 50 N/A N/A N/A 50

NTSC 50 50 N/A N/A N/A 50

PAL 100 100 100 100 100 100

NTSC 100 100 100 100 100 100

PAL 111 111 110 110 N/A 111

AVC-Int ra
NTSC 111 111 110 110 N/A 111


EVS XT2 + ser vers fea tur e a na tive impl emen tati o n of t he A vid DN xHD® an d Appl e
ProRes 4 22 hi gh de fini ti on vide o cod ecs. T his e n ables n ativ e aud io an d vi deo fil e
trans fers i n eith er di rect i on betwe en th e EVS XT 2+ serv ers, a nd Avi d an d Apple
post-p rodu ctio n tool s in High Defi niti on. Th is d ocumen t expl ains t he i mpact of
using A vid DN xHD® a nd Apple P roRes code cs on XT2+ serve rs, o n th e XNet2
SDTI n etwor k an d on th e XFil e2 o r XF2 in term s of s tora ge c apac ity, n umber of
usable vid eo c hann els an d netw ork tran sfer s.
For detai ls on how to se tup a direc t conne ctio n between an HD XT2 + serv er and
an Avi d or A pple server , pl ease refe r to th e spe cifi c d ocumen ts
(EVS_Av idTM_ int egra tion _v3.01 or EVS_ Appl e_in t egrat ion_v .3. 01).


Avid DN xHD® is s tand ar dized at spec ific bit rate s accord ing to 2 pro fil es:
1. Standa rd p rofi le: 120M bp s in “PAL ” (50H z) a nd 1 4 5Mbps in “N TSC ” (59. 94H z)
2. High L evel pro file : 1 85Mb ps in “PAL ” (5 0Hz) and 2 20Mbps in “NTSC ” (59 .94 Hz)
Althou gh Avid DNxHD ® is st anda rdiz ed a t t he s pecif ic b itra tes ment ione d her e
above, Avid prod ucts c a n seaml essly read D Nx HD® file s and stre ams at oth er
bitra tes. DNxH D® pict ur es at other bi trat es than those defi ned by the 2 officia l
Avid p rofi les can also be referr ed t o as “VC -3 ” as defin ed i n SMP TE 10 19.

Issue XT2+ Series DISK RECORDER – Version 10.05 - Hardware Technical Reference
10.05.A EVS Broadcast Equipment SA – July 2011

To allow user s to de ter mine th e best bala nce betwee n pic ture q uali ty, storag e
capaci ty, num ber of vid eo ch anne ls per serv er, and net work spe ed, EV S XT2 +
server s can g ener ate A vi d DNxHD® f iles and s tre ams at a ny giv en bi trat e betwee n
20Mbps and 22 0Mbps . T h ese f iles an d s tream s sh o uld r emain com pat ible wit h Avi d
produc tion to ols.
Apple P roRes 422 is als o sta ndard ized at spec ifi c bit rate s ac cordi ng to 3 profi les:
1. Apple ProRe s 42 2 (a lso somet imes refe rred to as App le P roRes 422 S Q):
120Mbp s i n “P AL ” (50Hz) and 14 5Mbp s in “NTSC ” (5 9.94 Hz)

2. Apple ProR es 422 HQ: 185Mbp s i n “P AL ” (50H z) an d 2 20Mbp s i n “N T SC ”

(59.94 Hz)
3. Apple P roRes 422 L T: 85Mbps in “PA L ” (5 0Hz ) and 10 2Mbp s in “N T SC ”
(59.94 Hz)
Apple ProRe s 42 2 on EV S XT2+ ser vers is only a vailab le at t hese bit rate s.



How to Read the Following Tables?

1. Video Bi trat e: va lue s et by the u ser i n the adva nced pa rame ters w indow of
the XT 2+ s erve r
2. Fields /Blo ck: numbe r o f vide o f ield s th at can be stor ed i n o ne d isk blo c k of
8MB, t akin g in to a ccou nt 8 aud io t racks .
3. Actual Bandw idth : th is is th e ac tual dis k/ne twor k band widt h th at i s re qui red
for the rea l time rec ord or real time pla yback of one vide o stream a n d its
associ ated aud io track s.
4. Max. RT C hanne ls: t his is the m axim um num ber of vid eo ch anne ls (re al t ime
record or rea l time play back) t hat on e XT2+ ser ver can s uppo rt fo r a gi ven
frame rat e an d b itra te. S ince an XT2+ ser ver can have a maxim um of 6 lo cal
video chan nels , an y val u e high er t han 6 mea ns th at the se a ddit iona l re al t i me
access can be used ove r the XN et2 SDTI netw ork.
For mi xed conf igur atio n with s tand ard and supe r motion cha nnel s on the s ame
server , th e f ollow ing rule must b e us ed t o en sure t hat t he s etti ngs do n ot
exceed the max imum ban dwidth of the serv er : (n b r of stan dard cha nnels x
their act ual bandw idth ) + (nbr o f su per moti on c ha nnels x t heir act ual
bandwi dth) mus t be lowe r than or equa l to 205 MB/ s.
Exampl e: Ca n I run an X T2+ se rver wit h 2 recor ds (1 s uper moti on + 1
standa rd) + 2 play (1 sup er mot ion + 1 stan dard ) i n Avid DNxHD ® wi th a vi deo
bitra te o f 10 0Mbps in “PA L ” ?
Calcul ation : 1 stan dard r ec/pl ay a t 10 0Mbps use s 13.3 M B/s ; 1 supe r mo ti on
record /pla y at 100 Mbps u ses 40 .0 M B/s; 2 x 13. 3 + 2 x 40.0 = 1 26.6 MB/ s.
Conclus ion: thi s co nfig u ratio n is sup port ed.
5. Network tra nsfer s: t he maximum ban dwidt h ov er the X Net2 SDTI net wor k is
approx imat ely 11 0 MB/s. To determi ne the n umb er of real t ime tr ansf ers that
can occ ur sim ulta neous ly over the netw ork, t his n u mber mus t be di vide d by the
actua l ba ndwid th g iven in the tabl e fo r a sele cted bitra te.
Exampl e: How man y re al time tran sfer s ca n I do o ver an XNe t2 SD TI n etwo rk
(set at 1 485Mb ps) if I wo rk wit h Ap ple ProRe s 42 2 at 1 45Mbp s in “NTS C ” ?

XT2+ Series DISK RECORDER - Version 10.05 - Hardware Technical Reference Manual Issue
EVS Broadcast Equipment SA – July 2011 10.05.A

Calcul ation :
Maximum SDTI ban dwid t h / A ctua l Ba ndwid th = re al tim e t rans fers:
110MB/ s / 18.4 MB/s = 6 r eal t ime trans fers .
Note: T his numb er i s th e maximum tha t th e ne twor k conn ecti on c an s uppo rt .
Of cou rse it is a lso nece s sary t hat the XT2+ whe re the m ater ial is stor ed h a s
enough loc al disk band wi dth t o fe ed t he n etwo rk a ccesse s, o n to p o f it s ow n
local chan nels (cf r po int 4. Max . RT Chan nels )
To get i nform ati on on t he record ing c apac ity of th e serve rs acc ordi ng to th e video
bitra tes, ref er t o se ctio n 1.8.4 ‘Rec ordi ng C apac it y for XT2+ Ser vers ’ on p age 13 .

Avid DNxHD® & Apple ProRes 422 at 50Hz (“PAL”)

Codec Video Fields Actual Max. RT XF2 Storage Capacity
Bitrate /Block Bandwidth Channels (in hours and minutes)
250GB 500GB 750GB 1TB
Avid DNxHD® 85 Mbps 35 11.43 MB/s 17.94 5.36 11.24 17.11 22.48
100 30 13.33 MB/s 15.38 4.48 9.46 14.44 19.32
Avid DNxHD®
Avid DNxHD® 120 26 15.38 MB/s 13.33 4.09 8.28 12.46 16.56
Apple ProRes 422 Mbps
Avid DNxHD® 185 17 23.53 MB/s 8.71 2.43 5.32 8.21 11.04
Apple ProRes 422 HQ Mbps

Avid DNxHD® & Apple ProRes 422 at 150Hz (“PAL Super

Motion 3x”)
Codec Video Fields Actual Max. RT XF2 Storage Capacity
Bitrate /Block Bandwidth Channels (in hours and minutes)
250GB 500GB 750GB 1TB
Avid DNxHD® 85 Mbps 12 33.33 MB/s 6.15 1.55 3.54 5.53 7.48
Avid DNxHD® 100 Mbps 10 40.00 MB/s 5.13 1.36 3.15 4.54 6.30
Avid DNxHD® 120 Mbps 9 44.44 MB/s 4.61 1.26 2.56 4.25 5.52
Apple ProRes 422
Avid DNxHD® 185 Mbps 5 66.67 MB/s 3.08 0.57 1.57 2.57 3.54
Apple ProRes 422 HQ

Avid DNxHD® & Apple ProRes 422 at 59.94Hz (“NTSC”)

Codec Video Fields Actual Max. RT XF2 Storage Capacity
Bitrate /Block Bandwidth Channels (in hours and minutes)
250GB 500GB 750GB 1TB
Avid DNxHD® 85 Mbps 42 11.42 MB/s 17.96 5.36 11.24 17.12 22.48
Avid DNxHD® 100 Mbps 36 13.32 MB/s 15.39 4.48 9.47 14.45 19.34
Avid DNxHD® 145 Mbps 26 18.44 MB/s 11.12 3.28 7.03 10.39 14.06
Apple ProRes 422
Avid DNxHD® 220 Mbps 17 28.21 MB/s 7.27 2.16 4.37 6.57 9.14
Apple ProRes 422 HQ

Issue XT2+ Series DISK RECORDER – Version 10.05 - Hardware Technical Reference
10.05.A EVS Broadcast Equipment SA – July 2011

