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Headline 1 (Stephanie scene)

Compound interest in general mathematics has been discovered since the Babylonian period,
and it is very useful for understanding the money in the bank services

Headline 2 (solving the problem part)

Chief inspector Jonathan Paul Cruz, has deposited over 600,000 Php, what could be the amount
of the money in over 40 years with the compound to annually to daily

Headline 3 (trivia)

As money is one of the most important in all individuals, people should also know their
perspectives on the compound of interest

Intro (anchor speaking)

Good morning, good afternoon and good evening fellow mathematicians around the world, this
is Francis Gedo Cruz, live in M double A, Mathematics Association Agenda here in CDO, for the details on
our news.

1st scene report (anchor)

The compound interest is one of the oldest math formulas ever existed back on the babylonians
period, additionally it is very useful for accountancy, Stephanie Cerelegia here for more details.
2nd scene report stephanie

Compound interest is originated back in old Babylonian period (Ca2000-1600BCE),

since the Babylonians called the compound interest sibat sibtime means "interest on interest".
What is compound interest? Compound interst is the interest earning interest. Why is
compound interest important? Compound interest can turn just a few bill today into big money
over the course of a lifetime.
Sir Albert Einstein the person who published the theory of relativity and the equation E=mc
squared, described compound interest as the 8th wonder of the world by saying he who
understands it, earns it; he who doesn't, pays for it.
5 facts you need to know about compound interest.
1. Anyone can benefit from compound interest.
2. Compound interest is a double-edge sword. It’s great if you're routinely saving money, but it
can be cruel if you're borrowing money.
3. You want savings to compound as soon as possible.
4. Time plays a big role in here, the longer the time money compounds, the more the money
you get.
5. Time is not on your side. Credit cards and other open-ended accounts use compound interest
against you.

This is Stephanie Cerelegia, study hard because life without geometry is pointless.

3rd scene (anchor)

According to Chief Inspector Jonathan Paul Cruz, he has deposited 600,000 Php when he was 34
years old in his BPI bank account, with an interest rate of about 4.2% per year for over 40 years, the
amount after 40 years of wait will surprised you, with the compound of annual to Daily.

4th scene (reporter iris annually)

First we need to solve our interest compounded annually. We have 600,000 as our principal and
4.2% as our interest rate per year and 40 as the number or years. To be able to get the right amount of
the interest rate per year we converted the 4.2% into decimal form which it becomes as 0.042,
remember to move two decimal places in left side to get the right decimal form. Now that we have our
given we then solve it. First we need to solve the numbers inside the parenthesis, 0.042 divided by 1 is
equal to 0.042 then 0.042 plus 1 is equal to 1.042. After that we solve the exponent, multiply 1 and 40
which is equal to 40. By that we then multiply 1.042 and 40 by itself which is equal to 5.18452243976.
Lastly we multiply 600,000 and 5.18452243976 to get the final answer 3,110,713.46. By that we then
have the final amount of our interest compounded annually which is 3,110,713.464.
5th scene (reporter Stephanie semi-anually)

reading the problem the first thing i see is that chief inspector jonathan deposited php 600,000
so therefore our principal is equal to php600,000. the next number i see is a rate or a percent 4.2% so
that would be my interest. I will put 2 in number of time the money is compounded because im solving
for the semi-annually, and semi-annually means im compounding it 2 times in a year, so im
compounding every 6 months or every half of the 2 time a year for 40 years . So we got all the
data so we can solve now. we will use the formula A=P(1+R/N)NT. So lets replace it with numbers and it
will become A=600,000(1+0.042/2)2(40) the rate should be in decimal form. so the first thing that you
gonna do is solve for the number inside the parenthesis but lets solve for the fraction type first. 0.042
divide 2 is equal to 0.021 plus 1 equals 1.021. it will become A=600,000(1.021) 2(40). so the next is the
exponent 2x40 is equals 80 so it will become A=600,000(1.021) to the power of 80. so lets solve next the
parenthesis and the exponent (1.021)to the power of 80 is equal to 5.27301937. it will become
A=600,000(5.27301937). So 600,000 x 5.27301937 is equal to 3,163,811.62. so A=3, 163,811.62. If you
want to know how much is chief inspector compound interest all you have to do it to subtract the
principal in the amount. so 3,163,811.62 - 600,00 = 2,563,811.62

