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Meaning of noun

Noun (Objects) is everything that we see or can talk about and that shows people, things,
places, plants, animals, moons, professions and so on. For example, pens, December, Sunday,
Jogjakarta, reading, cats, and others. In a sentence, a noun can be used as the subject of the
sentence, the object of the verb, and also the object of a preposition or preposition.

B. Countable Noun

Countable noun , the opposite of Uncoubtable Noun that is things that cannot be counted.
Untable nouns have singular and plural forms can also be used in singular and plural verb.
Included in countable nouns include people's names, animal names, sizes, places, and
everything that can be seen and counted. For example, cat, book, pen, and bag. countable
nouns can be divided into two forms, namely :

1. Singular noun are nouns that are singular. For example, book, sister, mango, pencil,
knife, fly, family, and others.
2. plural nouns are nouns that have a plural form. For example, books, sisters, pencils,
mangoes, knives.

To form plural nouns there are certain ways that must be considered, namely :

a. Nouns are singular if they become plural, that is, by adding one es to the singular noun.
Example :

Singular Plural
Pen Pens
Dog Dogs
b. If the noun ends inthe letters s, sh, x, ch, and o, then add the letter s behind the noun.
Example :

Singular Plural
Bus Buses
Brush Brushes
c. If the noun ends in the letter o and is preceded by a consonant, then the plural from is
added with the letter s.
Example :

Singular Plural
Buffalo Buffaloes
Negro Negroes

Exception :

Singular Plural
Photo Photos
Radio Radios
Studio Studios
Bamboo Bambos
Dynamo Dynamo
Piano Pianos

d. If the noun ends in the letter y which is preseded by a consonant, then y is changed to i,
then the letter s is added.
Example :

Singular Plural
city Cities
Lady ladies

e. If the noun ends with the letter y, only the vowels take precedence, then the plural is
added only by s and the y does not change.
Example :

Singular Plural
Boy Boys
day Days

f. "if the noun ends in letter& & and &e, then the plural form huru& & and &e is changed
to +es.e0ample
g. %nouns that have the same form between singular and plural.e0ample
h. Some nouns that only change letters & only in the plural (exception). e0ample
i. %nouns that are always singular.e0ample
j. Nouns that are always in the plural form.e0ample

c. .Un'#untable N#un

/ncountable nouns are nouns that cannot be counted. 3 included in uncountable nouns
include . Various kinds of abstract nouns beauty, kno!ledge, !eakness, ad+antage, and others..
Ingredients or ingredients that have very small parts rice, sugar, salt, sand, etc. 8. Languages
9nglish, a+anese, and others.:. 'water that can change depending on its contents !ater,
co&&ee, milk, and others.;. Foodstuffs that can be made into various forms bread, meat,
cassa+a, etc./ncountable nouns can be used as countable nouns if we put the description of
quantity before the noun.'for example a glass o& !ater a glass of water a cup o& tea cup of
tea/ncountable $oun Not considered singular or plural but requires a singular verb. In
uncountable nouns there is no known addition of <=a>, which indicates that an object is
singular, or the addition of <=-s?es== to indicate that an object is plural (because there is no
singular or plural form). <=our bread is rotten.> /ncountable nouns can you add little ? a little
(a little) , much(a lot), and a large ? small amount o& (very much? little)'example <=I need a
little bread.== "You can express an uncountable noun with units (either one or more) through
uncountable expression.'example <=I need t !o bars o& soap.><=4ould you get me &our slices
o& bread#==<=She !ants a slice o& bread.==

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