Avid DNxHD® & Apple ProRes 422 at 180Hz (“NTSC Super

Motion 3x”)
Codec Video Fields Actual Max. RT XF2 Storage Capacity
Bitrate /Block Bandwidth Channels (in hours and minutes)
250GB 500GB 750GB 1TB
Avid DNxHD® 85 Mbps 15 31.97 MB/s 6.41 2.00 4.04 6.09 8.08
Avid DNxHD® 100 Mbps 12 39.96 MB/s 5.13 1.36 3.15 4.55 6.30
Avid DNxHD® 145 Mbps 9 53.28 MB/s 3.85 1.12 2.26 3.41 4.52
Apple ProRes 422
Avid DNxHD® 220 Mbps 6 79.92 MB/s 2.57 0.48 1.38 2.27 3.16
Apple ProRes 422 HQ

XFile2 and XF2 Transfers for Avid DNXHD® and Apple ProRes
XFile2 ban dwid th f or b ac kup an d re stor e is 27M B/ s. The refo re, it can supp ort:
• 2.4 r eal time tra nsfer s wi th Av id DNx HD® 8 5Mbp s
• 2.0 r eal time tra nsfer s wi th Av id DNx HD® 1 00Mb p s
• 1.8 rea l tim e tra nsfe rs with Av id DNxHD ® or A pple Pr oRes 4 22 at 120 Mbps
• 1.5 rea l tim e tra nsfe rs with Av id DNxHD ® or A pple Pr oRes 4 22 at 145 Mbps
XF2 ba ndwid th for back u p is 50MB/ s an d 32 MB/s f or res tore .
Theref ore, it can supp ort in bac kup m ode:
• 4.0 r eal time tra nsfer s wi th Av id DNx HD® 8 5Mbp s
• 3.5 r eal time tra nsfer s wi th Av id DNx HD® 1 00Mb p s
• 3.0 rea l tim e tra nsfe rs with Av id DNxHD ® or A pple Pr oRes 4 22 at 120 Mbps
• 2.5 rea l tim e tra nsfe rs with Av id DNxHD ® or A pple Pr oRes 4 22 at 145 Mbps
Theref ore it c an s uppo rt i n rest ore mode :
• 2.8 r eal time tra nsfer s wi th Av id DNx HD® 8 5Mbp s
• 2.4 r eal time tra nsfer s wi th Av id DNx HD® 1 00Mb p s
• 2.0 rea l tim e tra nsfe rs with Av id DNxHD ® or A pple Pr oRes 4 22 at 120 Mbps
• 1.7 rea l tim e tra nsfe rs with Av id DNxHD ® or A pple Pr oRes 4 22 at 145 Mbps

XT2+ Series DISK RECORDER - Version 10.05 - Hardware Technical Reference Manual Issue
EVS Broadcast Equipment SA – July 2011 10.05.A

Gigabit Ethernet Transfers with XT2+ Servers for Avid

DNXHD® and Apple ProRes 422

Prelim inar y not e

The fo llowi ng ob serv at ions f ocus on st eady rates ; the tran sfer
perfor manc es with sm all clips wil l be lower a s t hey gene rate a lo t of
starts an d en ds o f se ssio ns.

Maximum tra nsfe r sp eeds thro ugh the Giga bit port s of the XT2+ serv er :
• 6 simu ltan eous rea l ti me trans fers with Avi d DNxH D® 85Mb ps
• 6.2 x fas ter than rea l ti m e on a si ngle tra nsfe rs wi th Av id DNx HD® 8 5Mbp s
• 6 simu ltan eous rea l ti me trans fers with Avi d DNxH D® 100M bps
• 5.3 x fas ter than rea l ti m e on a si ngle tra nsfe rs wi th Av id DNx HD® 1 00Mb p s
• 5.8 simu lta neous real t im e trans fers w ith Av id DN xHD® or App le Pr oRes 4 22 at
120Mbp s (PA L)
• 4.6 x f aste r tha n rea l ti me on a s ingl e tr ansfe rs with Av id DNx HD® or A pple
ProRes 422 at 120Mb ps ( PAL)
• 4.8 simu lta neous real t im e trans fers w ith Av id DN xHD® or App le Pr oRes 4 22 at
145Mbp s (NT SC)
• 3.8 x f aste r tha n rea l ti me on a s ingl e tr ansfe rs with Av id DNx HD® or A pple
ProRes 422 at 145Mb ps ( NTSC)

Maximum tra nsfe r sp eeds thro ugh the Giga bit port s of the XT2+ serv er :
• 6 simu ltan eous rea l ti me trans fers with Avi d DNxH D® 85Mb ps
• 4x fa ster tha n re al t ime o n a s ingl e tr ansf ers w ith Avid DN xHD® 85Mbp s
• 5.7 s imult aneo us r eal tim e tra nsfer s wi th A vid DNx HD® 100 Mbps
• 3.4 x fas ter than rea l ti m e on a si ngle tra nsfe rs wi th Av id DNx HD® 1 00Mb p s
• 5 simu ltan eous rea l tim e trans fers wit h Avi d DNx HD® or Appl e Pro Res 4 2 2 at
120Mbp s (PA L)
• 3 x faster tha n real tim e on a single tran sfer s with Avid DNxH D® or Apple
ProRes 422 at 120Mb ps ( PAL)
• 4.1 simu lta neous real t im e trans fers w ith Av id DN xHD® or App le Pr oRes 4 22 at
145Mbp s (NT SC)
• 2.5 x f aste r tha n rea l ti me on a s ingl e tr ansfe rs with Av id DNx HD® or A pple
ProRes 422 at 145Mb ps ( NTSC)


The b acku p se ssio ns r ea ch hi gher ba ndwid th and pre- empt the ba ndwid th agains t
the rest ore ses sion s. On a ‘per sessi on’ bas ed, t he system a lloc ate be twe en 3.75
and 6 time s mo re b andwi dth t o ba ckup ses sion tha n to rest ore sess ion.

Issue XT2+ Series DISK RECORDER – Version 10.05 - Hardware Technical Reference
10.05.A EVS Broadcast Equipment SA – July 2011

• For 6- chan nel c onf igura tion, maxi mum b itra tes for Av id DN xHD® o r A pple
ProRes 422 shou ld be 2 2 0Mbps (NTSC) or 185M b ps (PA L).
• “S uper Mo tion + 1 Cam ” confi gura tion (i .e. 1 Su p er Motio n REC + 1 Std R EC +
1 Super Moti on PL AY + 1 Std P LAY): maxim um bitra tes f or Av id DNxH D ® or
Apple ProRe s 42 2 sh ould be 1 45Mbp s (NT SC) o r 1 85Mbps (PAL ).
• When u sing th e Av id D NxHD® c odec , we ad vis e to work at 100 Mbps i f the
pictur e qua lit y is s atis fa ctory  the XT 2+ ca n s ustai n 6 lo cal c hann els + 5
networ k tr ansf ers.
• The 4ch co nfig urat ions with 3D, 1 080p or 3 D SLSM 3x are on ly pos sibl e with
Avid DN xHD® 100 Mbps or App le P ro Res 42 2 L T .

1.8.8 RAID LEVEL: 3

The Vide o Raid u ses st r iping p roces s acro ss 5 or 6 disk d rive s. The v i deo and
audio data is s trip ed ov er the firs t 4 o r 5 d rive s while the pari ty i nform ation i s
saved on the f ifth or si xt h drive. If on e drive is d amaged , the Vide o Raid can use
the pa rity inf orma tion to recov er t he mi ssin g in f ormati on, so t hat opera t ion ca n
conti nue seaml essl y wi th out b andwi dth loss .
For more in forma tion o n online r ebui ld, re fer t o the sect ion ded ica ted to this
subjec t i n th e XT2 + So ft ware T echn ical Refe renc e manu al.

The pl ayin g bac k of sm ooth s low mo tion pic tur es carr ies spec ific issu e s: sin ce
some f iel ds mu st be r e peated at reg ular in terv al to pro vide th e vi deo at the
playba ck spee d requ ired by the oper ator , pari ty vi olati on appe ars reg ular ly on the
outpu t vide o sig nal. Thi s issue is spe cifi c to i nt erlace d form ats ( 525i , 6 25i and
1080i) and doe s no t c onc ern pr ogre ssiv e fo rmats ( 720p a nd 1080p ).
If O and E represent re specti vely t he odd and even fie lds of a stan dar d video
signal (50 /60 Hz), we hav e:
The or igin al v ideo sig nal :
The ou tput vi deo sign al a t 50% spee d:
The ou tput vi deo sign al a t 33% spee d:
The ou tput vi deo sign al a t 25% spee d :
Fields wi th par ity vio lati on are shown i n bold , underli ned le tter s. As it appear s
from the a bove t able , whateve r the pl ayba ck sp eed (wit h the exc ept ion of the
normal 1 00% playbac k s peed), a numbe r of fie ld s viola te the n ormal p ari ty of the
outpu t si gnal . Th is pa rity viol atio n in duces a 1 -lin e shi ft o f th e fi eld, res ult ing i n a
vertic al ji tter o f the pi cture . The jit ter fr eque ncy depe nds up on the chose n
playba ck s peed .

XT2+ Series DISK RECORDER - Version 10.05 - Hardware Technical Reference Manual Issue
EVS Broadcast Equipment SA – July 2011 10.05.A

To avoi d th is ph enome n on and provi de a stab le outpu t pic ture , EVS d eve loped 2
types of l ine i nter pola tor: 2-lin e and 4-l ine i nter pol ators . The inte rpol atio n p rocess
can be ena bled or dis abl ed by the ope rato r on all EVS sl ow mo tion sys tems .

The 2 -lin e i nter pola tor ac tuall y g enera tes a new fi eld, when th e o rigi nal fie ld i s i n
parity v iol atio n. Eac h lin e of this n ew fie ld is ca l culat ed by a wei ghte d av erage of
the 2 ne ighb orin g lin es. This pr ocess solv es th e proble m of p arit y viol ati on and
vertic al jit ter, bu t the dr awback is a red ucti on o f the verti cal res olut ion on the
inter pola ted fi elds , tha t appear u nfoc used . Anothe r by-s ide ef fect is the
alter nati on o f o rigi nal fie lds (per fect ly foc used) and in terp olat e d fie lds
(unfoc used ), r esul ting in a "pumpi ng" v ideo sig nal.