6th scene (reporter isaleah quarterly)

Okay so we’re done calculating annually and semiannually, now let’s move to quarterly. Here,
we use 4 as the number of times interest is compounded per year because we are solving it quarterly.
We have here 600,000 as our principal and 4.2 percent as our interest rate per year lastly we have 40 as
the number of years. Now, let us solve. Our solution here is 600,000 quantity 1 plus the interest rate per
year which is 4.2 percent converted into decimal form which becomes 0.042 percent (always remember
to move two decimal places to get the final decimal form) it is then divided to 4 and raised to the power
of 4 times 40. First, we need to solve the numbers inside the parenthesis, 0.042 divided by 4 is equal to
0.0105, next add 0.0105 and 1 which becomes 1.0105. Multiply 4 and 40 which is equal to 160. We then
have to multiply 1.0105 by 160 which is our exponent, it is equal to 5.318765661 and multiply it to our
principal which is 600,000 we then have the amount of Php 3191259.397 as our interest compounded
7th scene (reporter jeri monthly)

In the problem the first thing i see is that chief inspector jonathan deposited php 600,000 so
therefore our principal is equal to php600,000. the next number i see is a rate or a percent 4.2% so that
would be my interest. I will put 12 in number of time the money is compunded because im solving for
the monthly. The formula is A=P(1+R/N)NT. So lets replace it with numbers and it will become
A=600,000(1+0.042/12)12(40) the rate should be in decimal form. so the first thing that you gonna do is
solve for the number inside the parenthesis but lets solve for the parentheses first. 0.042 divide 12 plus
1 equals 1.0035. it will become A=600,000(1.0035) 12(40). so the next is the exponent 12x40 is equals
480 so it will become A=600,000(1.0035) to the power of 480. so lets solve next the parenthesis and the
exponent (1.0035)to the power of 480 is equal to 5.349841006. it will become A=600,000(5.349841006).
So 600,000 x 5.349841006 is equal to 3209904.60. so A=3,209,904.60. If you want to know how much is
chief inspector compound interest all you have to do it to subtract the principal in the amount. so
3,209,904.60- 600,000 = 2609904.6

8th scene (reporter Francis daily)

Before we solve the problem we must first know the given of the problem we will use the
formula A=P(1+r/n)^nt, P is our principal which the value is 600,000 Php, r is our interest rate which is
4.2%, n is our number of interest is compound per year since it is daily we are going to put 365, and then
our t is number of years which is 40 years. Now let’s solve the problem by using daily, first we are going
to put the numbers correctly, and we must convert the interest rate into decimal number which is 4.2%
is 0.042 in decimal, and we are going to divide it to the n which is 365 the value is 1.1506849 and so on,
then we are going to add 1 so it’ll become 1.000115068, before we are going to use the exponent we
must multiply the exponent, so 40 times 365 is equals to 14600, so we are going to use 14600 as our
exponent we must find the value first so 1.000115068 raised to the power of 14600 is equals to
5.364998791 then we will find the final answer by multiplying the principal which the value will be
3218999.28. If we will find the amount of the interest rate we must subtract our current value to the
principal which the amount of the interest rate will be 2618999.28, and that’s a lot of money for just
waiting 40 years.
9th scene (interview anchor)

As the compound interest is beneficial and important to all people, we should also know what s
there perspective or ideas about the compound interest, Isaleah Caare is on the scene.

10th scene (reporter isaleah, voice only)

As people are now aware of how the money works nor the system, people should also know the
fundamentals or the purposes of the compound interest. We have Jeri Macapundag and Iris Dela Cruz,
as our interviewee

11th scene (interview and the interviewee) try reading it or speking it like casual conversation with laughs
and smiles)


Why is compound interest important to you? (Isaleah)

Because it can turn just a few bill today into big money over the course of a
lifetime (Iris)


Give atleast 2 facts about compound interest" (Isaleah)

Two facts about compound interest are first, anyone can benefit from it and
second, compound interest can free you from credit cards. (Jeri)

12th scene Outro (anchor)

And those were our facts and items on our agenda, this is your voice from M double A, Francis
Gedo Cruz, and we hope that mathematics may help you solve your problems, because mathematics can
give hope at every problem that has a solution, this is M double A, Mathematics Association Agenda,
from CDO

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