The 4-li ne int erpo lato r uses a mor e sophi stic at ed calcu lat ion bas ed on the 4
neighb orin g line s. By us i ng suita ble co eff icie nts f or the wei ght of e ach li n e in the
result ing c alcu lati on, we apply t his i nter pola tion t o all fi elds . The f inal res ult is a
perman entl y, slig htly un f ocused pi ctur e. The adv antage is a sta ble out pu t si gnal
with n o j itte r an d no "pu mping", but the ver tica l b andwid th i s ev en m ore re duced.
The inte rpol ator i s of co urse alw ays di sabl ed at 100% playbac k speed , b ecause
there is no p arit y vi olat io n.
EVS use the same techn iques w ith the S uper Slo w Motio n dis k rec orde r, workin g
with all mo dels of Su p er Motion c amera s (15 0/180 Hz) . The onl y di ffere nce
betwee n t he p roce ssin g of Su per Moti on and nor mal sc an (50/ 60 H z) sig nals is
that the inte rpol ator is al ways d isab led at 3 3% pla yback spee d, b ecau se t h e Supe r
Motion sig nal does not ca use pa rity vi olat ion at t hi s par ticu lar s peed .
Whatev er t he ch oice , th e resu ltin g pi ctur e is thu s alwa ys a compr omis e betwee n
stabi lity an d resol uti on. With EVS sys tems, t he o perato r alway s has got th e choice
betwee n any of th e 3 above desc ribe d tech niques : no int erpo lati on , 2- line
inter pola tion or 4- line i nterpo lat ion. Eve n if th e operato r choos es to use the
inter pola tion , thi s proc e ss will be au tomat ical ly disabl ed wh en not ne cessar y
(100% playba ck for 50/ 60 Hz sign al, 3 3% and 100% playback for 15 0 /180 Hz
signal ).

All pro fess iona l VTRs u s e line i nter pola tion in Pl ayVar mo de to avoi d
vertic al jitt ers.
Defaul t va lue i s in terp ola tor of f fo r all con figu rati ons ex cept Supe rLSM
confi gura tion in w hich 4-l ine i nter pola tor m ode is e nabled .

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10.05.A EVS Broadcast Equipment SA – July 2011

2. Cabling
The t wo m ain draw ings p resent ed in this se ctio n s how t he rear pan els of a n XT2 +,
with res pect ivel y a COH X or V3X boa rd. Th e BN C IN/OUT co nnec tors a re slight ly
diffe rent .


The fo llowi ng dr awin g r eprese nts a rear pane l of an XT 2+ f itte d wit h a COHX
The di gita l a udio inp uts a re BNC conn ecto rs, but c an al so b e mul ti-p in c onn ectors ,
as rep rese nted on the dr awing of the X T2+ rear p anel w ith a V3 X bo ard.

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The fo llow ing draw ing re presen ts a rea r pa nel of an XT2 + fi tte d wi th a V3X board .
The di gita l a udio inp uts a re mul ti-p in c onne ctor s, but c an a lso be BNC con nector s,
as rep rese nted on the dr awing of the X T2 r ear pa nel wi th a COHX boa rd.

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On XT2+ serv ers, GPI t ri ggers are av aila ble . Refe r to the Multi cam or AirB ox user
manual s fo r GP I al loca tio n.


1, 2, 3, 4)


5, 6, 7, 8)

The rel ay mu st be conn e cted b etwee n the grou nd and th e corr espo ndin g T TL inpu t
on th e DB2 5.

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7, 8)

Each TTL i nput on the D B25 is di rect ly con nect ed to the pi n of th e TTL co nnecto r
on th e de vice tri gger ing the GP I. T he g roun d mus t be common be tween th e DB25
connec tor of the XT2+ an d the ext erna l de vice .


The use r can d efi ne the funct ions , typ es and sett ings as soci ated to th e G PI outs
in th e fo llow ing appl icat io ns:
• Setup menu of the Remot e Pane l (p ages 8.3 & 8 .4)
• IP Dir ecto r se ttin gs ( GPI and Au xili ary Trac k ta b)

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1 Relay Out 4 14 Relay Out 4

2 Relay Out 3 15 Relay Out 3

3 Relay Out 2 16 Relay Out 2

4 Relay Out 1 17 Relay Out 1

5 IN + o pto 4 18 IN - o pto 4

6 IN + o pto 3 19 IN - o pto 3

7 IN + o pto 2 20 IN - o pto 2

8 IN + o pto 1 21 IN - o pto 1

9 I/O TT L 8 22 GND (Re turn I/O 8)

10 I/O TT L 7 23 GND (Re turn I/O 7)

11 I/O TT L 6 24 GND (Re turn I/O 6)

12 I/O TT L 5 25 GND (Re turn I/O 5)

13 + 5V 5 0mA m ax.


4 X Relay isolated output:
• normal ly o pen cont act (p ower o ff - > op en)
• maximum 1A
• maximum 50 Volt s
• typica l l ife time : 10 0.00 0. 000 sw itch ing

4 X Opto isolated input:

• The inp ut con sist s in a n opto di ode (V F @ 1.1 V olt) in seri es wit h a 470 ohm
resist or).

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• Typica l sw itch ing poin t @ 1.4 m A, for s ecur e op era tion:

o i=0 t o 0. 5 mA -> opto OF F
o i=2.5 to 30 mA -> opt o O N
o imax= 30 mA
• Direct conn ecti on to a T TL/CMOS sign al po ssib le (Pin o pto - to GND and pin
opto + to the TTL /CMOS signal .
Typica l sw itch ing poin t @ 1.6 Volt s, f or s ecur e op e ratio n:
o Vin< 0 .8 V olt s -> opt o OF F
o Vin> 2 .2 V olt s @ 2 mA -> opto ON
o Vin ma x (wi thou t e xter nal resis tor) = 15 Vo lts

4 X CMOS input/output:
• each p in can be i ndiv idua lly c onfi gure d as an outp ut or an inpu t
• inter nal 4K7 pull up to +5 V
• low le vel Vi<1 .5 V olt (U1 2=74HC2 45)
• high leve l Vi >3.5 Vol t (U 12=74HC 245)
• optio nal TTL c ompa tibl e l evel ( U12= 74HCT2 45)


The RS 42 2 c able mus t be wi red PIN TO PIN fol lowing th e a bove di agra m. Use
shield ed c able to avo id e l ectrom agne tic inte rfer enc e on long dis tanc es.

Importa nt
The Res et com mand fro m the Rem ote is sen t t hrough the P in n °5 of
RS422 conn ecto r. This f uncti on s houl d b e d isab l ed wh en the cont roll er
on RS422 #1 i s not an E VS contr olle r (refe r to th e sectio n ‘MTPC Bo ard’
on pag e 7 4 of thi s ma nua l).

Issue XT2+ Series DISK RECORDER – Version 10.05 - Hardware Technical Reference
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The te chni cal spec ific ati o ns fo r th e RS4 22 c onne ct or are th e fo llow ing:
• 19200 baud s
• No par ity
• 8 dat a bi ts
• 1 sto p bi t


2.6.1 CODA FOR XT2+

Inter nal Audi o Mod ule: E mbedde d + AES/E BU + A nalogu e Ba lanc ed
• Embedd ed Au dio 64 chan nels ( inpu t o r ou tput )
• AES/EBU A udio 1 6 inp u ts + 16 out puts (110 O hm balan ced on S UB-D B15,
breako ut c able wit h 4 XL R IN/OU T av aila ble opti o nally OR 7 5 Ohm unb ala nced
on BNC)
• Analog ue Bal ance d audi o 8 input s + 8 out puts (110 Ohm b alan ced on SUB-
DB15, brea kout cab le w it h 4 XL R IN /OUT avai labl e opt iona lly OR XLR )
• Audio moni tori ng : 4 a nal ogue b alan ced mono out p uts (X LR)


AES DB15 Connectors

Pin Sub-DB15 #1 Sub-DB15 #2 Sub-DB15 #3 Sub-DB15 #4
# Inputs 1-8 (mono) Inputs 9-16 (mono) Outputs 1-8 (mono) Outputs 9-16 (mono)
2 AES input 1/2 + AES input 9/10 + AES output 1/2 + AES output 9/10 +
4 AES input 3/4 + AES input 11/12 + AES output 3/4 + AES output 11/12 +
6 AES input 5/6 + AES input 13/14 + AES output 5/6 + AES output 13/14 +
8 AES input 7/8 + AES input 15/16 + AES output 7/8 + AES output 15/16 +
9 AES input 1/2 - AES input 9/10 - AES output 1/2 - AES output 9/10 -
11 AES input 3/4 - AES input 11/12 - AES output 3/4 - AES output 11/12 -

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Pin Sub-DB15 #1 Sub-DB15 #2 Sub-DB15 #3 Sub-DB15 #4

# Inputs 1-8 (mono) Inputs 9-16 (mono) Outputs 1-8 (mono) Outputs 9-16 (mono)
13 AES input 5/6 - AES input 13/14 - AES output 5/6 - AES output 13/14 -
15 AES input 7/8 - AES input 15/16 - AES output 7/8 - AES output 15/16 -

Analogue DB15 Connectors

Pin Sub-DB15 #1 Sub-DB15 #2 Sub-DB15 #3 Sub-DB15 #4
# Inputs 1-4 (mono) Inputs 5-8 (mono) Outputs 1-4 (mono) Outputs 5-8 (mono)
2 Analogue input 1 + Analogue input 5 + Analogue output 1 + Analogue output 5 +
4 Analogue input 2 + Analogue input 6 + Analogue output 2 + Analogue output 6 +
6 Analogue input 3 + Analogue input 7 + Analogue output 3 + Analogue output 7 +
8 Analogue input 4 + Analogue input 8 + Analogue output 4 + Analogue output 8 +
9 Analogue input 1 - Analogue input 5 - Analogue output 1 - Analogue output 5 -
11 Analogue input 2 - Analogue input 6 - Analogue output 2 - Analogue output 6 -
13 Analogue input 3 - Analogue input 7 - Analogue output 3 - Analogue output 7 -
15 Analogue input 4 - Analogue input 8 - Analogue output 4 - Analogue output 8 -


The XN et netwo rk is c om posed by seve ral EVS vi deo s erver s a ll conne cte d wit h a
75-Ohm coax ial cab le (B NC).
The excha nge be tween system s is opera ted th r ough the SDT I inte rfac e at 1485
On XT2+ serv ers th ere is one pair of SDT I connect ors: XNe t2 No n-Rela y
connec tors tha t ar e us ed at 14 85 Mb ps.
The SDTI loop is cl osed only wh en th e Mult icam s oftwar e is s tart ed. I t is t h erefor e
recomme nded to use X H ub whe n usi ng N on-Re la y conn ecto rs t o avo id n etwork
interr upt ions .
The XNet re quir es a netw ork serv er ded icat ed to t he manag ement o f the D atabas e
shared am ong al l LSM-E VS video se rvers . This is assigne d to one of th e L SM-EVS
server s on the ne twork . The E VS s erver ac ting as t he n etwor k se rver can of
course be used for sta nd ard LS M/vi deo serve r op e ratio n.

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10.05.A EVS Broadcast Equipment SA – July 2011

If a n XT 2+ m ust be conn ected to oth er XT2 or XS serv ers, th ese serv ers
must r un a t le ast Mult ica m vers ion 10.0 1.67 .


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Issue XT2+ Series DISK RECORDER – Version 10.05 - Hardware Technical Reference
10.05.A EVS Broadcast Equipment SA – July 2011


1. All sy stem s on the ne two rk mus t be XT2 , XT2 +, X S, XFi le2 or X F2, XSto re 2 or
2. The SDTI ad vanc ed opt i on code (f or ne twork c li ent, mas ter or s erve r mo des)
must b e va lida ted in the optio ns l ist.
3. They s houl d all be runn in g compa tib le so ftwa re ve rsion. A wa rnin g mes sag e is
displa yed when try ing to connec t an EVS vid eo se rver w ith a so ftwar e ve rs ion
that is n ot c ompa tibl e wi t h the netw ork serv er.
4. The fol lowi ng par amete rs must b e simi lar o n all sys tems: SDTI Sp eed
(1485M bps, from Har dwa re Con figu rati on m enu)
5. Network Type must be s et to “S erve r ” on 1 EVS video s erve r (an d onl y 1 ) on
the netw ork. Th e other s must be set t o eithe r “Ma ster ” (t o share cl ips an d view
others ’ c lips) or “Cli ent ” ( to sh are clip s on ly).
6. A differ ent net work nu mb er must be spe cifi ed for each EVS vid eo serv er t hat
you want to c onne ct to th e network . If the s ame ne twork num ber is as sign ed to
2 diff eren t sys tems , the second one w ill not b e a ble to conn ect a nd a w ar ning
messag e wil l b e di spla ye d.
7. All EVS vide o ser vers must be conn ecte d wi th a good qual ity BNC 75 Ohm
cable t o for m a clo sed l o op. Con nect the SD TI O UT conne ctor of th e fir st EVS
video se rver t o the SD TI IN connec tor of the se c ond one , etc un til th e lo op is
closed by co nnec ting th e SDTI OUT connect or of the last EVS vi deo ser ve r to
the SDTI IN c onne ctor o f the fir st one . The SDT I loop mus t be clo sed at all
times duri ng ne twor k ope ratio n. I f for any reas on t he loo p is open , al l ne tw ork
communi cati on w ill be in terrup ted and al l sy stem s wil l au toma tica lly swit c h to
stand al one mod e. Whe n the loop i s clos ed a gain, ne twor k opera tio n will
resume a utoma tic ally . Th is prob lem can be avo ide d or limi ted us ing EV S X Hub
SDTI h ub.
8. The dist ance sh own in t he table b elow is t he ma ximum cab le leng th bet w een
two a ctiv e EV S s erver s, or 2 SDTI rec lock ers, on an XNe t S DTI netw ork, u sing
a sin gle pie ce o f c able betw een 2 s erve rs o r 2 r eclo ckers . I nter med iate
connec tors , pat ch pa nels , etc. , migh t deg rade the se figu res. Depe ndin g on the
number of se rvers co nne cted on the ne twork , the l ocati on of the mas ter ser ver,
the pre senc e or no t of a n XHub SDT I hub , the a c tual ma ximum v alue s ma y be
higher th an indi cate d. If longer di stan ces betw ee n ser vers are req uire d, SDTI
to Fib er con vert ers c an be used , al lowin g di stan ces ove r th ousan ds o f m eters
if ne cessa ry. EVS has val idate d th e fo llow ing SDI- Fibre conv erte rs:
a. Strato s Lig htwa ve Me dia Con vert er TX/R X VMC-T-H- 2/VMC- R-H- 2
(www.st rato slig htwav e.co m)
b. Teleca st T X/RX2 92 ( www .tele cast -fib er.c om)
c. Network Elec tron ics SDI- EO-13T (ele ctri cal t o op t ical) / SDI -OE-S (opt ical
to el ectr ical ) (www .net wo rk-ele ctro nics .com)
d. Network El ectr onic s HD- EO-13T (el ectr ical t o op tical / HD-OE (o ptic al to
electr ical )
e. BlueBe ll B B320T (TX ) an d BB32 0R (R X) (w ww.bl u ebell .tv)

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Cable type @ 1485 Mbp s

RG59 45m / 148f t

RG6 90m / 484f t

RG11 120m / 393 ft

Super HiQ 150m / 492 ft

Fiber 80km(*)

(*) 80km /200 km is t he t otal le ngth of th e retu rn path, i .e. t he act ual d i stance s
betwee n the 2 ser vers c o nnecte d via th e fibe r link is half of th is val ue, i. e. 40 km
@ 1485 Mbps .

When r eclo ckers ar e us e d, th e t otal del ay induc e d by thes e re cloc kers
betwee n 2 acti ve s erve rs on th e ne twork may not e xceed 15μs .


1. When all above cond itio n s are ful fil led, t urn o n th e “Serve r ” EVS v ideo s er ver
and s tart the Mul ticam ap plica tion .
2. Turn on all “M ast ers ” a nd “Cli ents ” EVS v ideo server s, an d make sure th e
Multic am ap plic atio n is s t arted o n al l of t hem. The y shoul d see the “S erv er ” on
the netw ork an d they will con nect a utom atic al ly. Conn ecti on tak es a few
second s (u sual ly b etwe e n 2 a nd 5 sec ) fo r ea ch E VS vid eo s erve r.


1. With the de faul t sett ing s, 10 real -time t rans fer s can be achi eved on the
networ k with stan dard de finit ion p ictu res in norma l condi tion s, an d 3 re al-t i me
trans fers wi th supe r moti on pictu res. Co py of a cl ip betwe en 2 serv ers on the
networ k ca n be made up to 5 ti mes fast er th an rea l ti me, depe ndin g on
networ k lo ad.
With h igh defi nit ion pict u res, thes e num bers are r educed to 3-4 rea l-tim e
trans fers and copy cli p 2 times fast er than real tim e.
These perf orman ces are also limit ed b y t he d isk b andwid th a vail able fro m t he
EVS se rver wher e th e cl i ps are st ored. If the EVS server “own ing ” th e cl ips is
doing mult iple pl aybac ks at th e sam e t ime, free zes can occur on the remo te
EVS se rver usin g t hose c lips. Pri orit y le vels hav e been imple ment ed t o
maximiz e ne twor k ba ndwi dth e ffic ienc y: P LAY r equ ests have a h igher pr iori t y
than S EARCH /BROWSE r equest s, w hich in turn ha ve a high er pr iori ty than
COPY re ques ts. Note tha t “Li ve ” (E2E) mode on a remote rec ord trai n ha s t he
same p rior ity leve l as a S EARCH/BR OWSE r eque st .
2. Note t hat when work ing a t 1485 Mbps , on ly p assiv e SDI r outi ng e quipm ent may
be used . The use o f act ive SDI equi pment shou l d be avo ided , bec ause t hey

Issue XT2+ Series DISK RECORDER – Version 10.05 - Hardware Technical Reference
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could caus e ad dit iona l li n e del ays and preve nt the proper ope rati on o f XN et .
3. If the star t-up of t he ne t work at a spe cif ic sp eed does n ot wor k pro perl y and
all m achi nes are app are ntly conf igur ed prop erly and t he M ult icam is actu ally
start ed o n a ll o f t hem, th is ca n be du e t o th e f act that th e se lec ted cabl es to
connec t a ll EV S se rver s toge ther are not sui tabl e or too long to oper ate at
such a s peed . You can decrea se th e spe ed o f the SD TI ne twork on all
machin es an d try work in g in t his mo de. The n um ber of simu ltan eous real - time
trans fers you can achi ev e is of c ours e re duced .
4. While worki ng at 1 485 M bps, if the conn ecti on c a nnot be e stab lish ed, ple ase
make s ure t hat all equ ip ments are s et to t he sa m e spee d an d co nnec ted t o the
non-re lay con nect ors. A ll equipmen ts sho uld be st arted if n ot conn ecte d to an
5. It is rec ommen ded to u se XHub if the netwo rk s pe ed is set to 1485 Mbps .
6. Once th e netw ork h as b een est abli shed , if t he s ystem ac tin g as th e net work
server is dis conn ecte d or shut down, anot her system w ill a utoma tica ll y be
assign ed to a ct a s a ne w netw ork serve r. T he s witch is a utom atic . Th e next
machin e to b e auto mati c ally as sign ed as new ne twork s erver is th e one with
the h ighe st s eria l num ber in t he SD TI n etwo rk.

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The Gig abit conne cti on m akes it poss ible to tr ansf er vide o and a udio mate ri al from
the XT 2+ s erve rs t o ex ter nal sy stem s vi a th e TCP /I P netw ork.
The ex tern al s yste ms c an be t he f ollo wing :
• A stor age syst em o r an a rchivi ng s yste m, s uch as XStore or XFil e2 o r XF2 .
• A non- line ar E diti ng s yst em, su ch a s Xe dio, App le Final Cut Pro or Avid .
However , the exte rnal s ystems c anno t rea d the raw fil es com ing f rom th e XT2 +
server s. For this r easo n, XTAcces s is use d as a “gatewa y ” bet ween t he XT 2 + and
the IT world . It take s up the role of gate way use d so far by XFile /XStr ea m as it
create s f ile forma ts c omp liant wit h ex tern al s ystem s.

XTAcces s is dir ectl y con nected to the XT 2+ ser v ers thro ugh th e Giga bit networ k
via an FTP c lien t. I t run s on an XP wo rkst atio n and is main ly co ntro lled by the
extern al s yste ms ( no u se r int erfa ce) v ia X ML f iles or ot her proce sses .
The G igab it conne cti on fulfi lls the fo llowi ng fun ctions in re lati on w ith t he XT 2+
server s:
• Backup of clip s f rom a n X T2+ se rver
• Restor e of cli ps t o a n XT 2+ ser ver

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• Transf er o f cl ips betw een serve rs

The se ctio ns below br ief ly pr esen t th e ba ckup a nd re stor e of cli ps thro u gh th e
Gigabi t co nnec tion . Ple a se ref er to the XTAcc ess user m anua l for ful l inf o rmatio n
about the pos sibl e wor kfl ows wi th t hird -par ty s yste ms.


The fo llow ing s chem a sh ows how the back up o f cl ips is per forme d wi th th e Gigab it
connec tion and XTA ccess :

1. An exter nal sy stem , for e xample I P Direc tor, send s an XML fil e to XTA cces s to
reques t t he b ackup of a g iven c lip crea ted on an X T2+ se rver .
2. XTAcces s pr oces ses the XML fi le:
a. It ge ts t he c lip con tent th at ha s to be back ed u p fr om the XT2 + se rver .
b. It g enera tes a back up f ile of the cli p i n t he forma t specif ied by the ex tern al
system (n o trans codi ng f eature , only na tive co de c). The fol lowin g forma ts
are sup port ed: EV S MX F, AVI, A vid MXF OPAt om, MXF OP- 1A, Q uick
Time, Quic k Tim e Re f (d e pendin g on th e vi deo cod ec).
c. It s tores th e b ackup fi l e in the ta rget fo lder s pecif ied by the ext erna l
system . The me tada ta o f the cl ip ar e eith er in cl uded in the f ile (i n EVS
MXF) or sen t v ia a n XML file.

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Only c lip s ha ving one of the fol lowin g f ormat s c an be res tore d: E VS MX F, MXF
OP-1A or Qu ick Time (de pendin g on th e vi deo cod ec).
The re stor e pr oces s ca n be se t up in two diff eren t ways:
• via XM L fi le s ent by the e xterna l a ppli cati on.
• via f olde r sc an.
The fo llow ing s chema sh ows how the rest ore of c l ips is per forme d wit h th e Gigab it
connec tion and XTA ccess :

Workflow (Restore via XML File)

1. An exter nal sys tem (wh ich can ge nera te XML f iles for r esto ring cl ips, for
exampl e Medi aXCha nge or IPDir ecto r) sen ds a n XML fil e to XT Acces s to
reques t the r esto re (cop y) of cli ps from an arch i ving or b ackup s yste m t o a
given XT2+ ser ver.
2. XTAcces s pr oces ses the XML fi le:
a. It ge ts t he c lip fil e to res t ore fr om t he e xter nal sys tem.
b. It re stor es, i.e . co pies , t he cl ip o n th e XT 2+ s er ver sp eci fied in the XML

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Workflow (Restore via Folder Scan)

1. Based on th e param eter s defined i n XTAcce ss, th is appli cati on scan s spec ific
folde rs o n ex terna l b acku p or archi ving sys tems .
2. When a cl ip file has be e n wri tten to the sc anne d fold er, XTAc cess cre ate s a
copy o f t he c lip on t he X T2+ se rver spe cifi ed i n th e XTAc cess para mete rs.
The re stor ed c lip rece ive s a n ew UmI D an d LSM I D:
− Multic am a utoma tica lly a ssigns a Um ID t o t he r est ored c lip .
− A start LSM ID is sp ecif ie d in XTA ccess and i ncre mented as de fine d for
each ne w cli p tha t is re st ored in orde r to f ind a n e mpty lo cati on on the
XT2+ s erve r.
The re stor ed c lip cont ain s the cli p me tada ta.
3. The re stor ed c lip is m o ved fr om t he s cann ed f older to one of t he f ollo wing
subfo lders on the ext erna l arch ivin g or bac kup syst em:
− \Resto re.d one\ : fo lder w here t he fi les a re mov e d to whe n the y are
succes sful ly r esto red.
− \Resto re.e rror \: fold er w here fil es are move d to when they fai led to
restor e.


Gigabi t n etwor ks i nclu din g EVS serv ers need to ab ide b y th e fo llow ing rule s :
• The hardw are use d on G igE netwo rks wi th EVS s ervers n eed to su ppor t jumbo
frames .
• Both G igE port s of an EV S serv er n eed to b e de fin ed on dif fere nt s ub-n etwo rks.
• Teamin g be tween the Gig E1 and Gig E2 p orts is no t pos sibl e.
• This i s no t p ossib le to im plemen t fa ilov er throu gh the G igE n etwo rk.
• The Gi gE p ort avai labl e o n the MTPC boar d (PC L AN) is a 1 00Ba se- T port .
This is used f or mon itor i ng purp oses ( XNet M onit or) or f or the commu nica tion
with othe r ap plic atio ns ( LinX). Th is c an b e i n t h e same su b-ne twork as the
GigE p ort.


All swi tche s use d on the GigE ne twor ks of EVS system s nee d to s uppo rt jumbo
frames (Et herne t f rames with m ore than 1,5 00 b yt es of pay load) .
Three mod els of 1 9-in ch Gigabit s witc hes hav e been val idat ed for u se with EVS
workfl ows:
• HP Proc urve 251 0G-2 4
• Cisco C ata lyst 296 0G-24 TC
• Cisco C ata lyst 375 0E-24 TD/375 0E-48 TD

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The HP Proc urve 2 510G - 24 and Cis co Cat alys t 29 60G-24 TC can be used f or small
setups whe re n o in ter- VL AN rou ting is need ed.
On lar ger setu ps, bot h Gi gE por ts o f t he XT 2+ s er vers o r/an d se vera l po rts on t he
XF2 a re ofte n u sed to in crease th e b andwi dth or to a llow red unda ncy. Sin ce bo th
GigE por ts of an X T2+ server c anno t be use d o n the same s ub-n etwor k, virtua l
LANs need t o be crea te d. To allow t he tra nsfe r of packet s betwe en the virtual
LANs, layer 3 sw itch es are re quir ed. Y ou n eed t o sele ct a laye r 3 switc h that is
able to r oute jumb o f ram es.
A switc h of the C isco C atalys t 37 50E s erie s sho uld be used on la rger se tups a s
they sup port ju mbo fra me s, allow tr aff ic to be rou t ed betwee n diff eren t VLA Ns and
provid e st acki ng c apab ili t ies.
The fo llow ing tabl e g ives an ove rvie w on the sup po rted switc hes:

Model RU Layer Gb SFP 10Gb JF JF Stacki ng

ports (X2) switch ing routing

HP Procur ve 1 2 2 0 (+ 4 ) 4 0 Y N N
2510G- 24

Cisco 1 2 20 4 0 Y N N
Cataly st
2960G- 24TC

Cisco 1 3 24 (up 2 Y Y Y
Cataly st to 4)
3750E- 24TD

Cisco 1 3 48 (up 2 Y Y Y
Cataly st to 4)
3750E- 48TD

A layer 2 de vice can b e used wh en al l mac hine s are con fig ured to be on t he same
LAN, whe n ano ther l ayer 3 device is pr esen t to d o the ro utin g if ne eded , or when
no rou tin g be tween VLAN s is need ed.

HP swit ches hav e a life time guar ante e w ith n ext- busin ess- day advanc e
replac emen t wi th n o ad di tiona l co ntra ct p urch ase.
HP switch es are no t co mpatib le with C isco' s pr oprie tary pr otoc ols (IS L, PagP,
PVST, et c.) wh ich co ul d be a prob lem fo r int egrat ion in s ome le gac y Cisco
enviro nmen t. Howev er, s uch a case is qui te unl ik ely to aris e and most o f the time
workar ounds can be fou n d.
The st acki ng p ossi bili tie s of the Cisc o 37 50E s eries perm it t o ha ve full y act ive
LACP t eams for redu ndan cy to the hos ts.

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The IPDir ecto r commun ic ates wit h the XT2+ se rve r via one seri al lin k. If t hat link
fails , th e XT 2+ s erver ca n no long er b e co ntro lled by a ny I PDire ctor .
From Mul tica m vers ion 1 0.01, a fai love r mech anis m has be en pu t int o pl ac e. This
mechan ism will sw itch t he IPDire ctor li nk from one port of an XT 2+ se rver to
anothe r po rt on a noth er XT2+ s erve r.
To ensu re th e fai lover , t he back up li nks b etwee n IPDire ctor w orks tati ons and the
XT2+ s erve rs n eed to be phys ical ly c able d t o a s econd RS42 2 po rt, as sh own on
the f ollow ing sche ma:

The ser ial l ink r edun danc y will e nsur e tha t th ere i s no si ngle poin t of fail ur e in th e
setup . Howe ver, you n e ed to p ut in to p lace a t horoug hly thoug ht t hrou gh IPDP
confi gura tion fo r the S ynchro DB to con tinu e workin g corre ctly . This can be
achiev ed, for exam ple, b y def inin g an IPDi rect or workst atio n in Netw ork m ode.

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3. Hardware Description
The XT2+ serv er cont ai ns all EVS deve lope d boards. Th e XT 2+ serv er can be
fitte d wit h COHX o r V3X video b oard s. Th e boa r d conf igura tio n will slig h tly var y
depend ing on the type of video boar d us ed.

Importa nt
It is not all owed to mix C OHX an d V3X boa rds on t he sam e EVS ser ver.


Slot # XT2+ SD , HD or HD /SD

7 Disk A rray or R SAS


5 CODA (A udio Code c)

4 COHX (SD , HD or S D/HD ) #3

3 COHX (SD , HD or S D/HD ) #2

2 COHX (SD , HD or S D/HD ) #1 G enlo ck


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Slot # XT2+ SD (HD Read y), H D or HD /SD

7 RSAS bo ard


5 CODA (A udio Code c)

4 V3X (SD /HD) #3

3 V3X (SD /HD) #2

2 V3X (SD /HD) #1 G enlo ck




The COHX bo ard is d ivid ed in 3 par ts: COH X bas e (centr e fron t and b ack) , COD A
module (fr ont lef t), and C OD B mo dule (fr ont righ t) .
COD A and COD B mod ules are the act ual COD EC mod ules , ea ch of the m bein g
able to be con figu red by softwa re eit her as an e ncoder (for a r ecor d cha nnel) o r
as a decode r (for a pla y channe l). Th ere are 3 ha r dware ver sion s of COD m odules :
SD onl y, HD onl y, o r HD/ SD. Th ey ar e c learl y id e ntifi ed b y th e st icke r at t he fr ont
of th e bo ard.
There ar e 2 ver sion s of the COHX b ase: o ne wit h genlo ck, on e with out g enlock .
The genlo ck model ca n easily be ide nti fied by the prese nce of 3 quartz
synthe size r a t t he b ack o f the bo ard, on the ri ght- hand side , a nd b y t he p r esence
of the GLK and P SU OK LEDs o n eit her side of the DIN con nect or at the centr e
front of the boar d. No te that a COH X bo ard w it h genl ock must be inst a lled as
COHX #1 in fir st p osit ion (slo t 2) in an X T2+ syst em. A COHX boar d wi th genloc k
can nev er be i nsta lled i n any oth er slo t, an d thu s cannot be use d ins tead o f COHX
#2 or #3. Doin g so wil l re sult in c onfl icti ng e lect ric al si gnal s in side the sys t em.

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ST1, S T2: These 2 j umper s mu st b e inst alle d o n th e l ast CO HX boa rd o f t he
server (i .e. on COH X #1, 2 or 3 if there are re spec tivel y 1, 2 or 3
COHX bo ard inst alle d in t he ser ver)

ST3 (SP ARE): « park ing » f or j umper s f or ST1 and ST2 when the se are no t us ed

ST4 (o nly on It mus t b e se t to HiZ (or not i nsta lled ).

COHX wi th
Note t hat the G enlo ck L oop co nnec tor on th e ba ck pan el o f th e
genloc k) :
XT2+ ser ver mu st alw ays be termi nate d with a 75 Ohm load i f it
is no t us ed.

ST5 : It de fine s th e po sit ion of the b oard ins ide the serv er.
It must be se t to « 1 » fo r a COHX w ith g enlo ck, and to « 2 » or
« 3 » f or a COHX b oa rd witho ut gen lock , de pendin g on it s
posit ion in t he s erve r.

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Off when t he g enlo ck m odul e is n ot i niti aliz ed

Blinks gre en when t he g enlo ck m odul e is p roper ly init iali zed, bu t not val id
genloc k si gnal is det ecte d

On, s teady when t he m odul e is ini tial ized and a va lid genl ock signal is
green detec ted

Red when t here is a ge nloc k p roblem

(inter mitt ent)

Red (s tead y) when a res ync is n eede d


On (gr een) when a ll v olta ges are pre sent and in t he a llow ed r ange,
otherw ise the led is off



Blinks gre en to in dica te CP U ac tivi ty

On, s teady when t here is a pr oble m with t he proce ssor of the COD mod ule


On (gr een) when t he CO D mod ule is set b y th e so ftwar e i n pl a y mode

Off when t he CO D mod ule is set i n re cord mode


on (gr een) when a val id v ideo sig nal has been det ecte d on th e J8
connec tor (SD/H D SDI in put), whet her the COD m odule is in
play or re cord mod e

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TF (tr ansfe r)

Blinks gre en while data tra nsfe rs o ccu r betw een the COD m odul e and the
HCTX bo ard

M1, M2 , M3, M4 not y et u sed


Connect or l abel on r ear
Connect or SD mode HD mode panel

SDI/CVB S (* ) SDI/CVB S(*) moni tori ng

monito ring out put outpu t (SD , do wn-
J1 (SD) conver ted) Charac ter Outs , CVB S/S DI

SDI mon itor ing SDI mon itor ing out put
J2 outpu t (SD ) (SD, d own-c onve rted ) Used f or m ulti viewe r in pu t

Loop-t hrou gh f or
the SD I in put SDI pr ogram out put
J3 signal (SD ) (SD, d own-c onve rted ) SD Out

HD SDI moni tori ng

SDI mon itor ing outpu t
J4 outpu t (SD ) (HD) Charac ter Outs , SD/ HD

J5 Not in stal led Not in stal led n.a.

SDI pr ogram
outpu t HD SDI prog ram o utpu t
J6 (SD) (HD) SD/HD O ut

SDI pr ogram
outpu t
(SD, i dent ical to HD SDI prog ram o utpu t
J7 J6) (HD, i dent ical to J6) SD/HD O ut

SDI in put HD SDI inpu t

J8 (SD) (HD) SD/HD I n

Altern ate SDI inpu t

(SD, f or h ardwa re Altern ate HD SD I in put
J9 loop) (HD, f or h ardwa re l oop) Used f or l oop in

(*) Th e sw itch betw een SDI an d CVB S on J1 is done b y a sof tware set ti ng in the EV S
Config urat ion menu .

The lo ops of the inpu t si g nal a re n ot g enlo cked .

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The fo llow ing draw ings s how th e co nnec tor posi tio ns:

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Only fro nt bac kpla nes la belle d BKP7 are c ompat i ble with COH X boar ds
(7 slo ts for 6U f rames ). The BK P7 b ackp lanes (c ompati ble with COHX
boards ) hav e 3 r ows of sol deri ng pe r slo t, while the b ackp lane s
compat ible wi th IO- E, C OHD or COHU boar ds ha ve 2 rows of so lderi ng
per s lot. Not e t hat the top s lot of BKP7 bac kpl anes m ust alwa ys be
connec ted to the H CTX b oard.

Issue XT2+ Series DISK RECORDER – Version 10.05 - Hardware Technical Reference
10.05.A EVS Broadcast Equipment SA – July 2011


Importa nt
It hi ghly advi sed not to r emove a V3X boar d fr om the EV S ser ver. Sho uld
you hav e to d o so, m anip ulate the bo ard v ery c are fully , maki ng su re it is
not e xpose d t o mec hani c al or ele ctri c sh ocks.

The V3X boa rd is di vide d in 3 parts : a base b oar d ident ifie d as COHX ba se (rear
sectio n an d cen ter e xten sion), and two mo dule s ident ifie d as CO D A V3 X (fron t
left) , and C OD B V3 X (f ront ri ght) . The COHX b ase is the sa me as the COHX
board, whe reas the COD A and COD B mod ules ar e spec ifi c to the new V3X board .
The COD A V3 X and CO D B V3X mod ules a re th e actual C ODEC mo dule s, each of
them bei ng abl e to be c onfig ured by s oftw are ei t her as an en code r (for a record
channe l) or a s a dec oder (for a play ch anne l). Th e COD V3X modu les are SD, HD
and 3 Gbps cap able .
From Mu ltic am 1 0.04 , th e y supp ort the fol lowi ng n ew fea ture s:
• Full reso luti on 3D HD on a single V3X modu le (D ual Link HD SDI or sin gl e link
• 1080p 5 0/59 .94Hz v ideo standa rd on a s ingl e V3X module ( D ual Li nk HD S DI or
single li nk 3 Gbps)
There are 2 ver sion s of t he V3X board : one wit h genlock , one wit hout ge nlo ck. The
genloc k mode l can ea sily be ident ifie d by th e pre sence o f 3 quar tz syn the sizer a t
the bac k of th e COHX ba se boar d, on t he rig ht-h a nd side , and b y the pr es ence of
the G LK a nd P SU OK LE Ds on eit her side of the DIN co nnec tor at the cen tre f ront
of the boar d. Note th at a V3X board with ge nloc k must be insta lled as V3 X #1 in
first pos itio n (s lot 2) i n an XT2 + se rver. A V 3X board with gen lock can never be
insta lled in any ot her slo t , and t hus cann ot be use d ins tead of V3 X # 2 o r #3 . Doi ng
so wil l re sult in con flic tin g ele ctri cal sign als insi de the syst em.

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ST1, S T2: These 2 j umper s must b e insta lled o n the l ast V 3X board of the
server ( i.e. o n V3X #1 , 2 or 3 if ther e are re spec t ively 1 , 2 or 3
V3X bo ard inst alle d in th e serv er)

ST3 (SP ARE): «parki ng» for jump ers for ST1 a nd S T2 wh en these are not used

ST4 (o nly on It mus t b e se t to HiZ (or not i nsta lled ).

V3X wi th
Note th at th e Gen lock L oop con nect or on the b a ck pane l of t he
genloc k):
XT2+ serv er mus t alway s be termin ated wi th a 75 Ohm load if i t
is no t us ed.

ST5: It de fine s th e po sit ion of the b oard ins ide the serv er. I t mus t b e
set t o « 1 » for a V3 X wi t h gen lock , an d to « 2 » o r « 3 » f or a
V3X bo ard with out genl oc k, de pend ing on i ts p osit i on in the
server .

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Off when t he g enlo ck m odul e is n ot i niti aliz ed

Blinks gre en when t he g enlo ck m odul e is p roper ly init iali zed, bu t not val id
genloc k si gnal is det ecte d

On, s teady when t he m odul e is ini tial ized and a va lid genl ock signal is
green detec ted

Red when t here is a ge nloc k p roblem

(inter mitt ent)

Red (s tead y) when a res ync is n eede d


On (gr een) when a ll v olta ges are pre sent and in t he a llow ed r ange,
otherw ise the led is off



Blinks gre en to in dica te CP U ac tivi ty

On, s teady when t here is a pr oble m with t he proce ssor of the COD mod ule


On (gr een) when t he CO D mod ule is set b y th e so ftwar e i n pl a y mode

Off when t he CO D mod ule is set i n re cord mode


on (gr een) when a val id v ideo sig nal has been det ecte d on th e J8
connec tor (SD/H D SDI in put), whet her the COD m odule is in
play or re cord mod e

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EVS Broadcast Equipment SA – July 2011 10.05.A

TF (tr ansfe r)

Blinks gre en while data tra nsfe rs o ccu r betw een the COD m odul e and the
HCTX bo ard

M1, M2 , M3, M4 not y et u sed


This sec tio n desc ribe s the con nect or ass ign ments an d lay out f or t he vide o
standa rds SD 5 25i, SD 6 25i, H D 10 80i and HD 72 0p.
The spec ific c onnec tiv it y for HD 3D/10 80p Dua l Link and 3D/ 1080 p sin gle link
3Gbps is d escr ibed in de dicat ed s ecti ons.

Changes in Connector Assignments from Multicam 10.04

On XT2+ ser vers eq ui pped wit h DualP ower V3X vide o codec b oar ds, the
assign ment of vid eo c onn ectors on the rea r p anel has b een m odi fied to ref l ect t he
new co nfig urat ions ava ila ble f rom M ulti cam 1 0.04 .
Conseq uent ly, the fol lowi ng cha nges are app lied t o the con nect ors:
• The cen ter le ft co nnec to r of a gro up of v ideo c o nnecto rs on t he re ar pan el is
initi ally con nect ed t o th e J5 con nect or o n t he V3 X module .
It sho uld be c onne cted t o J1 i f mon itor ing (CVBS or SDI ) is requ ired in S D or
HD mode .
Apply c auti on i f you nee d to mov e the corr espo n ding c able betwe en J1 a nd J5
connec tors o n the V3 X module : do not a pply e x cessiv e trac tion o r pres s ure,
and ma ke su re p ress ure or tra ctio n is app lied in the co rrec t al ignm ent of the
connec tors , ne ver side wa ys.
• The J3 conn ecto r, p revi o usly l abel led ‘SD OU T’ a nd loc ated on the c ente r left
posit ion, is now labe lled ‘ OUT B’ and loc ated at th e bot tom r ight pos iti on.
From M ulti cam 10.0 4, it is th e o utpu t f or the lef t eye or link 2 when wor king
respec tive ly w ith 3D o r 1 080p D ual Link for mats .

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Connector Assignments in SD and HD Modes

Connect or SD mode HD mode Connect or l abel

J1 J5 is fac tory- wire d to the backpl ane inst ead of J1. CHAR SD
You ca n co nnec t J1 ins te ad of J5 if m onit orin g
(CVBS o r SD I) i s re quir e d in SD or HD m ode.

SDI/CVB S (* ) SDI/CVB S(*) moni tori ng

monito ring out put (SD) outpu t (SD , do wn-
conver ted)

J2 SDI mon itor ing out put SDI mon itor ing out put Not wi red to t he
(SD) (SD, d own-c onve rted ) backpl ane.
Used f or o nboa rd
multiv iewe r in put

J3 Loop-t hrou gh f or the S DI Loop-t hrou gh f or the S DI OUT B

input sig nal input sig nal
(SD) (SD, d own-c onve rted )

J4 SDI mon itor ing out put SDI mon itor ing out put CHAR OUT


J6 SDI pr ogram out put HD SDI prog ram o utpu t OUT

(SD) (HD)

J7 SDI pr ogram out put HD SDI prog ram o utpu t OUT

(SD, i dent ical to J6) (HD, i dent ical to J6)

J8 SDI in put HD SDI inpu t IN

(SD) (HD)

J9 Altern ate SDI inpu t Altern ate HD SD I in put Used f or l oop in

(SD, f or h ardwa re l oop) (HD, f or h ardwa re l oop)

* The swit ch be tween S D I and CVBS o n J1 is d on e by a sof tware s ett ing in the EVS
Config urat ion menu .

The lo ops of the inpu t si g nal a re n ot g enlo cked .

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Layout of Connector Positions and Assignments

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10.05.A EVS Broadcast Equipment SA – July 2011

Only fro nt bac kpla nes la belle d BKP7 are c ompat i ble with V3 X boar ds
(7 slot s for 6U f rames ). The BKP7 ba ckpl anes ( compat ible w ith V3 X
boards ) have 3 rows o f solder ing per sl ot, w hile the ba ckpl anes
compat ible wi th IO-E, CO HD or COHU boards hav e 2 rows of so lder ing
per s lot. No te that th e t op sl ot of BKP7 bac kpla nes m ust alwa ys be
connec ted to the H CTX b oard.

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Connector Assignments

Connect or 3D/108 0p mo de Connect or l abel


J2 SDI mon itor ing out put Not wi red to t he

(SD, d own-c onve rted ) backpl ane.
Used f or o nboa rd
multiv iewe r in put

J3 HD SDI prog ram o utpu t f or rig ht eye (3D) or l ink OUT B

2 (108 0p)

J4 SDI mon itor ing out put for left eye (3D) or lin k 1 CHAR OUT SD/HD
(1080p )

J5 HD SDI inpu t f or r ight ey e (3D) or link 2 ( 1080 p) IN B


J6 HD SDI prog ram o utpu t f or le ft e ye ( 3D) o r l ink 1 OUT

(1080p )

J7 HD SDI prog ram o utpu t f or le ft e ye ( 3D) o r l ink 1 OUT

(1080p )
(HD, i dent ical to J6)

J8 HD SDI inpu t f or l eft eye (3D) o r li nk 1 (10 80p) IN


J9 Altern ate HD SD I in put Not wi red to t he

(HD, f or h ardwa re l oop) backpl ane.
Used f or l oop in.

The lo ops of the inpu t si g nal a re n ot g enlo cked .

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Layout of Connector Positions and Assignments

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Connector Assignments

Connec- tor 3D/108 0p Mo de Connect or l abel


J2 SDI pr ogram out put 2D Not wi red to t he

backpl ane.
(SD, d own-c onve rted )
Used f or o nboa rd
multiv iewe r in put

J3 SDI pr ogram out put 2D OUT B


J4 SDI mon itor ing out put for left eye (3D) CHAR OUT SD/HD
or li nk 1 (10 80p)

J5 Not in stal led IN B

J6 3G-SDI prog ram outp ut f or le ft & rig ht OUT

eyes ( 3D) or l ink 1 & 2 (1 080p)

J7 3G-SDI prog ram outp ut f or le ft & rig ht OUT

eyes ( 3D) or l ink 1 & 2 (1 080p)
(3G, i den tica l to J6)

J8 3G-SDI inp ut l eft & ri ght eyes ( 3D) or IN

link 1 & 2 (1 080p)

J9 Not wi red to t he
backpl ane.
Altern ate 3G-SD I i nput
(3G, for h ardw are loop ) Used f or l oop in.

The lo ops of the inpu t si g nal a re n ot g enlo cked .

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Layout of Connector Positions and Assignments

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2-ch XT2+ Server

Lower C odec (SL OT 2)

4-ch XT2+ Server

Upper C odec (SL OT 3)

Lower C odec (SL OT 2)

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6-ch XT2+ Server

Upper C odec (SL OT 4)

Middle Cod ec (S LOT 3)

Lower C odec (SL OT 2)

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The AU DIO CODEC boa r d is the au dio int erfa ce b etween th e COH X b oard s and the
HCTX b oard. VI DEO C O DEC an d AUD IO C ODE C boar ds are tie d to th e HCTX
board w ith on e Bus c onn ector o n the fron t side . D iffer ent au dio c onfi gura ti ons are
availa ble wi th the AUD I O CODEC board . See se ction 2. 6 ‘Aud io Conf igu ratio ns’,
on pag e 3 2 fo r de tail s.




LD 1-3 : In tern al E VS i nfo rmatio n on ly
LD4: t rans fer acti vity to /f rom th e HCT X bo ard

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The HCT X bo ard is a ctua lly d ivid ed i n 4 part s (3 in fron t, 1 in the back ).
• Front lef t : GBE m odul e ( GigE)
• Front cent re : CTL con tro ller m odul e
• Front righ t : SDTI XNet 2 module
• Back : CPU modu le

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ST1-1 on c ontr olle r mod u le (f ront cen tre) : j umper must b e in stal led on ST1 -1 on ly
when th e HCTX bo ard i s used wi th pr evio us vi deo cod ec boa rds (S D CODEC6,
COHD, COHU). T his jum per is auto mati call y dete cted by the s oftw are app licat ion,
and an err or m essa ge i s genera ted if it i s no t pr op erly s et .
ST1-2, ST 1-3 an d ST1- 4 on contro ller m odul e ar e not used . No jum per must be
insta lled .
ST1 on CPU mo dule (rea r corn er, l eft ) : for E VS i nterna l te sts only (use d t o rese t
the boa rd). N ever i nsta ll that jum per, or the boa rd will b e in a p erman e nt rese t
state !

LEDs o n th e XNe t2 m odul e (SDT I), from lef t to rig h t:


on (gr een) when t he s igna l o n th e XNet o r XNe t2 IN c onne ctor is a val id

EVS SDT I si gnal .


on (gr een) when th e XNet SD TI ne t work is a ctua lly es tab lis hed (SDT I loo p
closed , co rrec t sp eed, et c).

GP not u sed.

LEDs o n th e CTL con trol l er mod ule (cen tre) , fr om l eft t o ri ght:

LED 1 light s re d whe n an err or occurs whi le b ooti ng t he HCTX bo ard.

LEDs 2 to 8 displa y t he b oot sequ enc e of the HCTX board (c f note below ) .

DSP led blinks gre en to s how DS P acti vity .

LEDs o n th e GBE Gig abit modul e (l eft) , f rom l eft t o rig ht:

LEDs indica tes that the pr o cessor is ru nnin g. Th e LEDs bl ink

CPU1/CPU 2 alter nate ly e very 250 mill isecon ds.

Other LEDs The si x ot her LEDs are fo r EVS inte rnal use .

Issue XT2+ Series DISK RECORDER – Version 10.05 - Hardware Technical Reference
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When boo tin g the HC TX board, LEDs 1 to 8 wi l l ligh t acco rdin g to t he
follow ing sequ ence :

Hardwar e re set  all L EDs o n (1 : r ed ; 2

to 7 : gr een)

Setup of C PU b asic  LED 2 on ( gree n)

regist ers

Check of CP U/PC  if er ror: LED 1 on (re d)

DPRAM + LED 8 on (gr een)

 if ch eck is s ucces sful :

LED 3 on ( gree n)

Pollin g f or PC  LED 4 on ( gree n)

command s

Switch ing to e nhan ced  LED 5 on ( gree n)


Execut ing PC LED 6 on ( gree n)

command s un til
execut ion requ ests end

Jump t o SDR AM an d ex e cute m icro code

On the XNe t2 mo dule (S DTI) :

J3: Not us ed.

J4: Not us ed.

J5: OUT con nect or for X Net2 (SDTI netw ork 1485 Mbp s with out rela y).

J6: IN con nect or f or XN et2 ( SDTI n etwor k 14 85Mbp s withou t re lay) .

J5 mus t be use d wi th J 6. Never use J3 wi th J5 o r J 4 with J6.

The two Gig abit conn ect ors of the card are conn ected to t he tw o Gi gabi t ports of
the b ackp lane .
The Gig abit con nect ors must be on a netw ork t h at sup port s Jumb o Fra m es of ( at
least) 9 014 by tes Et hern et frame s. One o f the te sted swi tch be long s to th e Cisc o

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3750 G fam ily, for exa mp le th e WS-C 3750 G-24T -S .

For mor e in forma tion , re fer to the Mul ticam Conf igura tion manu al fo r se tt ing up
the I P ad dress es.


Disk A rray s on sys tems with HCTX Boa rds hav e a c ontr oll er o n t he d i sk ar ray
Differ ent conf igur ati ons c an be used
• One in tern al a rray wit h a series of 6 d isks
• One in tern al a rray s wi th t wo sta cked ser ies of 6 di sks,
• No int erna l st orag e

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LEDs 1 to 6 ar e us ed i n c ase o f on e in tern al a rray of 6 disk s.
LEDs 7 to 12 are u sed fo r the uppe r serie s of disk s in case of on e inte rnal array of
2x6 d isks.
LEDs c orres pond to the d isks a s sc hema tize d as f ollowe d:

upper 7 12
lower 1 6

upper 8 9 10 11
lower 2 3 4 5

Disk L EDs

off the c orres pond ing disk is not star ted (not spi nnin g )

on, f ast blin king the c orres pond ing disk is star ting (sp inni ng)
(green )

on, s tead y (gr een) the c orre spon ding di sk i s sta rted an d u sed in t he RA ID

on, s lowly bli nkin g the co rresp ondi ng di sk is start ed bu t not used in t he RAID
(green ) array


on (gr een) when RC TL RA ID c ontr oll er is prop erly boo ted .


light s re d when erro rs occu r durin g the data tr ansf er betw een the RAID
contro ller and th e di sks

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The SA S-HDX is a 2RU extern al disk st orag e co ntain ing up to 24 hot- sw appabl e
SAS disks , with a mini mum of 5 disks. Ex tern al stora ge can be use d with or
withou t in tern al stor age.
It is co nnec ted t o the XT 2+ serv er via a dedi cate d SAS cab le on t he rea r panel o f
the serv er, pro vide d that the X-ESAS con nect ion module ha s been pl aced inside
the s erver .
Necess ary e quip ment :
• XT2+ w ith SAS-HD X co nn ector on the rear pan el.
• Multic am v ersio n 10 .03 o r lat er
• SAS-HDX ext ernal di sk s t orage


For ea ch d isk, a b lue LE D and a re d LED are pre s ent.

Disk L EDs

Blue L ed Red Le d

Off On Defect dri ve – mus t be re placed .

(stead y)

Blinki ng Off Connec ted, dis k be ing wr itten to / re ad from.

On (st eady ) Off Connec ted, dis k no t cu rr ently writ ten to / re ad f ro m.

On (st eady ) On, sl owly Spare di sk - the co rres po nding di sk is st arte d and used
blink ing in th e RAI D ar ray.

Off Off The co rres pond ing disk i s not pre sent .

Note on Dis k LED s Act i vity

When st arti ng fr om a cl e an disk arra y (af ter a “Cl ear Vid eo Di sks ” f rom
the E VS ma int enanc e me nu), the XT2+ ser ver is r ecordi ng firs t on RAI D
#0 un til this one is full , then on RA ID #1 and fin ally o n RA ID #2 . I t is
there fore norm al to see activ ity only on som e d is ks de pend ing on how
much ma teri al (cli ps a nd record tra ins) is stor ed o n the ser ver.


When a fan or a powe r s upply unit has fai led on a n exte rnal arr ay, a sou nd alert is
given and can be stop ped by p ressi ng the M ute but ton o n th e ar ray.

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To ins ert or r emov e a dis k from an exte rnal arr ay, carefu lly fol low these st e ps:

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The f unct ion of the PC b oard is m ainl y th e c ontr ol of th e Vi deo hard ware and t o
inter face t he per iphe ra l equipm ent ( i.e. r emo te cont roll er) wi th the Video
hardwa re.
The fo llow ing MTPC boar d is used :
• A2 / A4 w ith CO MMEL H S870 mo ther boar d and a new tim e cod e man age ment
module (w ith boot able U SB)
In st anda rd c onfi gura tion the PC ha rdwar e is com posed by:
• One mount ing PC boar d, with seri al por ts, LT C reader and ge nera tor , is
contro lled by the moth erb oard.
• IDE Sys tem H ard disk : t he IDE dis k dri ve i s us e d for stor ing the EVS s of tware
and the DOS o pera ting s ystem. Ne ith er audi o nor video dat a is sav ed on this
disk. T he cap aci ty of t his drive ma y vary depe ndin g on mark et av aila bili ty, but
the s ystem par tit ion is al ways s et to 1 GB. The re mainin g ca paci ty of t his drive
is no t us ed.
• 64/128 MB SDRA M modi fi ed. The SDRAM u sed h as been modi fied to su it the
system r equi remen ts. P l ease co ntac t EVS su ppo rt for RAM s upg rade . Do not
use s tanda rd P C RAM mo dules .

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EVS Broadcast Equipment SA – July 2011 10.05.A

3.5.2 A2/A4 BOARD

The mu ltiv iewer boa rd i s an op tion on XT2+ serv er s.

Connect ors

IN The J2 con nect ors from t he CODE C mod ules of th e COHX

board are c onne cted to the IN conn ecto rs of the
multiv iewe r bo ard.

OUT1 HD The OUT HD conn ecto r of the mult ivie wer b oard is
connec ted to th e MULT IV IEWER HD S DI co nnec to r on th e
rear p anel of the ser ver.

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Connect ors

OUT2 SD The OUT SD co nnec to r of t he mu ltiv iewer b oard i s

connec ted to th e MULTIV IEWER SD SDI conn ecto r on the
rear p anel of the ser ver.

DB15 The DB 15 c onnec tor of th e mu ltiv iewer bo ard i s

connec ted to the MULT I DB15 c onne ctor on the re ar pa nel
of th e se rver .

Inter nal EVS i nfor mati on

HPOL, V POL a nd ENV S are us ed to con figu re th e compo site syn c gen era tor us ed
in LSM TV m ode (no effe ct if LSM is only used wit h a VG A mon ito r).
The HPOL jump er can be used to in vert or no t the VGA HS signa l (Ho rizont al
Sync) to g ener ate the co mposit e ou tput sig nal (TV mode)
The VPOL jumper can b e used t o inve rt or n ot th e VGA VS si gnal (Vert ica l Sync)
to ge nera te t he c ompos it e out put sign al ( TV mo de )
The EN VS j umper can be used to ena ble or n ot th e pre sence of th e VGA V S sig nal
(Verti cal Sync ) in the co mposit e ou tput sig nal (TV mode)
If t he LSM T V mo de is used, the se jump ers mu st be se t-up ac cord ing t o EVS
recomme ndat ions , which depend on LSM s oft ware vers ion an d CPU board
model/ revi sion :
Set up th e jum pers as fol lows:
• HPOL=On ; VP OL=Of f; EN VS=On
REMOTE RESET ju mpers are availa ble to des igna te the remo te(s)
from w hich the RESET co mmand c an b e se nt.
This c omman d re sets the whole sys tem: PC a nd v i deo ha rdwa re.
In st anda rd c onf igura tio n onl y Rem ote one (on RS422 port 1) is
allowe d to res et the syst em.

Importa nt
This jum per sh ould be r emoved i f the devic e co nnecte d to t he RS42 2
port is NO T an EVS co nt roller . Maxi mum vol tage on pin 5 of a n RS42 2
port o f the XT2+ ser ver sho uld not e xcee d 5 Vol t whe n the
corres pond ing jum per is engaged . Apply ing a hi gher vol tage on pi n 5
when the corr espon ding jumpe r i s en gage d wi ll resu lt in p erman ent
electr onic dam age to t he board.

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The memory ho le is di sabled f rom Mult icam v ersion 9 .00. Fro m this versio n
onward s, t he B IOS param eters are aut omati call y a dapted to the har dware .

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10.05.A EVS Broadcast Equipment SA – July 2011


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